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Number of items: 77.


Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela; Çoban, Savaş and Giritli İnceoğlu, Yasemin, eds. (2025) Toxic masculinity and banal populism. In: Media, Populism and Hate Speech. Brill, Leiden, pp. 76-97. ISBN 9789004721326

Montgomery, Martin and Thornborrow, Joanna and Higgins, Michael (2025) Introduction: Why the study of broadcast talk matters for journalism. Journalism, 26 (3). pp. 503-519. ISSN 1464-8849


Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela and McKay, Fiona; León-Solís, Fernando, ed. (2024) Emotional authority in presenting the later Covid-19 strategy : the speeches and statements of Scotland's Nicola Sturgeon. In: The Nation in the Time of the Pandemic. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 177-196. ISBN 9783031566622

Higgins, Michael (2024) [Book review] : Unspooled: How the Cassette Tape Made Music Sharable. [Review]

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2024) Not playing the game : political talk, hybridity and performance. Journalism, 26 (3). pp. 618-636. ISSN 1464-8849


Rathnayake, Chamil and Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2023) Emergent Twitter publics through political scandal : an example from the Covid-19 Crisis in the UK. Journal of Language and Politics, 22 (4). pp. 458-484. ISSN 1569-2159


Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2022) Mask communication : the development of the face covering as a semiotic resource through government public health posters in England and Wales. Discourse, Context & Media, 50. 100651. ISSN 2211-6958

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2022) Mute force and ignorance : incivility and gender in Scotland. Political Quarterly, 93 (1). pp. 46-53. ISSN 0032-3179


Higgins, Michael and Eshleman, Russ; Jackson, Daniel and Sarver Coombs, Danielle and Trevisan, Filippo and Lilleker, Darren and Thorsen, Einar, eds. (2020) Celtic connections : reading the roots of Biden and Trump. In: US Election Analysis 2020. The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research, p. 56. ISBN 978-1-910042-31-1

Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2020) Tough guys and little rocket men : @RealDonaldTrump's Twitter feed and the normalisation of banal masculinity. Social Semiotics, 30 (4). pp. 547-562. ISSN 1035-0330

Higgins, Michael (2020) Political masculinities and Brexit : men of war. Journal of Language and Politics, 19 (1). pp. 89-106. ISSN 1569-2159

Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2020) The mediated communication of gender and sexuality in contemporary politics : from equality of representation to the re-emergence of the masculine. Journal of Language and Politics, 19 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1569-2159


Higgins, Michael and Montgomery, Martin and Smith, Angela; Graefer, Anne, ed. (2019) Political offensiveness in the mediated public sphere : the performative play of alignments. In: Media and the Politics of Offence. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke. ISBN 9783030175740


Higgins, Michael; Happer, Catherine and Hoskins, Andrew and Merrin, William, eds. (2018) The Donald : media, celebrity, authenticity, and accountability. In: Trump's Media War. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., London, pp. 129-141. ISBN 9783319940694

Higgins, Michael and Ridge-Newman, Anthony and McKay, Fiona M.; Ridge-Newman, Anthony and León-Solís, Fernando and O’Donnell, Hugh, eds. (2018) Scotland, Wales and press discourses amid the 2016 EU Referendum. In: Reporting the Road to Brexit. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., London, pp. 47-60. ISBN 9783319736815

Higgins, Michael; Patrona, Marianna, ed. (2018) Impending crisis in Scotland : political discourse in interesting times. In: Crisis Talk in the Media. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 177-201. ISBN 9789027200341


Higgins, Michael (2017) Mediated populism, culture and media form. Palgrave Communications, 3 (3). ISSN 2055-1045

Higgins, Michael; Wodak, Ruth and Forchtner, Bernhard, eds. (2017) Mediatisation and political language. In: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Politics. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 383-397. ISBN 9781138779167

Higgins, Michael; Thorsen, Einar and Jackson, Dan and Lilleker, Darren, eds. (2017) Scotland in the 2017 UK General Election. In: UK Election Analysis 2017. Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community (CSJCC), Bournemouth, p. 106. ISBN 9781910042144


Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2016) Belligerent Broadcasting : Synthetic Argument in Broadcast Talk (The Cultural Politics of Media and Popular Culture). Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781315569017

Higgins, Michael and McKay, Fiona M (2016) Gender and the development of a political persona : the case of Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. British Politics, 11 (3). 283–300. ISSN 1746-918X

Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2016) Flirtation, desire, and cut-glass biscuit barrels : forms of expertise in Antiques Road Trip. Discourse, Context & Media. ISSN 2211-6958

Higgins, Michael; Jackson, Daniel and Thorsen, Einar and Wring, Dominic, eds. (2016) Remembrance of referendums past : Scotland in the campaign. In: EU Referendum Analysis 2016. Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community (CSJCC), Bournemouth, pp. 24-25. ISBN 9781910042090


Higgins, Michael (2015) The play of incivility in the media text. In: MKV Research Days 2015, 2015-11-12 - 2015-11-13, Orebro University.

Higgins, Michael; Jackson, Daniel and Thorsen, Einar, eds. (2015) Scottish nationalism in the UK General Election. In: UK Election Analysis 2015. Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community (CSJCC), Bournemouth, p. 59. ISBN 9781910042076


Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2014) Disaffiliation and belonging : Twitter and its agonistic publics. Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, 17 (2). pp. 77-89. ISSN 1972-5116

Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2014) Belligerent broadcasting : antagonism in media talk. Semiotix, 12.

Higgins, Michael; Petcu, Marian, ed. (2014) Guvernamentalism. In: Dictionar enciclopedic de comunicare si termeni asociati. C.H.Beck, Romania, p. 235. ISBN 9786061803620

Higgins, Michael; Petcu, Marian, ed. (2014) Interviu “De tragere la raspundere”. In: Dictionar enciclopedic de comunicare si termeni asociati. C.H.Beck, Bucharest, p. 268. ISBN 9786061803620

Higgins, Michael; Petcu, Marian, ed. (2014) Opinie Publica. In: Dictionar enciclopedic de comunicare si termeni asociati. C.H.Beck, Romania, pp. 342-244. ISBN 9786061803620

Higgins, Michael; Petcu, Marian, ed. (2014) Populism. In: Dictionar enciclopedic de comunicare si termeni asociati. C.H.Beck, Bucharest, p. 361. ISBN 9786061803620

Higgins, Michael; Petcu, Marian, ed. (2014) Tabloid. In: Dictionar enciclopedic de comunicare si termeni asociati. C.H.Beck, Bucharest, p. 459. ISBN 9786061803620


Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2013) The language of journalism : a multi-genre perspective. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781849660662

Higgins, Michael; Scullion, Richard and Gerodimos, Roman and Jackson, Daniel and Lilleker, Darren, eds. (2013) Governmentality, populism and empowerment : David Cameron's rhetoric of the big society. In: The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 58-70. ISBN 9780415633499

Higgins, Michael (2013) "My husband, my hero" : selling the political spouses in the 2010 general election. Journal of Political Marketing, 12 (2/3). pp. 197-210. ISSN 1537-7857


Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2012) The convenient ambiguity of 'tone' : style and the politics of witnessing in Kate Adie’s reporting of the Dunblane tragedy. Journalism, 13 (8). pp. 1083-1097. ISSN 1464-8849

Higgins, Michael and Montgomery, Martin and Smith, Angela and Tolson, Andrew (2012) Belligerent broadcasting and makeover television : professional incivility in Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 15 (5). pp. 501-518. ISSN 1367-8779

Drake, Philip and Higgins, Michael (2012) Lights, camera, election : celebrity, performance and the 2010 UK general election leadership debates. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 14 (3). pp. 375-391. ISSN 1369-1481

Higgins, Michael and De Blasio, Emiliana and Hibberd, Matthew and Sorice, Michele (2012) La leadership politica : media e costruzione del consenso. Studi Superiori . Carocci editore, Rome. ISBN 9788843065844

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2012) Introduction - reporting war : history, professionalism and technology. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5 (2). pp. 189-201. ISSN 1752-6272

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2012) Special issue on "Reporting war". Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5 (2). ISSN 1752-6272

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2012) Strategy, evasion and performance in the live two-way : Kate Adie reporting from Iraq for the BBC. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5 (2). pp. 203-218. ISSN 1752-6272


Higgins, Michael; Dale, Sotherton, ed. (2011) Governmentality. In: Encyclopedia of consumer culture. Sage, pp. 685-687. ISBN 9780872896017

Higgins, Michael; Southerton, Dale, ed. (2011) British empire. In: Encyclopedia of consumer culture. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 121-123. ISBN 9780872896017

Higgins, Michael (2011) Reinventing public service communication : european broadcasters and beyond. [Review]

Higgins, Michael (2011) The discourse of politics in action : politics as usual. [Review]

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2011) Not one of U.S. : Kate Adie's report of the 1986 US bombing of Tripoli and its critical aftermath. Journalism Studies, 12 (3). 344 - 358. ISSN 1461-670X

Higgins, Michael (2011) The politics of persons : individual autonomy and socio-historical selves. [Review]

Higgins, Michael (2011) The tabloid terrorist : the predicative construction of new terrorism in the media. [Review]


Higgins, Michael and Brereton, Pat (2010) Preface: Cultural studies and Ireland. Cultural Studies, 24 (6). pp. 773-777. ISSN 0950-2386

Higgins, Michael (2010) Notions of community : a collection of community media debates and dilemmas. [Review]

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John; Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John, eds. (2010) British newspapers today. In: The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture. Cambridge Companions to Culture . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 279-295. ISBN 9780521683463

Higgins, Michael (2010) The Sage handbook of public opinion research. [Review]

Higgins, Michael (2010) The Cambridge companion to modern British culture. Cambridge Companions to Culture . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521683463

Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John; Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John, eds. (2010) Introduction: Modern British culture: tradition, diversity and criticism. In: The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9780521683463

Higgins, Michael (2010) The 'public inquisitor' as media celebrity. Cultural Politics, 6 (1). pp. 93-110. ISSN 1743-2197

Higgins, Michael (2010) Book review: Digital media and democracy. [Review]


Higgins, Michael; Marsden, Lee and Savigny, Heather, eds. (2009) Populism and security in political speechmaking : the 2008 US Presidential Campaign. In: Media, Religion and Conflict. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 129-144. ISBN 0754678533

Higgins, Michael (2009) Book review: Political language and metaphor. [Review]

Higgins, Michael; Sterling, C.H., ed. (2009) Political action committees. In: Encyclopedia of Journalism. Sage, California, pp. 1081-1083. ISBN 0761929574


Higgins, Michael (2008) Book review: Public issue television: world in action, 1963-98. [Review]

Higgins, Michael (2008) Media and their Publics. Open University Press. ISBN 9780335219292

Higgins, Michael (2008) The European Union and the public sphere. [Review]

Higgins, Michael (2008) Book Review: The British Press. [Review]

Higgins, Michael; Allen, Richard and Regan, Stephen, eds. (2008) Imagining and addressing the nation on Irish talk radio. In: Irelands of the Mind. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 96-109. ISBN 1847184227


Higgins, Michael (2007) Book review: Media consumption and public engagement. [Review]

Higgins, Michael (2007) Book review: The mediated presidency. [Review]


Higgins, Michael (2006) Book review: New media campaigns and the managed citizen. [Review]

Higgins, Michael and Drake, Philip; Holmes, Su and Redmond, Sean, eds. (2006) I'm a celebrity, get me into politics: the political celebrity and the celebrity politician. In: Framing celebrity: new directions in celebrity culture. Routledge, London, pp. 88-100. ISBN 0415377102

Higgins, Michael (2006) Substantiating a political public sphere in the Scottish press : a comparative analysis. Journalism, 7 (1). pp. 25-44. ISSN 1464-8849

Higgins, Michael (2006) Book review: The media and political process. [Review]

Higgins, Michael and Herbrechter, Stefan (2006) Returning (to) Communities: Theory, Culture and Political Practice of the Communal. Critical Studies . Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY. ISBN 9042018984


Higgins, Michael (2004) Putting the nation in the news: the role of location formulation in a selection of Scottish newspapers. Discourse and Society, 15 (5). pp. 633-648. ISSN 0957-9265

Higgins, Michael (2004) Book review: Media accountability and freedom of publication. [Review]

Higgins, Michael (2004) The articulation of nation and politics in the Scottish press. Journal of Language and Politics, 3 (3). pp. 463-483. ISSN 1569-2159


Higgins, Michael (2003) Book review: The real thing: doing philosophy with media. [Review]


Higgins, Michael (2002) Book review: The language of new media. [Review]

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