Items where subject is "Great Britain"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (73464)
- Political Science (2335)
- Political institutions (Europe) (680)
- Great Britain (90)
- Political institutions (Europe) (680)
- Political Science (2335)
Park, A and Curtice, John and Clery, E and Bryson, C, eds. (2010) British Social Attitudes : the 27th Report. British Social Attitudes survey series (27). Sage, London, London. ISBN 0857025724
Allan, Grant and Lecca, Patrizio and McGregor, Peter and Swales, John; Jeffery, Charlie and Perman, Ray, eds. (2014) What would independence mean for energy markets? In: Scotland's Decision. Birlinn, Edinburgh, pp. 79-84. ISBN 9781870482998
Bartle, John and Dellepiane Avellaneda, Sebastian and McGann, Anthony (2019) Policy accommodation versus electoral turnover : policy representation in Britain, 1945-2015. Journal of Public Policy, 39 (2). pp. 235-265. ISSN 0143-814X
Bennie, L.G. and Curtice, J.K. and Rudig, Wolfgang; Broughton, D., ed. (1995) Liberal social democrat or liberal democrat? Political identity and British centre party politics. In: British Elections and Parties Yearbook 1994. Routledge, London, pp. 148-166. ISBN 0714641502
Brown, David (2001) Compelling but not controlling?: Palmerston and the press, 1846-1855. History, 86 (201). pp. 41-61. ISSN 0018-2648
Brown, David (2003) Palmerston, South Hampshire and Electoral Politics, 1832-35. Other. Hampshire County Council, Winchester.
Brown, David (2001) The Power of Public Opinion: Palmerston and the Crisis of December 1851. Parliamentary History, 20 (3). pp. 333-358. ISSN 0264-2824
Brown, David (2008) Robert Peel: A biography. [Review]
Brown, David (2008) The politics of patriotism: english liberalism, national identity and europe, 1830-1886. [Review]
Butt, S. and Curtice, John; Park, Alison and Curtice, John and Thomson, Katarina and Phillips, Miranda and Clery, Elizabeth and Butt, Sarah, eds. (2010) Duty in decline : who still feels a duty to vote? In: British Social Attitudes: 26th report. British Social Attitudes survey series . SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781849203876
Collignon, Sofia and Rüdig, Wolfgang (2020) Harassment and intimidation of parliamentary candidates in the United Kingdom. Political Quarterly, 91 (2). pp. 422-429. ISSN 0032-3179
Collignon, Sofía and Campbell, Rosie and Rüdig, Wolfgang (2022) The gendered harassment of parliamentary candidates in the UK. Political Quarterly, 93 (1). pp. 32-38. ISSN 0032-3179
Collignon Delmar, Sofia and Hudson, Jennifer and Rüdig, Wolfgang and Campbell, Rosie (2017) Inappropriate Behaviour : Experiences of 2017 Parliamentary Candidates - Evidence from the Representative Audit of Britain Study (ESRC – ES/M500410/1). Government of the United Kingdom's Cabinet Office, London.
Connolly, John and Flinders, Matthew and Judge, David and Torrance, Michael and Tudor, Philipa (2022) Institutions ignored : a history of select committee scrutiny in the House of Lords, 1968–2021. Parliamentary History, 41 (3). pp. 463-490. ISSN 0264-2824
Curtice, John (2010) Election 2010 : a new mood on tax and spend? Policy and Politics, 38 (2). pp. 325-329. ISSN 0305-5736
Curtice, John (2010) Is an English backlash emerging? Reactions to devolution ten years on. IPPR, London.
Curtice, John; Diamond, Patrick and Kenny, Michael, eds. (2011) Rebuilding the bonds of trust and confidence? Labour’s constitutional reform programme. In: Reassessing New Labour: Market, State and Society under Blair. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 1444351346
Curtice, John; Geddes, Andrew and Tonge, Jonathan, eds. (2010) So what went wrong with the electoral system : the 2010 election result and the debate about electoral reform. In: Britain Votes 2010. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0199603278
Curtice, John; Park, Alison and Curtice, John and Thomson, Katarina and Phillips, Miranda and Clery, Elizabeth and Butt, Sarah, eds. (2010) Thermostat or weather vane? : How the public has reacted to new labour government. In: British Social Attitudes 26th Report. British Social Attitudes survey series (26). SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 19-38. ISBN 9781849203876
Curtice, John and Fisher, Stephen D. (2011) The United Kingdom election of 2010. Electoral Studies, 30 (1). pp. 234-237. ISSN 0261-3794
Curtice, John and Hunjan, S.; Aarts, K. and Blais, A. and Schmitt, H., eds. (2011) Elections as Beauty Contests : Do the Rules Matter? In: Political Leaders and Democratic Elections. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0199259003
Curtice, John and Park, A. (2010) Will anyone vote? Prospects for turnout in the general election. National Centre for Social Research, London.
Curtis, Mark (2004) Britain's real foreign policy and the failure of British academia. International Relations, 18 (3). pp. 275-287. ISSN 0047-1178
Curtis, Mark (2003) Web of Deceit: Britain's Real Role in the World. Vintage, London, UK. ISBN 0099448394
Deuchar, R.J. (2007) Citizenship, enterprise and learning: harmonising competing educational agendas. Trentham Books, Stokeon Trent, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781858563817
Eiser, David (2020) Wealth Taxes and Devolution. Wealth Tax Commission, London.
Eschle, Catherine; Futter, Andrew, ed. (2016) Bairns not bombs : the Scottish peace movement and the British nuclear state. In: The United Kingdom and the Future of Nuclear Weapons. Weapons of Mass Destruction . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, MA. ISBN 9781442265738
Fawcett, Helen; (2002) Pension reform in the UK : re-casting the public/private mix in pension provision 1997-2000. In: European Consortium for Political Research. Workshop 21: The Politics of Pension Reform. European Consortium for Political Research (21). European Consortium for Political Research, Turin, Italy.
Finlay, Richard J.; Hassan, G, ed. (2009) 'The Early Years: From the Inter-War Period to the Mid- 1960s'. In: The Modern SNP: From Protest to Powe. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 19-31. ISBN 978-0748639915
Greener, Ian and Powell, Martin (2022) Beveridge, Bevan and institutional change in the UK welfare state. Social Policy and Administration, 56 (2). pp. 271-283. ISSN 0144-5596
Grez Hidalgo, Pablo and Londras, Fiona de and Lock, Daniella (2022) Parliament, the pandemic, and constitutional principle in the United Kingdom : a study of the Coronavirus Act 2020. Modern Law Review, 85 (6). pp. 1463-1503. ISSN 1468-2230
Grez Hidalgo, Pablo Salvador and Tierney, Stephen and Welikala, Asanga (2020) Legislative Scrutiny on Constitutional Grounds in the United Kingdom Parliament : the Contribution of Constitutional Committees to (Political?) Responsibility for the Constitution. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Harvey, C. and Corfield, P. and Green, E.M. (2001) Westminster man: Charles James Fox and his electorate. Parliamentary History, 20 (2). pp. 157-85. ISSN 0264-2824
Higgins, Michael (2010) The Cambridge companion to modern British culture. Cambridge Companions to Culture . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521683463
Himsworth, Chris and Paterson, Alan (2004) A supreme court for the United Kingdom: views from the Northern Kingdom. Legal Studies, 24 (1). pp. 99-118. ISSN 0261-3875
Hogwood, Brian W. and Judge, D. and McVicar, M.; Peters, G. and Pierre, J., eds. (2001) Agencies, ministers and civil servants in Britain. In: Politicians, Bureaucrats and Administrative Reform. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 35-44. ISBN 0415234433
Johns, Robert and Shephard, Mark Peter (2011) Facing the voters : the potential impact of ballot paper photographs in British elections. Political Studies, 59 (3). pp. 636-658. ISSN 0032-3217
Judge, D. (2005) Political institutions in the United Kingdom. Comparative Political Institutions . Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 019924426X
Judge, David (1992) Parliament and industry : Bridging the gap. Parliamentary Affairs, 45 (1). pp. 51-65.
Judge, David (1989) Parliament in the 1980s. Political Quarterly, 60 (4). pp. 400-412. ISSN 0032-3179
Judge, David; Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina, eds. (2024) Reimagining parliamentary representation. In: Reimagining Parliament. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 48-64. ISBN 9781529227024
Judge, David (1999) Representation: Theory and Practice in Britain. Theory and Practice in British Politics . Routledge. ISBN 0415081963
Judge, David (2006) 'This is what democracy looks like' : New Labour's blind spot and peripheral vision. British Politics, 1 (3). pp. 367-396. ISSN 1746-918X
Judge, David (2004) Whatever happened to parliamentary democracy in the UK? Parliamentary Affairs, 57 (3). pp. 682-701.
Judge, David (2022) 'Would I lie to you?' : Boris Johnson and lying in the House of Commons. Political Quarterly, 93 (1). pp. 77-86. ISSN 0032-3179
Judge, David; Richards, David and Smith, Martin and Hay, Colin, eds. (2014) A crisis of parliament. In: Institutional Crisis in 21st Century Britain. Understanding Governance (1st). Palgrave, London, pp. 81-100. ISBN 9781137334381
Judge, David (1993) The parliamentary state. Sage. ISBN 0803988710
Judge, David and Hogwood, Brian W. and McVicar, M.; Rhodes, R.A.W., ed. (2000) Agencies and Accountability. In: Transforming British Government. Understanding Governance, 1: Changi . Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.. ISBN 0333752414
Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina; Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina, eds. (2024) Conclusion : thinking seriously about starting over. In: Reimagining Parliament. Bristol University Press, Bristol, 142–155. ISBN 9781529227024
Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina; Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina, eds. (2024) Introduction : what, why and how of reimagining. In: Reimagining Parliament. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9781529227024
Levin, E.J. and Wright, R.E. (2001) Tax clientele effects in the term structure of UK interest rates. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 28 (3). pp. 303-325. ISSN 0306-686X
Lindsay, Isobel; Day, G. and Dunkerly, D. and Thompson, A., eds. (2006) Civil society in Scotland. In: Civil Society in Wales. University of Wales Press, Wales. ISBN 10-0-7083-1850-9
Ludwicki-Ziegler, Sebastian and Shephard, Mark (2023) 'New politics', crisis effects and format effects : a comparative study of hostility and positivity in exchanges between leaders during UK Prime Minister's questions and Scottish and Welsh First Minister's questions. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 26 (2). pp. 505-527. ISSN 1369-1481
McCafferty, P.H. and Mooney, G.; Mooney, G. and Law, A., eds. (2007) Working for welfare in the grip of the iron chancellor: modernisation and resistance in the department of work and pensions. In: New Labour/Hard Labour: Restructuring and Resistance inside the Welfare Industry. Policy Press, Bristol, United Kingdom, pp. 209-231. ISBN 9781861348333
McCorkindale, Christopher (2024) UKIMA as red flag symptom of constitutional ill-health : devolved autonomy and legislative consent. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 75 (1). 3. ISSN 0029-3105
McHarg, Aileen; Torre, Alessandro, ed. (2016) The British constitution and post-referendum Scotland : a personal comment. In: Il Regno è Ancora Unito? Saggi e Commenti sul Referendum Scozzese del 18 Settembre 2014. Maggioli Editore, Rimini. ISBN 9788891620309
McHarg, Aileen (2014) Further devolution and the unionists' credibility gap. Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum.
McHarg, Aileen (2014) Has the United Kingdom had a good referendum? Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum.
McHarg, Aileen; Elliott, Mark and Varuhas, Jason NE and Stark, Shona Wilson, eds. (2018) Unity and diversity in the United Kingdom's Territorial Constitution. In: The Unity of Public Law? Doctrinal, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Hart Publishing, Haywards heath, pp. 279-300. ISBN 9781509915187
McHarg, Aileen (2014) What does the union need to do to survive? Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum.
McHarg, Aileen (2014) A constitution for an independent Scotland : the draft Scottish Independence Bill. Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum.
McHarg, Aileen (2013) A tale of two constitutions. Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum.
McHarg, Aileen (2014) The vow : vote no for more devo. Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum.
McKay, Fiona (2023) A Parliament for All : Report of the Parliament’s Gender Sensitive Audit. The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.
Mitchell, James (2007) Citizens and nations : the rise of nationalism and decline of the British Keynesian welfare state (The 2006 O'Donnell Lecture 2005). Contemporary Wales, 20 (1). 1 -12.
Mitchell, James (2005) Devolution: between governance and territorial politics. Parliamentary Affairs, 58 (2). 287 - 302.
Mitchell, James (2002) England and the centre. Regional Studies, 36 (7). pp. 757-766. ISSN 0034-3404
Mitchell, James (2007) The unfinished business of devolution. Political Quarterly, 77 (4). pp. 92-108. ISSN 0032-3179
Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. (2007) The constituency work of members of the Scottish Parliament and Assembly for Wales : approaches, relationships and rules. Regional and Federal Studies, 17 (1). 117 - 145. ISSN 1359-7566
Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. and Bennie, L and Denver, D.; (2000) Cadidate selection, devolution and modernisation : the selection of Labour Party candidates for the 1999 Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections. In: British Elections And Parties Yearbook 2000. Routledge, pp. 151-172.
Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. and Denver, D. and Bennie, L (2000) Devolution and party change : candidate selection for the 1999 Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections. Journal of Legislative Studies, 6 (3). pp. 51-72.
Mitchell, James and Denver, D. and Bennie, L and Bradbury, J. (2000) Devolution, parties and new politics : candidate selection for the 1999 National Assembly elections. Contemporary Wales, 13. 159 - 181.
Mohammad, Robina (2011) Reading Peter Hopkins’ The Issue of Masculine Identities for British Muslims After 9/11: A Social Analysis. [Review]
Nellis, M. (2009) 'I am not a number!' David Davis, The Prisoner and the critique of surveillance. Surveillance and Society, 6 (1). pp. 48-51. ISSN 1477-7487
O'Neill, E.P. (2003) Martin McGuinness. Esquire, 5.
Rose, Richard (2015) Corbyn and Cameron half agree about Europe. King's College London, London.
Rose, Richard; Cowley, Philip and Ford, Robert, eds. (2016) Sex, lies and bribes : the judgment of public opinion. In: More Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box. Biteback, London, pp. 159-162. ISBN 9781785901294
Rose, Richard and Munro, Neil; Nohlen, Dieter and Stover, Philip, eds. (2010) United Kingdom. In: Elections in Europe: a Data Handbook. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden Baden, pp. 2991-2034. ISBN 978-3832956097
Rudig, Wolfgang; Taylor, B.R., ed. (1995) Between moderation and marginalisation: Environmental radicalism in Britain. In: Ecological Resistence Movements: The Global Emergence of Radical and Popular Environmentalism. SUNY Series in International Environmental Policy and Theory . State University of New York, Albany, N.Y., pp. 219-240. ISBN 9780791426456
Rudig, Wolfgang and Bennie, L.G. and Franklin, M.N. (1996) Up and down with the greens: Ecology and politics in Britain, 1989-1992. Electoral Studies, 15 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0261-3794
Shephard, M. and Johns, R. (2012) A face for radio? How viewers and listeners reacted differently to the third leaders' debate in 2010. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 14 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1369-1481
Shephard, Mark; Pelizzo, R. and Staplehurst, R., eds. (2004) Administrative review and oversight : the experience of Westminster. In: Legislatures and Oversight. Series on contemporary issues in parliamentary development . World Bank Institute Publications, pp. 40-46.
Shephard, Mark; Fleming, J. and Holland, I., eds. (2001) Lesson from westminster: the Scottish executive and new improved codes of conduct? In: Motivating Ministers to Morality. Ashgate, pp. 61-74. ISBN 0754622177
Shephard, Mark and Braby, Daniel (2020) Constitutional Implications of COVID-19 : Operation of PMQs* Pre and Post-COVID-19 : House of Lords Constitution Committee : Inquiry into the Constitutional Implications of COVID-19. UK Parliament, London.
Shephard, Mark and Cairney, P. (2004) Consensual or dominant relationships with parliament? A comparison of administrations and ministers in Scotland. Public Administration, 82 (4). pp. 831-856. ISSN 0033-3298
Shephard, Mark and McGarvey, N. and Cavanagh, M. (2001) New Scottish parliament, new Scottish parliamentarians? Journal of Legislative Studies, 7 (2). pp. 79-104. ISSN 1357-2334
Shephard, Mark Peter and Simson Caird, Jack; Leston-Bandeira, Cristina and Thompson, Louise, eds. (2018) The role of a backbench MP. In: Exploring Parliament. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 187-195. ISBN 9780198788430
Sikka, Prem and Christensen, Michele and Christensen, John and Cooper, Christine and Hadden, Tom and Hargreaves, Deborah and Haslam, Colin and Ireland, Paddy and Morgan, Glenn and Parker, Martin and Pearson, Gordon and Picciotto, Sol and Veldman, Jeroen and Willmott, Hugh (2016) Reforming HMRC : Making it Fit for the Twenty-First Century - First Stage Report. The Labour Party, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Thomson, K. (2010) British social attitudes : the 26th Report. SAGE Publications Ltd, London. ISBN 9781849203876
Widfeldt, Anders and Brandenburg, Heinz (2018) What kind of party is UKIP? The future of the extreme right in Britain or just another Tory party? Political Studies, 66 (3). pp. 577-600. ISSN 0032-3217