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Number of items: 66.


Brown, Ross and Mawson, Suzanne and Rocha, Augusto and Rowe, Alex (2025) Looking inside the 'black box' of digital firm scaling : an ethnographically informed conceptualisation. Journal of Business Research, 186. 114987. ISSN 0148-2963


Gounaris, Spiros and Almoraish, Ahmed (2024) A dynamic, relational approach to B2B customer experience : a customer-centric perspective from a longitudinal investigation. Journal of Business Research, 177. 114606. ISSN 0148-2963

Sandikci, Ozlem and Jafari, Aliakbar and Fischer, Eileen (2024) Claiming market ownership : territorial activism in stigmatized markets. Journal of Business Research, 175. 114574. ISSN 0148-2963


Barhorst, Jennifer Brannon and McLean, Graeme and Krey, Nina and Javornik, Ana and Evanschitzky, Heiner (2023) Transcending reality : introducing mental time travel experiences and their ability to influence brand outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 164. 113886. ISSN 0148-2963

Shneor, Rotem and Zhao, Liang and Fabian Michael Goedecke, Jann (2023) On relationship types, their strength, and reward crowdfunding backer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 154. 113294. ISSN 0148-2963


Ates, Aylin and Acur, Nuran (2022) Making obsolescence obsolete : execution of digital transformation in a high-tech manufacturing SME. Journal of Business Research, 152. pp. 336-348. ISSN 0148-2963

Pyper, Keith and Doherty, Anne Marie and Gounaris, Spiros and Wilson, Alan (2022) A contingency-based approach to the nexus between international strategic brand management and export performance. Journal of Business Research, 148. pp. 472-488. ISSN 0148-2963

Osei-Frimpong, Kofi and McLean, Graeme and Appiah Otoo, Brigid and Nazrul, Islam (2022) What drives me there? The interplay of socio-psychological gratification and consumer values in social media brand engagement. Journal of Business Research, 146. pp. 288-307. ISSN 0148-2963

Mcdougall, Natalie and Wagner, Beverly and MacBryde, Jillian (2022) Competitive benefits & incentivisation at internal, supply chain & societal level circular operations in UK agri-food SMEs. Journal of Business Research, 144. pp. 1149-1162. ISSN 0148-2963

Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Arya, Bindu and Mukundhan, K. V. (2022) Dual institutional embeddedness and home country CSR engagement : evidence from Indian MNEs. Journal of Business Research, 141. pp. 163-174. ISSN 0148-2963

Pereira, Vijay and Nandakumar, M.K. and Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Bamel, Umesh and Malik, Ashish and Temouri, Yama (2022) An exploratory study into emerging market SMEs' involvement in the circular economy : evidence from India’s indigenous Ayurveda industry. Journal of Business Research, 142. pp. 188-199. ISSN 0148-2963

Khan, Huda and Zahoor, Nadia and Gerged, Ali Meftah and Tarba, Shlomo and Makrides, Anna (2022) The efficacy of market sensing and family-controlled board in the new product development performance of family firms in emerging market. Journal of Business Research, 141. pp. 673-684. ISSN 0148-2963

Dabić, Marina and Obradović, Tena and Vlačić, Božidar and Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Paul, Justin (2022) Frugal innovations : a multidisciplinary review & agenda for future research. Journal of Business Research, 142. pp. 914-929. ISSN 0148-2963

Oliveira, João S. and Ifie, Kemefasu and Sykora, Martin and Tsougkou, Eleni (Lenia) and Castro, Vitor and Elayan, Suzanne (2022) The effect of the emotional positivity of brand-generated social media messages on consumer attention and information sharing. Journal of Business Research, 140. pp. 49-61. ISSN 0148-2963

Jafari, Aliakbar and Aly, Marwa and Doherty, Anne Marie (2022) An analytical review of market system dynamics in consumer culture theory research : insights from the sociology of markets. Journal of Business Research, 139 (2). pp. 1261-1274. ISSN 0148-2963


King, Ceridwyn and Madera, Juan and Lee, Lindsey and Murillo, Enrique and Baum, Tom and Solnet, David (2021) Reimagining attraction and retention of hospitality management talent– a multilevel identity perspective. Journal of Business Research, 136. pp. 251-262. ISSN 0148-2963

Zahoor, Nadia and Pepple, Dennis and Chodrie, Jyoti (2021) Entrepreneurial competencies and alliance success : the roles of external knowledge absorption and mutual trust. Journal of Business Research, 136. pp. 440-450. ISSN 0148-2963

Lee, Zoe and Davies, Iain (2021) Navigating relative invariance : perspectives on corporate heritage identity and organizational heritage identity in an evolving nonprofit institution. Journal of Business Research, 129. pp. 813-825. ISSN 0148-2963

Cartwright, Severina and Davies, Iain and Archer-Brown, Chris (2021) Managing relationships on social media in business-to-business organisations. Journal of Business Research, 125. pp. 120-134. ISSN 0148-2963

Chalmers, Dominic and Matthews, Russell and Hyslop, Amy (2021) Blockchain as an external enabler of new venture ideas : digital entrepreneurs and the disintermediation of the global music industry. Journal of Business Research, 125. pp. 577-591. ISSN 0148-2963

Barhorst, Jennifer Brannon and McLean, Graeme and Shah, Esta and Mack, Rhonda (2021) Blending the real world and the virtual world : exploring the role of flow in augmented reality experiences. Journal of Business Research, 122. pp. 423-436. ISSN 0148-2963

McLean, Graeme and Osei-Frimpong, Kofi and Barhorst, Jennifer (2021) Alexa, do voice assistants influence consumer brand engagement? – Examining the role of AI powered voice assistants in influencing consumer brand engagement. Journal of Business Research, 124. pp. 312-328. 124. ISSN 0148-2963

Nazifi, Amin and Murdy, Samantha and Marder, Ben and Gäthke, Jana and Shabani, Bardia (2021) A Bit(coin) of happiness after a failure : an empirical examination of the effectiveness of cryptocurrencies as an innovative recovery tool. Journal of Business Research, 124. pp. 494-505. ISSN 0148-2963


Osei-Frimpong, Kofi and McLean, Graeme and Wilson, Alan and Lemke, Fred (2020) Customer coproduction in healthcare service delivery : examining the influencing effects of the social context. Journal of Business Research, 120. pp. 82-93. ISSN 0148-2963

Barhorst, Jennifer B. and Wilson, Alan and Brooks, Joshua (2020) Negative Tweets and their impact on likelihood to recommend. Journal of Business Research, 117. pp. 727-739. ISSN 0148-2963

Blasco-Arcas, Lorena and Alexander, Matthew and Sörhammar, David and Jonas, Julia M. and Raithel, Sascha and Chen, Tom (2020) Organizing actor engagement : a platform perspective. Journal of Business Research, 118. pp. 74-85. ISSN 0148-2963

Veloutsou, Cleopatra and Black, Iain (2020) Creating and managing participative brand communities : the roles members perform. Journal of Business Research, 117. pp. 873-885. ISSN 0148-2963

Story, Vicky and Zolkiewski, Judy and Verleye, Katrien and Nazifi, Amin and Hannibal, Claire and Grimes, Tony and Abboud, Liliane (2020) Stepping out of the shadows : supporting actors' strategies for managing end-user experiences in service ecosystems. Journal of Business Research, 116. pp. 401-411. ISSN 0148-2963

Dabić, Marina and Vlačić, Bozidar and Paul, Justin and Dana, Leo-Paul and Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Glinka, Beata (2020) Immigrant entrepreneurship : a review and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 113. pp. 25-38. ISSN 0148-2963

Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Nandakumar, M. K. (2020) Individual capital and social entrepreneurship : role of formal institutions. Journal of Business Research, 107. pp. 104-117. ISSN 0148-2963

McLean, Graeme and Osei-Frimpong, Kofi and Al-Nabhani, Khalid and Marriott, Hannah (2020) Examining consumer attitudes towards retailers' m-commerce mobile applications – An initial adoption vs. continuous use perspective. Journal of Business Research, 106. pp. 139-157. ISSN 0148-2963


Ghaffari, Mahsa and Jafari, Aliakbar and Sandikci, Ozlem (2019) The role of mundane and subtle institutional work in market dynamics : a case of fashion clothing market. Journal of Business Research, 105. pp. 434-442. ISSN 0148-2963

Bruce, Helen L. and Wilson, Hugh N. and Macdonald, Emma K. and Clarke, Beverly (2019) Resource integration, value creation and value destruction in collective consumption contexts. Journal of Business Research, 103. pp. 173-185. ISSN 0148-2963

Piacentini, Maria G. and Dunnett, Susan and Hamilton, Kathy and Banister, Emma and Gorge, Helene and Kaufman-Scarborough, Carol and Nairn, Agnes (2019) Exploring the relations in relational engagement : addressing barriers to transformative consumer research. Journal of Business Research, 100. pp. 327-338. ISSN 0148-2963


Oliveira, João S. and Yazdani, Nahid and Cadogan, John W. and Hodgkinson, Ian R. and Tsougkou, Eleni and Jean, Ruey-Jer "Bryan" and Story, Vicky M. and Boso, Nathaniel (2018) The empirical link between export entry mode diversity and export performance : a contingency- and institutional-based examination. Journal of Business Research, 88. pp. 505-512. ISSN 0148-2963

McLean, Graeme and Al-Nabhani, Khalid and Wilson, Alan (2018) Developing a mobile application customer experience model (MACE) - implications for retailers. Journal of Business Research, 85. pp. 325-336. ISSN 0148-2963

Ibeh, Kevin and Makhmadshoev, Dilshod (2018) Post-acquisition integration behavior of nascent African multinational enterprises. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963


Arshed, Norin (2017) The origins of policy ideas : the importance of think tanks in the enterprise policy process in the UK. Journal of Business Research, 71. pp. 74-83. ISSN 0148-2963

Black, Iain and Veloutsou, Cleopatra (2017) Working consumers : co-creation of brand identity, consumer identity and brand community identity. Journal of Business Research, 70. pp. 416-429. ISSN 0148-2963


Gounaris, Spiros and Chatzipanagiotou, Kalliopi and Boukis, Achilleas and Perks, Helen (2016) Unfolding the recipes for conflict resolution during the new service development effort. Journal of Business Research, 69 (10). 4042–4055. ISSN 0148-2963

Jafari, Aliakbar and Sandikci, Özlem (2016) The ontological pitfalls of Islamic exceptionalism : a re-inquiry on El-Bassiouny’s (2014, 2015) conceptualization of "Islamic marketing". Journal of Business Research, 69 (3). pp. 1175-1181. ISSN 0148-2963

Higgins, Leighanne and Hamilton, Kathy (2016) Mini-miracles : transformations of self from consumption of the Lourdes pilgrimage. Journal of Business Research, 69 (1). pp. 25-32. ISSN 0148-2963


Jafari, Aliakbar and Sandikci, Özlem (2015) 'Islamic' consumers, markets, and marketing : a critique of El-Bassiouny's (2014) "The one-billion-plus marginalization". Journal of Business Research, 68 (12). pp. 2676-2682. ISSN 0148-2963


Yi, Youjae and Gong, Taeshik (2013) Customer value co-creation behavior : scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 66 (9). pp. 1279-1284. ISSN 0148-2963

Li, Y. and He, Hong-Wei (2013) Evaluation of international brand alliances : Brand order and consumer ethnocentrism. Journal of Business Research, 66 (1). pp. 89-97. ISSN 0148-2963

Kipnis, Eva and Broderick, Amanda J. and Demangeot, Catherine and Adkins, Natalie Ross and Ferguson, Nakeisha S. and Henderson, Geraldine Rosa and Johnson, Guillaume and Mandiberg, James M. and Mueller, Rene Dentiste and Pullig, Chris and Roy, Abhijit and Zuñiga, Miguel (2013) Branding beyond prejudice : cultural branding and consumer well-being in multicultural marketplaces. Journal of Business Research, 66 (8). pp. 1186-1194. ISSN 0148-2963


Barbopoulos, Leonidas and Paudyal, Krishna and Pescetto, Gioia (2012) Legal systems and gains from cross-border acquisitions. Journal of Business Research, 65 (9). pp. 1301-1312. ISSN 0148-2963

He, Hongwei and Li, Yan and Harris, Lloyd (2012) Social identity perspective on brand loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 65 (5). pp. 648-657. ISSN 0148-2963

Finch, John and Wagner, Beverly A and Hynes, Niki (2012) Resources prospectively : how actors mobilize resources in business settings. Journal of Business Research, 65 (2). 164–174. ISSN 0148-2963

Cheung, Catherine and Baum, Tom and Wong, Alan (2012) Relocating empowerment as a management concept for Asia. Journal of Business Research, 65 (1). pp. 36-41. ISSN 0148-2963


Woisetschlager, D. M. and Lentz, P. and Evanschitzky, H. (2011) How habits, social ties, and economic switching barriers affect customer loyalty in contractual service settings. Journal of Business Research, 64 (8). pp. 800-808. ISSN 0148-2963

Walsh, G. and Shiu, E. and Hassan, L. M. and Michaelidou, N. and Beatty, S. E. (2011) Emotions, store-environmental cues, store-choice criteria, and marketing outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 64 (7). pp. 737-744. ISSN 0148-2963

Shiu, E. and Pervan, S. J. and Bove, L. L. and Beatty, S. E. (2011) Reflections on discriminant validity : Reexamining the Bove et al. (2009) findings. Journal of Business Research, 64 (5). pp. 497-500. ISSN 0148-2963

Yi, Youjae and Nataraajan, Rajan and Gong, Taeshik (2011) Customer participation and citizenship behavioral influences on employee performance, satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention. Journal of Business Research, 64 (1). pp. 87-95. ISSN 0148-2963


Gounaris, Spiros and Koritos, Christos and Vassilikopoulou, Katerina (2010) Person–place congruency in the Internet Banking context. Journal of Business Research, 63 (9-10). pp. 943-949. ISSN 0148-2963


Walsh, G. and Beatty, S. and Shiu, E.M.K. (2009) The customer-based corporate reputation scale: replication and short form. Journal of Business Research, 62 (10). pp. 924-930. ISSN 0148-2963

Bove, L. and Pervan, S. and Beatty, S. and Shiu, E.M.K. (2009) Service worker role in encouraging customer organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 62 (7). pp. 698-705. ISSN 0148-2963

Shiu, E.M.K. and Hassan, L.M. and Walsh, G. (2009) Demarketing tobacco through governmental policies - the 4Ps revisited. Journal of Business Research, 62. pp. 269-278. ISSN 0148-2963

Doherty, Anne Marie (2009) Market and partner selection processes in international retail franchising. Journal of Business Research, 62 (May). pp. 528-534. ISSN 0148-2963


Van Wangenheim, F. and Evanschitzky, H. and Wunderlich, M. (2007) Does the employee-customer satisfaction link hold for all employee groups? Journal of Business Research, 60 (7). pp. 690-697. ISSN 0148-2963

Alvarez-Gil, Maria Jose and Berrone, Pascual and Husillos, Javier and Lado, Nora (2007) Reverse logistics, stakeholders' influence, organizational slack, and managers' posture. Journal of Business Research, 60 (5). pp. 463-473. ISSN 0148-2963

Evanschitzky, H. and Baumgarth, C. and Hubbard, R. and Armstrong, J. (2007) Replication research's disturbing trend. Journal of Business Research, 60 (4). pp. 411-415. ISSN 0148-2963


Evanschitzky, H. and Iyer, G.R. and Plabmann, H. (2006) The relative strength of affective commitment in securing loyalty in service relationships. Journal of Business Research, 59 (12). pp. 1207-1213. ISSN 0148-2963

Gounaris, Spiros (2006) Internal-market orientation and its measurement. Journal of Business Research, 59 (4). pp. 432-448. ISSN 0148-2963


Hibbert, Sally A. and Home, Suzanne and Tagg, Stephen K. (2005) Charity retailers in competition for merchandise: Examining how consumers dispose of used goods. Journal of Business Research, 58 (6). pp. 819-828. ISSN 0148-2963

Gounaris, Spiros (2005) Trust and commitment influences on customer retention : insights from business-to-business services. Journal of Business Research, 58 (2). pp. 126-140. ISSN 0148-2963

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