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Number of items: 89.


Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Downes, Ruth (2024) Charting a New Course for EU Cohesion Policy After 2027. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Fonseca, Liliana and Downes, Ruth and Mendez, Carlos and Johnson, Michael Pierre and Smith, Madeline (2024) Innovation Strategies for System-level Transformation. Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2024) The quality of government and administrative performance : explaining Cohesion policy compliance, absorption and achievements across EU regions. Regional Studies, 58 (4). pp. 690-703. ISSN 0034-3404

Mendez, Carlos and Pegan, Andreja and Triga, Vasiliki (2024) Creating public value in regional policy : bringing citizens back in. Public Management Review, 26 (3). pp. 811-835. ISSN 1471-9037


Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2023) Navigating stormy waters : crises and Cohesion Policy beyond 2027. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Damurski, Lukasz and Mendez, Carlos and Drijfhout, Yannick and Pach, Paweł and Piskorek, Katarzyna and Arena, Virginia (2023) The impact of digital media on urban discourse : the journalist perspective. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 12 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2160-9926

Mendez, Carlos (2023) [Book review] : Economic growth and Cohesion Policy implementation in Italy and Spain: institutions, strategic choices, administrative change. [Review]


Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Ferry, Martin (2022) Towards a green and digital transition : the new cohesion policy strategies and reform debate. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Gazzola, Michele and Clement-Wilz, Laure and Triga, Vasiliki and Mendez, Fernando and Djouvas, Costas and Charamboulos, Antonis and Bachtler, John (2022) Research for CULT Committee – The European Union's Approach to Multilingualism in its Own Communication Policy. European Parliament, Brussels.

Mendez, Carlos (2022) Participatory budgeting needs assessment : a comparative analysis of the DEMOTEC cities. In: European Week of Regions and Cities, European Committee of the Regions, 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-13.

Borz, Gabriela and Brandenburg, Heinz and Mendez, Carlos (2022) The impact of EU Cohesion Policy on European identity : a comparative analysis of EU regions. European Union Politics, 23 (2). pp. 259-281. ISSN 1465-1165


Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2021) Recovery and cohesion : ambitious objectives, challenging implementation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Van Der Zwet, Arno and Borkowska-Waszak, Sylwia (2021) Rescaling urban development policy in the EU : the impact of integrated place-based approaches in Cohesion Policy. Regional Studies, 55 (6). pp. 1154-1165. ISSN 0034-3404

Mendez, Carlos and Fonseca, Liliana (2021) The Just Transition Fund : Will the territorial plans deliver? EPRC, Glasgow.


Wishlade, Fiona and Michie, Rona and Mendez, Carlos (2020) Fact-finding study on the implementation of the transparency requirements under the GBER and relevant guidelines. European Commission, Brussels.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos; Wallace, Helen and Pollack, Mark and Roederer-Rynning, Christilla and Young, Alasdair, eds. (2020) Cohesion policy : doing more with less. In: Policy-Making in the European Union. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 232-253. ISBN 9780198807605

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2020) Will Cohesion Policy Recover from Covid? An Initial Assessment. EORPA, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos; Coman, Ramona and Crespy, Amandine and Schmidt, Vivien A., eds. (2020) Cohesion and the EU's budget : is conditionality undermining solidarity? In: Governance and politics in the post-crisis European Union. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 121-139. ISBN 9781108612609

Mendez, Carlos and Mendez, Fernando and Triga, Vasiliki and Carrascosa, Juan Miguel (2020) EU cohesion policy in the media spotlight : exploring territorial and temporal patterns in news coverage and tone. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 58 (4). pp. 1034-1055. ISSN 1468-5965


Mendez, Carlos and Triga, Vasiliki and Bachtler, John and Djouvas, Costas and Mendez, Fernando and Stier, Sebastian (2019) The Visibility and Communication of Cohesion Policy in Online Media. European Parliament, Brussels.

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and McMaster, Irene (2019) The Agenda for Cohesion Policy in 2019-2024 : Key Issues for the REGI Committee. European Parliament, Brussels.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2019) Reforming the MFF and Cohesion Policy 2021-27 : Pragmatic Drift or Paradigmatic Shift? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Michie, Rona and Mendez, Carlos and Gal, Fabian (2018) Results, Review and Reform : Delivering Programme Objectives While Preparing for the Post-2020 Cohesion Policy : IQ-Net Review Paper 43(1). European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow [University of Strathclyde].

Mendez, Carlos and Miller, Stephen (2018) Cohesion policy implementation, performance and communication : North East England case study. Case study. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Dozhdeva, Viktoriya and Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2018) Cohesion policy implementation, performance and communication : Scotland case study. Case study. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Carrascosa, Juan Miguel and Mendez, Carlos and Triga, Vasiliki (2018) EU Cohesion Policy in the Media : A Computational Text Analysis of Online News, User Comments and Social Media. COHESIFY, Glasgow.

Borz, Gabriela and Brandenburg, Heinz and Mendez, Carlos (2018) The Impact of EU Cohesion Policy on European Identity : Results from the COHESIFY Citizen Survey. COHESIFY, Glasgow.

Pegan, Andreja and Mendez, Carlos and Triga, Vasiliki (2018) What do Citizens Think of Cohesion Policy and Does it Matter for European identity? : A Comparative Focus Group Analysis. COHESIFY, Glasgow.

Corchado, Laura and Fernandez, Nuria and Martin, Fuensanta and Mendez, Carlos (2018) A Comparative Analysis of Cohesion Policy Communication Strategies. COHESIFY, Glasgow.


Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2017) Financial compliance in the European Union : a cross-national assessment of financial correction patterns and causes in cohesion policy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (3). pp. 569-592. ISSN 1468-5965


Mendez, Carlos and Dozhdeva, Viktoriya and Bachtler, John (2016) The Implementation of ESIF Communication Strategies in 2014-20 : Are they Achieving Expectations? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos; Piattoni, Simona and Polverari, Laura, eds. (2016) Cohesion policy reform and the evolving role of the council. In: Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA. ISBN 978 1 78471 566 3

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2016) European Identity and Citizen Attitudes to Cohesion Policy : What do we know? COHESIFY, Glasgow.


Kah, Stefan and Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Miller, Stephen (2015) Strategic Coherence of Cohesion Policy : Comparison of the 2007-13 and 2014-20 Programming Periods. European Parliament.


Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2014) Prospects for Cohesion Policy in 2014-20 and Beyond : Progress with Programming and Reflections on the Future. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Todtling-Schonhofer, Herta and Hamza, Christine and Radzyner, Alice and Bachtler, John and Kah, Stefan and Mendez, Carlos (2014) Implementation of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 : Preparations and Administrative Capacity of Member States. European Parliament.

Bachtler, John and Méndez, Carlos and Vironen, Heidi (2014) Regional Development and Policy in Europe : Contributions for the Debate in Latin America. EUROsociAL Programme, Madrid.

Radzyner, A and Todtling-Schonhofer, H and Frangenheim, A and Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Charles, David and Granqvist, Kaisa (2014) An Assessment of Multilevel Governance in Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 : Volume 1, Study. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Oraže, Hildegard (2014) From conditionality to Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe : administrative performance and capacity in cohesion policy. European Planning Studies, 22 (4). pp. 735-757. ISSN 0965-4313


Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2013) EU Cohesion Policy and European Integration : The Dynamics of EU Budget and Regional Policy Reform. Ashgate Publishing, Farnham. ISBN 9780754674214

Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Bachtler, John (2013) A new dawn for cohesion policy? The emerging budget and policy directions for 2014-20. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Kah, Stefan and Bachtler, John (2013) Preparing for 2014-20: programming, concentration and performance : IQ-Net Thematic Paper, 32(2). European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Kah, Stefan; Kovács, Ilona Pálné and Scott, James and Gál, Zoltán, eds. (2013) Reflections on the Performance of Cohesion Policy. In: Territorial Cohesion in Europe. Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Pécs, Hungary, pp. 46-58. ISBN 9789639899698

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Granqvist, Kaisa (2013) European commission perspectives on the 2014-20 partnership agreements & programmes : a comparative review of the commission's position papers. EPRC, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2013) EU cohesion policy 2007-13 : are the strategic, performance and accountability goals of the 2006 reform being achieved? European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 2013 (1). pp. 15-19. ISSN 2196-8268

Begg, I and Macchiarelli, C and Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2013) European economic governance and EU cohesion policy : report to the european parliament. European Parliament.

Mendez, Carlos (2013) The post-2013 reform of EU cohesion policy and the place-based narrative. Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (5). pp. 639-659. ISSN 1350-1763


Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Bachtler, John (2012) Negotiation boxes and blocks : crafting a deal on the EU budget and cohesion policy. European Policy Research Papers No. 82, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona (2012) Cohesion policy after 2013 : a critical assessment of the legislative proposals. European Parliament, Brussels.

Mendez, Carlos (2012) Clouds, clocks and policy dynamics : a path-(inter)dependent analysis of EU cohesion policy. Policy and Politics, 40 (2). pp. 153-170. ISSN 0305-5736


Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona (2011) A Budget and Cohesion Policy for Europe 2020 : Let the Negotiations Begin. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona (2011) Comparative study on the visions and options for cohesion policy after 2013. European Parliament, Brussels.

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona (2011) Visions and options for cohesion policy after 2013. European Parliament, Brussels.

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2011) Administrative reform and unintended consequences : an assessment of the EU Cohesion policy ‘audit explosion’. Journal of European Public Policy, 18 (5). pp. 746-765. ISSN 1350-1763

Mendez, Carlos (2011) The Lisbonization of EU cohesion policy : a successful case of experimentalist governance? European Planning Studies, 19 (3). pp. 519-537. ISSN 0965-4313

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona (2011) Setting the stage for the reform of cohesion policy after 2013. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Kah, Stefan and Bachtler, John (2011) Taking stock of programme progress: implementation of the Lisbon agenda and lessons for Europe 2020 : IQ-Net Thematic Paper. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Wishlade, Fiona and Gross, Frederike and Yuill, Douglas and Gorzelak, Grzegorz and Kozak, Marek and Mendez, Carlos (2011) The objective of economic and social cohesion in the economic policies of the member states. European Policies Research Centre.


Tödtling–Schönhofer, H and Hamza, C and Resch, A and Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2010) Impact and effectiveness of the structural funds and EU policies aimed at SMEs in the regions. European Parliament Committee on Regional Development.

Bachtler, J.F. and Mendez, C. and Wishlade, F.G. (2010) Challenges, consultations and concepts : preparing for the cohesion policy debate. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2010) Review and assessment of simplification measures in cohesion policy 2007-2013 : Report to policy department B: structural and cohesion policies. European Parliament, Brussels.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2010) The reform of cohesion policy after 2013: more Concentration, greater performance and better governance : IQ-Net Thematic Paper. European Policies Research Centre.


Mendez, Carlos and Kah, Stefan (2009) Programme implementation in times of economic crisis : review of programme implementation Winter 2008-Spring 2009. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Yuill, D.M. and Mendez, C. and Wishlade, F.G. and Jesus Delgado, M. and Murillo Garcia, E. (2009) Cohesion policy reform : some implications for Spain and its regions. Presupuestos y Gasto Publico, 55 (2). pp. 49-75. ISSN 0210-5977

Bachtler, J. and Mendez, C. and Wishlade, F. (2009) La riforma del Bilancio dell'Unione europea e la politica di coesione "dopo il 2013". Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno, 23 (1-2). pp. 277-328. ISSN 1120-9534

Manzella, GP and Mendez, Carlos (2009) The turning points of EU cohesion policy, Working Paper Report to Barca Report. European Commission, Brussels.


Mendez, Carlos (2008) Cohesion policy and the EU budget : looking forward. In: EU Cohesion Policy Workshop: Research Opportunities and Policy Challenges, 2008-12-05 - 2008-12-05.

Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Yuill, Douglas (2008) Made to measure? Europeanization, goodness of fit and adaptation pressures in EU competition policy and regional aid. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 10 (3). pp. 279-298.

Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John (2008) From environmental sustainability to sustainable development? : making concepts tangible in structural funds programmes. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2008) Ideas for Budget and Policy Reform : Reviewing the Debate on Cohesion Policy 2014+. EORPA.


Bachtler, John and Mendez, C. (2007) Who governs EU cohesion policy? deconstructing the reforms of the structural funds. Journal of Common Market Studies, 45 (3). pp. 535-564. ISSN 1468-5965

Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and McMaster, Irene (2007) The 2007-13 operational programmes: a preliminary assessment: Spring – Autumn 2005. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Yuill, Douglas (2007) The European added value of cohesion policy : Report to the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy & Communications, Sweden. European Policies Research Centre.

Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Yuill, Douglas (2007) Made to Measure? Europeanization, ‘goodness of fit’ and adaptation pressures in EU competition policy and regional aid. European Policies Research Centre.

Polverari, Laura and Mendez, Carlos and Gross, Frederike and Bachtler, John (2007) Making sense of European Cohesion Policy : 2007-13 ongoing evaluation and monitoring arrangements. In: 23rd IQ-Net Conference, 2007-11-14 - 2007-11-16.

Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona and Mendez, Carlos (2007) New Budget, New Regulations, New Strategies : the 2006 Reform of EU Cohesion Policy. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2007) Renewing cohesion policy: recent progress and long-term challenges : Paper prepared for the 28th meeting of the EoRPA Regional Policy Research Consortium at Ross Priory, Loch Lomondside on 7-9 October 2006. EORPA.


Institute of Fiscal Studies = Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (Funder), EPRC’s EoRPA (Funder); Yuill, Douglas and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Murillo, E. and Delgado, M.J.. (2006) EU Cohesion policy 2007-13 and the implications for Spain : who gets what, when and how? European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Yuill, Douglas (2006) ‘Europeanization, goodness-of-fit and adaptation pressures in EU competition policy’. In: ‘Europeanization, Goodness-of-fit and Adaptation Pressures in EU Competition policy’, 2006-03-10 - 2006-03-10.

Yuill, Douglas and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Murillo, E. and Delgado, M.J. (2006) Cohesion policy reform: the implications for Spain. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid.

Mendez, C. and Wishlade, F.G. and Yuill, D.M. (2006) Conditioning and fine-tuning Europeanization: negotiating regional policy maps under the EU's competition and cohesion policies. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44 (3). pp. 581-605. ISSN 1468-5965

Bachtler, John and McMaster, Irene and Mendez, Carlos (2006) Ireland, Northern Ireland and Western Scotland cross corder territorial cooperation programme 2007–2013 : Development of a Joint Strategic Approach on Behalf of Scottish Partners, First Interim Report to Scotland Europa, Glasgow. European Policies Research Centre.

Mendez, Carlos and Bachtler, John and Gross, Frederike and Yuill, Douglas (2006) The final year of the 2000-2006 period: review of programme developments: Winter-Summer 2006. European Policies Research Centre.


Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Gross, Frederike and Wishlade, Fiona (2005) Planning for programme closure and beyond : review of programme developments: Spring – Autumn 2005. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and McMaster, Irene and Wishlade, Fiona (2005) Programming with an uncertain future : review of programme developments: Autumn 2004 – Spring 2005. European Policies Research Centre.


Davies, Sara and Mendez, Carlos and Quiogue, Nina (2004) Cohesion policy funding for innovation and the knowledge economy. In: IQ-Net Phase III Conference, 2004-11-08 - 2004-11-10.

Hearns, Diarmid and Mendez, Carlos (2004) Benchmarking of business support for Interreg IIIc Partners : Final Report. EPRC.

Wishlade, Fiona and Yuill, Douglas and Mendez, Carlos (2004) Regional policy in the EU : a passing phase of Europeanisation or a complex case of policy transfer? European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.


Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and Polverari, Laura; Taylor, Sandra, ed. (2003) Monitoring interreg IIIA programmes : international case studies. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

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