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Abendroth, S. and Heuze, R. and Weiss, S. (2002) A software defined radio front-end implementation. In: 2nd Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, 2002-03-20 - 2002-03-21.

Abid, Jean-Pierre and Wark, Alastair and Brevet, Pierre-Francois and Girault, Hubert (2002) Preparation of silver nanoparticles in solution from a silver salt by laser irradiation. Chemical Communications (7). pp. 792-793. ISSN 1364-548X

Abid, Muhammad and Nash, David and Webjorn, Jan (2002) Risk assessment studies of gasketed and non-gasketed bolted pipe joints. In: Proceedings of the 4th ASME International Pipelines Conference, 2002-10-01.

Ackermann, F. and de Vreede, G.J. (2002) Introduction to the special issue on group decision and negotiation 2001. Group Decision and Negotiation, 11 (2). pp. 65-67. ISSN 0926-2644

Adams, Simon; Collinson, Patrick, ed. (2002) Britain, Europe and the World. In: Short Oxford History of the British Isles: The Sixteenth Century. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 189-215. ISBN 019-820767

Adams, Simon (2002) Leicester and the court: essays on Elizabethan politics. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. ISBN 07190-5324

Agapiou, A. (2002) Exploring the attitudes of school-age children, their parents and educators to career prospects in the Scottish construction industry. Equal Opportunities International, 21 (8). pp. 18-29. ISSN 0261-0159

Agapiou, Andrew (2002) Perceptions of gender roles and attitudes towards work amongst male and female operatives in the Scottish construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 20 (8). pp. 697-705. ISSN 0144-6193

Agapiou, Andrew; (2002) The attitudes of school-age children, their parents and educators to career prospects in construction. In: Proceedings of the 19th ARCOM conference. Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM), GBR. ISBN 9780953416172

Agate, B. and Kemp, A. and Birkin, D.J.L. and Rafailov, E.U. and Brown, C.T.A. and Sibbett, W. and Battle, P. and Fry, T. and Mohatt, D.; (2002) Compact and highly efficient blue light sources: bulk and waveguide approaches to the single pass frequency doubling of femtosecond Cr:LiSAF lasrs. In: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the IEEE: Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2002 (LEOS 2002). IEEE, pp. 438-439. ISBN 0-7803-7500-9

Agate, B. and Kemp, A. and Brown, C.T.A. and Keller, U. and Sibbett, W.; (2002) Efficient, high-repetition rate, blue source using a compact CR:LiSAF laser. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2002. CLEO '02. Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 338-339. ISBN 1557527067

Agate, B. and Kemp, A. and Brown, C.T.A. and Sibbett, W. (2002) Efficient, high repetition-rate femtosecond blue source using a compact Cr:LiSAF laser. Optics Express, 10 (16). pp. 824-831. ISSN 1094-4087

Agate, B. and Kemp, A. and Brown, C.T.A. and Sibbett, W. (2002) Simplified cavity designs for efficient and compact femtosecond Cr: LiSAF lasers. Optics Communications, 205 (1-3). pp. 207-213. ISSN 0030-4018

Agius, R.M. and Cohen, G.R. and Beverland, I J and Elton, R.A. and Lee, R J and Boyd, J. (2002) Epidemiological study of susceptibility to cardiorespiratory death from particulate air pollution. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 46 (1). pp. 452-455. ISSN 0003-4878

Ahlert, Dieter and Evanschitzky, H. and Hesse, Josef (2002) Exzellenz in Dienstleistung und Vertrieb [Excellence in service and sales]: konzeptionelle Grundlagen und empirische Ergebnisse. Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany. ISBN 3409119511

Ainsworth, M. and Coggins, P. (2002) A uniformly stable family of mixed hp-finite elements with continuous pressures for incompressible flow. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 22 (2). pp. 307-327. ISSN 0272-4979

Ainsworth, M. and Coyle, J.; Brezzi, F. and Buffa, Anthony J. and Corsaro, S. and Murli, A., eds. (2002) Computation of Maxwell eigenvalues on curvilinear domains using hp-version nedelec elements. In: Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. Springer, Italy. ISBN 8847001803

Ainsworth, M. and Guo, B. (2002) Analysis of iterative sub-structuring techniques for boundary element approximation of the hypersingular operator in three dimensions. Applicable Analysis, 81 (2). pp. 241-280. ISSN 0003-6811

Ainsworth, M. and Pinchedez, K. (2002) The HP-MITC finite element method for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Problem. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 148 (2). pp. 429-462. ISSN 0377-0427

Al-Mawsawi, S. and Qader, M. and Lo, K.L. (2002) Evaluating the voltage regulation of a UPFC using PI and fuzzy logic controller. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 21 (3). pp. 409-424. ISSN 0332-1649

Albores-Barajas, P.A. and Ball, P.D. and MacBryde, J.C. IEEE, IEEE, IEEE, IEEE (2002) Generic business process models for e-business in manufacturing companies: is simulation useful? In: Engineering Management Conference 2002. IEEE, pp. 685-690. ISBN 0-7803-7385-5

Alexander, D. and McInnes, C.R. and Angelopoulos, V. and Sandeman, A.W. and Macdonald, M.; El-Genk, Mohammed S., ed. (2002) Geosail: A novel solar sail mission concept for geospace. In: Proceeding of the AIP Space Technology and Appications International Forum/Staif 2002, Innovative Transportation Systems and Beyond. American Institute of Physics, pp. 305-312. ISBN 1-56396-980-7

Alexander, D. and Sandman, A.W. and McInnes, C.R. and Macdonald, M. and Ayton, J. and Murphy, N. and Angelopoulos, V. (2002) GeoSail: a novel magnetospheric space mission utilizing solar sails. In: 53rd International Astronautical Congress, 2002-10-10 - 2002-10-19.

Alexander, James and Brombacher, Frank and McGachy, H.A. and McKenzie, A.N.J. and Walker, W. and Carter, K.C. (2002) An essential role for IL-13 in maintaining a non-healing response following leishmania mexicana infection. European Journal of Immunology, 32 (10). pp. 2923-2933. ISSN 0014-2980

Ali, Nasima and Herron, Paul R. and Evans, Meirwyn C. and Dyson, Paul J. (2002) Osmotic regulation of the streptomyces lividans thiostrepton-inducible promoter, ptipA. Microbiology, 148 (2). pp. 381-390. ISSN 1465-2080

Allan, G.J. and Tonner, E. and Barber, M.C. and Travers, M. and Shand, J. and Vernon, R.G. and Kelly, P.A. and Binart, N. and Flint, D.J. (2002) Growth hormone, acting in part through the insulin-like growth factor axis, rescues developmental but not metabolic activity in the mammary gland of mice expressing a single allele of the prolactin receptor. Endocrinology, 143 (11). pp. 4310-4319. ISSN 0013-7227

Allen, D.W. and Berridge, R. and Bricklebank, N. and Cerrada, E. and Light, M.E. and Hursthouse, M.B. and Laguna, M. and Moreno, A. and Skabara, P.J. (2002) A new family of sulfur-rich ligands based on the dmit system: synthesis and metal complexation of 4-4 '-covalently bridged bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiol-5-thiolato) units. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2002 (13). pp. 2654-2659. ISSN 0300-9246

Anandan, J and Sjoqvist, E and Pati, A K and Ekert, A and Ericsson, M and Oi, D K L and Vedral, V (2002) Singularities of the mixed state phase - Reply. Physical Review Letters, 89 (26). -. 268902. ISSN 1079-7114

Anandan, Jeeva and Sjöqvist, Eric and Pati, Arun K. and Ekert, Artur and Ericsson, Marie and Oi, Daniel K.L. and Vedral, Vlatko (2002) Anandan et al. reply. Physical Review Letters, 89 (26). 268902. ISSN 1079-7114

Anaya-Lara, O. and Acha, E. (2002) Modelling and analysis of custom power systems by PSCAD/EMTDC. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 17 (1). pp. 266-272. ISSN 0885-8977

Andersen, B. and Xu, L. and Horton, P. and Cartwright, P. (2002) Topology for VSC transmission. Power Engineer, 16. pp. 142-150. ISSN 1479-8344

Andersen, O. and Peaker, A.R. and Dobaczewski, L. and Bonde Nielsen, K. and Hourahine, B. and Jones, R. and Briddon, P.R. and Öberg, S. (2002) Electrical activity of carbon-hydrogen centers in Si. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 66 (23). 235205. ISSN 1098-0121

Anderson, A. and Soden, R.; Nata, R., ed. (2002) The role of peer interaction in enhancing students' argumentative reasoning skills. In: Progress in education. Nova Science, pp. 81-108. ISBN 1590334299

Anderson, N.E. and Hayes, P.C. and Therapondos, G. and Boyter, A.C. and Smith, K.D. (2002) The glycosylation pattern of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (agp) could indicate progression from hepatitis to cirrhosis. Glycobiology, 12 (10). p. 662. ISSN 0959-6658

Anderson, Nicola and Pollacchi, Aileen and Hayes, P. and Therapondos, George and Newsome, Philip and Boyter, A.C. and Smith, Kevin D. (2002) A preliminary evaluation of the differences in the glycosylation of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein between individual liver diseases. Biomedical Chromatography, 16 (6). pp. 365-372. ISSN 0269-3879

Anderson, S and Hastings, G and MacFadyen, L (2002) Strategic marketing in the UK tobacco industry. Lancet Oncology, 3 (8). pp. 481-486. ISSN 1470-2045

Andersson, E. and Calarco, T. and Folman, R. and Andersson, M. and Hessmo, B. and Schmiedmayer, J. (2002) Multimode interferometer for guided matter waves. Physical Review Letters, 88 (10). 100401/1-100401/4. ISSN 1079-7114

Andersson, Erika and Barnett, Stephen M. and Gilson, Claire R. and Hunter, Kieran (2002) Minimum-error discrimination between three mirror-symmetric states. Physical Review A, 65 (5). 52307. ISSN 1050-2947

Andrews, P.C. and MacLellan, J.G. and Mulvey, R.E. and Nichols, P.J. (2002) New homo- and hetero-alkali metal alkoxide cages: crystal structures of [Me2N(CH2)(2)OLi](8) and [{Me2N(CH2)(2)O}(12)Li8K6]O. Dalton Transactions, 2002 (8). pp. 1651-1655. ISSN 1472-7773

Andrews, T.; Bhopal, Minder and Hitchcock, Michael, eds. (2002) Culture and the crisis: downsizing the Thai subsidiary corporation. In: Asean Business in Crisis. Studies in Asia Pacific Business . Portland. ISBN 0714652636

Andrews, T. (2002) Downsizing the Thai subsidiary corporation: a case analysis. Asia Pacific Business Review, 8 (2). pp. 149-170. ISSN 1360-2381

Andrews, T.G. and Chompusri, N. and Baldwin, Bryan J. (2002) The changing face of multinationals in southeast Asia. Working in Asia . Routledge, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-0-415-26096-1

Angehrn, Albert and Gibbert, Michael and Nicolopoulou, Katerina (2002) Collaboration, governance, and technology in inter-organizational learning networks : evidence from a cross-case analysis. In: Triple Helix IV, 2002-11-01.

Angeli, F. and Connolly, P. (2002) Study of bovine articular chondrocytes on thin film polycaprolactone surfaces. European Cells and Materials, 4 (2). p. 80. ISSN 1473-2262

Angelis, U. de and Bingham, R. and Forlani, A. and Tsytovich, V. N. (2002) Scattering and transformation of waves in dusty plasmas. Physica Scripta, T98. pp. 163-167. ISSN 0031-8949

Antony, Jiju (2002) Training for design of experiments using a catapult. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 18 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 0748-8017

Apatsidis, D.P. and Solomonidis, S.E. and Michael, S.M. (2002) Pressure distribution at the seating interface of custom-molded wheelchair seats: effect of various materials. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83 (8). pp. 1151-1156. ISSN 0003-9993

Apatsidis, P.D. and Nicol, A.C. and Morlock, M.M. (2002) Determination of the mechanical properties of the hip joint capsule. International Conference Engineers & Surgeons - Joined at the Hip : Refining Future Strategies in Total Hip Replacement . Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England.

Archer, Lesley (2002) What works in residential care : making it work. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 1 (1). ISSN 1478-1840

Argouarch, G. and Gibson, C.L. and Stones, G. and Sherrington, D.C. (2002) The synthesis of chiral annulet 1,4,7-triazacyclononanes. Tetrahedron Letters, 43 (21). pp. 3795-3798. ISSN 0040-4039

Armstrong, D.R. and Forbes, G.C. and Mulvey, R.E. and Clegg, W. and Tooke, D.M. (2002) An unexpected transamination of bis[bis(trimethylsilyl)amido]zinc with dibenzylamine to form bis( dibenzylamido)zinc: structural studies by NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and theoretical calculations. Dalton Transactions, 2002 (8). pp. 1656-1661. ISSN 1472-7773

Armstrong, G.S. and Pethrick, R.A. and Banks, W.M. and Crane, R.L.; Mittal, K.L, ed. (2002) Monitoring the solvent uptake in adhesive bonded joints using a novel non-destructive technique by applying high frequency dielectrics. In: Adhesive joints. VSP International Science Publishers. ISBN 9789067643719

Arnold, A.S. and MacCormick, C. and Boshier, M.G. (2002) Adaptive inelastic magnetic mirror for Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 65 (3). 031601(R). ISSN 1050-2947

Arnold, A.S. and Riis, E. (2002) Bose-Einstein condensates in 'giant' toroidal magnetic traps. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 959-964. ISSN 1362-3044

Arnold, S. Alison and Gaensakoo, R. and Harvey, L.M. and McNeil, B. (2002) Use of at-line and in-situ near-infrared spectroscopy to monitor biomass in an industrial fed-batch Escherichia coli process. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 80 (4). pp. 405-413. ISSN 0006-3592

Artstein, Z. and Grinfeld, M. (2002) Ergodicity and mixing via Young measures. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 22 (4). pp. 1001-1015. ISSN 0143-3857

Ashcroft, B.K.; Hood, N. and Peat, J. and Peters, E. and Young, S., eds. (2002) The Scottish economy. In: Scotland in a Global Economy: the 2020 Vision. Palgrave, United Kingdom. ISBN 9780333964545

Ashcroft, Brian (2002) Outlook and appraisal [October 2002]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 27 (3). pp. 3-9. ISSN 0306-7866

Ashcroft, Brian (2002) The UK economy [October 2002]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 27 (3). pp. 14-15. ISSN 0306-7866

Ashworth, Rachel and Boyne, George A. and McGarvey, Neil and Walker, Richard M. (2002) Regulating public bodies: the case of direct service organisations in British local government. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 20 (3). pp. 455-470. ISSN 1472-3425

Assis, T.S. and Rowan, E.G. and Kennedy, C. (2002) The sensitivity of sensory neurones to P2 receptor agonists differs in intact and dissociated rat dorsal root ganglia. British Journal of Pharmacology, 135. ISSN 1476-5381 (Unpublished)

Atherton, K. and Stewart, G. and Culshaw, B. (2002) Cavity ring-down in a fibre amplifier loop and combination with wavelength modulation spectroscopy. In: 15th Optical Fiber Sensors Conference, 2002-05-06 - 2002-05-10.

Atherton, K. and Stewart, G. and Culshaw, B.; Christesen, S.D and Sedlacek, A.J, eds. (2002) Gas detection by cavity ring-down absorption with a fibre optic amplifier loop. In: Vibrational spectrocopy-based sensor systems. Proceedings of the society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers (SPIE) . SPIE, USA, pp. 25-31. ISBN 0819443050

Atkin, R.J. and Stewart, I.W. (2002) Stability of domain walls in cylindrical layers of smectic C liquid crystals. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 55 (2). pp. 163-177. ISSN 0033-5614

Atkinson, R.C. and Irvine, J. and Dunlop, J. (2002) A resource management architecture for future mobile communications systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Atrazhev, V. and Berezhnov, A. and Timoshkin, I. (2002) Electron scattering in atomic liquids: application to the maximum of electron mobility. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 66 (20). pp. 2051-06. ISSN 1098-0121

Atsriku, C. and Skellern, G.G. and Watson, D.G. and Grant, M.H. (2002) The effects of inducing agents on the metabolism of trypanocidal diamidines by isolated rat hepatocytes. In: RSC-DMG 2002: New Technologies in Drug Discovery, 2002-12-12 - 2002-12-13.

Atsriku, C. and Watson, D.G. and Grant, M.H. and Skellern, G.G. (2002) The application of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to in vitro metabolic studies of pentamidine by induced isolated rat hepatocytes. In: 50th Meeting of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2002-06-02 - 2002-06-06.

Atsriku, C. and Watson, D.G. and Grant, M.H. and Skellern, G.G. (2002) The effects of inducing agents on the metabolism of pentamidine in isolated hepatocytes. In: Pfizer Drug Discovery 2002, 1900-01-01.

Atsriku, C. and Watson, D.G. and Tettey, J.N.A. and Grant, M.H. and Skellern, G.G. (2002) Determination of diminazene aceturate in pharmaceutical formulations by HPLC and identification of related substances by lC/MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 30 (4). pp. 979-986. ISSN 1873-264X

Ault, G.W. and Foote, C.E.T. and McDonald, J.R. (2002) Distribution system planning in focus. IEEE Power Engineering Review, 22 (1). pp. 60-62. ISSN 0272-1724

Ayaz, Zafer and Spyrou, K.J. and Vassalos, D.; Katebi, R., ed. (2002) An improved numerical model for the study of controlled ship motions in extreme following and quartering seas. In: Control Applications in Marine Systems 2001. IFAC Proceedings Volumes . Pergamon, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 27-37. ISBN 9780080432366


Baby, V. and Xu, L. and Wang, B.C and Glesk, I. and Prucnal, P.R.; Pandalai, S.G., ed. (2002) Optical spectral bistability in a widely tuneable fiber ring laser and its applications for bit-level optical memory. In: Recent Research Development in Electronics. Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, India, pp. 123-131. ISBN 8178950685

Badique, E. and Cavazza, M. and Klinker, G. and Mair, G.M. and Sweeney, T. and Thalmann, D. and Thalmann, N.M.; (2002) Entertainment applications of virtual environments. In: Handbook of Virtual Environments. Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 1143-1167. ISBN 080583270X

Baillie, G. and Owens, M. and Halbert, G.W. (2002) A synthetic low density lipoprotein particle capable of supporting U937 proliferation in vitro. Journal of Lipid Research, 43. pp. 69-73. ISSN 0022-2275

Bain, P.M. and Taylor, P. (2002) Ringing the changes? Union recognition and organisation in call centres in the UK finance sector. Industrial Relations Journal, 33 (3). pp. 246-261. ISSN 0019-8692

Bain, P.M. and Watson, A.C. and Mulvey, G. and Taylor, P. and Gall, G. (2002) Taylorism, targets and the pursuit of quantity and quality by call centre management. New Technology, Work and Employment, 17 (3). pp. 170-185. ISSN 0268-1072

Balderstone, M. and Hodge, R.J.J. and Lumbard, D. and Marshall, J. and Quigley, J.L. (2002) Mapping expert judgement within an adaptive elicitation process. In: European Safety & Reliability International Conference 2002, 2002-03-18 - 2002-03-21.

Balderud, J. and Wilson, D. (2002) Application of predictive control to a toy helicopter. In: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2002-09-18 - 2002-09-20.

Balderud, J. and Wilson, D. (2002) A comparison of optimal control strategies for a toy helicopter. In: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2002-09-18 - 2002-09-20.

Ball, A.J. and Rodgers, E.H. and Goldie, E.I. and Connel, G. and Savage, R. and Hamblin, J. and Grant, M.H. (2002) Growth and viability of osteoblasts on hydroxyapatite and tri-calcium phosphate ceramics: the effect of collagen coating. European Cells and Materials, 4 (2). p. 57. ISSN 1473-2262

Balocchi, A. and Warburton, R.J. and Kutshera, H.J. and Karrai, K. and Abram, R.H. and Ferguson, A.I. and Calvez, S. and Dawson, M.D. and Riis, Erling (2002) A fiber-based vertically emitting semiconductor laser at 850nm. In: LEOS 2002. The 15th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2002, 2002-11-10 - 2002-11-14.

Ban, Masashi and Barnett, Stephen M. and Sasaki, Masahide (2002) Optimal parameter estimation of a depolarizing channel. Physical Review A, 66 (2). 022308. ISSN 1050-2947

Banks, P. and Cogan, N. and Riddell, S. and Deeley, S. and Hill, M. and Tisdall, K. (2002) Does the covert nature of caring prohibit the development of effective services for young carers. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 30 (3). pp. 229-246. ISSN 0306-9885

Banks, W.M. (2002) How much resource should be invested in training less qualified school leavers and less experienced engineers? In: Sharing Best Practice on Overcoming the Engineering Skills Shortage (The Engineer Conferences), 2002-07-01.

Banks, W.M. (2002) Profession misrepresented. Professional Engineering, 15 (6). p. 19. ISSN 0953-6639

Banks, W.M. and Hayward, D. and Pethrick, R.A. and Armstrong, G.S. and Crane, R.L.; (2002) Developments in dielectric techniques for non-destructive examination. In: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society. Adhesion Society, Florida, USA. ISBN 1086-9506

Baracskai, Zoltán and Bevanda, Vanja and Dörfler, Viktor (2002) Intelligent customer relationship management (ICRM) by EFLOW portal. In: Intelligent Information Systems Symposium, 2002-06-03 - 2002-06-06.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2002) Intelligent business decisions by EFLOW portal. In: IIWAS 2002, 2002-09-10 - 2002-09-12.

Barfield, J. and Sells, P. and Rowe, D.A. and Hannigan-Downs, K. (2002) Practice effect of the wingate anaerobic test. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 16 (3). pp. 472-473. ISSN 1064-8011

Barnett, S.M. (2002) Optical angular-momentum flux. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 4 (2). S7-S16. ISSN 1464-4266

Barnett, S.M. and Andersson, E. (2002) Bound on measurement based on the no-signaling condition. Physical Review A, 65 (4). 044307-044307. ISSN 1050-2947

Barnett, S.M. and Pegg, D. and Jeffers, J. (2002) Retrodiction with two-level atoms: atomic previvals. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (7). pp. 1175-1184. ISSN 1362-3044

Barr, A. (2002) Learning evaluation and planning (LEAP) - a handbook for partners in community learning. Community Development Foundation. ISBN 19011974340

Barrenechea, G.R. and Valentin, F. (2002) An unusual stabilized finite element method for a generalized Stokes problem. Numerische Mathematik, 92 (4). pp. 653-677. ISSN 0029-599X

Barrenechea, Gabriel R. and Le Tallec, Patrick and Valentin, Frédéric (2002) New wall laws for the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on rough domains. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 36 (2). pp. 177-203. ISSN 0764-583X

Barrera, M. and Romero, E. and Sanchez, M. and Lloret, A.; Magnan, J.P., ed. (2002) Laboratory tests to validate and determine parameters of an elastoplastic model for unsaturated soils. In: PARAM 2002. Presses des Ponts, Paris, France, pp. 350-358. ISBN 9782859783631

Barriau, E. and Cormack, P.A.G. and Daly, J.H. and Liggat, J.J. and Quincy, A. (2002) Synthesis and characterisation of an extended series of biodegradable cycloaliphatic polyesters. European Cells and Materials, 4 (Suppl.). p. 100. ISSN 1473-2262

Barry, M.; (2002) Minor rights and major concerns: the views of young people in care. In: The New Handbook of Children's Rights: Comparative Policy and Practice. Routledge, pp. 239-253. ISBN 0415250366

Bartak, M. and Beausoleil-Morrison, I. and Clarke, J.A. and Denev, J. and Drkal, F. and Lain, M. and Macdonald, I. and Melikov, A. and Popiolek, Z. and Stankov, P. (2002) Integrating CFD and building simulation. Building and Environment, 37 (8-9). pp. 865-871. ISSN 0360-1323

Barth, JAC and Slater, G. and Schuth, C. and Bill, M. and Downey, A. and Larkin, M. and Kalin, R. (2002) Carbon isotope fractionation during aerobic biodegradation of trichloroethene by Burkholderia cepacia G4: a tool to map degradation mechanisms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68 (4). pp. 1728-1734.

Barton, Karen and Reibig, Andre (2002) Trends and developments in C&IT literacy provision in UK higher education. In: 1st International Conference on IT & Information Literacy, 2002-03-20 - 2002-03-22. (Unpublished)

Batchelor, Susan and Burman, Michele and Brown, Jane; Stanko, Elizabeth, ed. (2002) Taking it to heart: Girls and the meanings of violence. In: The Meanings of Violence. Routledge, pp. 71-89. ISBN 0415301297

Batchelor, Susan and Hill, M. and Lockyer, A. and Morton, P. and Scott, J. (2002) Safeguarding children in Scotland: the perspectives of children, parents and safeguarders. Representing children, 15 (3). pp. 169-183. ISSN 1359-463X

Batchelor, Susan and McNeill, Fergus (2002) Chaos, containment and change: Responding to persistent offending by young people. Youth Justice, 2 (1). pp. 27-43. ISSN 1747-6283

Bates, R and Derbyshire, G and Gannon, WJF and Iles, G and Lowe, B and Mathieson, K and Passmore, MS and Prydderch, M and Seller, P and Smith, K and Thomas, SL (2002) Performance of an energy resolving X-ray pixel detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 477 (1-3). pp. 161-165. ISSN 0168-9002

Batey, Andrew.J. and Coker, Susan J. (2002) Proarrhythmic potential of halofantrine, terfenadine and clofilium in an in vivo model of torsade de pointes. British Journal of Pharmacology, 135 (4). pp. 1003-1012. ISSN 1476-5381

Baum, T. and Kokkranikal, J.J.; (2002) The role of product innovation in rural tourism development: a case study of houseboats in Kerala. In: Innovation in Tourism Planning. Dublin Institute of Technology. ISBN 0-9542930-2-9

Baum, T.G. (2002) Skills and training for the hospitality sector: a review of issues. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 54 (3). pp. 343-363. ISSN 1363-6820

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