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Number of items: 88.


Wheatley, Jonathan and Carman, Christopher and Mendez, Fernando and Mitchell, James (2014) The dimensionality of the Scottish political space : results from an experiment on the 2011 Holyrood elections. Party Politics, 20 (6). pp. 864-878. ISSN 1354-0688


Johns, Robert and Bennie, Lynn and Mitchell, James (2012) Gendered nationalism : the gender gap in support for the Scottish National Party. Party Politics, 18 (4). pp. 581-601. ISSN 1354-0688

Polverari, Laura and Mitchell, James (2012) Italian and UK devolutions compared : does bringing the design and delivery of policy 'closer to the people' really increase accountability? In: PSA Annual Conference 2012, 2012-04-03 - 2012-04-05.

Johns, Robert and Carman, Christopher and Mitchell, James (2012) Competence over constitution : the SNP's re-election in 2011. Political Studies. ISSN 0032-3217 (In Press)


Mitchell, James and Bennie, L and Johns, Robert (2011) The Scottish National Party : Transition to Power. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0199580006

Mitchell, James; Hassan, Gerry and Ilett, Rosie, eds. (2011) Devolution without self-government. In: Radical Scotland. Luath Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781906817947


Johns, R.A. and Mitchell, J. and Denver, D. and Pattie, C. (2010) Voting for a Scottish Government : The Scottish Parliament Election of 2007. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719081088

Mitchell, J. (2010) Introduction: the Westminster model and the state of union. Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (1). pp. 85-88.

Johns, R.A. and Pattie, C. and Denver, D. and Mitchell, J. (2010) Raising the tone? The impact of 'positive' and 'negative' campaigning on voting in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election. Electoral Studies, 30 (2). pp. 333-343. ISSN 0261-3794

Mitchell, J.; Stolz, K., ed. (2010) Two models of devolution: a framework for analysis. In: Ten Years of Devolution: The New Territorial Politics in the United Kingdom. Working group German England research (26). Wissner-Verlag, Augsburg. ISBN 9783896397652

Mitchell, James and Van Der Zwet, Arno (2010) A catenaccio game : the 2010 election in Scotland. Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (4). 708 - 725.


Mitchell, J. (2009) The Narcissism of Small Differences: Scotland and Westminster. Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (1). pp. 98-116.

Mitchell, J.; Hassan, G., ed. (2009) From Breakthrough to Mainstream: The Politics of Potential and Blackmail. In: The Modern SNP: From Protest to Power. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 100748639918

Mitchell, J. and Johns, R.A. and Bennie, L.; Hassan, G., ed. (2009) Who are the SNP Members? In: The Modern SNP: From Protest to Power. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 100748639918

Mitchell, J. (2009) Devolution in the UK. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719053580

Johns, Robert and Mitchell, James and Denver, David and Pattie, Charles (2009) Valence politics in Scotland : towards an explanation of the 2007 election. Political Studies, 57 (1). pp. 207-233. ISSN 0032-3217

Mitchell, J. and Johns, R.A. Hansard Society (2009) New Parliament, New Elections. In: The Scottish Parliament 1999-2009: The First Decade. Luath Press Limited, Edinburgh. ISBN 1906817219

Mitchell, J. and Jeffrey, C. (2009) The Scottish Parliament, 1999-2009 : The First Decade. Luath Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781906817213

Mitchell, J. (2009) Summoning the Harpies: Legitimacy and the Anglo-Scottish Relationship. Scottish Affairs, 68 (Summer). ISSN 0966-0356


Carman, C.J. and Mitchell, J. and Johns, R.A. (2008) The unfortunate natural experiment in ballot design : the Scottish Parliamentary elections of 2007. Electoral Studies, 27 (3). pp. 442-459. ISSN 0261-3794

Mitchell, J.; Brazier, A. and Kalitowski, S., eds. (2008) Minority governments, constitutional change and institutional cultures. In: No Overall Control? The Impact of a 'Hung Parliament' on British Politics. The Hansard Society, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9780900432293

Mitchell, J.; Trench, A., ed. (2008) Ever looser union. In: The State of the Union. Imprint Academic, Charlottesville, pp. 245-258. ISBN 9781845401269


Mitchell, James (2007) Citizens and nations : the rise of nationalism and decline of the British Keynesian welfare state (The 2006 O'Donnell Lecture 2005). Contemporary Wales, 20 (1). 1 -12.

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. (2007) The constituency work of members of the Scottish Parliament and Assembly for Wales : approaches, relationships and rules. Regional and Federal Studies, 17 (1). 117 - 145. ISSN 1359-7566

Mitchell, James (2007) The unfinished business of devolution. Political Quarterly, 77 (4). pp. 92-108. ISSN 0032-3179


Mitchell, James (2006) Undignified and inefficient: Financial relations between London and Stormont. Contemporary British History, 20 (1). pp. 57-73. ISSN 1361-9462

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. (2006) Devolution: comparative development and policy roles. Parliamentary Affairs, 57 (2). pp. 329-346.

Mitchell, James and Pattie, C. (2006) Electoral reform reformed : the Arbuthnott Commission and Scottish Parliament elections. Representation, 42 (3). 195 - 207. ISSN 0034-4893

Mitchell, James (2006) Evolution and devolution: Citizenship, institutions, and public policy. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 36 (1). pp. 153-168. ISSN 0048-5950


Mitchell, James (2005) Devolution: between governance and territorial politics. Parliamentary Affairs, 58 (2). 287 - 302.


Mitchell, James; Trench, A., ed. (2004) Expectations, policy types and devolution. In: The State and the Nations 2004. Imprint Academic. ISBN 0907845878

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. (2004) Political recruitment and the 2003 Scottish and Welsh elections: de-selection positive discrimination and party adaptation. Representation, 40. pp. 289-301. ISSN 0034-4893


Mitchell, James (2003) Governing Scotland: the invention of administrative devolution. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.. ISBN 0-333-74323-7

Mitchell, James; Dunleavy, P. and Gamble, A and Heffernan, R. and Peele, G., eds. (2003) Politics in Scotland. In: Developments in British Politics 7. Palgrave, pp. 161-180. ISBN 0-333-98704-7

McGarvey, Neil and Mitchell, J.; Hazell, Robert, ed. (2003) Scotland. In: The State of the Nations 2003: the third year of devolution in the United Kingdom. State of the Nations . Imprint Academic, Exeter, UK, pp. 219-236. ISBN 0907845495

Mitchell, James; Hollowell, J., ed. (2003) Scotland: cultural base and economic catalysts. In: Britain since 1945. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 1089-125. ISBN 0-631-20967-0

Mitchell, James (2003) Spectators and audiences: the politics of UK territorial finance. Regional and Federal Studies, 13. pp. 7-21. ISSN 1359-7566

Mitchell, James; Trench, A., ed. (2003) Third year, third first minister. In: The State of the Nations 2002. Imprint Academic, pp. 119-139. ISBN 0-907845495


Mitchell, James and Nelson, F.; (2002) Barnett and the 2001 general election. In: British Elections Parties Review: the 2001 General Election. Routledge, pp. 171-189. ISBN 0714683035

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. (2002) Devolution and territorial politics: stability, uncertainty and crisis. Parliamentary Affairs, 55 (2). pp. 299-316.

Mitchell, James; Fisher, J. and Denver, D. and Benyon, J., eds. (2002) Devolution and the future of the union. In: Central Debates in British Politics. Longman, pp. 33-47. ISBN 0582-43727-X

Mitchell, James (2002) England and the centre. Regional Studies, 36 (7). pp. 757-766. ISSN 0034-3404

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J.; Geddes, A. and Tonge, J., eds. (2002) Scotland and Wales: the first post-devolution general election. In: Labour's Second Landslide: the 2001 General Election. Manchester University Press, pp. 201-217. ISBN 0719062659

Mitchell, James; Hay, C., ed. (2002) Towards a new constitutional settlement? In: British Politics Today. Cambridge, Polity, pp. 237-258. ISBN 0-7456-2318-2


Mitchell, James and Cavanagh, M.; Keating, M. and McGarry, G., eds. (2001) Context and contingency : constitutional nationalists and Europe. In: Minority Nationalism, Globalization and European Integration. Oxford University Press, pp. 246-263. ISBN 0-19-924214-3

Mitchell, James and Masterman, R.; Trench, A., ed. (2001) Devolution and the centre. In: The State of the Nations 2001: The Second Year of Devolution in the UK. Imprint Academic, pp. 175-196. ISBN 0-907845-19-3

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. (2001) Devolution: new politics for old? Parliamentary Affairs, 54. pp. 276-288.

Mitchell, James; Trench, A., ed. (2001) Scotland: maturing devolution. In: The State of the Nations 2001: The Second Year of Devolution in the UK. Imprint Academic, pp. 45-76. ISBN 0-907845-19-3

Mitchell, James (2001) The general election 2001: the view from Scotland. Representation, 38 (3). pp. 243-248. ISSN 0034-4893

Mitchell, James (2001) The study of Scottish politics post-devolution: new evidence, new analysis and new methods? West European Politics, 24 (4). pp. 216-223. ISSN 0140-2382


Mitchell, J. (2000) New parliament, new politics in Scotland. Parliamentary Affairs, 53 (3). pp. 605-621.

Bochel, H. and Denver, D. and Mitchell, James and Pattie, C. (2000) Scotland decides : the devolution issues and the 1997 referendum. Routledge, London. ISBN 0714650536

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. and Bennie, L and Denver, D.; (2000) Cadidate selection, devolution and modernisation : the selection of Labour Party candidates for the 1999 Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections. In: British Elections And Parties Yearbook 2000. Routledge, pp. 151-172.

Mitchell, James and Bradbury, J. and Denver, D. and Bennie, L (2000) Devolution and party change : candidate selection for the 1999 Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections. Journal of Legislative Studies, 6 (3). pp. 51-72.

Mitchell, James (2000) Devolution and the end of Britian? Contemporary British History, 14 (3). 61 - 82. ISSN 1361-9462

Mitchell, James and Denver, D. and Bennie, L and Bradbury, J. (2000) Devolution, parties and new politics : candidate selection for the 1999 National Assembly elections. Contemporary Wales, 13. 159 - 181.


Mitchell, James and Pattie, C. and Denver, D. and Bochel, H. (1999) Partisanship, national identity and constitutional preference : an exploration of voting in the Scottish devolution referendum. Electoral Studies, 18. 305 - 322. ISSN 0261-3794

Mitchell, James and Pattie, C. and Denver, D. and Bochel, H. (1999) Settled will or divided society? : voting in the 1997 Scottish and Welsh devolution referendums. British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 9 (1). 136 - 153.

Mitchell, James (1999) The creation of the Scottish parliament : journey without end. Parliamentary Affairs, 52. 649 - 665.


Mitchell, James and Denver, David and Pattie, Charles and Bochel, Hugh (1998) The 1997 devolution referendum in Scotland. Parliamentary Affairs, 51 (2). pp. 166-181.

Mitchell, James (1998) What could a Scottish parliament do? Regional and Federal Studies, 8 (1). 68 - 85.

Mitchell, James and Denver, D. and Pattie, C. and Bochel, H. (1998) The devolution referendums in Scotland. Representation, 35. 210 - 218. ISSN 0034-4893

Mitchell, James (1998) The evolution of devolution : Labour‘s home rule strategy in opposition. Government and Opposition, 33 (4). 479 - 496. ISSN 0017-257X


Bennie, L and Brand, J and Mitchell, James (1997) How Scotland votes : scottish parties and elections. Manchester University Press. ISBN 071904510X


Mitchell, J. (1996) From unitary state to union state: Labour's changing view of the United Kingdom and its implications. Regional Studies, 30 (6). pp. 607-611. ISSN 0034-3404

Mitchell, James (1996) Strategies for self-government : the campaigns for a scottish parliament. Polygon, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748661138

Mitchell, James (1996) Reviving the Union State : the devolution debate in Scotland. Politics Review, 5 (3). 16 - 18.

Mitchell, James (1996) Conservatives and the idea of Union. Regional and Federal Studies, 6 (1). pp. 30-44. ISSN 1359-7566

Mitchell, James and Bennie, L (1996) Thatcherism and the Scottish question. British Elections and Parties Yearbook. pp. 90-104.

Mitchell, James (1996) Understanding Maastricht. Contemporary European History, 5 (2). pp. 243-257. ISSN 0960-7773


Mitchell, James (1995) Lobbying 'Brussels': the case of Scotland Europa. European Urban and Regional Studies, 2 (4). 287 - 298. ISSN 0969-7764


Mitchell, J. and Surridge, P. and Brand, Jack (1994) Social constituency and ideological profile: Scottish nationalism in the 1990s. Political Studies, 42 (4). pp. 616-629. ISSN 0032-3217

McAleavey, P. and Mitchell, J. (1994) Industrial regions and lobbying in the structural funds reform process. Journal of Common Market Studies, 32 (2). pp. 237-248. ISSN 1468-5965

Mitchell, James; Marsh, David and Wale, William, eds. (1994) Devolution. In: Developments in politics. Causeway Press, pp. 111-130. ISBN 1873929242


Mazey, S and Mitchell, James; Mazey, Sonia and Richardson, J J, eds. (1993) Europe of the regions : territorial interests and european integration: the scottish experience. In: Lobbying in the european community. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 95-121. ISBN 9780198277897

Mitchell, James and Brand, J (1993) Identity and the vote: class and nationalty in Scotland. British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 3 (1). 143 - 157.

Mitchell, James (1993) State formation and minority nationalism: Scotland's demand for self-government. Conflict Processes, 1 (2). 26 - 34.


Mitchell, J. (1992) The 1992 election in Scotland in context. Parliamentary Affairs, 45 (4). pp. 612-626.

Mitchell, James (1992) Shibboleths and slogans: sovereignty, subsidiarity and constitutional debate. Scottish Government Yearbook. 98 - 113.

Mitchell, James; MacCartney, A, ed. (1992) The multi-option referendum : a comparative perspective. In: Asking the people. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 7-19.


Midwinter, Arthur and Keating, M. and Mitchell, James (1991) Politics and public policy in Scotland. Macmillan. ISBN 0333522656


Mitchell, James (1990) Conservatives and the Union : study of conservative party attitudes to Scotland. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0748601236

Mitchell, James; Richardson, J J, ed. (1990) Britain : privatisation as myth. In: Privatisation and deregulation in Britain and Canada. Dartmouth Press, Aldershot, pp. 15-36.

Mitchell, James (1990) Factions, tendencies and consensus in the SNP in the 1980's. Scottish Government Yearbook. 49 - 61.


Mitchell, James (1989) The Gilmour Committee and Scottish Administration. Juridical Review. 173 - 188.


Mitchell, James; English, John, ed. (1988) Central and local government in Scotland. In: Social services in Scotland. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780707305172

Mitchell, J. (1988) Recent developments in the Scottish National Party. Political Quarterly, 59 (4). pp. 473-477. ISSN 0032-3179

Mitchell, James and Denver, D. and Pattie, C. and Bochel, H. (1988) The1997 Scottish referendum : an analysis of the Scottish referendum. Scottish Affairs (22). 1 - 15. ISSN 0966-0356

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