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Number of items: 149.


Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian (2025) Grey digital divide : factors associated with older people’s use of the internet for financial transactions in the UK. Journal of Documentation. ISSN 0022-0418 (In Press)

Hicks, Alison and McKenzie, Pamela and Bronstein, Jenny and Hyldegård, Jette and Ruthven, Ian and Widén, Gunilla (2025) Information avoidance : A critical conceptual review. An Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) paper. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 76 (1). pp. 326-346. ISSN 0066-4200


Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian; Oliver, Gillian and Frings-Hessami, Viviane and Du, Jia Tina and Tezuka, Taro, eds. (2024) A framework to facilitate older people in leveraging online financial services. In: Sustainability and Empowerment in the Context of Digital Libraries. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, MYS, pp. 305-319. ISBN 9789819608652

McKenzie, Pamela and Hicks, Alison and Bronstein, Jenny and Hyldegård, Jette and Ruthven, Ian and Widén, Gunilla (2024) The shape(s) of information practice : using Radial Mapping Qualitatively. In: 87th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2024-10-25 - 2024-10-29.

Nangia, Pranay and Ruthven, Ian (2024) A review of the literature on spirituality and religion in information research - 1990 to 2022. Journal of Documentation. ISSN 0022-0418

Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian (2024) A framework to facilitate older people in leveraging online financial services. In: ICADL - 26th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries and AP iSchools, 2024-12-04 - 2024-12-06, Malaysia. (In Press)

Robson, Kieran and Ruthven, Ian and Innocenti, Perla (2024) God’s intermediaries : a study into chaplains' information behaviour. In: Information Seeking in Context 2024 (ISIC2024), 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-29.

Ruthven, Ian (2024) Information sculpting. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 75 (4). pp. 483-495. ISSN 2330-1643

Ruthven, Ian (2024) Information shaping. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 75 (4). pp. 469-482. ISSN 2330-1643

Clark, Malcolm and Ruthven, Ian; Sserwanga, Isaac and Joho, Hideo and Ma, Jie and Hansen, Preben and Wu, Dan and Koizumi, Masanori and Gilliland, Anne J., eds. (2024) Genre recognition : a model of behaviour. In: Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783031578502

Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian; Sserwanga, Isaac and Joho, Hideo and Ma, Jie and Hansen, Preben and Wu, Dan and Koizumi, Masanori and Gilliland, Anne J., eds. (2024) Are older people battling with digital financial services? In: Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, CHN, pp. 139-146. ISBN 9783031578502

Soufan, Ayah and Ruthven, Ian and Azzopardi, Leif (2024) Uncharted territory : understanding exploratory search behaviours in literature reviews. In: 2024 ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, 2024-03-10 - 2024-03-14.

Byström, Katriina and Kumpulainen, Sanna and Pharo, Nils and Ruthven, Ian; Clough, Paul and Harvey, Morgan and Hopfgartner, Frank, eds. (2024) The concept of information need and its operationalization in CHIIR research. In: CHIIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 431-432. ISBN 9798400704345


Munro, Keith and Ruthven, Ian and Innocenti, Perla (2023) Can you feel it? The information behaviour of creative DJs. Journal of Documentation, 79 (4). pp. 830-846. ISSN 0022-0418

Nangia, Pranay and Ruthven, Ian (2023) Contemporary spiritual seeking : understanding information interactions in contemplation and spirituality. Journal of Documentation, 79 (4). pp. 922-936. ISSN 0022-0418

Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian; (2023) Exploring older people's challenges on online banking/finance systems : early findings. In: CHIIR 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. ACM, USA, 333–337. ISBN 9798400700354

Martínez-Comeche, Juan Antonio and Ruthven, Ian (2023) Informational features of WhatsApp in everyday life in Madrid : an exploratory study. Journal of Information Science, 49 (1). pp. 122-132. ISSN 0165-5515

McMenemy, David and Robinson, Elaine and Ruthven, Ian (2023) The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on public libraries in the UK : findings from a national study. Public Library Quarterly, 42 (1). pp. 92-110. ISSN 1541-1540

Belabbes, Mohamed Amine and Ruthven, Ian and Moshfeghi, Yashar and Pennington, Diane (2023) Information overload : a concept analysis. Journal of Documentation, 79 (1). pp. 144-159. ISSN 0022-0418


Ruthven, Ian (2022) The physicality of early-stage information needs. In: ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium, 2022-10-08 - 2022-10-09.

Nicol, Emma and Willson, Rebekah and Ruthven, Ian and Elsweiler, David and Buchanan, George (2022) Information intermediaries and information resilience : working to support marginalised groups. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 59 (1). pp. 469-473. ISSN 2373-9231

Ruthven, Ian and Robinson, Elaine and McMenemy, David (2022) The value of digital and physical library services in UK public libraries and why they are not interchangeable. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55 (4). pp. 1143-1154. ISSN 0961-0006

Nangia, Pranay and Ruthven, Ian (2022) Spiritual information and meaning-making : exploring personal narratives of residents at a contemplative spiritual retreat centre. In: ISIC 2022 Information Seeking in Context Conference, 2022-09-26 - 2022-09-29.

Ruthven, Ian (2022) Dealing With Change Through Information Sculpting. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, West Yorkshire. ISBN 9781803820484

Munro, Keith and Ruthven, Ian and Innocenti, Perla (2022) DJing as serious leisure and a higher thing; characteristics of the information behaviour of creative DJs. Brio: Journal of the UK Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries, 59 (1). ISSN 0007-0173

Nangia, Pranay and Ruthven, Ian (2022) Spiritual needs and modern librarianship : a survey of practising librarians in a Western context. In: CoLIS11 Conceptions of Library and Information Science, 2022-05-29 - 2022-06-01.

Robinson, Elaine and Ruthven, Ian and McMenemy, David (2022) Delivering services in the new normal : recording the experiences of UK public library staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55 (3). pp. 617-633. ISSN 0961-0006

Ruthven, Ian (2022) An information behavior theory of transitions. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73 (4). pp. 579-593. ISSN 2330-1643

Soufan, Ayah and Ruthven, Ian and Azzopardi, Leif (2022) Searching the literature : an analysis of an exploratory search task. In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval 2022, 2022-03-14 - 2022-03-18, Virtual.

Alhayan, Fatimah and Pennington, Diane and Ruthven, Ian (2022) "She seems more human" : understanding Twitter users' credibility assessments of dementia-related information. In: iConference 2022, 2022-02-28 - 2022-03-04, Virtual/Online.


Soufan, Ayah and Ruthven, Ian and Azzopardi, Leif; (2021) Untangling the concept of task in information seeking and retrieval. In: ICTIR 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval. ACM, New York, NY., 73–81. ISBN 9781450386111

Martínez-Comeche, Juan-Antonio and Ruthven, Ian (2021) Engaging interaction and long-term engagement with WhatsApp in an everyday life context : exploratory study. Journal of Documentation, 77 (4). pp. 825-850. ISSN 0022-0418

Robinson, Elaine and McMenemy, David and Ruthven, Ian (2021) Downloading the new normal: exploring public library digital service use during COVID : some preliminary findings from Scottish data. In: CILIPS Annual Conference 2021, 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-08, Virtual.

Clarke, Loraine and Hornecker, Eva and Ruthven, Ian; (2021) Fighting fires and powering steam locomotives : Distribution of control and its role in social interaction at tangible interactive museum exhibits. In: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI'21. ACM, New York, NY.. ISBN 9781450380966

Oduntan, Olubukola and Ruthven, Ian (2021) People and places : bridging the information gaps in refugee integration. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 72 (1). pp. 83-96. ISSN 2330-1643


Ruthven, Ian (2020) Resonance and the experience of relevance. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 72 (5). pp. 554-569. ISSN 2330-1643

Oduntan, Olubukola Olajumoke and Ruthven, Ian (2020) Situational information behaviour : exploring the complexity of refugee integration. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion, 4 (2). 34033. ISSN 2574-3430

Borlund, Pia and Ruthven, Ian (2020) Information need : introduction to the special issue. Information Processing and Management, 57 (2). 102103. ISSN 0306-4573


Albassam, Sarah Ahmed A and Ruthven, Ian (2019) Dynamic aspects of relevance : differences in users' relevance criteria between selecting and viewing videos during leisure searches. Information Research. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1368-1613 (In Press)

Oduntan, Olubukola and Ruthven, Ian (2019) The information needs matrix : a navigational guide for refugee integration. Information Processing and Management, 56 (3). pp. 791-808. ISSN 0306-4573

Ruthven, Ian; (2019) Making meaning : a focus for information interactions research. In: CHIIR '19 Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. ACM, GBR, pp. 163-171. ISBN 9781450360258

Economou, Maria and Ruthven, Ian and Galani, Areti and de Niet, Marco (2019) Editorial note for special issue on the evaluation of digital cultural resources. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 12 (1). 1e. ISSN 1556-4673

Buchanan, Steven and Jardine, Cara and Ruthven, Ian (2019) Information behaviours in disadvantaged and dependent circumstances and the role of information intermediaries. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 70 (2). pp. 117-129. ISSN 2330-1643

Damala, Areti and Ruthven, Ian and Hornecker, Eva (2019) The MUSETECH model : a comprehensive evaluation framework for museum technology. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 12 (1). 7. ISSN 1556-4673

Ruthven, Ian (2019) The language of information need : differentiating conscious and formalized information needs. Information Processing and Management, 56 (1). pp. 77-90. ISSN 0306-4573

Damala, Areti and Ruthven, Ian and Hornecker, Eva (2019) The MUSETECH Companion : Navigating the Matrix. Guide or manual. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Ruthven, Ian and Pennington, Diane; Byström, Katriina and Heinström, Jannica and Ruthven, Ian, eds. (2018) Information attributes. In: Information at Work. Facet Publishing, London. ISBN 9781783302772

Ruthven, Ian and Buchanan, Steven and Jardine, Cara (2018) Isolated, overwhelmed and worried : young first-time mothers asking for information and support online. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69 (9). pp. 1073-1083. ISSN 2330-1643

Ruthven, Ian and Buchanan, Steven and Jardine, Cara (2018) Relationships, environment, health and development : the information needs expressed online by young first-time mothers. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69 (8). pp. 985-995. ISSN 2330-1643

Albassam, Sarah Ahmed A and Ruthven, Ian (2018) Users' relevance criteria for video in leisure contexts. Journal of Documentation, 74 (1). pp. 62-79. ISSN 0022-0418

Buchanan, Steven and Jardine, Cara and Ruthven, Ian; (2018) Developing information literacy in dependent and disadvantaged circumstances : a transitional approach in the digital health context. In: Fifth European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), Sep 18-21 2017, Saint-Malo, France. Communications in Computer and Information Science . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 409-418. ISBN 978-3-319-74333-2


Oduntan, Olubukola Olajumoke and Ruthven, Ian (2017) Investigating the information gaps in refugee integration. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 54 (1). pp. 308-317. ISSN 2373-9231

Buchanan, Steven and Jardine, Cara and Ruthven, Ian; (2017) Meaningful digital health interventions : bridging digital divides via tailored design. In: 8th Annual Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems 2017 Symposium. McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, USA.


Damala, Areti and Hornecker, Eva and van der Vaart, Merel and van Dijk, Dick and Ruthven, Ian (2016) The Loupe : tangible augmented reality for learning to look at Ancient Greek art. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16 (5). pp. 73-85. ISSN 2241-8121

Tinto, Fiona and Ruthven, Ian (2016) Sharing "happy" information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 67 (10). pp. 2329-2343. ISSN 1532-2890

Byström, Katriina and Ruthven, Ian and Heinström, Jannica (2016) Work and information : which workplace models still work in modern digital workplaces? In: 9th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 9), 2016-06-27 - 2016-06-29, Sweden. (In Press)

Damala, Areti and van der Vaart, Merel and Clarke, Loraine and Hornecker, Eva and Avram, Gabriela and Kockelkorn, Hub and Ruthven, Ian (2016) Evaluating tangible and multisensory museum visiting experiences : lessons learned from the meSch project. In: Museums and the Web 2016, 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-09.

Loudon, Katherine and Buchanan, Steven and Ruthven, Ian (2016) The everyday life information seeking behaviours of first-time mothers. Journal of Documentation, 72 (1). pp. 24-46. ISSN 0022-0418


Clarke, Loraine and Nicol, Emma and Ruthven, Ian (2015) Involving the museum visitor community in designing exhibits. In: Cultural Heritage Communities: Technologies and Challenges, 2015-06-28 - 2015-06-28, 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies.

Tinto, Fiona and Ruthven, Ian (2015) Sharing happy information : responses and self-portrayal. Information Research, 20 (1). ISSN 1368-1613


Ruthven, Ian (2014) Relevance behaviour in TREC. Journal of Documentation, 70 (6). pp. 1098-1117. ISSN 0022-0418

Tinto, Fiona and Ruthven, Ian; (2014) Sharing happy information : responses and self-portrayal. In: ISIC. UNSPECIFIED.

Damala, Areti and Hornecker, Eva and Ruthven, Ian and Ciolfi, Luigina and Petrelli, Daniela (2014) Forging memorable and multisensory museum visiting experiences : tangible interaction, co-design, digital fabrication and do-it-yourself approaches. In: Digital Heritage 2014 : Digital Communities in Action, 2014-07-12, University of York.

Clark, Malcolm and Ruthven, Ian and O'Brian Holt, Partick and Song, Dawei and Watt, Stuart (2014) You have email, what happens next? Tracking the eyes for genre. Information Processing and Management, 50 (1). pp. 175-198. ISSN 0306-4573

Hasler, Laura and Ruthven, Ian and Buchanan, Steven (2014) Using internet groups in situations of information poverty : topics and information needs. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 1532-2890


Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue and Karagiannidou, Eleni and Duncan, Sallyanne and Ruthven, Ian and Tagg, Stephen and McDiarmid, Alisdair; Maj, Anna, ed. (2013) Anti-social e-tribes : e-gangs, cybercultures and control in online communities. In: Cyberculture Now. Critical Issues (1). Inter-Disciplinary Press, CZE, pp. 55-67. ISBN 9781848881785

Madden, Amy and Ruthven, Ian and McMenemy, David (2013) A classification scheme for content analyses of YouTube video comments. Journal of Documentation, 69 (5). pp. 693-714. ISSN 0022-0418


Balatsoukas, Panagiotis and Ruthven, Ian (2012) An eye-tracking approach to the analysis of relevance judgments on the web : the case of Google search engine. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (9). pp. 1728-1746. ISSN 1532-2890

Ruthven, Ian; (2012) Grieving online : the use of search engines in times of grief and bereavement. In: Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium (IIIX '12). ACM, New York, pp. 120-128. ISBN 9781450312820

Muggleton, Thomas H. and Ruthven, Ian (2012) Homelessness and access to the informational mainstream. Journal of Documentation, 68 (2). pp. 218-237. ISSN 0022-0418


Harvey, Morgan Alexander and Carman, M. and Ruthven, Ian and Crestani, Fabio (2011) Bayesian latent variable models for collaborative item rating prediction. In: ACM CIKM, 2011-03-31.

Hasler, Laura and Ruthven, Ian (2011) Escaping information poverty through internet newsgroups. In: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 5th International conference on weblogs and social media, 2011-07-17 - 2011-07-21.

Harvey, Morgan and Ruthven, Ian and Carman, Mark J. (2011) Improving social bookmark search using personalised latent variable language models. In: 4th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2011-02-09 - 2011-02-12.

D. Elsweiler, M. Baillie and Ruthven, I.; (2011) What makes re-finding information difficult? A study of email re-finding. In: 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011). Springer-Verlag.


Clark, Malcolm and Ruthven, Ian and Holt, Patrik O'Brian (2010) Perceiving and using genre by form - an eye-tracking study. Libri, 60 (3).

Harvey, M. and Ruthven, I. and Carman, M. (2010) Ranking social bookmarks using topic models. In: 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, 2010-10-26 - 2010-10-30.

Beresi, U. Cervino and Kim, Y. and Song, D. and Ruthven, I. and Baillie, M.; (2010) Relevance in technicolor. In: 14th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2010). UNSPECIFIED, GBR.

Poddar, Arti and Ruthven, Ian; (2010) The emotional impact of search tasks. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Information Interaction in Context Symposium (IIiX 2010). ACM, USA, pp. 35-44. ISBN 9781450302470

Sahib, Nuzhah Gooda and Tombros, Anastasios and Ruthven, Ian; Gurrin, Cathal and He, Yulan and Kazai, Gabriella and Kruschwitz, Udo and Little, Suzanne and Roelleke, Thomas and Rüger, Stefan and van Rijsbergen, Keith, eds. (2010) Enabling interactive query expansion through eliciting the potential effect of expansion terms. In: Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5993 . Springer-Verlag, GBR, pp. 532-543. ISBN 9783642122743

Yusoff, Y. Modh and Landoni, M. and Ruthven, I. (2010) Assessing fun: young children as evaluators of interactive systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ruthven, Ian and Clews, Caroline and Dali, Wajihah Haji Md; (2010) First impressions : how search engine results contextualise digital identities. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Information Interaction in Context Symposium (IIiX 2010). ACM, USA, pp. 311-316. ISBN 9781450302470

Buchanan, S. and McMenemy, D. and Ruthven, I. and Cousins, F. (2010) From strategy to information systems architecture: a review of public library strategic planning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kelly, D. and Ruthven, I.; F. Astrom, B. Larsen and Schneider, J. W., eds. (2010) Search procedures revisited. In: The Janus Faced Scholar - a Festschrift in Honour of Peter Ingwersen. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 59-67.

Sykes, J. and Dobreva, M. and Birrell, D. and McCulloch, E. and Ruthven, I. and Unal, Y. and Feliciati, P.; (2010) A new focus on end-users : eye-tracking analysis for digital libraries. In: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. ECDL 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Berlin, pp. 510-513. ISBN 9783642154638


Mohd, M. and Crestani, F. and Ruthven, I.; (2009) Design of an interface for interactive topic detection and tracking. In: 8th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2009). Springer, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 227-238.

Elsweiler, D. and Baillie, M. and Ruthven, I. (2009) On understanding the relationship between recollection and refinding. Journal of Digital Information, 10 (5). ISSN 1368-7506


Ruthven, Ian (2008) Interactive information retrieval. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 42. pp. 43-92. ISSN 0066-4200

Elsweiler, D. and Baillie, M. and Ruthven, I. (2008) Exploring memory in email refinding. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26 (4). 21.

Ruthven, Ian and Baillie, Mark and Azzopardi, Leif and Bierig, Ralf and Nicol, Emma and Sweeney, Simon and Yakici, Murat (2008) Contextual factors affecting the utility of surrogates within exploratory search. Information Processing and Management, 44 (2). pp. 437-462.

Baillie, Mark and Azzopardi, Leif and Ruthven, Ian (2008) Evaluating epistemic uncertainty under incomplete assessments. Information Processing and Management, 44 (2). pp. 811-837. ISSN 0306-4573

Borlund, P. and Ruthven, I. (2008) Introduction to the special issue on evaluating interactive information retrieval systems. Information Processing and Management, 44 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0306-4573

Ruthven, I. and Elsweiler, D. and Nicol, E.; (2008) Designing for users : an holistic approach to teaching Information Retrieval. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Teaching and Learning Information Retrieval. Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWIC) . British Computer Society, London.


Azzopardi, Leif and Baillie, Mark and Ruthven, Ian; (2007) Persuasive, authorative and topical answers for complex question answering. In: The Sixteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2007) Proceedings. NIST, USA.

Ruthven, I. and Azzopardi, L. and Baillie, M. and Bierig, R. and Nicol, E. and Sweeney, S. and Yakici, M. (2007) Intra-Assessor consistency in question answering. In: 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, 2007-07-23 - 2007-07-27.

Yakici, M. and Baillie, M. and Ruthven, I. and Crestani, F. (2007) Modelling epistemic uncertainty in IR evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 07), 2007-07-23 - 2007-07-27. (Unpublished)

Elsweiler, David and Ruthven, Ian and Jones, Christopher (2007) Towards memory supporting personal information management tools. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 (7). pp. 924-946. ISSN 1532-2882

Crestani, Fabio and Ruthven, Ian (2007) Introduction to special issue on contextual information retrieval systems. Information Retrieval, 10 (2). pp. 111-113. ISSN 1573-7659

Elsweiler, David and Ruthven, Ian EPSRC (Funder) (2007) Towards task-based personal information management evaluations. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM, New York, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781595935977

Rodden, K. and Ruthven, I. and White, R. W. (2007) Workshop on web information seeking and interaction. ACM SIGIR Forum, 41 (2). pp. 63-67.

Ruthven, I. and Baillie, M. and Elsweiler, D. (2007) The relative effects of knowledge, interest and confidence in assessing relevance. Journal of Documentation, 63 (4). pp. 482-504. ISSN 0022-0418

Baillie, M. and Azzopardi, L. and Ruthven, I.; (2007) A retrieval evaluation methodology for incomplete relevance assessments. In: Advances in Information Retrieval: 29th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4425 . Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-71494-1


Elsweiler, D. and Ruthven, I. and Ma, L. (2006) Considering human memory in PIM. In: SIGIR 2006 Workshop on Personal Information Management, 2006-08-10 - 2006-08-11.

White, Ryen W. and Ruthven, I. (2006) A study of interface support mechanisms for interactive information retrieval. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57 (7). pp. 933-948. ISSN 1532-2882

Azzopardi, C. and Azzopardi, L. and Baillie, M. and Bierig, R. and Nicol, E. and Ruthven, I. and Sweeney, S.; Voorhees, E.M. and Buckland, L.P., eds. (2006) Contextual information and assessor characteristics in complex question answering. In: The Fifteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2006) Proceedings. NIST.

Baillie, Mark and Ruthven, Ian; (2006) Examining assessor attributes at HARD 2005. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '06). ACM Press, New York, NY., pp. 609-610. ISBN 1595933697

Ruthven, Ian; Ruthven, I. and Borlund, P. and Ingwersen, P. and Belkin, N.J. and Tombros, A. and Vakkari, P., eds. (2006) Preface to Proceedings of the 1st international conference on information interaction in context. In: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Information interaction in context. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 176 . ACM Press.

Wen, L. and Ruthven, I. and Borlund, P.; Lalmas, M., ed. (2006) The effects on topic familiarity on online search behaviour and use of relevance criteria. In: Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3936 . Springer, pp. 456-459. ISBN 9783540333470

White, R.W. and Jose, J.M. and Ruthven, I. (2006) An implicit feedback approach for interactive information retrieval. Information Processing and Management, 42 (1). pp. 166-190. ISSN 0306-4573


White, Ryen W. and Jose, Joemon M. and Ruthven, I. (2005) Using top-ranking sentences to facilitate effective information access. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56 (10). pp. 1113-1125. ISSN 1532-2882

White, Ryen W. and Jose, Joemon M. and Ruthven, I.; (2005) A study of factors affecting the utility of implicit relevance feedback. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM Press, pp. 35-42. ISBN 1-59593-034-5

Bailey, Alex and Ruthven, Ian and Azzopardi, Leif; (2005) Evaluating user studies in information access. In: Context. CoLIS'05, 3507 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 251. ISBN 978-3-540-26178-0

Tombros, A. and Ruthven, I. and Jose, J.M. (2005) How users assess web pages for information-seeking. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56 (4). pp. 327-344. ISSN 1532-2882

Elsweiler, David and Ruthven, Ian and Jones, Christopher (2005) Dealing with fragmented recollection of context in information management. In: Context-Based Information Retrieval (CIR-05) Workshop in Fifth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-05), 2005-07-05.

White, R.W. and Ruthven, I. and Jose, J.M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J. (2005) Evaluating implicit feedback models using searcher simulations. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 23 (3). pp. 325-361.

Ruthven, I.; Spink, A. and Cole, C., eds. (2005) Integrating approaches to relevance. In: New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval. Springer, pp. 61-80. ISBN 1-4020-4013-X

Baillie, M. and Elsweiler, D. and Nicol, E. and Ruthven, I. and Sweeney, S. and Yakici, M. and Crestani, F. and Landoni, M.; Voorhees, E.M. and Buckland, L.M., eds. (2005) University of Strathclyde at TREC HARD. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-14), 2005-11-15 - 2005-11-18.


Ruthven, I. (2004) Incorporating aspects of information use into relevance feedback. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2 (1). pp. 83-88. ISSN 0925-9902

Tombros, A. and Jose, J. and Ruthven, I.; Koch, T. and Solvberg, I.T., eds. (2004) Clustering top-ranking sentences for information access. In: Research and AdvancedTechnology for Digital Libraries. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, pp. 523-528. ISBN 3-540-40726-3

Bell, David J. and Ruthven, Ian; McDonald, S and Tait, J., eds. (2004) Searchers' assessments of task complexity for web searching. In: Advances in information retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, GBR, pp. 57-71. ISBN 978-3-540-24752-4

White, R.W. and Jose, J.M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J. and Ruthven, I.; MacDonald, S. and Tait, J., eds. (2004) A simulated study of implicit feedback models. In: Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2997 . Springer-Verlag, Sunderland, UK, pp. 311-326. ISBN 3540213821


Tombros, A. and Jose, J. and Ruthven, I. and White, R.W.; Rauterberg, G.M. and Menozzi, M. and Wesson, J., eds. (2003) Clustering the information space using top-ranking sentences : a study of user interaction. In: 9th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Interact 2003, 2003-09-01 - 2003-09-05.

White, R.W. and Jose, J.M. and Ruthven, I.; Rauterberg, G.M. and Menozzi, M. and Wesson, J., eds. (2003) A granular approach to web search result presentation. In: 9th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Interact 2003, 2003-09-01 - 2003-09-05.

Ruthven, Ian and Lalmas, Mounia and Roelleke, Thomas; Stephanidis, C., ed. (2003) Abductive retrieval for multimedia information seeking. In: 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. HCI International, 2003-06-22 - 2003-06-27.

Ruthven, Ian and Lalmas, Mounia (2003) A survey on the use of relevance feedback for information access systems. Knowledge Engineering Review, 18 (2). pp. 95-145. ISSN 0269-8889

Ruthven, I. and Lalmas, M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J. (2003) Incorporating user search behaviour into relevance feedback. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54 (6). pp. 528-548.

Ruthven, I. (2003) Re-examining the potential effectiveness of interactive query expansion. In: 26th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2003-07-28 - 2003-08-01.

White, R.W. and Jose, J. and Ruthven, I. (2003) A task-oriented study on the influencing effects of query-biased summarisation in web searching. Information Processing and Management, 39 (5). pp. 707-733. ISSN 0306-4573


Ruthven, I. and Lalmas, M. (2002) Using Dempster-Shafer's Theory of Evidence to combine aspects of information use. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 19 (3). pp. 267-301. ISSN 0925-9902

Ruthven, I.; Agosti, M and Thanos, C, eds. (2002) On the use of explanations as a mediating device for relevance feedback. In: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Technology : 6th European Conference, ECDL 2002, Rome, Italy, September 16-18, 2002. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2458 . Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 338-345. ISBN 3540441786

Ruthven, Ian and Lalmas, Mounia and van Rijsbergen, Keith; Bruce, H. and Fidel, R. and Ingwersen, P. and Vakkari, P., eds. (2002) Ranking expansion terms using partial and ostensive evidence. In: 4th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science. CoLIS 4, 2002-07-21 - 2002-07-25.

McEwan, C.J.A. and Ounis, I. and Ruthven, I.; Crestani, F. and Lalmas, M., eds. (2002) Building bilingual dictionaries from parallel web documents. In: Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2291 . Springer, Germany, pp. 303-323. ISBN 978-3-540-43343-9

Roelleke, Thomas and Lalmas, Mounia and Kazai, Gabriella and Ruthven, Ian and Quicker, Stefan; Crestani, F. and Dunlop, M. and Mizzaro, S., eds. (2002) The accessibility dimension for structured document retrieval. In: Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2291 . Springer, Germany, pp. 284-302. ISBN 978-3-540-43343-9

White, Ryen W. and Ruthven, Ian and Jose, Joemon M.; Crestani, Fabio and Girolami, M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J., eds. (2002) The use of implicit evidence for relevance feedback in web retrieval. In: Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2291 . Springer, Germany, pp. 93-109. ISBN 978-3-540-43343-9

White, R.W. and Jose, J.M. and Ruthven, I.; Voorhees, E.M. and Harman, D.K., eds. (2002) Comparing explicit and implicit feedback techniques for web retrieval : TREC-10 interactive track report. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-10), 2001-11-13 - 2001-11-16.

Ruthven, I. and Lalmas, M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J. (2002) Combining and selecting characteristics of information use. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53 (5). pp. 378-396.


White, R.W. and Ruthven, I. and Jose, J.M.; Mayer, H.C., ed. (2001) Web document summarisation : a task-oriented evaluation. In: International Workshop on Digital Libraries. Proceedings of the 12th International Database and Expert Systems Applications Conference (DEXA 2001), 2001-09-03 - 2001-09-07.

Ruthven, I. and Tombros, A. and Jose, J.M.; Thiel, U. and Fuhr, N., eds. (2001) A study on the use of summaries and summary-based query expansion for a question-answering task. In: 23rd BCS European Annual Colloquium on Information Retrieval Research (ECIR 2001), 2001-04-04 - 2001-04-06.


Alexander, N. and Brown, C. and Jose, J.M. and Ruthven, I. and Tombros, A.; Voorhees, E.M. and Harman, D.K., eds. (2000) Question-answering, relevance feedback and summarisation : TREC-9 interactive track report. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-9), 2000-11-13 - 2000-11-16.


Ruthven, I. and Lalmas, M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J.; Bridge, D.G. and Byrne, R.M. and O'Sullivan, B. and Prestwich, S. and Sorensen, H., eds. (1999) Retrieval through explanation : an abductive inference approach to relevance feedback. In: 10th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, 1999-09-01 - 1999-09-03.

Lalmas, M. and Ruthven, I.; Kawaguchi, E. and Kangassalo, H. and Jaakkola, H. and Hamid, I.A., eds. (1999) A framework for investigating the interaction in information retrieval. In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XI, 1999-05-24 - 1999-05-28.

Ruthven, Ian and Lalmas, Mounia; Aparac, T. and Saracevic, T. and Ingwersen, P. and Vakkari, P., eds. (1999) Selective relevance feedback using term characteristics. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 3), 1999-05-23 - 1999-05-26.

Lalmas, M. and Ruthven, I. (1999) Modelling the interaction in information retrieval. In: 9th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJ-IMKB), 1999-05-24 - 1999-05-28.


Lalmas, M. and Ruthven, I. (1998) Representing and retrieving structured documents using the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence. Journal of Documentation, 54 (5). pp. 529-565. ISSN 0022-0418


Lalmas, M. and Ruthven, I.; Fuhr, N. and Dittrich, G. and Tochtermann, K., eds. (1997) A model for structured document retrieval : empirical investigations. In: Hypermedia - Information Retrieval - Multimedia (HIM 97), 1997-09-29 - 1997-10-02.


Sanderson, Mark and Ruthven, Ian; Voorhess, E.M. and Harman, D.K., eds. (1996) Report on the Glasgow IR group (glair4) submission. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-5), 1995-11-01 - 1995-11-03.

Ruthven, I.; Crestani, F. and Girolami, M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J., eds. (1996) Recasting the context in information retrieval. In: Second International Workshop on Information retrieval, Logic and Uncertainty, 1996-07-12.

Ruthven, I. and van Rijsbergen, C.J.; Stewman, J., ed. (1996) Context generation and information retrieval. In: Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (Flairs 96), 1996-05-20 - 1996-05-22.


Crestani, F. and Ruthven, I. and Sanderson, M. and van Rijsbergen, C.J.; Harman, D.K., ed. (1995) The troubles with using a logical model of IR on a large collection of documents. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-4), 1995-11-01 - 1995-11-03.

Dunlop, Mark D. and Ruthven, Ian G.; Ruthven, I., ed. (1995) An analysis of the use of graphics for information retrieval. In: Electronic Workshops in Computing - MIRO 95, 1995-09-18 - 1995-09-20.

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