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Jump to: 2013 | 2012 | 2009
Number of items: 5.


Blue, Robert and Vobecka, Zuzana and Skabara, Peter and Uttamchandani, Deepak (2013) The development of sensors for volatile nitro-containing compounds as models for explosives detection. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 176. pp. 534-542. ISSN 0925-4005

Vobecka, Zuzana and Skabara, Peter and Blue, Robert and Vilela, Filipe and Uttamchandani, Deepak (2013) New organic semiconductor based sensors for nitro-compounds. In: The 8th International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE 2012), 2012-06-25.


Vobecka, Z. and Blue, R. and Vilela, F. and Skabara, P. J. and Uttamchandani, D. (2012) Microelectrode sensor utilising nitro-sensitive polymers for application in explosives detection. Micro and Nano Letters, 7 (9). pp. 962-964. ISSN 1750-0443

Cortizo Lacalle, Diego and Howells, Calvyn T. and Gambino, Salvatore and Vilela, Filipe and Vobecka, Zuzana and Findlay, Neil J. and Inigo, Anto R. and Thomson, Stuart A. J. and Skabara, Peter J. and Samuel, Ifor D. W. and Skabara, Peter (2012) BODIPY-based conjugated polymers for broadband light sensing and harvesting applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (28). pp. 14119-14126. ISSN 0959-9428


Forgie, John C. and Skabara, Peter and Stibor, Ivan and Vilela, Filipe and Vobecka, Zuzana (2009) New redox stable low band gap conjugated polymer based on an EDOT−BODIPY−EDOT repeat unit. Chemistry of Materials, 21 (9). pp. 1784-1786. ISSN 0897-4756

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