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Fonseca, Liliana and Maguire, Rachel (2024) The Good, the Smart, and the Innovative : Governance and Implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies in 2021-27. IQ-Net Thematic Paper . European Policies Research Centre, Delft.
Fonseca, Liliana and Michie, Rona (2024) Circular Economy Policies in Europe : Assessing Regional Policy Integration. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.
McMaster, Irene and Fonseca, Liliana and Maguire, Rachel (2024) Innovation Gaps, Bridges and Territorial Cooperation. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.
Fonseca, Liliana and Downes, Ruth and Mendez, Carlos and Johnson, Michael Pierre and Smith, Madeline (2024) Innovation Strategies for System-level Transformation. Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow.
Fonseca, Liliana and Corbett, Hannah (2024) Investing in a Skilled Workforce for a Just Net Zero Transition. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Kahila, Petri and Halme, Juha and Georgieva, Neli and Vironen, Heidi and Fonseca, Liliana (2024) D4.2 Report on the institutional structures and policy panoramas in the Pilot Regions. RUSTIK.
Calvillo Munoz, Christian and Fonseca, Liliana and Mueller, Tanja (2023) Big projects, little community benefit? : How low carbon pilot projects can help tackle fuel and transport poverty. In: The 2023 International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance, 2023-12-14 - 2023-12-16.
Fonseca, Liliana and van der Valk, Odilia and Bachtler, John (2023) Closing the innovation gap. EORPA.
Corbett, Hannah and Fonseca, Liliana (2023) Enabling Low-carbon Entrepreneurship and SME Development to Drive a Net Zero Future. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.
Dozhdeva, Viktoriya and Fonseca, Liliana (2023) Charting the Path Ahead : Monitoring & Evaluation of Cohesion Policy for the 2021-27 period. European Policies Research Centre Delft, [Delft].
Vironen, Heidi and Michie, Rona and Fonseca, Liliana (2022) Implementing Innovation : Smarter & Greener Actions. European Policies Research Centre Delft, [Delft].
Ferry, Martin and Kah, Stefan and Fonseca, Liliana (2022) Addressing the challenges of the social and territorial cohesion in National Recovery and Resilience Plans : a preliminary assessment. European Parliament, Brussels.
Fonseca, Liliana and Piskorek, Kasia and Michie, Rona; Mergner, Rita and Janssen, Rainer, eds. (2022) Analytical Report on the Outcomes of the Mobilisation Process in TRACER Target Regions. TRACER, Munich, Germany.
Michie, Rona and Fonseca, Liliana; Malamatenios, Charalampos and Mergner, Rita and Janssen, Rainer, eds. (2022) Roadmap for Energy R&I and Skills Related to Energy Transition in Wales. TRACER, Munich, Germany.
Michie, Rona and Fonseca, Liliana and Piskorek, Kasia; Mergner, Rita and Janssen, Rainer, eds. (2022) United Kingdom, Wales. In: TRACER Report on the needs for workforce retraining. Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Pikermi-Attiki, Greece, pp. 90-114.
Fonseca, Liliana and Piskorek, Kasia and Michie, Rona (2022) A Strategic Approach to Research & Innovation in the Field of Energy in Wales. TRACER, [Munich, Germany].
Dozhdeva, Viktoriya and Fonseca, Liliana (2021) A Green Transition : Making the New Programmes Sustainable. European Policies Research Centre, Delft.
Fonseca, Liliana and Rodrigues, Carlos and Capelleras, Joan-Lluís (2021) The organizational adaptation of universities to smart specialization : the emergence of strategic network interface units. European Planning Studies, 29 (8). pp. 1514-1537. ISSN 0965-4313
Fonseca, Liliana and Nieth, Lisa (2021) The role of universities in regional development strategies : a comparison across actors and policy stages. European Urban and Regional Studies, 28 (3). pp. 298-315. ISSN 0969-7764
Nikolaev, Angel and Kotábová, Agáta and Michie, Rona and den Hoed, Wilbert and Fonseca, Liliana (2021) Projections for the Transition to 2030/2050 in the Target Regions. Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, [Pikermi, Greece].
Salomaa, Maria and Fonseca, Liliana and Nieth, Lisa and Benneworth, Paul (2021) The Role of Universities in Building Dense Triple Helix Ecosystems in Sparse Regional Environments. Preprint / Working Paper. RUNIN, Enschede, Netherlands.
Fonseca, Liliana and Nieth, Lisa and Salomaa, Maria and Benneworth, Paul (2021) Universities and Place Leadership : A Question of Agency and Alignment. Preprint / Working Paper. RUNIN, Enschede, Netherlands.
Mendez, Carlos and Fonseca, Liliana (2021) The Just Transition Fund : Will the territorial plans deliver? EPRC, Glasgow.
Fonseca, Liliana and Nieth, Lisa and Salomaa, Maria and Benneworth, Paul; Sotarauta, Markku and Beer, Andrew, eds. (2021) Universities and place leadership : a question of agency and alignment. In: Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. Research Handbooks in Urban Studies (1). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, 226–247. ISBN 9781788979689
Wergles, Nathalie and Fonseca, Liliana and McMaster, Irene (2021) Strategic Environmental Assessment: Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2021-2027 : Draft Environmental Report. European Policies Research Centre.
Georgieva, Neli and Fonseca, Liliana and Bachtler, John (2020) Regional Policy in Times of COVID-19. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Kah, Stefan and Georgieva, Neli and Fonseca, Liliana (2020) EU Cohesion Policy in Non-Urban Areas. European Parliament, Brussels, Beliguim.
Salomaa, Maria and Fonseca, Liliana and Nieth, Lisa and Benneworth, Paul; Farinha, Luís and Santos, Domingos and Ferreira, João J. and Ranga, Marina, eds. (2020) The role of universities in building dense triple helix ecosystems in sparse regional environments. In: Regional Helix Ecosystems and Sustainable Growth. Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 11-29. ISBN 978-3-030-47697-7
Fonseca, Liliana and Salomaa, Maria; Dias Daniel, Ana and A. C. Teixeira, Aurora and Torres Preto, Miguel, eds. (2019) Entrepreneurial universities and regional innovation : matching smart specialisation strategies to regional needs? In: Examining the Role of Entrepreneurial Universities in Regional Development. IGI Global, Hershey, P.A., pp. 260-285. ISBN 9781799801764
Fonseca, Liliana (2019) Designing regional development? Exploring the University of Aveiro's role in the innovation policy process. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 6 (1). pp. 186-202. ISSN 2168-1376
Nieth, L. and Benneworth, P. and Charles, D. and Fonseca, L. and Rodrigues, C. and Salomaa, M. and Stienstra, M. (2018) Embedding entrepreneurial regional innovation ecosystems : reflecting on the role of effectual entrepreneurial discovery processes. European Planning Studies, 26 (11). pp. 2147-2166. ISSN 0965-4313
Fonseca, Liliana (2018) How to survive (and thrive in) your research stay abroad. The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development, Stavanger, Norway.
Fonseca, Liliana (2017) Universities in innovation policy-design : a review of the participation of external actors in the policy process for the creation of public value. Preprint / Working Paper. IND+I, Barcelona.
Fonseca, Liliana and Cinar, Ridvan (2017) Engaged and Innovative Universities in Less-Developed Regions : The Case of the University of Aveiro. Case study. University of Twente, The Netherlands.