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Number of items: 3.


Blanco, E. and Fernandez-Vina, F. and Fernandez-Oro, J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2002) Analisis numerico de una bomba semiaxial. In: 15th Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering National Conference, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13.

Fernandez, J. and Blanco, E. and Fernandez-Oro, J. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2002) Estudio numerico de las condiciones de estabilidad de estructuras bidimensionales bajo carga aerodinamica. In: 15th Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering National Conference, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13.

Fernandez, J. and Blanco, E. and Fernandez-Oro, J. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2002) Diseno de una bomba centrifuga : analisis numerico y experimental. In: 15th Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering National Conference, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13.

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