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Number of items: 64.


Cortizo Lacalle, Diego and Howells, Calvyn T. and Gambino, Salvatore and Vilela, Filipe and Vobecka, Zuzana and Findlay, Neil J. and Inigo, Anto R. and Thomson, Stuart A. J. and Skabara, Peter J. and Samuel, Ifor D. W. and Skabara, Peter (2012) BODIPY-based conjugated polymers for broadband light sensing and harvesting applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (28). pp. 14119-14126. ISSN 0959-9428

Cortizo Lacalle, Diego and Arumugam, Sasikumar and Elmasly, Saadeldin E. T. and Kanibolotsky, Alexander L. and Findlay, Neil J. and Inigo, Anto Regis and Skabara, Peter J. (2012) Incorporation of fused tetrathiafulvalene units in a DPP-terthiophene copolymer for air stable solution processable organic field effect transistors. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (22). pp. 11310-11315. ISSN 0959-9428

Zelzer, Mischa and McNamara, Laura E. and Scurr, David J. and Alexander, Morgan R. and Dalby, Matthew J. and Ulijn, Rein V. (2012) Phosphatase responsive peptide surfaces. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (24). pp. 12229-12237. ISSN 0959-9428


Barnard, Amanda S. and Chen, Yu (2011) Kinetic modelling of the shape-dependent evolution of faceted gold nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (33). pp. 12239-12245. ISSN 0959-9428

Petit, Christophe T. G. and Lan, Rong and Cowin, Peter I. and Irvine, John T. S. and Tao, Shanwen (2011) Structure, conductivity and redox reversibility of Ca-doped cerium metavanadate. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (24). pp. 8854-8861. ISSN 0959-9428

Wright, Iain A. and Skabara, Peter J. and Forgie, John C. and Kanibolotsky, Alexander L. and González, Blanca and Coles, Simon J. and Gambino, Salvatore and Samuel, Ifor D. W. (2011) Electronic, redox and charge transport properties of an unusal hybrid structure : a bis(septithiophene) bridged by a fused tetrathiafulvalene (TTF). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (5). pp. 1462-1469. ISSN 0959-9428

McEntee, Greg J. and Vilela, Filipe and Skabara, Peter and Anthopoulos, Thomas D. and Labram, John G. and Tierney, Steve and Harrington, Ross W. and Clegg, William (2011) Self-assembly and charge transport properties of a benzobisthiazole end-capped with dihexylthienothiophene units. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (7). pp. 2091-2097. ISSN 0959-9428

Liang, Mei-Keat and Deschaume, Olivier and Patwardhan, Siddharth V. and Perry, Carole C. (2011) Direct evidence of ZnO morphology modification via the selective adsorption of ZnO-binding peptides. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (1). pp. 80-89. ISSN 0959-9428

Sun, Shuqing and Thompson, David G. and Graham, Duncan and Leggett, Graham J. (2011) DNA nanofabrication by scanning near-field photolithography of oligo (ethylene glycol) terminated SAMs: Controlled scan-rate dependent switching between head group oxidation and tail group degradation. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (37). pp. 14173-14177. ISSN 0959-9428

Dennany, Lynn and Gerlach, Matthias and O'Carroll, Shane and Keyes, Tia E. and Forster, Robert J. and Bertoncello, Paolo (2011) Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) sensing properties of water soluble core-shell CdSe/ZnS quantum dots/Nafion composite films. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (36). pp. 13984-13990. ISSN 0959-9428

Hernandez-Santana, Aaron and Mackintosh, Allan R. and Guilhabert, Benoit and Kanibolotsky, Alexander L. and Dawson, Martin D. and Skabara, Peter J. and Graham, Duncan (2011) Dip-pen nanolithography of nanostructured oligofluorene truxenes in a photo-curable host matrix. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (37). pp. 14209-14212. ISSN 0959-9428

Petit, Christophe T. G. and Lan, Rong and Cowin, Peter I. and Irvine, John T. S. and Tao, Shanwen (2011) Novel redox reversible oxide, Sr-doped cerium orthovanadate to metavanadate. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (2). pp. 525-531. ISSN 0959-9428

Ambury, R. F. and Merry, C. L. R. and Ulijn, R. V. (2011) Sugar functionalised PEGA surfaces support metabolically active hepatocytes. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21. pp. 2901-2908. ISSN 0959-9428

Kundu, S. and Kafizas, A. and Hyett, G. and Mills, A. and Darr, J. A. and Parkin, I. P. (2011) An investigation into the effect of thickness of titanium dioxide and gold-silver nanoparticle titanium dioxide composite thin-films on photocatalytic activity and photo-induced oxygen production in a sacrificial system. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (19). pp. 6854-6863. ISSN 0959-9428

Moreno, J. and Iglesias, J. and Melero, J. A. and Sherrington, D. C. (2011) Synthesis and characterisation of (hydroxypropyl)-2-aminomethyl pyridine containing hybrid polymer-silica SBA-15 materials supporting Mo(VI) centres and their use as heterogeneous catalysts for oct-1-ene epoxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (18). pp. 6725-6735. ISSN 0959-9428


Zhang, Zhenyu and Fletcher, Ian W. and Hurley, Claire R. and Boardman, Christopher and Doyle, Peter and Leggett, Graham J. (2010) Morphological and quantitative frictional measurements of cotton fibres using friction force microscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (39). pp. 8531-8538. ISSN 0959-9428

Cussen, Edmund J. (2010) Structure and ionic conductivity in lithium garnets. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (25). pp. 5167-5173. ISSN 0959-9428

Mills, Andrew and Skinner, Graham A. and Grosshans, Pauline (2010) Intelligent pigments and plastics for CO2 detection. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20. pp. 5008-5010. ISSN 0959-9428

McEntee, Greg J. and Skabara, Peter J. and Vilela, Filipe and Tierney, Steven and Samuel, Ifor D. W. and Gambino, Salvatore and Coles, Simon J. and Hursthouse, Michael B. and Harrington, Ross W. and Clegg, William (2010) Synthesis and electropolymerization of hexadecyl functionalized bithiophene and thieno[3,2-b]thiophene end-capped with EDOT and EDTT units. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (9). pp. 3000-3008. ISSN 0959-9428

Cussen, E.J. and Cameron, William J. (2010) Persistence of the Jahn–Teller distortion of Mo5+ in double perovskites : a structural study of Ba2NdMoO6 and the effect of chemical doping in Ba2Nd1xYxMoO6. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (7). pp. 1340-1347. ISSN 0959-9428

Afonina, I. and Skabara, P.J. and Vilela, F. and Kanibolotsky, A.L. and Forgie, J.C. and Bansal, Ashu K. and Turnbull, G. and Samuel, Ifor D. W. and Labram, John G. and Anthopoulos, T.D. and Coles, Simon J. and Hursthouse, M.B. (2010) Synthesis and characterisation of new diindenothienothiophene (DITT) based materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (6). pp. 1112-1116.

Xu, Xiaoxiang and Tao, Shanwen and Wormald, Philip and Irvine, John T. S. (2010) Intermediate temperature stable proton conductors based upon SnP2O7, including additional H3PO4. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (36). pp. 7827-7833. ISSN 0959-9428

Yue, Wenjin and Han, Shikui and Peng, Ruixiang and Shen, Wei and Geng, Hongwei and Wu, Fan and Tao, Shanwen and Wang, Mingtai (2010) CuInS2 quantum dots synthesized by a solvothermal route and their application as effective electron acceptors for hybrid solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (35). pp. 7570-7578. ISSN 0959-9428


Jana, S. and Cormack, P.A.G. and Kennedy, A.R. and Sherrington, D.C. (2009) Synthesis of main chain chiral methacrylate copolymers via chirality transfer from polymerizable chiral metal complexes. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19 (21). pp. 3427-3442. ISSN 0959-9428


Jozwiak, A.B. and Kielty, C.M. and Black, R.A. (2008) Surface functionalization of polyurethane for the immobilization of bioactive moieties on tissue scaffolds. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18 (19). pp. 2240-2248. ISSN 0959-9428

Annenkov, Vadim V. and Danilovtseva, Elena N. and Likhoshway, Yelena V. and Patwardhan, Siddharth V. and Perry, Carole C. (2008) Controlled stabilisation of silicic acid below pH 9 using poly(1-vinylimidazole). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18 (5). pp. 553-559. ISSN 0959-9428

Azad, Abul K. and Savaniu, Cristian and Tao, Shanwen and Duval, Sophie and Holtappels, Peter and Ibberson, Richard M. and Irvine, John T. S. (2008) Structural origins of the differing grain conductivity values in BaZr0.9Y0.1O2.95 and indication of novel approach to counter defect association. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18 (29). pp. 3414-3418. ISSN 0959-9428


Berridge, R. and Wright, S.P. and Skabara, P.J. and Dyer, A. and Steckler, T. and Argun, A.A. and Reynolds, J.R. and Harrington, R.W. and Clegg, W. (2007) Electrochromic properties of a fast switching, dual colour polythiophene bearing non-planar dithiinoquinoxaline units. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17 (3). pp. 225-231. ISSN 0959-9428

Patwardhan, Siddharth V. and Patwardhan, Geetanjali and Perry, Carole C. (2007) Interactions of biomolecules with inorganic materials: principles, applications and future prospects. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17 (28). pp. 2875-2884. ISSN 0959-9428

Graham, Susan and Rannard, Steve P. and Cormack, Peter A.G. and Sherrington, David C. (2007) One-pot synthesis of methacrylic acid-ethylene oxide branched block and graft copolymers. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17 (6). pp. 545-552. ISSN 0959-9428

Skabara, Peter and Berridge, Rory and Serebryakov, Igor M. and Kanibolotsky, Alexander L. and Kanibolotskaya, Lyudmila and Gordeyev, Sergey and Perepichka, Igor F. and Sariciftci, N. Serdar and Winder, Christoph (2007) Fluorene functionalised sexithiophenes - utilising intramolecular charge transfer to extend the photocurrent spectrum in organic solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17 (11). pp. 1055-1062. ISSN 0959-9428


Saipa, Alexander and Osipov, Mikhail and Lanham, Kenneth W. and Chang, Catherine H. and Walba, David M. and Giesselmann, Frank (2006) The intrinsic photorefractive effect in the smectic C* phase of a chiral azobenzene. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16. pp. 4170-4177.

Ulijn, R V (2006) Enzyme-responsive materials : a new class of smart biomaterials. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16 (23). pp. 2217-2225. ISSN 0959-9428


Spencer, Howard J. and Skabara, Peter J. and Giles, Mark and McCulloch, Iain and Coles, Simon J. and Hursthouse, Michael B. (2005) The first direct experimental comparison between the hugely contrasting properties of PEDOT and the all-sulfur analogue PEDOT by analogy with well-defined EDTT-EDOT copolymers. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15 (45). pp. 4783-4792. ISSN 0959-9428

Belton, D J and Patwardhan, S V and Perry, C C (2005) Spermine, spermidine and their analogues generate tailored silicas. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15 (43). pp. 4629-4638. ISSN 0959-9428

Shankland, K. and Kennedy, A.R. and David, William I.F. (2005) Polymorphism in tetra-aryl biphenyl diamine hole transport materials: resolving the conflicting literature on N, N-diphenyl-N, N-bis(3,3-methylphenyl)-[(1,1-biphenyl)]-4,4-diamine by high-resolution powder diffraction. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15 (45). pp. 4838-4844. ISSN 0959-9428

Cussen, E. and Thomas, M.F. (2005) The first layered analogue of Sr2FeMoO6; the structure and electronic properties of Sr4FeMoO8. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15. pp. 1084-1089. ISSN 0959-9428

Li, Yang and Liu, Eric Chun Yeung and Pickett, Nigel and Skabara, Peter J. and Cummins, Siobhan S. and Ryley, Stephen and Sutherland, Andrew J. and O'Brien, Paul (2005) Synthesis and characterization of CdS quantum dots in polystyrene microbeads. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15 (12). pp. 1238-1243. ISSN 0959-9428

Mason, Christopher R. and Skabara, Peter J. and Cupertino, Domenico and Schofield, John and Meghdadi, Farideh and Ebner, Berndt and Sariciftci, N. Serdar (2005) Synthesis and properties of end-capped sexithiophenes incorporating the ethylene dithiothiophene unit. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15 (14). pp. 1446-1453. ISSN 0959-9428


Mouaziz, H. and Lacki, K. and Larsson, A. and Sherrington, D.C. (2004) Synthesis of porous microspheres via self-assembly of monodisperse polymer nanospheres. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14 (15). pp. 2421-2424. ISSN 0959-9428

Afzaal, M. and Crouch, D.J. and O'Brien, P. and Raftery, J. and Skabara, P.J. and White, A.J.P. and Williams, D.J. (2004) The synthesis, X-ray structures and CVD studies of some group 11 complexes of iminobis(diisopropylphosphine selenides) and their use in the deposition of I/III/VI photovoltaic materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14 (2). pp. 233-237. ISSN 0959-9428

Skabara, P.J. and Berridge, R. and McInnes, E.J.L. and West, D.P. and Coles, S.J. and Hursthouse, M.B. and Mullen, K. (2004) The electroactivity of tetrathiafulvalene vs. polythiophene: synthesis and characterisation of a fused thieno-TTF polymer. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14 (13). pp. 1964-1969. ISSN 0959-9428

Berridge, R. and Serebryakov, I.M. and Skabara, P.J. and Ortí, E. and Viruela, R. and Pou-Amerigo, R. and Coles, S.J. and Hursthouse, M.B. (2004) A new series of pi-extended tetrathiafulvalene derivatives incorporating fused furanodithiino and thienodithiino units: a joint experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14 (18). pp. 2822-2830. ISSN 0959-9428

Gleeson, H.F. and Wang, Y. and Watson, S. and Sahagun-Sanchez, D. and Goodby, J.W. and Hird, M. and Petrenko, A. and Osipov, M.A. (2004) On the temperature dependence of the tilt and spontaneous polarisation in high tilt antiferroelectric liquid crystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14 (9). pp. 1480-1485. ISSN 0959-9428

Belton, D and Paine, G and Patwardhan, S V and Perry, C C (2004) Towards an understanding of (bio)silicification: the role of amino acids and lysine oligomers in silicification. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14 (14). pp. 2231-2241. ISSN 0959-9428


Isaure, F. and Cormack, P.A.G. and Sherrington, D.C. (2003) Facile synthesis of branched poly(methyl methacrylate)s. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (11). pp. 2701-2710. ISSN 0959-9428

Slark, A.T. and Sherrington, D.C. and Titterton, A. and Martin, I.K. (2003) Branched methacrylate copolymers from multifunctional comonomers: the effect of multifunctional monomer functionality on polymer architecture and properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (11). pp. 2711-2720. ISSN 0959-9428

O'Neill, S.A. and Parkin, I.P. and Clark, R.J.H. and Elliott, N. and Mills, A. (2003) Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of titanium dioxide coatings on glass. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (1). pp. 56-60. ISSN 0959-9428

O'Neill, S.A. and Parkin, I.P. and Clark, R.J.H. and Mills, A. and Elliott, N. (2003) Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of thin films of Nb2O5 on glass. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (12). pp. 2952-2956. ISSN 0959-9428

Leriche, P. and Raimundo, J.M. and Turbiez, M. and Monroche, V. and Allain, M. and Sauvage, F.X. and Roncali, J. and Frere, P. and Skabara, P.J. (2003) Linearly extended tetrathiafulvalene analogues with fused thiophene units as pi-conjugated spacers. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (6). pp. 1324-1332. ISSN 0959-9428

Spencer, H.J. and Berridge, R. and Crouch, D.J. and Wright, S.P. and Giles, M. and McCulloch, I. and Coles, S.J. and Hursthouse, M.B. and Skabara, P.J. (2003) Further evidence for spontaneous solid-state polymerisation reactions in 2,5-dibromothiophene derivatives. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (9). pp. 2075-2077. ISSN 0959-9428

Khan, T. and McDouall, J.J.W. and McInnes, E.J.L. and Skabara, P.J. and Frere, P. and Coles, S.J. and Hursthouse, M.B. (2003) A combined substituent and supramolecular approach for improving the electron donor properties of 1,3-dithiole-2-thione derivatives. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13 (10). pp. 2490-2498. ISSN 0959-9428


Chapman, G.M. and Stanforth, S.P. and Berridge, R. and Pozo-Gonzalo, C. and Skabara, P.J. (2002) Synthesis of novel poly(dithienylpyridines). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12 (8). pp. 2292-2298. ISSN 0959-9428

Pozo-Gonzalo, Cristina and Khan, Tahir and McDouall, Joseph J.W. and Skabara, Peter J. and Roberts, Donna M. and Light, Mark E. and Coles, Simon J. and Hursthouse, Michael B. and Neugebauer, Helmut and Cravino, Antonio and Sariciftci, N. Serdar (2002) Synthesis and electropolymerisation of 3 ',4 '-bis(alkylsulfanyl)terthiophenes and the significance of the fused dithiin ring in 2,5-dithienyl-3,4-ethylenedithiothiophene (DT-EDTT). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12 (3). pp. 500-510. ISSN 0959-9428


Kennedy, A.R. and Smith, W.E. and Tackley, D.R. and David, W.I.F. and Shankland, K. and Brown, B. and Teat, S.J. (2001) Tetraaryl biphenyl diamine hole transport materials: a structural study utilizing both single crystal and high resolution powder diffraction. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12. pp. 168-172. ISSN 0959-9428

Langley, P.J. and Bailey, R.T. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Kennedy, A.R. and Lochran, S. and Pugh, D. and Sherwood, J.N. and Viikki, A. and Wallis, J.D. (2001) Synthesis, characterisation and structure-property analysis of derivatives of the non-linear optical material 5-nitro-N-(1- phenylethyl)pyridin-2-amine. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11 (4). pp. 1047-1056. ISSN 0959-9428

Guillon, Daniel and Bourgogne, Cyril and Nicoud, Jean-Francis and Siffert, Michael and Osipov, Mikhail A. and Sebastio, P. and Mery, Stephane (2001) Synclinic-anticlinic phase transition in tilted organosiloxane liquid crystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11 (11). pp. 2700-2708. ISSN 0959-9428


Skabara, P.J. and Berridge, R. and Prescott, K. and Goldenberg, L.M. and Ortí, E. and Viruela, R. and Pou-Amerigo, R. and Batsanov, A.S. and Howard, J.A.K. and Coles, S.J. and Hursthouse, M.B. (2000) Experimental and theoretical studies into the structural perturbations between neutral, oxidised and reduced forms of 1,4-dithiinoquinoxaline derivatives. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 10 (11). pp. 2448-2457. ISSN 0959-9428

Goldenberg, L.M. and Skabara, P.J. and Roberts, D.M. and Berridge, R. and Ortí, E. and Viruela, P.M. and Pou-Amerigo, R. (2000) Electrochemical molecular recognition of silver cation by electropolymerised thieno[3 ',4 ': 5,6][1,4]dithiino[2,3-b]quinoxaline: a joint experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 10 (11). pp. 2458-2465. ISSN 0959-9428

Findlay, P.H. and Leinonen, S.M. and Morrison, M.G.J.T. and Shepherd, E.E.A. and Sherrington, D.C. (2000) Thin film format for polymer supports - synthesis and chemical modification. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 10 (9). pp. 2031-2034. ISSN 0959-9428


Skabara, P.J. and Mullen, K. and Bryce, M.R. and Howard, J.A.K. and Batsanov, A.S. (1998) The synthesis, redox properties and X-ray crystal structures of two new tetrathiafulvalene-thiophene donors. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8 (8). pp. 1719-1724. ISSN 0959-9428

Gordon, C.M. and Holbrey, J.D. and Kennedy, A.R. and Seddon, K.R. (1998) Ionic liquid crystals: hexafluorophosphate salts. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8 (12). pp. 2627-2636. ISSN 0959-9428


Cormack, Peter A. G. and Moore, Barry D. and Sherrington, David C. (1997) Monodisperse liquid crystalline peptides. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 7 (10). pp. 1977-1983. ISSN 0959-9428


Batsanov, A.S. and Bryce, M.R. and Heaton, J.N. and Moore, A.J. and Skabara, P.J. and Howard, J.A.K. and Ortí, E. and Viruela, P.M. and Viruela, R. (1995) New functionalized tetrathiafulvalenes: X-ray crystal structures and physico-chemical properties of TTF-C(O)NMe2 and TTF-C(O)-O-C4H9: a joint experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5 (10). pp. 1689-1696. ISSN 0959-9428

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