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Number of items: 35.


Kawaf, Fatema and Tagg, Stephen (2017) The construction of online shopping experience : a repertory grid approach. Computers in Human Behaviour, 72. pp. 222-232. ISSN 0747-5632


Tagg, Stephen and Shephard, Mark Peter and Quinlan, Stephen (2014) Scottish independence social media analyses : some R tm analyses. In: Social Media Analysis : Methods and Ethics, 2014-04-25 - 2014-04-25, University of Glasgow.

Shephard, Mark Peter and Quinlan, Stephen and Tagg, Stephen and Paterson, Lindsay; Mycock, Andrew and Tonge, Jonathan, eds. (2014) Engaging the brain as well as the heart : political literacy and social media platforms. In: Beyond the Youth Citizenship Commission. Political Studies Association, London, pp. 37-41. ISBN 9780956966148

Harrison, Tina Suzanne and Onyia, Okey Peter and Tagg, Stephen K. (2014) Towards a universal model of internet banking adoption : initial conceptualization. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 32 (7). pp. 647-687. ISSN 0265-2323


Shephard, Mark Peter and Quinlan, Stephen and Tagg, Stephen and Paterson, Lindsay; (2013) Dealing with information from social media. In: Understanding Research on Social Attitudes Regarding the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014. Applied Quantitative Methods Network.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue and Karagiannidou, Eleni and Duncan, Sallyanne and Ruthven, Ian and Tagg, Stephen and McDiarmid, Alisdair; Maj, Anna, ed. (2013) Anti-social e-tribes : e-gangs, cybercultures and control in online communities. In: Cyberculture Now. Critical Issues (1). Inter-Disciplinary Press, CZE, pp. 55-67. ISBN 9781848881785


Freel, M. and Carter, S.L. and Tagg, Stephen and Mason, Colin (2012) The latent demand for bank debt : characterizing 'discouraged borrowers'. Small Business Economics, 38 (4). pp. 399-418.

Kawaf, Fatema and Tagg, Stephen (2012) Online shopping environments in fashion shopping : an S-O-R based review. Marketing Review, 12 (2). pp. 161-180. ISSN 1469-347X


Onyia, Okey Peter and Tagg, Stephen K (2011) Effects of demographic factors on bank customers' attitudes and intention toward Internet banking adoption in a major developing African country. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 16 (3/4). pp. 294-315. ISSN 1363-0539

Mason, Colin M. and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen (2011) Invisible businesses : the characteristics of home-based businesses in the United Kingdom. Regional Studies, 45 (5). pp. 625-639. ISSN 0034-3404

Mason, Colin and Tagg, Stephen and Carter, Sara; Borch, Odd Jarl and Fayolle, Alain and Kyroe, Paula and Ljunggren, Elisabet, eds. (2011) Does Education matter? : The characteristics and performances of businesses started by recent university graduates. In: Entrepreneurship Research in Europe. European Research in Entrepreneurship . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 13-33. ISBN 978-0-85793-174-0


Wombacher, Jörg and Tagg, S.K. and Bürgi, Thomas and MacBryde, Jillian C. (2010) Measuring sense of community in the military : cross-cultural evidence for the validity of the brief sense of community scale and its underlying theory. Journal of Community Psychology, 38 (6). 671–687.

Wilson, Fiona and Tagg, Stephen (2010) Social constructionism and personal constructivism : getting the business owner's view on the role of sex and gender. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2 (1). pp. 68-82. ISSN 1756-6266


Carter, S.L. and Mason, C.M. and Tagg, S.K. (2009) Perceptions and experience of employment regulation in UK small firms. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (2). pp. 263-278. ISSN 1472-3425

Tagg, S.K. (2009) Book reveiw: Doing conversation, discourse and document analysis. International Journal of Market Research, 51 (3). pp. 428-429. ISSN 0025-3618

Mason, Colin and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen; Landstrom, Hans and Smallbone, D and Jones-Evans, D, eds. (2009) The Entrepreneur in 'Risk Society': The Personal Consequences of Business Failure. In: Entrepreneurship and growth in local, regional and national economies: frontiers in european entrepreneurship research. Edward Elgar, pp. 184-204.


Mason, Colin and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen; Dwelly, Tim and Lake, Andy, eds. (2008) Business begins at home. In: Can homeworking save the planet? How homes can become workspace in a low carbon economy. The Smith Institute, London.


Vos, Ed and Yeh, Andy Jia-Yuh and Carter, Sara L. and Tagg, Stephen K. (2007) The happy story of small business financing. Journal of Banking and Finance, 31 (9). pp. 2648-2672. ISSN 0378-4266

Wilson, Fiona and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen and Shaw, Eleanor and Lam, Wing (2007) Bank loan officers' perceptions of business owners: the role of gender. British Journal of Management, 18 (2). pp. 154-171. ISSN 1045-3172

Black, Iain and Tagg, Stephen (2007) A grounded theory of doctors' information search behaviour. Implications for information provision, pharmaceutical market entry and development. Journal of Marketing Management, 23 (3-4). pp. 347-366. ISSN 0267-257X


Mason, Colin M. and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen K. (2006) The effect of the national minimum wage on the UK small business sector : a geographical analysis. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24 (1). pp. 99-116. ISSN 1472-3425


Hibbert, Sally A. and Home, Suzanne and Tagg, Stephen K. (2005) Charity retailers in competition for merchandise: Examining how consumers dispose of used goods. Journal of Business Research, 58 (6). pp. 819-828. ISSN 0148-2963

Erdogan, B.Z. and Tagg, S. and Hart, S. (2005) Identifying 'Dr Innovator' in the primary care sector in the UK. Journal of Medical Marketing, 5 (1). pp. 77-84. ISSN 1745-7904

Stead, M.V. and Tagg, S.K. and Mackintosh, A.M. and Eadie, A. (2005) Development and evaluation of a mass media theory of planned behaviour intervention to reduce speeding. Health Education Research, 20 (1). pp. 36-50. ISSN 0268-1153


Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen and Dimitratos, Pavlos (2004) Beyond portfolio entrepreneurship: multiple income sources in small firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 16 (6). pp. 481-500. ISSN 0898-5626

Carter, S.L. and Tagg, S.K. and Mason, C.M. (2004) Lifting the Barriers to Growth in UK Small Businesses. Federation of Small Business.

Tagg, Stephen and Mason, Colin and Carter, Sara (2004) Lifting the barriers to growth in UK small businesses: 2004 biennial survey of FSB membership. Unknown Publisher.


Erdogan, B. Zafer and Tagg, Stephen (2003) The advertising agency manager's response patterns to a mail survey and follow-ups. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 21 (6). pp. 392-399. ISSN 0263-4503


Stead, Martine and Eadie, Douglas and Mackintosh, A.M. and Stead, A.M. and Tagg, S.K. (2002) Changing speeding behaviour in Scotland : an evaluation of the 'Foolsspeed' campaign. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780755934546

Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen and Brierton, J. (2002) Restricted access : women's business ownership in profile. Prowess.

Tagg, S.K. and Taggart, J.H. and Wheeler, C.N.; Tagg, S.K. and Taggart, J.H. and Wheeler, C.N., eds. (2002) Modelling the export marketing strategy - performance relationship. In: International Business: Adjusting to New Challenges and Opportunities. Academy of International Business Series . Palgrave, United Kingdom, pp. 181-193. ISBN 0-333-984110


Hart, Susan and Soehadi, A.W. and Tagg, S.K. (2001) Measuring market orientation in the Indonesian retail context. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 9 (4). pp. 285-299. ISSN 0965-254X

Barkworth, Louise and Hibbert, Sally and Horne, Suzanne and Tagg, Stephen (2001) Giving at risk? Examining perceived risk and blood donation behaviour. Journal of Marketing Management, 18 (9-10). pp. 905-922. ISSN 0267-257X

Hibbert, Sally and Tagg, Stephen (2001) Shopping motivation: Investigating the shopping process and outcomes of the retail experience at a craft fair. Journal of Marketing Management, 17 (3-4). pp. 341-366. ISSN 0267-257X


Andriopoulos, C. and Webb, Julian and Tzokas, Nikolaos and Tagg, Stephen and Lowe, A. and Ennis, Sean and Carter, S.L. (2000) Barriers to survival and growth in UK small firms : regional reports. Unknown Publisher.

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