Items where year is 2016
Aasi, J. and Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Amariutei, D. V. and Andersen, M. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Ashton, G. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Bartlett, J. and Barton, M. A. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Belczynski, C. and Bell, A. S. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P L and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Biscans, S. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Bork, R. and Born, M. and Boschi, V. and Bose, Sukanta and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Branco, V. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Casanueva Diaz, J. and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Celerier, C. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, X. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P. F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Colombini, M. and Constancio, M. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J. P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D E and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Canton, T. Dal and Damjanic, M. D. and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Daveloza, H. P. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and Debra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and De Laurentis, M. and Deléglise, S. and Del Pozzo, W. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dereli, H. and Dergachev, V. and De Rosa, R. and Derosa, R. T. and Desalvo, R. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Dominguez, E. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W P and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Edwards, M. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H. B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. M. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fairhurst, S. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Feldbaum, D. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fournier, J. D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frede, M. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A G and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, A. and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gleason, J. R. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Gonzalez, J. and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Goßler, S. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grover, K. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guido, C. J. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammer, D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C. J. and Haughian, K. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hoelscher-Obermaier, J. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh, M. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Islas, G. and Isler, J. C. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacobson, M. B. and Jang, H. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Ji, Y. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J G and Ju, L. and Haris, K. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Karlen, J. L. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kerrigan, J. and Key, J. S. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, K. and Kim, N. G. and Kim, N. and Kim, Y. M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Klimenko, S. and Kline, J. T. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, A. and Kumar, P. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, J. and Lee, J. P. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Lewis, J. B. and Li, T. G F and Libson, A. and Lin, A. C. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Lockett, V. and Lodhia, D. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lubinski, M. J. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and Macarthur, J. and Macdonald, E. P. and Macdonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and Macinnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Madden-Fong, D. X. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mangini, N. M. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Mastrogiovanni, S. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Mehmet, M. and Meidam, J. and Meinders, M. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mercer, R. A. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moe, B. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R P and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Mukherjee, A. and Mukherjee, S. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nagy, M. F. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E N and Nuttall, L. K. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Okounkova, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, R. and O'Reilly, B. and Ortega, W. E. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ott, C. D. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Padilla, C. T. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pan, Y. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patrick, Z. and Pedraza, M. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Pickenpack, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poeld, J. H. and Poggiani, R. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Premachandra, S. S. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prix, R. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qin, J. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Rácz, I. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rodger, A. S. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, J. D. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosińska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. and Sandberg, V. and Sanders, J. R. and Santiago-Prieto, I. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Savage, R. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M S and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shaffery, P. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Sidery, T. L. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Simakov, D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, R. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J J and Smith, J. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J E and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Steplewski, S. and Stevenson, S. P. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepanczyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thorne, K. S. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. A. and Vahlbruch, H. and Vajente, G. and Valdes, G. and Vallisneri, M. and Van Bakel, N. and Van Beuzekom, M. and Van Den Brand, J. F J and Van Den Broeck, C. and Van Der Schaaf, L. and Van Der Sluys, M. V. and Van Heijningen, J. and Van Veggel, A. A. and Vardaro, M. and Vass, S. and Vasúth, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vecchio, A. and Vedovato, G. and Veitch, J. and Veitch, P. J. and Venkateswara, K. and Verkindt, D. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Vinet, J. Y. and Vitale, S. and Vo, T. and Vocca, H. and Vorvick, C. and Vousden, W. D. and Vyatchanin, S. P. and Wade, A. R. and Wade, M. and Wade, L. E. and Walker, M. and Wallace, L. and Walsh, S. and Wang, G. and Wang, H. and Wang, M. and Wang, X. and Ward, R. L. and Warner, J. and Was, M. and Weaver, B. and Wei, L. W. and Weinert, M. and Weinstein, A. J. and Weiss, R. and Welborn, T. and Wen, L. and Weßels, P. and Westphal, T. and Wette, K. and Whelan, J. T. and Whitcomb, S. E. and White, D. J. and Whiting, B. F. and Williams, K. J. and Williams, L. and Williams, R. D. and Williamson, A. R. and Willis, J. L. and Willke, B. and Wimmer, M. H. and Winkler, W. and Wipf, C. C. and Wittel, H. and Woan, G. and Worden, J. and Yablon, J. and Yakushin, I. and Yam, W. and Yamamoto, H. and Yancey, C. C. and Yvert, M. and Zadrożny, A. and Zangrando, L. and Zanolin, M. and Zendri, J. P. and Zhang, Fan and Zhang, L. and Zhang, M. and Zhang, Y. and Zhao, C. and Zhou, M. and Zhu, X. J. and Zucker, M. E. and Zuraw, S. E. and Zweizig, J. (2016) First low frequency all-sky search for continuous gravitational wave signals. Physical Review D, 93 (4). 042007. ISSN 1550-2368
Aasi, J. and Jawahar, S. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Tokmakov, K. V. (2016) Search of the Orion spur for continuous gravitational waves using a loosely coherent algorithm on data from LIGO interferometers. Physical Review D, 93 (4). 042006. ISSN 1550-2368
Abadi, Aydin and Terzis, Sotirios and Dong, Changyu; Grossklags, Jens and Preneel, Bart, eds. (2016) VD-PSI : verifiable delegated private set intersection on outsourced private datasets. In: Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9603 . Springer-Verlag Berlin, BRB, pp. 149-168. ISBN 978-3-662-54969-8
Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adamo, M. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K. M. and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P. L. and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blackburn, L. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Casanueva Diaz, J. and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. B. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P.-F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Cominsky, L. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Cortese, S. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J.-P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Cowan, E. E. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Dal Canton, T. and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Daveloza, H. P. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and DeBra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and De Laurentis, M. and Deléglise, S. and Del Pozzo, W. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dereli, H. and Dergachev, V. and DeRosa, R. T. and De Rosa, R. and DeSalvo, R. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Pace, S. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W. P. and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H.-B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fournier, J.-D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Gonzalez Castro, J. M. and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C.-J. and Haughian, K. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J.-M. and Isi, M. and Islas, G. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J. G. and Ju, L. and K, Haris and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Key, J. S. and Khalaidovski, A. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, Nam-Gyu and Kim, Namjun and Kim, Y.-M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Li, T. G. F. and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and London, L. T. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and MacDonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and MacInnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E. and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O'Reilly, B. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pan, Y. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poggiani, R. and Popolizio, P. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Premachandra, S. S. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qi, H. and Qin, J. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Read, J. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Rew, H. and Reyes, S. D. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosińska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sengupta, A. S. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Setyawati, Y. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Simakov, D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, A. and Singh, R. and Singhal, A. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J. J. and Slutsky, J. and Smith, J. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J. E. and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Sorrentino, F. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Stratta, G. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepańczyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, E. G. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thorne, K. S. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Töyrä, D. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Trozzo, L. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. A. and Vahlbruch, H. and Vajente, G. and Valdes, G. and van Bakel, N. and van Beuzekom, M. and van den Brand, J. F. J. and Van Den Broeck, C. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and van der Schaaf, L. and van Heijningen, J. V. and van Veggel, A. A. and Vardaro, M. and Vass, S. and Vasúth, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vecchio, A. and Vedovato, G. and Veitch, J. and Veitch, P. J. and Venkateswara, K. and Verkindt, D. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Vinciguerra, S. and Vine, D. J. and Vinet, J.-Y. and Vitale, S. and Vo, T. and Vocca, H. and Vorvick, C. and Voss, D. and Vousden, W. D. and Vyatchanin, S. P. and Wade, A. R. and Wade, L. E. and Wade, M. and Walker, M. and Wallace, L. and Walsh, S. and Wang, G. and Wang, H. and Wang, M. and Wang, X. and Wang, Y. and Ward, R. L. and Warner, J. and Was, M. and Weaver, B. and Wei, L.-W. and Weinert, M. and Weinstein, A. J. and Weiss, R. and Welborn, T. and Wen, L. and Weßels, P. and Westphal, T. and Wette, K. and Whelan, J. T. and Whitcomb, S. and White, D. J. and Whiting, B. F. and Williams, R. D. and Williamson, A. R. and Willis, J. L. and Willke, B. and Wimmer, M. H. and Winkler, W. and Wipf, C. C. and Wittel, H. and Woan, G. and Worden, J. and Wright, J. L. and Wu, G. and Yablon, J. and Yam, W. and Yamamoto, H. and Yancey, C. C. and Yap, M. J. and Yu, H. and Yvert, M. and Zadrożny, A. and Zangrando, L. and Zanolin, M. and Zendri, J.-P. and Zevin, M. and Zhang, F. and Zhang, L. and Zhang, M. and Zhang, Y. and Zhao, C. and Zhou, M. and Zhou, Z. and Zhu, X. J. and Zotov, N. and Zucker, M. E. and Zuraw, S. E. and Zweizig, J. (2016) Characterization of transient noise in Advanced LIGO relevant to gravitational wave signal GW150914. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33 (13). 134001. ISSN 1361-6382
Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Arain, M. A. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K M and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Barton, M. A. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Belczynski, C. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P L and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Birnholtz, O. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cabero, M. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Bustillo, J. Calderón and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Diaz, J. Casanueva and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. B. and Baiardi, L. Cerboni and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P. F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Cominsky, L. and Constancio, M. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Cortese, S. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J. P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Cowan, E. E. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D E and Creighton, T. D. and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cruise, A. M. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Canton, T. Dal and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Da Silva Costa, C. F. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Daveloza, H. P. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and De, S. and Debra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and De Laurentis, M. and Deléglise, S. and Del Pozzo, W. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dereli, H. and Dergachev, V. and Derosa, R. T. and De Rosa, R. and Desalvo, R. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Pace, S. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W P and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H. B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Feldbaum, D. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Finn, L. S. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fong, H. and Fournier, J. D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frede, M. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A G and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Abhirup and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Gleason, J. R. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Castro, J. M Gonzalez and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Greenhalgh, R. J S and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C. J. and Haughian, K. and Healy, J. and Heefner, J. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heinzel, G. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J. M. and Isi, M. and Islas, G. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacobson, M. B. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Johnson-Mcdaniel, N. K. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J G and Ju, L. and Haris, K. and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Keppel, D. G. and Key, J. S. and Khalaidovski, A. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, Nam Gyu and Kim, Namjun and Kim, Y. M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Koranda, S. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kumar, R. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Kwee, P. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Li, T. G F and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and London, L. T. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lousto, C. O. and Lovelace, G. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and Macdonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and Macinnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R P and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E N and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O'Reilly, B. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ott, C. D. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pan, Y. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Pfeiffer, H. P. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Pickenpack, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poeld, J. H. and Poggiani, R. and Popolizio, P. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Premachandra, S. S. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prix, R. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qi, H. and Qin, J. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rakhmanov, M. and Ramet, C. R. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Read, J. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Rew, H. and Reyes, S. D. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, J. D. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosińska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sampson, L. M. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, G. H. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M S and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sengupta, A. S. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Setyawati, Y. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shaffer, T. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Simakov, D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, A. and Singh, R. and Singhal, A. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J J and Smith, J. R. and Smith, M. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J E and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Sorrentino, F. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Stevenson, S. P. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Stratta, G. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepańczyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, E. G. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thorne, K. S. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Töyrä, D. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Trozzo, L. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. A. and Vahlbruch, H. and Vajente, G. and Valdes, G. and Vallisneri, M. and Van Bakel, N. and Van Beuzekom, M. and Van Den Brand, J. F J and Van Den Broeck, C. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and Van Der Schaaf, L. and Van Heijningen, J. V. and Van Veggel, A. A. and Vardaro, M. and Vass, S. and Vasúth, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vecchio, A. and Vedovato, G. and Veitch, J. and Veitch, P. J. and Venkateswara, K. and Verkindt, D. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Vinciguerra, S. and Vine, D. 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Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K. M. and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Belczynski, C. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P L and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Bustillo, J. Calderón and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Diaz, J. Casanueva and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. and Baiardi, L. Cerboni and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P. F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Cominsky, L. and Constancio, M. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Cortese, S. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J. P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Cowan, E. E. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Canton, T. Dal and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Daveloza, H. P. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and Debra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and Laurentis, M. De and Deléglise, S. and Pozzo, W. Del and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dereli, H. and Dergachev, V. and DeRosa, R. and Derosa, R. T. and Desalvo, R. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Fiore, L. Di and Giovanni, M. Di and Lieto, A. Di and Pace, S. Di and Palma, I. Di and Virgilio, A. Di and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W. P. and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H. B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fournier, J. D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Castro, J. M Gonzalez and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C. J. and Haughian, K. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J. M. and Isi, M. and Islas, G. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J G and Ju, L. and Haris, K. and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Key, J. S. and Khalaidovski, A. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, Nam Gyu and Kim, Namjun and Kim, Y. M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Li, T. G. F. and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and Macdonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and Macinnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E. N. and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O'Reilly, B. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ott, C. D. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poggiani, R. and Popolizio, P. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Premachandra, S. S. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prix, R. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qi, H. and Qin, J. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Read, J. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Rew, H. and Reyes, S. D. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, J. D. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosińska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Setyawati, Y. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Simakov, D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, A. and Singh, R. and Singhal, A. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J. J. and Smith, J. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J. E. and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Sorrentino, F. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Stevenson, S. P. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Stratta, G. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepańczyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, E. G. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thorne, K. S. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Töyrä, D. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Trozzo, L. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. A. and Vahlbruch, H. and Vajente, G. and Valdes, G. and Van Bakel, N. and Van Beuzekom, M. and Van Den Brand, J. F. J. and Van Den Broeck, C. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and Van Der Schaaf, L. and Van Heijningen, J. V. and Van Veggel, A. A. and Vardaro, M. and Vass, S. and Vasúth, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vecchio, A. and Vedovato, G. and Veitch, J. and Veitch, P. J. and Venkateswara, K. and Verkindt, D. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Vinciguerra, S. and Vine, D. J. and Vinet, J. Y. and Vitale, S. and Vo, T. and Vocca, H. and Vorvick, C. and Voss, D. and Vousden, W. D. and Vyatchanin, S. P. and Wade, A. R. and Wade, L. E. and Wade, M. and Walker, M. and Wallace, L. and Walsh, S. and Wang, G. and Wang, H. and Wang, M. and Wang, X. and Wang, Y. and Ward, R. L. and Warner, J. and Was, M. and Weaver, B. and Wei, L. W. and Weinert, M. and Weinstein, A. J. and Weiss, R. and Welborn, T. and Wen, L. and Weßels, P. and Westphal, T. and Wette, K. and Whelan, J. T. and White, D. J. and Whiting, B. F. and Williams, R. D. and Williamson, A. R. and Willis, J. L. and Willke, B. and Wimmer, M. H. and Winkler, W. and Wipf, C. C. and Wittel, H. and Woan, G. and Worden, J. and Wright, J. L. and Wu, G. and Yablon, J. and Yam, W. and Yamamoto, H. and Yancey, C. C. and Yap, M. J. and Yu, H. and Yvert, M. and Zadrożny, A. and Zangrando, L. and Zanolin, M. and Zendri, J. P. and Zevin, M. and Zhang, F. and Zhang, L. and Zhang, M. and Zhang, Y. and Zhao, C. and Zhou, M. and Zhou, Z. and Zhu, X. J. and Zucker, M. E. and Zuraw, S. E. and Zweizig, J. (2016) Astrophysical implications the binary black hole merger GW150914. Astrophysics Journal Letters, 818 (2). L22. ISSN 2041-8213
Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K. M. and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P. L. and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Bustillo, J. Calderón and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Diaz, J. Casanueva and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. B. and Baiardi, L. Cerboni and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P.-F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Cominsky, L. and Constancio, M. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Cortese, S. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J.-P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Cowan, E. E. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Canton, T. Dal and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Daveloza, H. P. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and DeBra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and De Laurentis, M. and Deléglise, S. and Del Pozzo, W. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dereli, H. and Dergachev, V. and DeRosa, R. T. and De Rosa, R. and DeSalvo, R. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Pace, S. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W. P. and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H.-B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fournier, J.-D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Castro, J. M. Gonzalez and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Haris, K. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C.-J. and Haughian, K. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J.-M. and Isi, M. and Islas, G. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J. G. and Ju, L. and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Key, J. S. and Khalaidovski, A. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, Nam-Gyu and Kim, Namjun and Kim, Y.-M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Li, T. G. F. and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and MacDonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and MacInnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E. N. and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O'Reilly, B. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poggiani, R. and Popolizio, P. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Premachandra, S. S. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qi, H. and Qin, J. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Read, J. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Rew, H. and Reyes, S. D. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, J. D. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosiifmmode nelse ska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Setyawati, Y. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Simakov, D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, A. and Singh, R. and Singhal, A. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J. J. and Smith, J. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J. E. and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Sorrentino, F. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Stratta, G. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepaifmmode nelse czyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, E. G. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thorne, K. S. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Töyrä, D. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Trozzo, L. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. 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Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K M and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P. L. and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Casanueva Diaz, J. and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. B. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P. F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Cominsky, L. and Constancio, M. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Cortese, S. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J. P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Cowan, E. E. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Dal Canton, T. and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Daveloza, H. P. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and DeBra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and De Laurentis, M. and Deléglise, S. and Del Pozzo, W. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dereli, H. and Dergachev, V. and Derosa, R. T. and De Rosa, R. and DeSalvo, R. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Pace, S. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W P and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H. B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fournier, J. D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Gonzalez Castro, J. M. and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Haris, K. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C. J. and Haughian, K. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J. M. and Isi, M. and Islas, G. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J. G. and Ju, L. and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Key, J. S. and Khalaidovski, A. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, Nam Gyu and Kim, Namjun and Kim, Y. M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Li, T. G. F. and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and MacDonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and MacInnis, M. and MacLeod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E. and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O'Reilly, B. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poggiani, R. and Popolizio, P. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Premachandra, S. S. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qi, H. and Qin, J. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Read, J. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Rew, H. and Reyes, S. D. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosińska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sengupta, A. S. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Setyawati, Y. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Simakov, D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, A. and Singh, R. and Singhal, A. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J. J. and Smith, J. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J. E. and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Sorrentino, F. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Stratta, G. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepańczyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, E. G. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thorne, K. S. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Töyrä, D. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Trozzo, L. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. A. and Vahlbruch, H. and Vajente, G. and Valdes, G. and van Bakel, N. and van Beuzekom, M. and van den Brand, J. F. J. and Van Den Broeck, C. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and van der Schaaf, L. and van Heijningen, J. V. and van Veggel, A. A. and Vardaro, M. and Vass, S. and Vasúth, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vecchio, A. and Vedovato, G. and Veitch, J. and Veitch, P. J. and Venkateswara, K. and Verkindt, D. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Vinciguerra, S. and Vine, D. J. and Vinet, J. Y. and Vitale, S. and Vo, T. and Vocca, H. and Vorvick, C. and Voss, D. and Vousden, W. D. and Vyatchanin, S. P. and Wade, A. R. and Wade, L. E. and Wade, M. and Walker, M. and Wallace, L. and Walsh, S. and Wang, G. and Wang, H. and Wang, M. and Wang, X. and Wang, Y. and Ward, R. L. and Warner, J. and Was, M. and Weaver, B. and Wei, L. W. and Weinert, M. and Weinstein, A. J. and Weiss, R. and Welborn, T. and Wen, L. and Weßels, P. and Westphal, T. and Wette, K. and Whelan, J. T. and Whitcomb, S. E. and White, D. J. and Whiting, B. F. and Williams, R. D. and Williamson, A. R. and Willis, J. L. and Willke, B. and Wimmer, M. H. and Winkler, W. and Wipf, C. 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Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K. M. and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Bejger, M. and Bell, A. S. and Berger, B. K. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P. L. and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Birnholtz, O. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Broida, J. E. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Brunett, S. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cabero, M. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Casanueva Diaz, J. and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. B. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Cheeseboro, B. D. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P.-F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Cominsky, L. and Constancio, M. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Cortese, S. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J.-P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Cowan, E. E. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Dal Canton, T. and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Dasgupta, A. and Da Silva Costa, C. F. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and De, S. and DeBra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and De Laurentis, M. and Deléglise, S. and Del Pozzo, W. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dergachev, V. and De Rosa, R. and DeRosa, R. T. and DeSalvo, R. and Devine, R. C. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Girolamo, T. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Pace, S. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W. P. and Driggers, J. C. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H.-B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Fenyvesi, E. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fong, H. and Fournier, J.-D. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Geng, P. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Abhirup and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Gonzalez Castro, J. M. and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Grado, A. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hamilton, H. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C.-J. and Haughian, K. and Healy, J. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Henry, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hofman, D. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J.-M. and Isi, M. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jian, L. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Johnson-McDaniel, N. K. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J. G. and Ju, L. and K, Haris and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Kapadia, S. J. and Karki, S. and Karvinen, K. S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Key, J. S. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, Chi-Woong and Kim, Chunglee and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, N. and Kim, W. and Kim, Y.-M. and Kimbrell, S. J. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kissel, J. S. and Klein, B. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kumar, R. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Laxen, M. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Lewis, J. B. and Li, T. G. F. and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Lombardi, A. L. and London, L. T. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lousto, C. O. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and Machenschalk, B. and MacInnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magaña Zertuche, L. and Magee, R. M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Mastrogiovanni, S. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McRae, T. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. L. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Metzdorff, R. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, A. L. and Miller, A. and Miller, B. B. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Nelson, T. J. N. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E. N. and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O'Reilly, B. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ottaway, D. J. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Perri, L. M. and Pfeiffer, H. P. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. J. and Pichot, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poe, M. and Poggiani, R. and Popolizio, P. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prix, R. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qi, H. and Qin, J. and Qiu, S. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rajan, C. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Read, J. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Rew, H. and Reyes, S. D. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Rizzo, M. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, J. D. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosiifmmode nelse ska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Sakellariadou, M. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. E. S. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sengupta, A. S. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Setyawati, Y. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shaffer, T. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sieniawska, M. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, A. and Singh, R. and Singhal, A. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J. J. and Smith, J. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J. E. and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Sorrentino, F. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Stevenson, S. P. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Stratta, G. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sunil, S. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepaifmmode nelse czyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, E. G. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Toland, K. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Tornasi, Z. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Töyrä, D. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Trozzo, L. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. A. and Vahlbruch, H. and Vajente, G. and Valdes, G. and Vallisneri, M. and van Bakel, N. and van Beuzekom, M. and van den Brand, J. F. J. and Van Den Broeck, C. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and van der Schaaf, L. and van Heijningen, J. V. and van Veggel, A. A. and Vardaro, M. and Vass, S. and Vasúth, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vecchio, A. and Vedovato, G. and Veitch, J. and Veitch, P. J. and Venkateswara, K. and Verkindt, D. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Vinciguerra, S. and Vine, D. J. and Vinet, J.-Y. and Vitale, S. and Vo, T. and Vocca, H. and Vorvick, C. and Voss, D. V. and Vousden, W. D. and Vyatchanin, S. P. and Wade, A. R. and Wade, L. 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Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K. M. and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P. L. and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Birnholtz, O. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Casanueva Diaz, J. and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. B. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P.-F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. G. and Cominsky, L. and Constancio, M. and Conte, A. and Conti, L. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cornish, N. and Corsi, A. and Cortese, S. and Costa, C. A. and Coughlin, M. W. and Coughlin, S. B. and Coulon, J.-P. and Countryman, S. T. and Couvares, P. and Cowan, E. E. and Coward, D. M. and Cowart, M. J. and Coyne, D. C. and Coyne, R. and Craig, K. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Cripe, J. and Crowder, S. G. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Cuoco, E. and Dal Canton, T. and Danilishin, S. L. and D'Antonio, S. and Danzmann, K. and Darman, N. S. and Dattilo, V. and Dave, I. and Daveloza, H. P. and Davier, M. and Davies, G. S. and Daw, E. J. and Day, R. and DeBra, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Degallaix, J. and De Laurentis, M. and Deléglise, S. and Del Pozzo, W. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Dereli, H. and Dergachev, V. and De Rosa, R. and DeRosa, R. T. and DeSalvo, R. and Devine, C. and Dhurandhar, S. and Díaz, M. C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Pace, S. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W. P. and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H.-B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etienne, Z. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Fauchon-Jones, E. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fournier, J.-D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Gaebel, S. M. and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Gonzalez Castro, J. M. and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C.-J. and Haughian, K. and Healy, J. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J.-M. and Isi, M. and Islas, G. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Johnson-McDaniel, N. K. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J. G. and Ju, L. and K, Haris and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Key, J. S. and Khalaidovski, A. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, Nam-Gyu and Kim, Namjun and Kim, Y.-M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Li, T. G. F. and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and London, L. T. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lousto, C. O. and Lovelace, G. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and MacDonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and MacInnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E. and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O'Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O'Reilly, B. and O'Shaughnessy, R. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pan, Y. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Pfeiffer, H. P. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. M. and Pitkin, M. and Poggiani, R. and Popolizio, P. and Post, A. and Powell, J. and Prasad, J. and Predoi, V. and Premachandra, S. S. and Prestegard, T. and Price, L. R. and Prijatelj, M. and Principe, M. and Privitera, S. and Prodi, G. A. and Prokhorov, L. and Puncken, O. and Punturo, M. and Puppo, P. and Pürrer, M. and Qi, H. and Qin, J. and Quetschke, V. and Quintero, E. A. and Quitzow-James, R. and Raab, F. J. and Rabeling, D. S. and Radkins, H. and Raffai, P. and Raja, S. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rapagnani, P. and Raymond, V. and Razzano, M. and Re, V. and Read, J. and Reed, C. M. and Regimbau, T. and Rei, L. and Reid, S. and Reitze, D. H. and Rew, H. and Reyes, S. D. and Ricci, F. and Riles, K. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Robinet, F. and Rocchi, A. and Rolland, L. and Rollins, J. G. and Roma, V. J. and Romano, R. and Romanov, G. and Romie, J. H. and Rosiifmmode nelse ska, D. and Röver, C. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sengupta, A. S. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Setyawati, Y. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. D. and Simakov, D. and Singer, A. and Singer, L. P. and Singh, A. and Singh, R. and Singhal, A. and Sintes, A. M. and Slagmolen, B. J. J. and Smith, J. R. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J. E. and Son, E. J. and Sorazu, B. and Sorrentino, F. and Souradeep, T. and Srivastava, A. K. and Staley, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Steinmeyer, D. and Stephens, B. C. and Stevenson, S. P. and Stone, R. and Strain, K. A. and Straniero, N. and Stratta, G. and Strauss, N. A. and Strigin, S. and Sturani, R. and Stuver, A. L. and Summerscales, T. Z. and Sun, L. and Sutton, P. J. and Swinkels, B. L. and Szczepaifmmode nelse czyk, M. J. and Tacca, M. and Talukder, D. and Tanner, D. B. and Tápai, M. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Taracchini, A. and Taylor, R. and Theeg, T. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Thomas, E. G. and Thomas, M. and Thomas, P. and Thorne, K. A. and Thorne, K. S. and Thrane, E. and Tiwari, S. and Tiwari, V. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Tomlinson, C. and Tonelli, M. and Torres, C. V. and Torrie, C. I. and Töyrä, D. and Travasso, F. and Traylor, G. and Trifirò, D. and Tringali, M. C. and Trozzo, L. and Tse, M. and Turconi, M. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Ugolini, D. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Urban, A. L. and Usman, S. A. and Vahlbruch, H. and Vajente, G. and Valdes, G. and van Bakel, N. and van Beuzekom, M. and van den Brand, J. F. J. and Van Den Broeck, C. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and van der Schaaf, L. and van der Sluys, M. V. and van Heijningen, J. V. and Vañó-Viñuales, A. and van Veggel, A. A. and Vardaro, M. and Vass, S. and Vasúth, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vecchio, A. and Vedovato, G. and Veitch, J. and Veitch, P. J. and Venkateswara, K. and Verkindt, D. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Vinciguerra, S. and Vine, D. J. and Vinet, J.-Y. and Vitale, S. and Vo, T. and Vocca, H. and Vorvick, C. and Voss, D. and Vousden, W. D. and Vyatchanin, S. P. and Wade, A. R. and Wade, L. E. and Wade, M. and Walker, M. and Wallace, L. and Walsh, S. and Wang, G. and Wang, H. and Wang, M. and Wang, X. and Wang, Y. and Ward, R. L. and Warner, J. and Was, M. and Weaver, B. and Wei, L.-W. and Weinert, M. and Weinstein, A. J. and Weiss, R. and Welborn, T. and Wen, L. and Weßels, P. and Westphal, T. and Wette, K. and Whelan, J. T. and White, D. J. and Whiting, B. F. and Williams, R. D. and Williamson, A. R. and Willis, J. L. and Willke, B. and Wimmer, M. H. and Winkler, W. and Wipf, C. C. and Wittel, H. and Woan, G. and Worden, J. and Wright, J. L. and Wu, G. and Yablon, J. and Yam, W. and Yamamoto, H. and Yancey, C. C. and Yap, M. J. and Yu, H. and Yvert, M. and Zadroifmmode zelse zny, A. and Zangrando, L. and Zanolin, M. and Zendri, J.-P. and Zevin, M. and Zhang, F. and Zhang, L. and Zhang, M. and Zhang, Y. and Zhao, C. and Zhou, M. and Zhou, Z. and Zhu, X. J. and Zucker, M. E. and Zuraw, S. E. and Zweizig, J. and Boyle, M. and Brügmann, B. and Campanelli, M. and Clark, M. and Hamberger, D. and Kidder, L. E. and Kinsey, M. and Laguna, P. and Ossokine, S. and Scheel, M. A. and Szilagyi, B. and Teukolsky, S. and Zlochower, Y. (2016) Properties of the binary black hole merger GW150914. Physical Review Letters, 116 (24). 241102. ISSN 1079-7114
Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abernathy, M. R. and Adhikari, R. X. and Anderson, S. B. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barish, B. C. and Berger, B. K. and Billingsley, G. and Blackburn, J. K. and Bork, R. and Brooks, A. F. and Cahillane, C. and Callister, T. and Cepeda, C. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Couvares, P. and Coyne, D. C. and Dergachev, V. and Drever, R. W. P. and Ehrens, P. and Etzel, T. and Gossan, S. E. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Hall, E. D. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Hodge, K. A. and Isi, M. and Kanner, J. B. and Kells, W. and Kondrashov, V. and Korth, W. Z. and Kozak, D. B. and Lazzarini, A. and Li, T. G. F. and Mageswaran, M. and Maros, E. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and McIntyre, G. and Meshkov, S. and Pedraza, M. and Perreca, A. and Price, L. R. and Quintero, E. A. and Reitze, D. H. and Robertson, N. A. and Rollins, J. G. and Sachdev, S. and Sanchez, E. J. and Schmidt, P. and Shao, Z. and Singer, A. and Smith, N. D. and Smith, R. J. E. and Taylor, R. and Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. and Torrie, C. I. and Vajente, G. and Vass, S. and Wallace, L. and Weinstein, A. J. and Williams, R. D. and Wipf, C. C. and Yamamoto, H. and Zhang, L. and Zweizig, J. and Abbott, T. D. and Buchanan, C. C. and Corbitt, T. R. and Cripe, J. and Giaime, J. A. and González, G. and Hardwick, T. and Johnson, W. W. and Kasprzack, M. and Kokeyama, K. and Macleod, D. M. and Singh, R. and Walker, M. and Acernese, F. and Barone, F. and Romano, R. and Acernese, F. and Barone, F. and Calloni, E. and De Laurentis, M. and De Rosa, R. and Di Fiore, L. and Garufi, F. and Milano, L. and Romano, R. and Ackley, K. and Amariutei, D. V. and Ciani, G. and Eichholz, J. M. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Fulda, P. and Goetz, R. and Hartman, M. T. and Heintze, M. C. and Klimenko, S. and Martin, R. M. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Mytidis, A. and Necula, V. and Ottens, R. S. and Reitze, D. H. and Tanner, D. B. and Whiting, B. F. and Adams, C. and Aston, S. M. and Betzwieser, J. and Birch, J. and Cowart, M. J. and DeRosa, R. and Doravari, S. and Effler, A. and Evans, T. M. and Frolov, V. V. and Fyffe, M. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Hanson, J. and Heintze, M. C. and Holt, K. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Katzman, W. and Kinzel, D. L. and Lormand, M. and McCormick, S. and Mullavey, A. and Nolting, D. and Oram, R. J. and Overmier, H. and O’Reilly, B. and Parker, W. and Pele, A. and Romie, J. H. and Sellers, D. and Stuver, A. L. and Thomas, M. and Thorne, K. A. and Traylor, G. and Welborn, T. and Wu, G. and Adams, T. and Bonnand, R. and Buskulic, D. and Ducrot, M. and Germain, V. and Gouaty, R. and Letendre, N. and Marion, F. and Masserot, A. and Mours, B. and Rolland, L. and Verkindt, D. and Was, M. and Yvert, M. and Addesso, P. and DeSalvo, R. and Pierro, V. and Pinto, I. M. and Principe, M. and Principe, M. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Allen, B. and Aulbert, C. and Baune, C. and Bergmann, G. and Bisht, A. and Bock, O. and Bogan, C. and Brinkmann, M. and Capano, C. D. and Dal Canton, T. and Danzmann, K. and Denker, T. and Dent, T. and Di Palma, I. and Drago, M. and Eggenstein, H. B. and Fehrmann, H. and Fricke, T. T. and Grote, H. and Hanke, M. M. and Heurs, M. and Indik, N. and Kawazoe, F. and Keitel, D. and Khalaidovski, A. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Kuehn, G. and Leong, J. R. and Lough, J. D. and Lundgren, A. P. and Lück, H. and Machenschalk, B. and Mazzolo, G. and Meadors, G. D. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Ming, J. and Mossavi, K. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nitz, A. and Oppermann, P. and Papa, M. A. and Post, A. and Rüdiger, A. and Salemi, F. and Schilling†, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Shaltev, M. and Simakov, D. and Singh, A. and Steinke, M. and Steinmeyer, D. and Tarabrin, S. P. and Theeg, T. and Weinert, M. and Westphal, T. and Wette, K. and Weßels, P. and Whelan, J. T. and Willke, B. and Wimmer, M. H. and Winkler, W. and Wittel, H. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Bertolini, A. and Bloemen, S. and Bulten, H. J. and Ghosh, S. and Jonker, R. J. G. and Koley, S. and Meidam, J. and Nelemans, G. and Nissanke, S. and Setyawati, Y. and Shah, S. and van Bakel, N. and van Beuzekom, M. and van den Brand, J. F. J. and van den Broeck, C. and van der Schaaf, L. and van der Sluys, M. V. and van Heijningen, J. V. and Aggarwal, N. and Barsotti, L. and Biscans, S. and Bodiya, T. P. and Brown, N. M. and Buikema, A. and Donovan, F. and Essick, R. C. and Evans, M. and Fritschel, P. and Gras, S. and Isogai, T. and Katsavounidis, E. and Kontos, A. and Libson, A. and Lynch, R. and MacInnis, M. and Mason, K. and Matichard, F. and Mavalvala, N. and Miller, J. and Mittleman, R. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Oelker, E. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Tse, M. and Vaulin, R. and Vitale, S. and Weiss, R. and Yam, W. and Yu, H. and Zhang, F. and Zucker, M. E. and Aguiar, O. D. and Constancio, M. and Costa, C. A. and Ferreira, E. C. and Silva, A. D. and Ain, A. and Bose, S. and Dhurandhar, S. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Gupta, A. and Mitra, S. and Prasad, J. and Souradeep, T. and Ajith, P. and Ghosh, A. and Iyer, B. R. and Mishra, C. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Allen, B. and Anderson, W. G. and Brady, P. R. and Brockill, P. and Caudill, S. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Downes, T. P. and Manske, M. and Mercer, R. A. and Mukherjee, D. and Ochsner, E. and Pankow, C. and Papa, M. A. and Qi, H. and Sadeghian, L. and Sheperd, A. and Siemens, X. and Stephens, B. C. and Urban, A. L. and Wade, L. E. and Wade, M. and Walsh, S. and Allen, B. and Aufmuth, P. and Bisht, A. and Danzmann, K. and Denker, T. and Heurs, M. and Kaufer, S. and Krueger, C. and Lough, J. D. and Lück, H. and Sawadsky, A. and Schuette, D. and Steinmeyer, D. and Vahlbruch, H. and Willke, B. and Wimmer, M. H. and Wittel, H. and Allocca, A. and Basti, A. and Boschi, V. and Cerretani, G. and Di Lieto, A. and Ferrante, I. and Fidecaro, F. and Gonzalez Castro, J. M. and Passaquieti, R. and Poggiani, R. and Razzano, M. and Tonelli, M. and Allocca, A. and Basti, A. and Boschi, V. and Bradaschia, C. and Cella, G. and Cerretani, G. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Virgilio, A. and Ferrante, I. and Fidecaro, F. and Frasconi, F. and Gennai, A. and Giazotto, A. and Gonzalez Castro, J. M. and Moggi, A. and Paoletti, F. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Poggiani, R. and Razzano, M. and Tonelli, M. and Trozzo, L. and Altin, P. A. and Chow, J. H. and Mansell, G. L. and McClelland, D. E. and McManus, D. J. and Nguyen, T. T. and Rabeling, D. S. and Scott, S. M. and Shaddock, D. A. and Slagmolen, B. J. J. and Wade, A. R. and Ward, R. L. and Yap, M. J. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Cavaglià, M. and Dooley, K. L. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Kandhasamy, S. and Trifirò, D. and Areeda, J. S. and Hacker, J. J. and Islas, G. and Read, J. and Serna, G. and Smith, J. R. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and Arnaud, N. and Bizouard, M. A. and Brisson, V. and Casanueva Diaz, J. and Cavalier, F. and Davier, M. and Franco, S. and Hello, P. and Huet, D. and Kasprzack, M. and Leroy, N. and Robinet, F. and Arun, K. G. and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Ashton, G. and Jones, D. I. and Ast, M. and Kleybolte, L. and Korobko, M. and Pal-Singh, A. and Schnabel, R. and Schönbeck, A. and Astone, P. and Colla, A. and Conte, A. and Di Giovanni, M. and Frasca, S. and Leaci, P. and Majorana, E. and Mangano, V. and Mezzani, F. and Naticchioni, L. and Palomba, C. and Piccinni, O. and Puppo, P. and Rapagnani, P. and Ricci, F. and Babak, S. and Behnke, B. and Bohe, A. and Buonanno, A. and Di Palma, I. and Grunewald, S. and Harry, I. W. and Leaci, P. and Meadors, G. D. and Ming, J. and Papa, M. A. and Privitera, S. and Raymond, V. and Singh, A. and Taracchini, A. and Baker, P. T. and Cornish, N. and Millhouse, M. and Baldaccini, F. and Gammaitoni, L. and Travasso, F. and Vocca, H. and Baldaccini, F. and Gammaitoni, L. and Marchesoni, F. and Punturo, M. and Travasso, F. and Vocca, H. and Ballardin, G. and Bavigadda, V. and Bitossi, M. and Bozzi, A. and Carbognani, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Chiummo, A. and Cortese, S. and Cuoco, E. and Dattilo, V. and Day, R. and Ferrini, F. and Fiori, I. and Genin, E. and Gosselin, M. and Hemming, G. and Kasprzack, M. and Mantovani, M. and Mohan, M. and Nocera, F. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Pasqualetti, A. and Pillant, G. and Prijatelj, M. and Ruggi, P. and Sentenac, D. and Swinkels, B. L. and Ballmer, S. W. and Bhagwat, S. and Biwer, C. and Brown, D. A. and Fair, H. and Fisher, R. P. and Kelley, D. B. and Lackey, B. D. and Lenon, A. and Lord, J. E. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Massinger, T. J. and Nuttall, L. K. and Pekowsky, L. and Saulson, P. R. and Usman, S. A. and Vander-Hyde, D. C. and Vo, T. and Barclay, S. E. and Barr, B. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Chan, M. and Craig, K. and Cumming, A. and Cunningham, L. and Danilishin, S. L. and Davies, G. S. and Douglas, R. and Fletcher, M. and Glaefke, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Graef, C. and Grant, A. and Hammond, G. and Hart, M. J. and Haughian, K. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Hild, S. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Hu, Y. M. and Huttner, S. H. and Isa, H. N. and Jones, R. and Leavey, S. and Lee, K. and Logue, J. and Mangano, V. and Martin, I. W. and Masso-Reid, M. and Messenger, C. and Murray, P. G. and Newton, G. and Pascucci, D. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Phelps, M. and Pitkin, M. and Powell, J. and Robertson, N. A. and Robie, R. and Rowan, S. and Scott, J. and Sorazu, B. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Strain, K. A. and van Veggel, A. A. and Woan, G. and Wright, J. L. and Barker, D. and Bartlett, J. and Batch, J. C. and Bergman, J. and Blair, R. M. and Clara, F. and Cook, D. and Driggers, J. C. and Dwyer, S. E. and Gray, C. and Hanks, J. and Ingram, D. R. and Izumi, K. and Kawabe, K. and Kijbunchoo, N. and King, P. J. and Kissel, J. S. and Landry, M. and Levine, B. M. and McCarthy, R. and Mendell, G. and Merilh, E. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Oberling, J. and Raab, F. J. and Radkins, H. and Reed, C. M. and Ryan, K. and Sadecki, T. and Sandberg, V. and Savage, R. L. and Sevigny, A. and Sigg, D. and Thomas, P. and Vorvick, C. and Warner, J. and Weaver, B. and Worden, J. and Barsuglia, M. and Buy, C. and Capocasa, E. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Gatto, A. and Lebigot, E. and Tacca, M. and Barta, D. and Debreczeni, G. and Vasúth, M. and Bartos, I. and Countryman, S. T. and Factourovich, M. and Matone, L. and Murphy, D. J. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Pereira, R. and Staley, A. and Bassiri, R. and Byer, R. L. and DeBra, D. and Fejer, M. M. and Kim, N. and Lantz, B. and MacDonald, T. and Markosyan, A. S. and Paris, H. R. and Patrick, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Bazzan, M. and Vardaro, M. and Bazzan, M. and Conti, L. and Lazzaro, C. and Vardaro, M. and Vedovato, G. and Zangrando, L. and Zendri, J. P. and Bejger, M. and Rosińska, D. and Belczynski, C. and Bulik, T. and Kowalska, I. and Berry, C. P L and Bond, C. and Brown, D. D. and Del Pozzo, W. and Farr, W. M. and Freise, A. and Green, A. C. and Haster, C. J. and Mandel, I. and Miao, H. and Middleton, H. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Thomas, E. G. and Töyrä, D. and Vecchio, A. and Veitch, J. and Vinciguerra, S. and Vousden, W. D. and Wang, H. and Wang, M. and Bersanetti, D. and Neri, M. and Bersanetti, D. and Chincarini, A. and Farinon, S. and Gemme, G. and Neri, M. and Rei, L. and Sorrentino, F. and Bhandare, R. and Dave, I. and George, J. and Pai, S. A. and Pant, B. C. and Raja, S. and Bilenko, I. A. and Braginsky, V. B. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Khalili, F. Y. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Prokhorov, L. and Strigin, S. and Vyatchanin, S. P. and Birney, R. and Reid, S. and Vine, D. J. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. and Chu, Q. and Chung, S. and Coward, D. M. and Fang, Q. and Howell, E. J. and Ju, L. and Kaur, T. and Ma, Y. and Qin, J. and Wang, Y. and Wen, L. and Zhao, C. and Zhu, X. J. and Bloemen, S. and Ghosh, S. and Groot, P. and Nelemans, G. and Nissanke, S. and Setyawati, Y. and Shah, S. and van der Sluys, M. V. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Brillet, A. and Cleva, F. and Coulon, J. P. and Dereli, H. and Fournier, J. D. and Gendre, B. and Heitmann, H. and Kéfélian, F. and Man, N. and Martellini, L. and Meacher, D. and Merzougui, M. and Pichot, M. and Regimbau, T. and Siellez, K. and Turconi, M. and Vinet, J. Y. and Wei, L. W. and Bojtos, P. and Frei, Z. and Gondan, L. and Raffai, P. and Bondu, F. and Bose, S. and Hall, B. R. and Magee, R. M. and Mazumder, N. and Branchesi, M. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Greco, G. and Guidi, G. M. and Harms, J. and Martelli, F. and Montani, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Stratta, G. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Branchesi, M. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Greco, G. and Guidi, G. M. and Harms, J. and Losurdo, G. and Martelli, F. and Montani, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Stratta, G. and Vetrano, F. and Viceré, A. and Brau, J. E. and Frey, R. and Karki, S. and Palamos, J. R. and Quitzow-James, R. and Roma, V. J. and Schale, P. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Talukder, D. and Briant, T. and Chua, S. and Cohadon, P. F. and Deléglise, S. and Heidmann, A. and Isac, J. M. and Jacqmin, T. and Bulten, H. J. and van den Brand, J. F. J. and Buonanno, A. and Cho, M. and Graff, P. B. and Shawhan, P. and Yancey, C. C. and Cadonati, L. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Clark, J. A. and Jani, K. and Lazzaro, C. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Cagnoli, G. and Degallaix, J. and Dolique, V. and Flaminio, R. and Granata, M. and Hofman, D. and Michel, C. and Pedurand, R. and Pinard, L. and Sassolas, B. and Straniero, N. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Husa, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Oliver, M. and Sintes, A. M. and Calloni, E. and De Laurentis, M. and De Rosa, R. and Garufi, F. and Milano, L. and Camp, J. B. and Gehrels, N. and Graff, P. B. and Singer, L. P. and Cannon, K. C. and Kehl, M. S. and Kumar, P. and Cao, J. and Du, Z. and Fan, X. and Guo, X. and Lebigot, E. and Wang, X. and Caride, S. and Goetz, E. and Gustafson, R. and Neunzert, A. and Riles, K. and Sanders, J. R. and Sauter, O. and Casentini, C. and Cesarini, E. and Coccia, E. and Fafone, V. and Malvezzi, V. and Nardecchia, I. and Re, V. and Sequino, V. and Casentini, C. and Cesarini, E. and D’Antonio, S. and Fafone, V. and Malvezzi, V. and Minenkov, Y. and Nardecchia, I. and Re, V. and Rocchi, A. and Sequino, V. and Chao, S. and Cheng, C. and Huang, S. and Kuo, L. and Pan, H. and Charlton, P. and Chen, H. Y. and Farr, B. and Holz, D. E. and Chen, Y. and Engels, W. and Ott, C. D. and Schmidt, P. and Thorne, K. S. and Cho, H. S. and Jang, H. and Kang, G. and Kim, C. and Kim, N. and Christensen, N. and Coughlin, M. W. and Edwards, M. C. and Luo, J. and Strauss, N. A. and Coccia, E. and Fafone, V. and Lorenzini, M. and Tiwari, S. and Wang, G. and Colla, A. and Conte, A. and Di Giovanni, M. and Frasca, S. and Leaci, P. and Mangano, V. and Mezzani, F. and Naticchioni, L. and Piccinni, O. and Rapagnani, P. and Ricci, F. and Collette, C. G. and Corsi, A. and Coyne, R. and Inta, R. and Owen, B. J. and Coughlin, S. B. and Fairhurst, S. and Fays, M. and Hannam, M. D. and Hopkins, P. and Khan, S. and Muir, A. W. and Ohme, F. and Pannarale, F. and Predoi, V. and Pürrer, M. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Schutz, B. F. and Sutton, P. J. and Tiwari, V. and Williamson, A. R. and Crowder, S. G. and Mandic, V. and Meyers, P. M. and Prestegard, T. and Darman, N. S. and Melatos, A. and Sammut, L. and Sun, L. and Daveloza, H. P. and Díaz, M. C. and Key, J. S. and Morriss, S. R. and Mukherjee, S. and Normandin, M. E N and Quetschke, V. and Rakhmanov, M. and Romano, J. D. and Stone, R. and Torres‡, C. V. and Tuyenbayev, D. and Valdes, G. and Daw, E. J. and Edo, T. B. and Kennedy, R. and Tomlinson, C. and White, D. J. and Dojcinoski, G. and Favata, M. and Moore, B. C. and Drago, M. and Leonardi, M. and Prodi, G. A. and Tringali, M. C. and Drago, M. and Leonardi, M. and Prodi, G. A. and Tringali, M. C. and Everett, R. and Hanna, C. and Idrisy, A. and Messick, C. and Gair, J. R. and Moore, C. J. and Gaur, G. and Gaur, G. and Gupta, M. K. and Khan, Z. and Srivastava, A. K. and Gergely, L. and Tápai, M. and Gill, K. and Hughey, B. and Szczepanczyk, M. J. and Zanolin, M. and Gopakumar, A. and Haney, M. and Unnikrishnan, C. S. and Harry, G. M. and Hoak, D. and Lombardi, A. L. and McIver, J. and Nedkova, K. and Zuraw, S. E. and Hollitt, S. E. and Hosken, D. J. and King, E. J. and Munch, J. and Ottaway, D. J. and Veitch, P. J. and Huerta, E. A. and McWilliams, S. T. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Haris, K. and Pai, A. and Saleem, M. and Kalogera, V. and Littenberg, T. B. and Pankow, C. and Sandeen, B. and Shahriar, M. S. and Yablon, J. and Zevin, M. and Zhou, M. and Zhou, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Palashov, O. and Sergeev, A. and Kim, J. and Kim, Y. M. and Lee, C. H. and Kim, K. and Lee, H. K. and Królak, A. and Kutynia, A. and Zadrożny, A. and Królak, A. and Lange, J. and O’Shaughnessy, R. and Whelan, J. 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Abbott, B. P. and Abbott, R. and Abbott, T. D. and Abernathy, M. R. and Acernese, F. and Ackley, K. and Adams, C. and Adams, T. and Addesso, P. and Adhikari, R. X. and Adya, V. B. and Affeldt, C. and Agathos, M. and Agatsuma, K. and Aggarwal, N. and Aguiar, O. D. and Aiello, L. and Ain, A. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allocca, A. and Altin, P. A. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Arai, K. and Araya, M. C. and Arceneaux, C. C. and Areeda, J. S. and Arnaud, N. and Arun, K. G. and Ascenzi, S. and Ashton, G. and Ast, M. and Aston, S. M. and Astone, P. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Bacon, P. and Bader, M. K. M. and Baker, P. T. and Baldaccini, F. and Ballardin, G. and Ballmer, S. W. and Barayoga, J. C. and Barclay, S. E. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barone, F. and Barr, B. and Barsotti, L. and Barsuglia, M. and Barta, D. and Bartlett, J. and Bartos, I. and Bassiri, R. and Basti, A. and Batch, J. C. and Baune, C. and Bavigadda, V. and Bazzan, M. and Behnke, B. and Bejger, M. and Bell, A. S. and Bell, C. J. and Berger, B. K. and Bergman, J. and Bergmann, G. and Berry, C. P. L. and Bersanetti, D. and Bertolini, A. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhagwat, S. and Bhandare, R. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Birch, J. and Birney, R. and Birnholtz, O. and Biscans, S. and Bisht, A. and Bitossi, M. and Biwer, C. and Bizouard, M. A. and Blackburn, J. K. and Blair, C. D. and Blair, D. G. and Blair, R. M. and Bloemen, S. and Bock, O. and Bodiya, T. P. and Boer, M. and Bogaert, G. and Bogan, C. and Bohe, A. and Bojtos, P. and Bond, C. and Bondu, F. and Bonnand, R. and Boom, B. A. and Bork, R. and Boschi, V. and Bose, S. and Bouffanais, Y. and Bozzi, A. and Bradaschia, C. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Branchesi, M. and Brau, J. E. and Briant, T. and Brillet, A. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brockill, P. and Brooks, A. F. and Brown, D. A. and Brown, D. D. and Brown, N. M. and Buchanan, C. C. and Buikema, A. and Bulik, T. and Bulten, H. J. and Buonanno, A. and Buskulic, D. and Buy, C. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Cahillane, C. and Calderón Bustillo, J. and Callister, T. and Calloni, E. and Camp, J. B. and Cannon, K. C. and Cao, J. and Capano, C. D. and Capocasa, E. and Carbognani, F. and Caride, S. and Casanueva Diaz, J. and Casentini, C. and Caudill, S. and Cavaglià, M. and Cavalier, F. and Cavalieri, R. and Cella, G. and Cepeda, C. B. and Cerboni Baiardi, L. and Cerretani, G. and Cesarini, E. and Chakraborty, R. and Chalermsongsak, T. and Chamberlin, S. J. and Chan, M. and Chao, S. and Charlton, P. and Chassande-Mottin, E. and Chen, H. Y. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, C. and Chincarini, A. and Chiummo, A. and Cho, H. S. and Cho, M. and Chow, J. H. and Christensen, N. and Chu, Q. and Chua, S. and Chung, S. and Ciani, G. and Clara, F. and Clark, J. A. and Cleva, F. and Coccia, E. and Cohadon, P.-F. and Colla, A. and Collette, C. 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C. and Di Fiore, L. and Di Giovanni, M. and Di Lieto, A. and Di Pace, S. and Di Palma, I. and Di Virgilio, A. and Dojcinoski, G. and Dolique, V. and Donovan, F. and Dooley, K. L. and Doravari, S. and Douglas, R. and Downes, T. P. and Drago, M. and Drever, R. W. P. and Driggers, J. C. and Du, Z. and Ducrot, M. and Dwyer, S. E. and Edo, T. B. and Edwards, M. C. and Effler, A. and Eggenstein, H.-B. and Ehrens, P. and Eichholz, J. and Eikenberry, S. S. and Engels, W. and Essick, R. C. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. M. and Everett, R. and Factourovich, M. and Fafone, V. and Fair, H. and Fairhurst, S. and Fan, X. and Fang, Q. and Farinon, S. and Farr, B. and Farr, W. M. and Favata, M. and Fays, M. and Fehrmann, H. and Fejer, M. M. and Ferrante, I. and Ferreira, E. C. and Ferrini, F. and Fidecaro, F. and Fiori, I. and Fiorucci, D. and Fisher, R. P. and Flaminio, R. and Fletcher, M. and Fournier, J.-D. and Franco, S. and Frasca, S. and Frasconi, F. and Frei, Z. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Frey, V. and Fricke, T. T. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. V. and Fulda, P. and Fyffe, M. and Gabbard, H. A. G. and Gair, J. R. and Gammaitoni, L. and Gaonkar, S. G. and Garufi, F. and Gatto, A. and Gaur, G. and Gehrels, N. and Gemme, G. and Gendre, B. and Genin, E. and Gennai, A. and George, J. and Gergely, L. and Germain, V. and Ghosh, Abhirup and Ghosh, Archisman and Ghosh, S. and Giaime, J. A. and Giardina, K. D. and Giazotto, A. and Gill, K. and Glaefke, A. and Goetz, E. and Goetz, R. and Gondan, L. and González, G. and Gonzalez Castro, J. M. and Gopakumar, A. and Gordon, N. A. and Gorodetsky, M. L. and Gossan, S. E. and Gosselin, M. and Gouaty, R. and Graef, C. and Graff, P. B. and Granata, M. and Grant, A. and Gras, S. and Gray, C. and Greco, G. and Green, A. C. and Groot, P. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guidi, G. M. and Guo, X. and Gupta, A. and Gupta, M. K. and Gushwa, K. E. and Gustafson, E. K. and Gustafson, R. and Hacker, J. J. and Hall, B. R. and Hall, E. D. and Hammond, G. and Haney, M. and Hanke, M. M. and Hanks, J. and Hanna, C. and Hannam, M. D. and Hanson, J. and Hardwick, T. and Harms, J. and Harry, G. M. and Harry, I. W. and Hart, M. J. and Hartman, M. T. and Haster, C.-J. and Haughian, K. and Healy, J. and Heidmann, A. and Heintze, M. C. and Heitmann, H. and Hello, P. and Hemming, G. and Hendry, M. and Heng, I. S. and Hennig, J. and Heptonstall, A. W. and Heurs, M. and Hild, S. and Hoak, D. and Hodge, K. A. and Hofman, D. and Hollitt, S. E. and Holt, K. and Holz, D. E. and Hopkins, P. and Hosken, D. J. and Hough, J. and Houston, E. A. and Howell, E. J. and Hu, Y. M. and Huang, S. and Huerta, E. A. and Huet, D. and Hughey, B. and Husa, S. and Huttner, S. H. and Huynh-Dinh, T. and Idrisy, A. and Indik, N. and Ingram, D. R. and Inta, R. and Isa, H. N. and Isac, J.-M. and Isi, M. and Islas, G. and Isogai, T. and Iyer, B. R. and Izumi, K. and Jacqmin, T. and Jang, H. and Jani, K. and Jaranowski, P. and Jawahar, S. and Jiménez-Forteza, F. and Johnson, W. W. and Johnson-McDaniel, N. K. and Jones, D. I. and Jones, R. and Jonker, R. J. G. and Ju, L. and Haris, M. K. and Kalaghatgi, C. V. and Kalogera, V. and Kandhasamy, S. and Kang, G. and Kanner, J. B. and Karki, S. and Kasprzack, M. and Katsavounidis, E. and Katzman, W. and Kaufer, S. and Kaur, T. and Kawabe, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Kéfélian, F. and Kehl, M. S. and Keitel, D. and Kelley, D. B. and Kells, W. and Kennedy, R. and Key, J. S. and Khalaidovski, A. and Khalili, F. Y. and Khan, I. and Khan, S. and Khan, Z. and Khazanov, E. A. and Kijbunchoo, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, J. and Kim, K. and Kim, Nam-Gyu and Kim, Namjun and Kim, Y.-M. and King, E. J. and King, P. J. and Kinzel, D. L. and Kissel, J. S. and Kleybolte, L. and Klimenko, S. and Koehlenbeck, S. M. and Kokeyama, K. and Koley, S. and Kondrashov, V. and Kontos, A. and Korobko, M. and Korth, W. Z. and Kowalska, I. and Kozak, D. B. and Kringel, V. and Krishnan, B. and Królak, A. and Krueger, C. and Kuehn, G. and Kumar, P. and Kuo, L. and Kutynia, A. and Lackey, B. D. and Landry, M. and Lange, J. and Lantz, B. and Lasky, P. D. and Lazzarini, A. and Lazzaro, C. and Leaci, P. and Leavey, S. and Lebigot, E. O. and Lee, C. H. and Lee, H. K. and Lee, H. M. and Lee, K. and Lenon, A. and Leonardi, M. and Leong, J. R. and Leroy, N. and Letendre, N. and Levin, Y. and Levine, B. M. and Li, T. G. F. and Libson, A. and Littenberg, T. B. and Lockerbie, N. A. and Logue, J. and Lombardi, A. L. and London, L. T. and Lord, J. E. and Lorenzini, M. and Loriette, V. and Lormand, M. and Losurdo, G. and Lough, J. D. and Lousto, C. O. and Lovelace, G. and Lück, H. and Lundgren, A. P. and Luo, J. and Lynch, R. and Ma, Y. and MacDonald, T. and Machenschalk, B. and MacInnis, M. and Macleod, D. M. and Magaña-Sandoval, F. and Magee, R. M. and Mageswaran, M. and Majorana, E. and Maksimovic, I. and Malvezzi, V. and Man, N. and Mandel, I. and Mandic, V. and Mangano, V. and Mansell, G. L. and Manske, M. and Mantovani, M. and Marchesoni, F. and Marion, F. and Márka, S. and Márka, Z. and Markosyan, A. S. and Maros, E. and Martelli, F. and Martellini, L. and Martin, I. W. and Martin, R. M. and Martynov, D. V. and Marx, J. N. and Mason, K. and Masserot, A. and Massinger, T. J. and Masso-Reid, M. and Matichard, F. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and Mazumder, N. and Mazzolo, G. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McCormick, S. and McGuire, S. C. and McIntyre, G. and McIver, J. and McManus, D. J. and McWilliams, S. T. and Meacher, D. and Meadors, G. D. and Meidam, J. and Melatos, A. and Mendell, G. and Mendoza-Gandara, D. and Mercer, R. A. and Merilh, E. and Merzougui, M. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Messick, C. and Meyers, P. M. and Mezzani, F. and Miao, H. and Michel, C. and Middleton, H. and Mikhailov, E. E. and Milano, L. and Miller, J. and Millhouse, M. and Minenkov, Y. and Ming, J. and Mirshekari, S. and Mishra, C. and Mitra, S. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Moggi, A. and Mohan, M. and Mohapatra, S. R. P. and Montani, M. and Moore, B. C. and Moore, C. J. and Moraru, D. and Moreno, G. and Morriss, S. R. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mow-Lowry, C. M. and Mueller, C. L. and Mueller, G. and Muir, A. W. and Mukherjee, Arunava and Mukherjee, D. and Mukherjee, S. and Mukund, N. and Mullavey, A. and Munch, J. and Murphy, D. J. and Murray, P. G. and Mytidis, A. and Nardecchia, I. and Naticchioni, L. and Nayak, R. K. and Necula, V. and Nedkova, K. and Nelemans, G. and Neri, M. and Neunzert, A. and Newton, G. and Nguyen, T. T. and Nielsen, A. B. and Nissanke, S. and Nitz, A. and Nocera, F. and Nolting, D. and Normandin, M. E. and Nuttall, L. K. and Oberling, J. and Ochsner, E. and O’Dell, J. and Oelker, E. and Ogin, G. H. and Oh, J. J. and Oh, S. H. and Ohme, F. and Oliver, M. and Oppermann, P. and Oram, Richard J. and O’Reilly, B. and O’Shaughnessy, R. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottens, R. S. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Pai, A. and Pai, S. A. and Palamos, J. R. and Palashov, O. and Palomba, C. and Pal-Singh, A. and Pan, H. and Pan, Y. and Pankow, C. and Pannarale, F. and Pant, B. C. and Paoletti, F. and Paoli, A. and Papa, M. A. and Paris, H. R. and Parker, W. and Pascucci, D. and Pasqualetti, A. and Passaquieti, R. and Passuello, D. and Patricelli, B. and Patrick, Z. and Pearlstone, B. L. and Pedraza, M. and Pedurand, R. and Pekowsky, L. and Pele, A. and Penn, S. and Perreca, A. and Pfeiffer, H. P. and Phelps, M. and Piccinni, O. and Pichot, M. and Piergiovanni, F. and Pierro, V. and Pillant, G. and Pinard, L. and Pinto, I. 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H. and Rosińska, D. and Rowan, S. and Rüdiger, A. and Ruggi, P. and Ryan, K. and Sachdev, S. and Sadecki, T. and Sadeghian, L. and Salconi, L. and Saleem, M. and Salemi, F. and Samajdar, A. and Sammut, L. and Sanchez, E. J. and Sandberg, V. and Sandeen, B. and Sanders, J. R. and Sassolas, B. and Sathyaprakash, B. S. and Saulson, P. R. and Sauter, O. and Savage, R. L. and Sawadsky, A. and Schale, P. and Schilling, R. and Schmidt, J. and Schmidt, P. and Schnabel, R. and Schofield, R. M. S. and Schönbeck, A. and Schreiber, E. and Schuette, D. and Schutz, B. F. and Scott, J. and Scott, S. M. and Sellers, D. and Sengupta, A. S. and Sentenac, D. and Sequino, V. and Sergeev, A. and Serna, G. and Setyawati, Y. and Sevigny, A. and Shaddock, D. A. and Shah, S. and Shahriar, M. S. and Shaltev, M. and Shao, Z. and Shapiro, B. and Shawhan, P. and Sheperd, A. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shoemaker, D. M. and Siellez, K. and Siemens, X. and Sigg, D. and Silva, A. 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