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Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002
Number of items: 50.


Downes, Ruth and Ferry, Martin and Maguire, Rachel and Bachtler, John (2024) Regional Policy in Europe : No Place Left Behind. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Balz, Verena and Verbeek, Thomas and Qu, Lei and Baugh, Rebecca and Dabrowski, Marcin and Jungsberg, Leneisja and Ferry, Martin and Georgieva, Neli and Serdult, Uwe and Trifonova, Mariya and Amin, Samir and Clouet, Yoann (2023) Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions : Deliverable 1.1: Theoretical and conceptual framework. Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), Delft.


Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan and Fonseca, Liliana (2022) Addressing the challenges of the social and territorial cohesion in National Recovery and Resilience Plans : a preliminary assessment. European Parliament, Brussels.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Ferry, Martin (2022) Towards a green and digital transition : the new cohesion policy strategies and reform debate. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Ferry, Martin and Bachtler, John (2022) Cohesion policy & new instruments: from coexistence to complementarity. : Discussion paper for Czech expert workshop. In: Czech Presidency Expert Workshop, 2022-07-08 - 2022-07-08.

Ferry, Martin (2022) Strategic planning for sustainable urban development : issues paper. In: Strategic Planning for Integrated Sustainable Urban Development, 2020-02-20 - 2020-02-20, TU Delft, Faculty of the Architecture and the Built Environment.


Ferry, Martin (2021) Pulling things together : regional policy coordination approaches and drivers in Europe. Policy and Society, 40 (1). pp. 37-57. ISSN 1839-3373


Ferry, Martin and den Hoed, Wilbert (2020) Regional Policy and the Urban Paradox : Reinforcing the Urban Dimension in a Time of Crisis. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Ferry, Martin and Downes, Ruth (2020) Mega-Trends and Development Traps : How Are Regional Policies Responding? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Boumans, Dorine and Ferry, Martin (2019) Networks and efficient policy implementation : insights from cohesion policy. Evaluation, 25 (4). pp. 411-429. ISSN 1356-3890

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Ferry, Martin and Ogilvie, Jayne (2019) Ex-post Evaluation of the EU Solidarity Fund 2002-2016. European Commission, Luxembourg.

Ferry, Martin (2019) Study on Integrated Territorial Investments as an Effective Tool of the Cohesion Policy : Report to BUDG Committee, European Parliament. European Union, Brussels.


Ferry, Martin and Polverari, Laura (2018) Research for REGI Committee - Control and Simplification of Procedures within ESIF - Study. European Union, Brussels.

Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and Gal, Fabian (2018) Financial Implementation of European Structural and Investment Funds. European Parliament, Brussels.

Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan and Bachtler, John (2018) Integrated Territorial Development : New Instruments – New Results? EPRC Delft, Delft, Netherlands.


van der Zwet, Arno and Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and McMaster, Irene and Miller, Stephen (2017) Integrated Territorial and Urban Strategies - How are ESIF Adding Value in 2014-2020? : Final Report. European Commission, Luxembourg.

Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan (2017) Lessons learnt from the closure of the 2007-13 programming period. European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 5 (4). pp. 287-298. ISSN 2196-8268

Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan (2017) Research for REGI - Lessons Learnt from the Closure of the 2007-13 Programming Period. European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development, Brussels, Brussels.

Ferry, Martin; Galgóczi, Béla and Drahokoupil, Jan, eds. (2017) The role of EU funds in enhancing the development potential of CEE economies. In: Condemned to Be Left Behind? Can Central and Eastern Europe Emerge from its Low-wage Model? European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, pp. 153-170. ISBN 9782874524622


Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan (2016) Maximisation of synergies between European structural and investment funds and other EU instruments. European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 4 (3). pp. 161-175. ISSN 2196-8268

Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan and Bachtler, John and McMaster, Irene and Dozhdeva, Viktoriya and Lehuraux, Timothée and Surubaru, Cristian and Vernon, Philip (2016) Research for REGI Committee - Maximisation of Synergies between European Structural and Investment Funds and other EU Instruments to Attain Europe 2020 Goals. European Parliament, Brussels.

Davies, Sara and Ferry, Martin and Vironen, Heidi and Polverari, Laura (2016) Obiettivi, strumenti e governance della politica di sviluppo regionale nei Paesi Ue. In: Le politiche di coesione in Europa (Cohesion policies in Europe) - one day conference, 2016-03-31 - 2016-03-31, SVIMEZ. (Unpublished)


Davies, S. and Ferry, M. and Vironen, H. (2015) Regional policy in Europe targeting growth and inequality : annual review of regional policy in Europe. In: EoRPA meeting of senior regional policy makers, 2015-10-04 - 2015-10-06, Ross Priory.

Davies, Sara and Ferry, Martin and Gross, Frederike (2015) Policy reform under challenging conditions : Annual review of regional policy in Europe. European Policies Research Centre.

Ferry, Martin (2015) Assessing Cohesion Policy Impact in Specific CEEC Territories : Synthesis Paper. European Commission. (In Press)


Ferry, Martin (2014) Review of decentralised approaches to Cohesion policy management and implementation’ EoRPA policy briefing to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Poland. Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Warsaw. (Unpublished)


Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin (2013) Conditionalities and the performance of European structural funds : a principal-agent analysis of control mechanisms in EU cohesion policy. Regional Studies. ISSN 0034-3404

Ferry, Martin (2013) Implementing regional policy in Poland : a new era? Europe-Asia Studies, 65 (8). pp. 1578-1598. ISSN 0966-8136

Ferry, Martin and Bachtler, John (2013) Reassessing the concept of policy termination : the case of regional policy in England. Policy Studies, 34 (3). pp. 255-273. ISSN 0144-2872


Ferry, Martin and Vironen, Heidi (2011) Dealing with demographic change : regional policy responses. Geopolitics, History and International Relations, 3 (1). pp. 25-58. ISSN 1948-9145


Bachtler, John and Davies, S. and Ferry, Martin and Gross, Frederike and Kah, Stefan and McMaster, Irene (2010) Regional policy and recovery from the economic crisis : annual review of regional policy in Europe. In: 31st Meeting of EoRPA, 2010-10-03 - 2010-10-05. (Unpublished)


Ferry, M.; Bienias, S. and Lewandowska, I., eds. (2009) Cohesion policy evaluation systems in the Visegrad member states: an overview. In: Evaluation systems in the Visegrad member states. Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, Warsaw.

Ferry, M. and Vironen, H. (2009) Dealing with demographic change: Regional policy responses. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. ISBN 1-871130-78-6

Ferry, M.; Olejniczak, K. and Kozak, M. and Bienias, S., eds. (2009) Evaluation as a learning tool in public policy: the case of cohesion policy. In: Evaluating the Effects of Regional Interventions: a Look Beyond Current Structural Funds' Practice. EUROREG, University of Warsaw & Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, Poland.

Ferry, M.; Drobniak, A., ed. (2009) Evaluation of lowlands and uplands Scotland European Regional Development Fund Programme 2007-13. In: Evaluation of Operational Programmes of Regional Development. Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice, Poland. ISBN 9788372464910


Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2008) From environmental sustainability to sustainable development? : making concepts tangible in structural funds programmes. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.


Ferry, M. (2007) Comparing the influence of structural funds programmes on regional development approaches in Western Scotland and Silesia : adaptation or assimilation? European Journal of Spatial Development (28). ISSN 1650-9544

Ferry, M. (2007) From government to governance: Polish regional development agencies in a changing regional context. East European Politics and Societies, 21 (3). pp. 447-474. ISSN 0888-3254

Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and McMaster, Irene (2007) The 2007-13 operational programmes: a preliminary assessment: Spring – Autumn 2005. European Policies Research Centre.


Polverari, Laura and McMaster, Irene and Gross, Frederike and Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and Yuill, Douglas (2006) Strategic planning for structural funds in 2007-2013. A review of strategies and programmes. In: 20th IQ-Net Conference, 2006-06-25 - 2006-06-27.

Ferry, M. (2006) Structural funds and regional development approaches in Western Scotland and Silesia: a new era? In: Reinventing Poland, 2006-11-10 - 2006-11-11. (Unpublished)


Ferry, M. and McMaster, I. (2005) Implementing structural funds in Polish and Czech regions: convergence, variation, empowerment? Regional and Federal Studies, 15 (1). pp. 19-39. ISSN 1359-7566

Ferry, M. and McMaster, I.; (2005) Regional governance in industrial regions in Central and Eastern Europe: case study of Moravia, Silesia and Upper Silesia. In: Regionalism Contested: Institution, Society and Governance. Ashgate, pp. 177-200. ISBN 0-7546-4361-1


Yuill, Douglas and Ferry, Martin and McMaster, Irene (2004) Regional policy in the shadow of reform : a comparative overview of recent policy developments in the member states and Norway. In: 25th meeting of the EoRPA Consortium of EU Member States (and Norway), 2004-10-03 - 2004-10-05.

Ferry, Martin (2004) Regional Policy in Poland on the Eve of EU Membership : Regional Empowerment or Central Control? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


McMaster, Irene and Ferry, Martin (2003) Regional governance in industrial regions in Central and Eastern Europe : case study of Moravia Silesia. In: Regional Studies Association Conference 2003, 2003-04-12 - 2003-04-15.

Ferry, M. (2003) The EU and recent regional reform in Poland. Europe-Asia Studies, 55 (7). pp. 1097-1116. ISSN 0966-8136

Ferry, Martin and Mcmaster, Irene (2003) Implication of EU regional assistance programmes in Moravia-Silesia and Upper Silesia. Preprint / Working Paper. University of Paisley, Paisley.

Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and Polverari, Laura; Taylor, Sandra, ed. (2003) Monitoring interreg IIIA programmes : international case studies. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Ferry, M. (2002) The Polish Green Movement ten years after the fall of communism. Environmental Politics, 11 (1). pp. 172-177. ISSN 0964-4016

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