Impact and effectiveness of the structural funds and EU policies aimed at SMEs in the regions

Tödtling–Schönhofer, H and Hamza, C and Resch, A and Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2010) Impact and effectiveness of the structural funds and EU policies aimed at SMEs in the regions. European Parliament Committee on Regional Development. (

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This study provides a description of the general nature of SMEs and their development factors as well as the support that Cohesion Policy and other EU policies provide to SMEs. It then assesses practical aspects and effects of Cohesion Policy on enterprises and SMEs on the basis of a review of published materials and eight case studies drawn from SMErelevant ERDF OPs from 2007-2013; where possible, it also includes lessons learnt from 2000-2006. The conclusions and policy recommendations put forward clearly highlight the complex relationship between EU policies and SMEs as final beneficiaries of support in the EU multilevel governance system.