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Rose, Richard and Wessels, Bernhard (2021) Do populist values or civic values drive support for referendums in Europe? European Journal of Political Research, 60 (2). pp. 359-375. ISSN 0304-4130
Rose, Richard (2020) How Referendums Challenge European Democracy : Brexit and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., [S.I.]. ISBN 978-3-030-44116-6
Rose, Richard and Peiffer, Caryn; Grimm, Heike, ed. (2019) Understanding corruption in different contexts. In: Public Policy Research in the Global South. Springer, Berlin. ISBN 9783030060619
Rose, Richard; Laffan, Brigid and Cicchi, Lorenzo, eds. (2018) Brexit : a referendum vote with a contested outcome. In: 2017, Europe's Bumper Year of Elections. European University Institute, Florence, Italy, pp. 91-108. ISBN 9789290847151
Rose, Richard and Wessels, Bernhard (2018) Money, sex and broken promises : politicians' bad behaviour reduces trust. Parliamentary Affairs. ISSN 0031-2290
Rose, Richard (2018) Can Theresa May keep her Brexit crap game going indefinitely? UKandEU, London.
Rose, Richard (2018) Referendum challenges to the EU's policy legitimacy – and how the EU responds. Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (2). pp. 207-225. ISSN 1350-1763
Rose, Richard (2017) Direct democracy and European Union democracy : challenge and response. In: Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Conference, 2017-09-08 - 2017-09-10, University of Nottingham.
Rose, Richard (2017) National referendums and competing European legitimacies. In: University Association of Centres for European Studies (UACES) Conference, 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-06, Jagellonian University.
Rose, Richard (2017) National referendums challenge the EU's policy legitimacy. In: Council for European Studies Conference, 2017-07-13, Glasgow University.
Rose, Richard (2017) National referendums let people challenge the EU. In: State of the Union Conference, 2017-05-04 - 2017-05-06, European University Institute.
Rose, Richard; (2017) A clear division about the UK’s future in Europe. In: Referendums on EU Matters. European Parliament, Brussels, pp. 113-118. ISBN 978-92-846-0572-9
Rose, Richard (2016) A colour guide for negotiating Brexit. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Peiffer, Caryn and Rose, Richard (2016) Why are the poor more vulnerable to bribery in Africa? The institutional effects of services. Journal of Development Studies. pp. 18-29. ISSN 0022-0388
Rose, Richard (2016) Another nail in the coffin of a soft Brexit? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Is a delay in triggering Brexit counter-productive? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Can Scotland withdraw and remain in the EU? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Is ‘De-withdrawal’ an alternative to withdrawal? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard and Bressanelli, Edoardo; Baldini, Gianfranco, ed. (2016) Leave o remain? La strade verso la Brexit. In: La Gran Bretagna Dopo La Brexit. Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 233-254. ISBN 9788815266569
Rose, Richard and Peiffer, Caryn (2016) Integrating institutional and behavioural measures of bribery. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 22 (3). 525–542. ISSN 1572-9869
Rose, Richard (2016) Be careful what you wish for : a tale of two prime ministers. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Scotland’s referendum countdown. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Delaying the countdown to Brexit : a cost-benefit analysis. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Flying EU friendships can be fleeting. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Lighting the fuse to Brexit. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) From Brexit to ‘Regrexit’ : what’s the scope for buyer’s remorse? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) A decisive result with indecisive consequences. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) What to watch for on referendum night. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Referendum day is a long day. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Fear is a double-edged sword in the EU referendum. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard and Borz, Gabriela (2016) Static and dynamic views of European integration. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 (2). pp. 370-387. ISSN 1468-5965
Rose, Richard (2016) 'Trust me' is not a winning appeal for referendum votes. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) David Cameron’s EU deal has convinced basically nobody. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Will the EU renegotiation decide the referendum outcome? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Will the EU referendum produce British (dis)unity? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2016) Referendum roulette. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard; Cowley, Philip and Ford, Robert, eds. (2016) Sex, lies and bribes : the judgment of public opinion. In: More Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box. Biteback, London, pp. 159-162. ISBN 9781785901294
Rose, Richard (2015) Humble pie for Cameron’s dinner in Brussels. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard and Shephard, Mark Peter; Cowley, Philip and Kavanagh, Dennis, eds. (2015) The long and the short of the SNP breakthrough. In: The British General Election of 2015. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137366115 (In Press)
Rose, Richard (2015) Representing Europeans. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) The European Union : too much democracy, too little or both? Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin.
Rose, Richard (2015) The UK referendum is a neverendum. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) When can the EU Referendum be held? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) Neglected issues in the EU Referendum Bill. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) Disaster scenario for Cameron on Europe. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) EU referendum gives Liberals a chance to unite. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) Corbyn and Cameron half agree about Europe. King's College London, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) How binding can an EU referendum be? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) Referendum or plebiscite : what’s the difference? The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Rose, Richard (2015) Greek lessons for the UK’s referendum. The UK in a Changing Europe, London.
Sedziaka, Alesia and Rose, Richard; Norris, Pippa and Frank, Richard W. and Martinez i Coma, Ferran, eds. (2015) Do contentious elections catalyze mass protest. In: Contentious Elections. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-13-885302-7 (In Press)
Rose, Richard and Peiffer, Caryn (2015) Paying Bribes for Public Services : A Global Guide to Grass-Roots Corruption. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., London. ISBN 978-1-137-50966-6
Rose, Richard and Savouri, Savvas (2015) The 2015 UK Election Outcome. Toscafund Asset Management, London.
Rose, Richard and Borz, Gabriela; Bellamy, Richard and Kröger, Sandra, eds. (2014) What determines demand for European Union referendums? In: Representation and democracy in the EU. Routledge. ISBN 9781138824409
Peiffer, Caryn and Rose, Richard (2014) Why Do Some Africans Pay Bribes While Other Africans Don’t? Preprint / Working Paper. Afrobarometer.
Rose, Richard (2014) Learning about Politics in Time and Space. ECPR Essays . ECPR Press, Colchester. ISBN 9781907301476
Rose, Richard (2014) Responsible party Government in a world of interdependence. West European Politics, 37 (2). pp. 253-269. ISSN 0140-2382
Rose, Richard (2013) Representing Europeans : A Pragmatic Approach. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-965476-5
Rose, Richard and Borz, Gabriela (2013) Aggregation and Representation in the European Parliament Party Groups. West European Politics, 36 (3). pp. 474-497. ISSN 0140-2382
Rose, Richard and Borz, Gabriela (2013) Institutional stimuli and individual response as explanations of turnout : the 2009 EP election. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 23 (4). pp. 405-422. ISSN 1745-7297
Rose, Richard and Borz, Gabriela (2013) What determines demand for European Union referendums? Journal of European Integration, 35 (5). pp. 619-633. ISSN 0703-6337
Rose, Richard and Bernhagen, Patrick and Borz, Gabriela (2012) Evaluating competing criteria for allocating parliamentary seats. Mathematical Social Sciences, 63 (2). pp. 85-89. ISSN 0165-4896
Rose, Richard; Evas, Tatjana and Liebert, Ulrike and Lord, Christopher, eds. (2012) Representation in parliamentary democracies : the European Parliament as a deviant case. In: Multilayered representation in the European Union. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden Baden, Baden-Baden, pp. 73-90. ISBN 9783832972189
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William; Hooghe, Marc and Zmerli, Sonja, eds. (2011) Political trust and distrust in post-authoritarian contexts. In: Political trust. ECPR Press, Colchester, pp. 117-140. ISBN 9781907301230
Rose, Richard and Grimmett, Geoffrey and Laslier, Jean-François and Pukelsheim, Friedrich and Ramirez Gonzalez, Victoriano and Slomczynski, Wojciech and Zachariasen, Martin and Życzkowski, Karol (2011) The allocation between EU member states of seats in the European Parliament. European Parliament, Brussels.
Rose, Richard (2011) Micro-economic responses to a macro-economic crisis : a pan-european perspective. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 27 (3-4). pp. 364-384. ISSN 1352-3279
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William and Munro, Neil (2011) Popular support for an undemocratic regime : the changing views of Russians. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107009523
Rose, Richard (2011) The internet goes EFL (English as a Foreign Language). Issues in Technology Innovation (5).
Rose, Richard and Nicholson, Amanda and Bobak, M (2010) Associations between different dimensions of religious involvement and self-rated health in diverse European populations. Journal of Health Psychology, 29 (2). pp. 227-235. ISSN 1359-1053
Rose, Richard and Newton, Kenneth (2010) Evaluating the quality of society and public services. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin.
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William (2010) Experience versus perception of corruption : Russia as a test case. Global Crime, 11 (2). pp. 145-163.
Rose, Richard and Bobak, Martin (2010) Stresses and opportunities of transformation: the impact on health. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 26 (1). pp. 80-100. ISSN 1352-3279
Rose, Richard and Kohler, Ulrich (2010) Under what circumstances could maximising turnout alter an election result? Representation, 46 (2). pp. 119-138. ISSN 0034-4893
Rose, Richard and Munro, Neil; Nohlen, Dieter and Stover, Philip, eds. (2010) United Kingdom. In: Elections in Europe: a Data Handbook. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden Baden, pp. 2991-2034. ISBN 978-3832956097
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William (2010) The impact of macro-economic shock on Russians. Post Soviet Affairs, 26 (1). pp. 38-57.
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William (2010) A supply-demand model of party system institutionalization: the Russian case. Party Politics, 16 (6). pp. 801-822. ISSN 1354-0688
Nicholson, Amanda and Rose, Richard and Bobak, Martin (2009) Association between attendance at religious services and self-reported health in 22 European countries. Social Science and Medicine, 69 (4). pp. 519-528. ISSN 0277-9536
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William (2009) How do electors respond to an unfair election? : the experience of Russians. Post Soviet Affairs, 25 (2). pp. 118-136. ISSN 1060-586X
Rose, Richard and Munro, Neil (2009) Parties and elections in new European democracies. ECPR Press, Colchester. ISBN 9780955820328
Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, C.W. and Bernhagen, P and Inglehart, R and Welzel, C, eds. (2009) Democratic and undemocratic states. In: Democratization. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 10-23. ISBN 978-0-19-923302-1
Rose, Richard and Munro, Neil and Wallace, Claire (2009) Quality of life in Europe 2003-2007. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
Rose, Richard (2009) Reaksia na transformatsii : tendenstii v rossiskom obschchestvennom mnenii. Vestnik Obshchestvennogo Mneniia, 99. pp. 6-28.
Rose, Richard (2008) Understanding post-communist transformation : a bottom up approach. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 978-0-415-48219-6
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William and Munro, Neil; Oleinik, A, ed. (2008) Time matters : adapting to transformation. In: Reforming the State without Changing the Model of Power? Routledge, London, pp. 91-115. ISBN 978-0-415-46618-9
Rose, Richard (2008) What would you tell the president in three minutes about Iraq. European Political Science, 7 (1). pp. 78-83. ISSN 1680-4333
Rose, Richard (2008) Political communication in a European public space: language, the Internet and understanding as soft power. Journal of Common Market Studies, 46 (2). pp. 451-475. ISSN 1468-5965
Galbreath, David and Rose, Richard (2008) Fair treatment in a divided society : a bottom up assessment of bureaucratic encounters in Latvia. Governance, 21 (1). pp. 53-73. ISSN 1468-0491
Rose, Richard; International, Transparency, ed. (2008) Bridging the gap between experience and perception of corruption. In: 2007 Global Corruption Report. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 328-332. ISBN 9780521700702
Rose, Richard and Munro, Neil (2008) Do Russians see their future in Europe or the CIS? Europe-Asia Studies, 60 (1). pp. 49-66. ISSN 0966-8136
Rose, Richard (2008) Evaluating democratic governance : a bottom up approach to European Union enlargement. Democratization, 15 (2). pp. 251-271. ISSN 1351-0347
Rose, Richard and Mishler, William and Munro, Neil (2008) Time matters: adapting to transformation. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 24 (1). pp. 90-114.
Rose, Richard (2008) Turkish voters and losers consent. Turkish Studies, 9 (2). pp. 363-378.
Rose, Richard (2004) Learning from Comparative Public Policy : A Practical Guide. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 041531741X
Rose, Richard and Weller, Craig; (2003) What does social capital add to democratic values? In: Social Capital and the Transition to Democracy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 200-218. ISBN 9780203428092