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Number of items: 38.


Hamley, Graham and Switzer, Stephanie; Kirk, Elizabeth A. and Popattanachai, Naporn and Barnes, Richard A. and van der Marel, Eva R., eds. (2024) Plastics and (the right to) health. In: Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Plastics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9781802201512

Daly, Angela and Miyake, Esperanza and Porter, Andy and Berti Suman, Anna and Nic Daéid, Niamh and Switzer, Stephanie and Tetley-Brown, Lucille and Valero, Julián (2024) Valuing Public Sector Data in Scotland and Europe : Data Governance for Economic, Environmental and Social Development. Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science.

Switzer, Stephanie and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Rourke, Michelle and Hampton, Abbie-Rose (2024) Comments on Article 12: Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing (PABS) of the REVISED Draft of the negotiating text of the World Health Organization's Pandemic Agreement, 13th March 2024. Discussion paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Switzer, Stephanie and Rourke, Michelle and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Hampton, Abbie-Rose (2024) Written Submission for World Health Organization INB Interactive Dialogue on "Article 12 (Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System)", 3 September 2024. Discussion paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Weissgold, Lily and Switzer, Stephanie and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Scholz, Amber (2024) A technical and legal analysis of triggers for monetary benefit-sharing from digital sequence information on genetic resources : A Report for the European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Publications Office of the European Union.


Hampton, Abbie-Rose and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Rourke, Michelle and Switzer, Stephanie (2023) 'Equity' in the pandemic treaty : the false hope of 'access and benefit-sharing'. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. ISSN 0020-5893 (In Press)

McKenzie, Kate and Lennan, Mitchell and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Rourke, Michelle and Hampton, Abbie-Rose and Tsioumani, Elsa and Ainslie, Jonathan and Titi, Catharine and Porter, Gerard and Upton, Harry and Williams, Rebecca and Sekalala, Sharifah and Wenton, Anthony and Kolawole Oke, Emmanuel and Wenham, Clare and Switzer, Stephanie (2023) Equity in Global Health Law - Policy Brief. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Hamley, Graham and Switzer, Stephanie and Morgera, Elisa (2023) Embedding the Right to Health within International Negotiations on Plastics. Discussion paper. One Ocean Hub, [Glasgow].

Hampton, Abbie-Rose and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Rourke, Michelle and Switzer, Stephanie (2023) Equity in the pandemic treaty : access and benefit-sharing as a policy device or a rhetorical device? Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 51 (1). pp. 217-220. ISSN 1073-1105

Morgera, Elisa and Willetts, Elizabeth and Switzer, Stephanie and Lavelle, Jessica and Hamley, Graham and Upton, Mat and Carvalho, Matthew (2023) What Do The 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference outcomes mean for the ocean and ocean research? A focus on marine biodiversity and human health (part 3). One Ocean Hub, [s.l.].

Lennan, Mitchell and Switzer, Stephanie (2023) Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 38 (1). 161–177. ISSN 1571-8085


Switzer, Stephanie and Morgera, Elisa and Webster, Elaine (2022) Casting the net wider? The transformative potential of integrating human rights into the implementation of the WTO Agreement on fisheries subsidies. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 31 (3). pp. 360-373. ISSN 2050-0394

Switzer, Stephanie; Sobenes, Edgardo and Mead, Sarah and Samson, Benjamin, eds. (2022) The World Trade Organization dispute settlement mechanism. In: The Environment Through the Lens of International Courts and Tribunals. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 121-158. ISBN 978-94-6265-507-2

Switzer, Stephanie and Morgera, Elisa (2022) International law to the rescue or clutching at (plastic) straws? Reflections on the birth of a "full lifecycle" plastics treaty. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Rourke, Michelle and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Switzer, Stephanie (2022) Sovereignty, sanctions, and data sharing under international law. Science, 375 (6582). pp. 724-726. ISSN 0036-8075


Switzer, Stephanie; Delimatsis, P and Reins, L, eds. (2021) The principle of sovereignty over natural resources and the WTO. In: Encyclopedia on Trade and Environmental Law. Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 136-142. ISBN 978 1 78347 697 8

Sindico, Francesco and Switzer, Stephanie and Qin, Tianbao; (2021) Risk, innovation and resilience : moving towards mutual supportiveness. In: The Transformation of Environmental Law and Governance. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 2-14. ISBN 9781800889361


ICF, ICF Consulting Services Ltd and Smith, Elta and Switzer, Stephanie and Morgera, Elisa (2020) Digital Sequence Information : an Evidence Review: Final Report. ICF Consulting Services Limited, London.

Morgera, E. and Webster, E. and Hamley, G. and Sindico, F. and Robbie, J. and Switzer, S. and Berger, T. and Silva Sànchez, P.P. and Lennan, M. and Martin-Nagle, R. and Tsioumani, E. and Moynihan, R. and Zydek, A. (2020) The Right to Water for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.


Morgera, Elisa and Switzer, Stephanie and Geelhoed, Miranda (2019) Study for the European Commission on 'Possible Ways to Address Digital Sequence Information –Legal and Policy Aspects' : Consultancy project conducted for the European Commission: ENV.F.3/SER/2019/6175145. Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance (SCELG), Glasgow.

Switzer, Stephanie and Morgera, Elisa and Tsioumani, Elsa and Burci, Gian Luca; Negri, Stefania, ed. (2019) Biodiversity, pathogen sharing and international law. In: Environmental Health in International and EU Law. Giappichelli-Routledge Studies in Law, London, pp. 253-271. (In Press)

Switzer, Stephanie and McMahon, Joseph A. (2019) Devolution and post-Brexit trade agreements : towards a joint Trade Policy Committee? Edinburgh Law Review, 23 (2). pp. 266-272. ISSN 1364-9809

Ó Cuinn, Gearóid and Switzer, Stephanie (2019) Ebola and the airplane - securing mobility through regime interactions and legal adaptation. Leiden Journal of International Law, 32 (1). pp. 71-89. ISSN 1478-9698


Switzer, Stephanie (2018) Brexit and the Trade Bill : The Civil Society Brexit Project. Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Edinburgh.

Morgera, Elisa and Switzer, Stephanie and Tsioumani, Elsa (2018) Study Into Criteria to Identify a Specialized International Access and Benefit-sharing Instrument, and a Possible Process for Its Recognition. Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal.

Switzer, Stephanie (2018) Liminal spaces : special and differential treatment as an incompletely theorised agreement. Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 15 (1). pp. 62-84. 3. ISSN 1742-3945

Switzer, Stephanie (2018) Footloose and fancy free : state aid after Brexit. Edinburgh Law Review, 22 (1). pp. 155-160. ISSN 1364-9809


Switzer, Stephanie (2017) A contract theory approach to special and differential treatment and the WTO. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 16 (3). 126 - 140. ISSN 1477-0024


Cardesa-Salzmann, A. and Combe, M.M. and Geelhoed, M. and McHarg, A. and Ntona, M. and Reid, C.T. and Roger, A. and Sindico, F. and Switzer, S.; Savaresi, A., ed. (2016) The implications of Brexit for environmental law in Scotland. Scottish Universities' Legal Network on Europe, [S.I.].


Switzer, Stephanie; McMahon, Joseph A. and Cardwell, Michael N., eds. (2015) European union biofuels policy : past, present and future? In: Research Handbook on EU Agriculture Law. Edward Elgar, pp. 203-221. ISBN 978 1 78195 461 4

Switzer, Stephanie and Gerber, Leonardus and Sindico, Francesco (2015) Access to minerals : WTO export restrictions and climate change considerations. Laws, 4 (3). pp. 617-637. ISSN 2075-471X


Switzer, Stephanie; McMahon, Joseph and Geboye Desta, Melaku, eds. (2012) Biofuels, food security and the WTO agreement on agriculture. In: Research Handbook on the WTO Agriculture Agreement. Research Handbooks on the WTO . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 250-271. ISBN 9781848441163

Switzer, Stephanie; Michelon, Claudio and Clunie, Gregor and McCorkindale, Christopher and Psarras, Haris, eds. (2012) The public-ness of development in the World Trade Organisation. In: The Public in Law. Edinburgh/Glasgow Law and Society Series . Ashgate, Farnham, 219 - 234. ISBN 978-1-4094-1909-9

Switzer, Stephanie (2012) Aviation and emissions trading in the European Union : pie in the sky or compatible with international law? Ecology Law Currents, 39 (1). 1 - 12.

Spiegel Feld, Danielle and Switzer, Stephanie (2012) Whither Article XX? regulatory autonomy under non-GATT agreements after China—raw materials. Yale Journal of International Law Online, 38 (Fall). pp. 16-30.


Switzer, Stephanie and McMahon, Joseph (2011) EU biofuels policy - raising the question of WTO compatibility. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 60 (3). 713 - 736. ISSN 0020-5893


Switzer, Stephanie (2008) Environmental protection and the generalized system of preferences : a legal and appropriate linkage? International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 57 (1). 113 - 147. ISSN 0020-5893


Switzer, Stephanie (2007) US efforts to impose Trips-plus standards : Falling down: unilateral enforcement of Intellectual Property rights – a critical analysis of the United States' efforts to impose TRIPS-plus standards. Cork Online Law Review, VI. pp. 121-137.

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