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Items where subject is "Political institutions (Europe)"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 414.

Cram, Laura and Dinan, Des and Nugent, Neill, eds. (1999) Developments in the European Union. Macmillan, London. ISBN 0333736338

Gorzelak, Grzegorz and Bachtler, John and Smetkowski, Maciej, eds. (2010) Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe : Development Processes and Policy Challenges. Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-57136-4

Bachtler, John and Downes, Ruth and Gorzelak, Grzegorz, eds. (2000) Transition, Cohesion and Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Ashgate. ISBN 1-84014-783-0

Amin, Ash and Charles, David and Howells, Jeremy (1992) Corporate restructuring and cohesion in the new Europe. Regional Studies, 26 (4). pp. 319-332. ISSN 0034-3404

Antonopoulos, Eleftherios and Bachtler, John (2014) The role of EU pre-accession assistance in the establishment of national coordination structures for EU funding : the case of Croatia. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 10 (2). pp. 185-202. ISSN 1815-347X

Arregui, Javier and Thomson, Robert (2014) Domestic adjustment costs, interdependence and dissent in the Council of the European Union. European Journal of Political Research, 53 (4). pp. 692-708. ISSN 0304-4130

Bachtler, J. and Mendez, C. and Wishlade, F. (2009) La riforma del Bilancio dell'Unione europea e la politica di coesione "dopo il 2013". Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno, 23 (1-2). pp. 277-328. ISSN 1120-9534

Bachtler, J.F.; (2001) Quod erat demonstrandum? the evaluation of regional policy. In: Ordnungspolitik als Konstruktive Antwort auf wirtschaftspolitiche Herausforderungen. Lucius and Lucius Verlag, pp. 3-20. ISBN 978-3-8282-0167-5

Bachtler, J.F. and Gorzelak, G. (2007) Reforming EU cohesion policy: a reappraisal of the performance of the structural funds. Policy Studies, 28 (4). pp. 309-326. ISSN 0144-2872

Bachtler, J.F. and McMaster, I. (2007) Sustainable growth, competitiveness and employment: will EU cohesion policy deliver on the Lisbon strategy? Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 65 (4). pp. 259-274. ISSN 0034-0111

Bachtler, J.F. and Mendez, C. and Wishlade, F.G. (2010) Challenges, consultations and concepts : preparing for the cohesion policy debate. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Bachtler, J.F. and Michie, R. (1994) Strengthening economic and social cohesion: the revision of the Structural Funds. Regional Studies, 28 (8). pp. 789-796. ISSN 0034-3404

Bachtler, J.F. and Wren, C. (2006) The evaluation of EU cohesion policy : Research questions and policy challenges. Regional Studies, 40 (2). pp. 143-153. ISSN 0034-3404

Bachtler, J.F. and Yuill, D. and Davies, S. (2005) Regional policy and innovation : EoRPA paper 05/5. University of Strathclyde. (Unpublished)

Bachtler, J.F. and Yuill, D.M.; Eberstein, H. and Karl, H., eds. (2008) Neue Entwicklungen in der europaeischen Regionalpolitik. In: Handbuch der regionalen wirtschaftsfoerderung. Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Koeln, Germany. ISBN 9783504400415

Bachtler, John; Olejniczaka, Karola and Kozaka, Marka and Ledziona, Bartosza, eds. (2008) Ewaluacja regionalnej polityki w Europie : kultura, zaangazowanie i potencjal. In: Teoria i praktyka ewaluacji interwencji publicznych. Wydawnictwa Akademickie I Profesjonale, Warsaw, pp. 60-83. ISBN 978–83–61408–01–7

Bachtler, John; Steiner, M and Gruber, M and Zumbusch, K, eds. (2007) Innovation und Europäische Regionalpolitik. In: Technologiepolitisches Konzept II Steiermark. Joanneum Research, Leykam, pp. 91-118. ISBN 3-7011-0081-0

Bachtler, John (2010) Place-based policy and regional development in Europe. Horizons, 10 (44). pp. 54-58.

Bachtler, John; Olejniczak, Karol and Kozak, Marek and Bienias, Stanisław, eds. (2011) The evaluation of regional policy in Europe : culture, commitment and capacity. In: Evaluating the Effects of Regional Interventions. Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, pp. 90-113. ISBN 978-83-7610-309-9

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain (2017) EU Cohesion Policy after Brexit : the economic, social and institutional challenges. Journal of Social Policy, 46 (4). pp. 745-763. ISSN 0047-2794

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Charles, David and Polverari, Laura (2016) EU Cohesion Policy in Practice : What Does it Achieve? Policy Impacts . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., London. ISBN 1783487224

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Ferry, Martin and Ogilvie, Jayne (2019) Ex-post Evaluation of the EU Solidarity Fund 2002-2016. European Commission, Luxembourg.

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Polverari, Laura and Charles, David (2013) Evaluation of the Main Achievements of Cohesion Policy Programmes over the Longer Term in 15 Selected Regions : From 1989-1993 Programme Period to the Present. European Commission, Luxembourg.

Bachtler, John and Davies, Sara; Gorzelak, G. and Goh, Ch., eds. (2010) The geography of the crisis in western Europe : national and regional impacts and policy responses. In: Financial Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. Scholar, Warsaw, pp. 1-12.

Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and Gal, Fabian (2018) Financial Implementation of European Structural and Investment Funds. European Parliament, Brussels.

Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and McMaster, Irene (2007) The 2007-13 operational programmes: a preliminary assessment: Spring – Autumn 2005. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Gorzelak, G (2007) Reforming EU cohesion policy : a reappraisal of the performance of the structural funds. Policy Studies, 28 (4). pp. 309-326. ISSN 0144-2872

Bachtler, John and Gross, T (2006) The new priorities of EU cohesion policy : how are the member states responding? Raum : österreichische Zeitschrift für Raumplanung und Regionalpolitik, 64. pp. 25-28.

Bachtler, John and McMaster, Irene (2007) EU cohesion policy and the role of the regions : investigating the influence of structural funds in the new member states. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 26 (2). pp. 398-427. ISSN 1472-3425

Bachtler, John and McMaster, Irene and Mendez, Carlos (2006) Ireland, Northern Ireland and Western Scotland cross corder territorial cooperation programme 2007–2013 : Development of a Joint Strategic Approach on Behalf of Scottish Partners, First Interim Report to Scotland Europa, Glasgow. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, C. (2007) Who governs EU cohesion policy? deconstructing the reforms of the structural funds. Journal of Common Market Studies, 45 (3). pp. 535-564. ISSN 1468-5965

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2013) EU cohesion policy 2007-13 : are the strategic, performance and accountability goals of the 2006 reform being achieved? European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 2013 (1). pp. 15-19. ISSN 2196-8268

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2023) Navigating stormy waters : crises and Cohesion Policy beyond 2027. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2021) Recovery and cohesion : ambitious objectives, challenging implementation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2007) Renewing cohesion policy: recent progress and long-term challenges : Paper prepared for the 28th meeting of the EoRPA Regional Policy Research Consortium at Ross Priory, Loch Lomondside on 7-9 October 2006. EORPA.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2010) Review and assessment of simplification measures in cohesion policy 2007-2013 : Report to policy department B: structural and cohesion policies. European Parliament, Brussels.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2010) The reform of cohesion policy after 2013: more Concentration, greater performance and better governance : IQ-Net Thematic Paper. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Downes, Ruth (2024) Charting a New Course for EU Cohesion Policy After 2027. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Ferry, Martin (2022) Towards a green and digital transition : the new cohesion policy strategies and reform debate. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Gross, Frederike and Wishlade, Fiona (2005) Planning for programme closure and beyond : review of programme developments: Spring – Autumn 2005. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Oraže, Hildegard (2014) From conditionality to Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe : administrative performance and capacity in cohesion policy. European Planning Studies, 22 (4). pp. 735-757. ISSN 0965-4313

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2008) Ideas for Budget and Policy Reform : Reviewing the Debate on Cohesion Policy 2014+. EORPA.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2019) Reforming the MFF and Cohesion Policy 2021-27 : Pragmatic Drift or Paradigmatic Shift? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona and Yuill, Douglas (2007) The European added value of cohesion policy : Report to the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy & Communications, Sweden. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura; Faludi, Andreas, ed. (2007) Delivering territorial cohesion : European cohesion policy and the European model of society. In: Territorial Cohesion and the European Model of Society. Lincoln Institute Books, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp. 105-128. ISBN 9781558441668

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura; Faludi, A, ed. (2007) Territorial cohesion and the European model of society. In: Delivering Territorial Cohesion: European Cohesion Policy and the European Model of Society. Lincoln Institute Books, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Ms (US).

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura and Oraže, H and Clement, K. and Todtling-Schonhofer, H. and Gross, Frederike and Naylon, I. (2009) Ex post evaluation of Cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 co-financed by the ERDF (objective 1 and 2), Work Package 11: Management and implementation systems for Cohesion policy. European Commission (DG Regio),.

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura and Taylor, Sandra and Ashcroft, B and Swales, K. (2000) Methodologies used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of European structural funds : a comparative assessment. Scottish Executive Development Department.

Bachtler, John and Vironen, Heidi and Michie, Rona (2007) A comparative analysis of EU funding and policy support structures : Report to Scotland Europa (Scottish Enterprise). EPRC.

Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona and Mendez, Carlos (2007) New Budget, New Regulations, New Strategies : the 2006 Reform of EU Cohesion Policy. European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Yuill, D; Eberstein, H and Karl, H, eds. (2014) Neuere entwicklungen in der Europaischen regional politik. In: Handbuch der regional Wirtschaftsförderung. Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, pp. 1-39. ISBN 978-3-504-40041-5

Balz, Verena and Verbeek, Thomas and Qu, Lei and Baugh, Rebecca and Dabrowski, Marcin and Jungsberg, Leneisja and Ferry, Martin and Georgieva, Neli and Serdult, Uwe and Trifonova, Mariya and Amin, Samir and Clouet, Yoann (2023) Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions : Deliverable 1.1: Theoretical and conceptual framework. Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), Delft.

Bates, St John (2004) The Isle of Man's Tynwald and Europe : missed opportunities? The Beacon. pp. 13-14.

Benneworth, Paul and Charles, David; Benneworth, P, ed. (2013) University-community engagement in the wider policy environment. In: University engagement with socially excluded communities. Springer, Berlin, pp. 223-241. ISBN 9789400748750

Benneworth, Paul and Charles, David and Hodgson, C and Humphrey, L; Benneworth, P, ed. (2013) The relationship of community engagement with universities’ core missions. In: University engagement with socially excluded communities. Springer, Berlin, pp. 85-101. ISBN 9789400748743

Birch, Kean and Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo (2010) Sustainable capital? The neoliberalization of nature and knowledge in the European "knowledge-based bio-economy". Sustainability, 2 (9). pp. 2898-2918. ISSN 2071-1050

Borz, Gabriela (2019) Combating corruption in Europe : a stimulus-response approach. European Political Science, 18 (2). pp. 217-233. ISSN 1680-4333

Borz, Gabriela (2016) Representation through the eyes of the voter : a cost-benefit analysis of European integration. Italian Political Science Review, 46 (02). pp. 175-197. ISSN 2057-4908

Borz, Gabriela; Viola, Donatella M., ed. (2015) Romania. In: Routledge Handbook of European Elections. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-59203-1

Borz, Gabriela and De Francesco, Fabrizio and Montgomerie, Thomas L. and Bellis, Michael Peter (2024) The EU soft regulation of digital campaigning : regulatory effectiveness through platform compliance to the Code of Practice on Disinformation. Policy Studies, 45 (5). pp. 709-729. ISSN 0144-2872

Borz, Gabriela and de Miguel, Carolina (2019) Organizational and ideological strategies for nationalization : evidence from European parties. British Journal of Political Science, 49 (4). pp. 1499-1526. ISSN 0007-1234

Boyle, Mark (2002) Cleaning up after the Celtic Tiger : calar fixes in the political ecology of Tiger economies. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27 (2). pp. 172-194. ISSN 0020-2754

Boyle, Mark (2001) Cleaning up after the Celtic Tiger : the politics of waste management in Ireland. Journal of the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers, 30. pp. 71-91.

Boyle, Mark (2003) Scale as an 'active progenitor' in the metamorphosis of the waste management hierarchy in member states: the case of the Republic of Ireland. European Planning Studies, 11 (4). pp. 481-502. ISSN 0965-4313

Bray, Rachel and Woodman, Bridget (2020) Cornwall Local Energy Market - Organisations Survey. University of Exeter, Exeter.

Bray, Rachel and Woodman, Bridget and Judson, Emily (2020) Future Prospects for Local Energy Markets : Lessons from the Cornwall LEM. University of Exeter, Exeter.

Brink, B. (2008) Europeanization: New research agendas. [Review]

Cairney, Paul and Munro, Fiona and McHarg, Aileen and McEwen, Nicola and Turner, Karen and Katris, Antonios (2019) The Impact of Brexit on the UK and Devolved Energy System. UK Energy Research Centre, London.

Charles, David (2009) Developing universities and research potential in peripheral regions. Regions, the Newsletter of the Regional Studies Association, 273 (1). pp. 6-9.

Charles, David; Ingallina, Patrizia, ed. (2012) L’engagement ville-université en faveur des industries créatives : quel projet pour améliorer l’attractivité et l’interaction ? Le cas de l’Australie. In: Universités et enjeux territoriaux. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve d'Ascq, p. 83. ISBN 978-2-7574-0408-9

Charles, David (1989) R & D in Cleveland. Northern Economic Review, 17. pp. 48-59.

Charles, David and Damianova, Z and Maroulis, N (2009) Contribution of policies at the regional level to the realisation of the European Research Area. EU Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Seville., Seville.

Charles, David and Gross, Frederike and Bachtler, John (2012) Smart specialisation' and cohesion policy : a strategy for all regions? European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Charles, David and Michie, Rona (2013) Evaluation of the Main Achievements of Cohesion Policy Programmes over the Longer Term in 15 Selected Regions : Case Study North East England : From 1989-1993 Programme Period to the Present. European Commission, Luxembourg.

Charles, David and Wilson, B.; Pinheiro, R and Benneworth, P and Jones, G.A., eds. (2012) Managing regional engagement: the role of benchmarking. In: Universities and Regional Development. Routledge, London, pp. 219-237. ISBN 978-0415893558

Corbett, Hannah and Fonseca, Liliana (2023) Enabling Low-carbon Entrepreneurship and SME Development to Drive a Net Zero Future. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Costello, Rory and Thomson, Robert (2013) The distribution of power among EU institutions : who wins under codecision and why? Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (7). pp. 1025-1039. ISSN 1350-1763

Cram, L. (2009) Identity and European integration : diversity as a source of integration. Nations and Nationalism, 15 (1). pp. 109-128. ISSN 1354-5078

Cram, L.; Wallace, Helen, ed. (2001) Imagining the Union: a case of banal Europeanism. In: Interlocking Dimensions of Integration. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., London, UK, pp. 233-246. ISBN 0333802969

Cram, L.; Richardson, Jeremy, ed. (2001) Integration theory and the study of the European policy process: towards a synthesis of approaches. In: European Union: Power and Policy-making. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 52-70. ISBN 0415221641

Cram, L. (2009) Introduction: banal Europeanism: European Union identity and national identities in synergy. Nations and Nationalism, 15 (1). pp. 101-108. ISSN 1354-5078

Cram, Laura (2012) Does the EU need a navel? Implicit and explicit identification with the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (1). 71–86. ISSN 1468-5965

Cram, Laura; Cram, L. and Dinan, D. and Nugent, N., eds. (1999) The European Commission. In: Developments in the European Union. Macmillan, London, pp. 44-61. ISBN 0333736338

Cram, Laura; Dehousse, Renaud, ed. (2011) In the shadow of hierarchy : governance as a tool of government. In: The Community Method. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics . Palgrave, London, pp. 151-165. ISBN 9780230580770

Cram, Laura; Aspinwall, M. and Greenwood, J., eds. (1998) Institutions and collective action. In: European Level Collective Action. Routledge, London, pp. 63-80.

Cram, Laura (2011) Measuring implicit identification with the EU and its effects. e-international relations, November (2011).

Cram, Laura (1997) Policy Making in the European Union: Conceptual Lenses and the Integration Process. Routledge, London.

Cram, Laura; Fink Hafner, D. and Cox, T., eds. (1996) Providing the catalyst for collective action? The EU institutions and euro-interests in EU social policy. In: Into Europe? Perspectives from Britain and Slovenia. Scientific Library Press, Ljubljana, pp. 339-362. ISBN 86-80227-53-6

Cram, Laura; Donati, P, ed. (2011) Sussidiarietà, società civile e nuovi modelli di governance nell 'Unione europea. In: Verso una società sussidiariam. Bononia University Press, Bologna, Italy.

Cram, Laura; Wallace, Helen and Wallace, William, eds. (2001) Theories of integration. In: Policy-Making in the European Union. Routledge, London.

Cram, Laura (1994) Women's political participation in greece since the colonels dictatorship: From democratic struggle to incorporation by the party state? Democratization, 1 (2). pp. 229-250. ISSN 1351-0347

Cram, Laura (2011) The importance of the temporal dimension : new modes of governance as a tool of government. Journal of European Public Policy, 18 (5). pp. 636-653. ISSN 1350-1763

Cram, Laura; (2000) The new processes and structures of EU politics. In: Governing Europe. Open University Press.

Cram, Laura and Dinan, Des and Nugent, Neill; Cram, L. and Dinan, D. and Nugent, N., eds. (1999) Reconciling theory and practice. In: Developments in the European Union. Macmillan, London, pp. 3-22. ISBN 0333736338

Cram, Laura and Dinan, Des and Nugent, Neill; Cram, L. and Dinan, D. and Nugent, N., eds. (1999) The evolving European Union. In: Developments in the European Union. Macmillan, London, pp. 353-366. ISBN 0333736338

Cram, Laura and Greenwood, Justin (1996) European level business collective action: the study agenda ahead. Journal of Common Market Studies, 34 (2). pp. 449-463. ISSN 1468-5965

Crepaz, Michele and De Francesco, Fabrizio (2025) Incremental lobbying reform : the patchy case of Italy. Interest Groups and Advocacy. ISSN 2047-7422

Curtice, John (2015) How Scotland Voted : Economic Perceptions in the Scottish Independence Referendum. University of Strathclyde.

Curtice, John (2015) Playing with political fire : Cameron, the Conservatives and the EU referendum. Juncture, 22 (3). pp. 196-200. ISSN 2050-5876

Curtis, Mark; Pilger, John, ed. (2004) Complicity in a million deaths. In: Tell me no lies. Jonathan Cape, London, pp. 501-516. ISBN 9780224062886

Daly, Angela and Miyake, Esperanza and Porter, Andy and Berti Suman, Anna and Nic Daéid, Niamh and Switzer, Stephanie and Tetley-Brown, Lucille and Valero, Julián (2024) Valuing Public Sector Data in Scotland and Europe : Data Governance for Economic, Environmental and Social Development. Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science.

Damurski, Lukasz and Mendez, Carlos and Drijfhout, Yannick and Pach, Paweł and Piskorek, Katarzyna and Arena, Virginia (2023) The impact of digital media on urban discourse : the journalist perspective. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 12 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2160-9926

Davidson, Neil (2005) How revolutionary were the bourgeois revolutions? Historical Materialism, 13 (3). pp. 3-38. ISSN 1465-4466

Davidson, Neil; (2010) Neoliberal Scotland: Class and Society in a Stateless Nation - Introduction. In: Neoliberal Scotland: Class and Society in a Stateless Nation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 1-14. ISBN 1-4438-1675-2

EoRPA (Funder); Davies, S. and Gross, F. and Yuill, D.M.. (2007) Where does all the money go? Operationalising the allocation of funding under EU and national regional policy. University of Strathclyde. (Unpublished)

Davies, Sara and Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona (2013) Regional Policy in Times of Austerity. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Davies, Sara and Bachtler, John and Wishlade, Fiona (2012) Rethinking Regional Policy at National and European Levels : Short-Term Pressures and Long-Term Challenges. European Policies Research Centre.

Davies, Sara and Ferry, Martin and Gross, Frederike (2015) Policy reform under challenging conditions : Annual review of regional policy in Europe. European Policies Research Centre.

Davies, Sara and Griestop, Laura and Vironen, Heidi and Bachtler, John and Dozhdeva, Viktoriya and Michie, Rona (2016) D3.1 - Case studies of national bioeconomy strategies in Finland and Germany. EPRC, Glasgow.

Davies, Sara and Gross, Frederike and Polverari, Laura; (2008) The financial management, control and audit of EU Cohesion policy. In: Paper to the IQ Net Structural funds network, Green 19-21 November. IQ-Net Themaic Paper. (Unpublished)

Davies, Sara and Mendez, Carlos and Quiogue, Nina (2004) Cohesion policy funding for innovation and the knowledge economy. In: IQ-Net Phase III Conference, 2004-11-08 - 2004-11-10.

Davies, Sara and den Hoed, Wilbert and Michie, Rona (2020) Energy Transition in Europe's Coal Regions : Issues for Regional Policy. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Dax, Thomas and Kah, Stefan (2017) Transnational cooperation, an opportunity for social innovation of rural regions. European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 5 (3). pp. 211-222. ISSN 2196-8268

Dax, Thomas and Kah, Stefan (2016) Transnational cooperation, an opportunity for social innovation of rural regions. In: Annual Conference of the Regional Studies Association 2016, 2016-04-03 - 2016-04-06, University of Graz.

De Francesco, Fabrizio and Castro, Graziella (2018) Beyond legal transposition : regulatory agencies and de facto convergence of EU rail liberalization. Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (3). pp. 369-388. ISSN 1350-1763

De Francesco, Fabrizio and Tosun, Jale (2022) The enactment of public participation in rulemaking : a comparative analysis. Swiss Political Science Review, 29 (1). pp. 21-36.

Dellepiane Avellaneda, Sebastian and Hardiman, Niamh (2010) Fiscal politics in time: pathways to budget consolidation 1980-2000. Preprint / Working Paper. UCD Dublin European Institute.

Doczekal, Christian and Radulov, Lulin and den Hoed, Wilbert and Davies, Sara and Michie, Rona (2020) Technical Concepts for the Transition of the Energy System into a Smart, Sustainable and Renewable Energy System in the TRACER Target Regions. TRACER, [Munich, Germany].

Downes, Ruth and Ferry, Martin and Maguire, Rachel and Bachtler, John (2024) Regional Policy in Europe : No Place Left Behind. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Dozhdeva, Viktoriya and Fonseca, Liliana (2023) Charting the Path Ahead : Monitoring & Evaluation of Cohesion Policy for the 2021-27 period. European Policies Research Centre Delft, [Delft].

Earnshaw, D. and Judge, David (1995) Early days : the European parliament, codecision and the European union legislative process post-Maastricht. Journal of European Public Policy, 2 (4). pp. 624-649. ISSN 1350-1763

Earnshaw, D. and Judge, David (1997) The life and times of the European Union's co-operation procedure. Journal of Common Market Studies, 35 (4). pp. 543-564. ISSN 1468-5965

Ferry, M.; Bienias, S. and Lewandowska, I., eds. (2009) Cohesion policy evaluation systems in the Visegrad member states: an overview. In: Evaluation systems in the Visegrad member states. Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, Warsaw.

Ferry, M. (2007) Comparing the influence of structural funds programmes on regional development approaches in Western Scotland and Silesia : adaptation or assimilation? European Journal of Spatial Development (28). ISSN 1650-9544

Ferry, M. (2003) The EU and recent regional reform in Poland. Europe-Asia Studies, 55 (7). pp. 1097-1116. ISSN 0966-8136

Ferry, M. (2007) From government to governance: Polish regional development agencies in a changing regional context. East European Politics and Societies, 21 (3). pp. 447-474. ISSN 0888-3254

Ferry, M. (2006) Structural funds and regional development approaches in Western Scotland and Silesia: a new era? In: Reinventing Poland, 2006-11-10 - 2006-11-11. (Unpublished)

Ferry, M. and McMaster, I. (2005) Implementing structural funds in Polish and Czech regions: convergence, variation, empowerment? Regional and Federal Studies, 15 (1). pp. 19-39. ISSN 1359-7566

Ferry, M. and McMaster, I.; (2005) Regional governance in industrial regions in Central and Eastern Europe: case study of Moravia, Silesia and Upper Silesia. In: Regionalism Contested: Institution, Society and Governance. Ashgate, pp. 177-200. ISBN 0-7546-4361-1

Ferry, Martin (2015) Assessing Cohesion Policy Impact in Specific CEEC Territories : Synthesis Paper. European Commission. (In Press)

Ferry, Martin (2004) Regional Policy in Poland on the Eve of EU Membership : Regional Empowerment or Central Control? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Ferry, Martin (2014) Review of decentralised approaches to Cohesion policy management and implementation’ EoRPA policy briefing to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Poland. Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Warsaw. (Unpublished)

Ferry, Martin (2022) Strategic planning for sustainable urban development : issues paper. In: Strategic Planning for Integrated Sustainable Urban Development, 2020-02-20 - 2020-02-20, TU Delft, Faculty of the Architecture and the Built Environment.

Ferry, Martin (2019) Study on Integrated Territorial Investments as an Effective Tool of the Cohesion Policy : Report to BUDG Committee, European Parliament. European Union, Brussels.

Ferry, Martin; Galgóczi, Béla and Drahokoupil, Jan, eds. (2017) The role of EU funds in enhancing the development potential of CEE economies. In: Condemned to Be Left Behind? Can Central and Eastern Europe Emerge from its Low-wage Model? European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, pp. 153-170. ISBN 9782874524622

Ferry, Martin and Bachtler, John (2022) Cohesion policy & new instruments: from coexistence to complementarity. : Discussion paper for Czech expert workshop. In: Czech Presidency Expert Workshop, 2022-07-08 - 2022-07-08.

Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan (2017) Lessons learnt from the closure of the 2007-13 programming period. European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 5 (4). pp. 287-298. ISSN 2196-8268

Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan (2016) Maximisation of synergies between European structural and investment funds and other EU instruments. European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 4 (3). pp. 161-175. ISSN 2196-8268

Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan (2017) Research for REGI - Lessons Learnt from the Closure of the 2007-13 Programming Period. European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development, Brussels, Brussels.

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