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Number of items: 94.


White, C. and Borg, M.K. and Scanlon, T.J. and Longshaw, S.M. and John, B. and Emerson, D.R. and Reese, J.M. (2018) dsmcFoam+ : an OpenFOAM based direct simulation Monte Carlo solver. Computer Physics Communications, 224. pp. 22-43. ISSN 0010-4655

Palharini, Rodrigo C. and Scanlon, Thomas J. and White, Craig (2018) Chemically reacting hypersonic flows over 3D cavities : flowfield structure characterisation. Computers and Fluids, 165. pp. 173-187. ISSN 0045-7930


Renato, Viola and Scanlon, Thomas (2017) Multi-dimensional ablation and thermal response program for Martian entry analysis. In: 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2017-09-25 - 2017-09-29.

Capon, C.J. and Brown, M. and White, C. and Scanlon, T. and Boyce, R.R. (2017) pdFOAM : a PIC-DSMC code for near-Earth plasma-body interactions. Computers and Fluids, 149. pp. 160-171. ISSN 0045-7930

Renato, Viola and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2017) Multi-dimensional ablation and thermal response program for re-entry analysis. In: 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), 2017-06-03 - 2017-06-09.


Casseau, Vincent and Espinoza, Daniel E. R. and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. (2016) A two-temperature open-source CFD model for hypersonic reacting flows, part two : multi-dimensional analysis. Aerospace, 3 (4). ISSN 2052-451X

Casseau, V. and Scanlon, T. J. and John, B. and Emerson, D. R. and Brown, R. E.; Struchtrup, Henning and Ketsdever, Andrew, eds. (2016) Hypersonic simulations using open-source CFD and DSMC solvers. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1786 . American Institute of Physics, CAN. ISBN 9780735414488

Espinoza, Daniel and Casseau, Vincent and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard; Struchtrup, Henning and Ketsdever, Andrew, eds. (2016) An open-source hybrid CFD-DSMC solver for high speed flows. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1786 . American Institute of Physics, CAN. ISBN 9780735414488

Casseau, Vincent and Palharini, Rodrigo . and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. (2016) A two-temperature open-source CFD model for hypersonic reacting flows, part one : zero-dimensional analysis. Aerospace, 3 (4). ISSN 2052-451X


White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2015) The permeability of ablative materials under rarefied gas conditions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 53 (1). pp. 134-142. ISSN 0022-4650

Cassineli Palharini, Rodrigo and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. and Borg, Matthew K. and Reese, Jason M. (2015) Benchmark numerical simulations of rarefied non-reacting gas flows using an open-source DSMC code. Computers and Fluids, 120. pp. 140-157. ISSN 0045-7930

Casseau, Vincent and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. (2015) Development of a two-temperature open source CFD model for hypersonic reacting flows. In: 20th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, MHYP15, 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-09.

Espinoza, Daniel and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2015) Validation of tools to accelerate high-speed CFD simulations using OpenFOAM. In: 20th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, MHYP15, 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-09.

Scanlon, Thomas J. and White, Craig and Borg, Matthew K. and Palharini, Rodrigo C. and Farbar, Erin and Boyd, Iain D. and Reese, Jason M. and Brown, Richard E. (2015) Open source Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) chemistry modelling for hypersonic flows. AIAA Journal, 53 (6). pp. 1670-1680. ISSN 0001-1452

Scanlon, Thomas and Cassineli Palharini, Rodrigo and White, Craig and Espinoza, Daniel and Casseau, Vincent (2015) Simulations of rarefied and continuum hypersonic flow over re-entry objects. In: 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, 2015-03-02 - 2015-03-06.

Wu, Lei and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Reese, Jason M. and Zhang, Yonghao (2015) A kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation for non-vibrating polyatomic gases. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 763. pp. 24-50. ISSN 1469-7645


Wu, Lei and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Reese, Jason M. and Zhang, Yonghao; Fan, Jing, ed. (2014) Coherent Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering : influence of the intermolecular potential. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings Series, 1628 . American Institute of Physics, CHN, pp. 648-652. ISBN 9780735412651

Cassineli Palharini, Rodrigo and Scanlon, Thomas and Reese, Jason (2014) Aerothermodynamic comparison of two- and three-dimensional rarefied hypersonic cavity flows. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 51 (5). pp. 1619-1630. ISSN 0022-4650

Fabre, S. and Stickland, M. and Scanlon, T. and Oldroyd, A. and Kindler, D. and Quail, F. (2014) Measurement and simulation of the flow field around the FINO 3 triangular lattice meteorological mast. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 130. pp. 99-107. ISSN 0167-6105

Wu, Lei and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas and Reese, Jason and Zhang, Yonghao (2014) Coherent Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering : influence of the intermolecular potential. In: 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18, Hilton Xi’an Hotel.


Wu, Lei and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas and Reese, Jason and Zhang, Yonghao (2013) Deterministic numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation using the fast spectral method. Journal of Computational Physics, 250. pp. 27-52. ISSN 0021-9991

Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas and Fabre, Sylvie and Oldroyd, Andrew and Kindler, Detlef (2013) Measurement and simulation of the flow field around a triangular lattice meteorological mast. Energy and Power Engineering, 5 (10). ISSN 1949-243X

Stickland, Matthew and Fabre, Sylvie and Scanlon, Thomas and Oldroyd, Andrew and Mikkelsen, Torben and Astrup, P. (2013) A CFD technique for estimating the flow distortion effects on LiDAR measurements when made in complex flow fields. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 7 (3). pp. 324-334. ISSN 1994-2060

White, Craig and Colombo, Camilla and Scanlon, Thomas and McInnes, Colin and Reese, Jason (2013) Rarefied gas effects on the aerodynamics of high area-to-mass ratio spacecraft in orbit. Advances in Space Research, 51 (11). pp. 2112-2124. ISSN 0273-1177

Dongari, Nishanth and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas and Zhang, Yonghao and Reese, Jason (2013) Effects of curvature on rarefied gas flows between rotating concentric cylinders. Physics of Fluids, 25 (5). 052003. ISSN 1089-7666

White, Craig and Borg, Matthew K. and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Reese, Jason M. (2013) A DSMC investigation of gas flows in micro-channels with bends. Computers and Fluids, 71. pp. 261-271. ISSN 0045-7930


Wuilbercq, Romain and Ahmad, Abdul Ossman and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2012) Towards robust aero-thermodynamic predictions for re-usable single-stage to orbit vehicles. In: 18th AIAA/3AF International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-28.

Ramsey, Gemma and Galloway, Alexander and McPherson, Norman and Campbell, Stuart and Scanlon, Thomas (2012) A computational fluid dynamic analysis of the effect of side draughts and nozzle diameter on shielding gas coverage during gas metal arc welding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212 (8). pp. 1694-1699. ISSN 0924-0136

Dongari, Nishanth and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas and Zhang, Yonghao and Reese, Jason (2012) Rarefaction effects in gas flows over curved surfaces. In: 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13.

White, Craig and Borg, Matthew Karl and Scanlon, Thomas and Reese, Jason (2012) Accounting for rotational non-equilibrium effects in subsonic DSMC boundary conditions. In: 1st European Conference on Gas Micro Flows, GAMEMS 2012, 2012-06-06 - 2012-06-08.

Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas and Fabre, Sylvie and Oldroyd, Andrew and Mikkelsen, Torben (2012) Measurement and simulation of the flow field around a triangular lattice meteorological mast. In: European Wind Energy Conference, EWEC 2012, 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-19.

Stickland, Matthew and Fabre, Sylvie and Scanlon, Thomas (2012) NORSEWInD Data Report and Correction Data for Berlengas : NORSEWInD Report UoSNW026. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Quail, Francis J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Baumgartner, A. (2012) Design study of a regenerative pump using one-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical techniques. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 31. pp. 181-187. ISSN 0997-7546


McPherson, Norman and Galloway, Alexander and Gillies, Andrew and Campbell, Stuart and Scanlon, Thomas and Moore, A.J. and Wu, T (2011) MIG gas shielding : Economic savings without detriment to quality. In: Annual International Conference on Materials Science, Metal & Manufacturing, M3 2011, 2011-12-12 - 2011-12-13.

Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas and Fabre, Sylvie (2011) Comparison of Zephir and Windcube measurements in the same complex flowfield. In: EWEA Offshore 2011: Moving Ahead of the Energy Curve, 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-01.

Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas and Fabre, Sylvie (2011) Computational and Experimental Study on the effect of flow field distortion on the accuracy of the measurements made by anemometers on the Fino3 Meteorological mast. In: EWEA Offshore 2011: Moving Ahead of the Energy Curve, 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-01.

Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas and Fabre, Sylvie (2011) Feasibility Study of using a LiDAR in the complex flowfield of an offshore platform, to measure wind shear profile. In: EWEA Offshore 2011: Moving Ahead of the Energy Curve, 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-01.

Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas and Fabre, Sylvie and Oldroyd, Andrew and Mikkelsen, Torben (2011) Feasibility study for estimating the offshore shear layer from on shore measurements. In: EWEA Offshore 2011: Moving Ahead of the Energy Curve, 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-01.

Fabre, Sylvie and Scanlon, Thomas and Stickland, Matthew and Oldroyd, Andrew (2011) An open source CFD study of air flow over complex terrain. Wind Energy. ISSN 1095-4244 (Unpublished)

White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas and Reese, Jason (2011) Investigation of microchannels with bends using DSMC. In: DSMC11, 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-28.

Ahmad, Abdul Ossman and Maddock, Christie and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2011) Prediction of the aerodynamic performance of re-usable single stage to orbit vehicles. In: Space Access 2011, 2011-09-21 - 2011-09-23.

Scanlon, Thomas and White, Craig and Schuebler, Matthias and Brown, Richard and Reese, Jason (2011) Thermochemistry modelling in an open-source DSMC code. In: 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 2011-07-17 - 2011-07-22.

Ahmad, Abdul Ossman and Scanlon, Thomas and Reese, Jason (2011) Capturing shock waves using an open-source direct simulation Monte Carlo code. In: 4th European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences, EUCASS, 2011-07-04 - 2011-12-08.

Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard and Reese, Jason and White, Craig and Ahmad, Abdul Ossman and Schuebler, Matthias (2011) Chemistry modelling in an open-source DSMC code. In: 4th European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences, EUCASS, 2011-07-04 - 2011-12-08.

Stickland, Matthew and Fabre, Sylvie and Scanlon, Thomas (2011) Fluent User Defined Function: Zephir_comp_sim : NORSEWInD Report UoSNW017. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Stickland, Matthew and Fabre, Sylvie and Scanlon, Thomas (2011) Fluent User Defined Function: WindCube_comp_sim : NORSEWInD Report UOSNW013. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Quail, Francis and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2011) Design optimisation of a regenerative pump using numerical and experimental techniques. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 21 (1). pp. 95-111. ISSN 0961-5539


Scanlon, T.J. and Roohi, E. and White, C. and Darbandi, M. and Reese, J.M. (2010) An open source, parallel DSMC code for rarefied gas flows in arbitrary geometries. Computers and Fluids, 39 (10). pp. 2078-2089. ISSN 0045-7930

Quail, Francis J. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J.; Korsunsky, A.M., ed. (2010) Numerical and experimental design study of a regenerative pump. In: Current Themes in Engineering Science. American Institute of Physics, pp. 165-180. ISBN 978-0-7354-0766-4

Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2010) EU-NORSEWIND Investigation of flow distortion effects on offshore instrumentation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. ISSN 0167-6105 (Unpublished)

Stickland, Matthew and Fabre, Sylvie and Scanlon, Thomas (2010) User Defined Function: lidar_3D : NORSEWInD Report UoSNW006. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Quail, Francis J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2010) Development of a regenerative pump impeller using rapid manufacturing techniques. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 16 (5). pp. 337-344. ISSN 1355-2546


Clannachan, G.H. and Lim, J.B.P. and Bicanic, N. and Taylor, I.J. and Scanlon, T.J.; Au, F.T.K., ed. (2009) Practical application of CFD for wind loading on tall buildings. In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on tall buildings. Research Publishing Services, Hong Kong, China, pp. 767-776. ISBN 9789628014194

Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and Fabre, S. and Oldroyd, Andrew and Mikkelsen, Torben (2009) EU-Norsewind : Investigation of flow distortion effects on offshore instrumentation. In: European Offshore Wind Conference and Exhibition, 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-16.

Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and Fabre, S. and Oldroyd, Andrew and Mikkelsen, Torben (2009) EU-Norsewind: assessment of viability of open source CFD code for the wind industry. In: European Offshore Wind Conference and Exhibition, 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-16.

Scanlon, T.J. and Roohi, E. and Reese, J.M. (2009) Trials of an open source DSMC code. In: Direct Simulation Monte Carlo: Theory, Methods and Applications Conference, DSMC-09, 2009-09-13 - 2009-09-16. (Unpublished)

Waseem, Y. and Kelly, N.J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Hall, Neil (2009) A methodology and toolkit for the assessment and selection of LZC technologies in the building design process. In: Building Simulation 2009, 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-30.

Quail, F. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2009) Rapid manufacturing technique used in the development of a regenerative pump impeller. In: World Congress on Engineering, 2009-07-01 - 2009-07-03.

Quail, Francis and Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas; Ao, S.I. and Gelman, L and Hukins, D.W.L. and Hunter, A. and Korsunsky, A.M., eds. (2009) Rapid manufacturing technique used in the development of a regenerative pump impeller. In: World congress on engineering 2009. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, I . International Association of Engineers, GBR, pp. 1730-1736. ISBN 978-988-17012-5-1

Quail, Francis and Scanlon, Thomas and Stickland, Matthew (2009) Study of a regenerative pump using numerical and experimental techniques. In: 8th European Turbomachinery Conference, 2009-03-23 - 2009-03-27.


O'Hare, Lynne and Scanlon, Thomas and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason (2008) Evaluating constitutive scaling models for application to compressible microflows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51 (5-6). pp. 1281-1292. ISSN 0017-9310

Scanlon, T.J. and O'Hare, L. (2008) A continuum model for rarefied microchannel gas flows. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. ISSN 0954-4062


Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and McKenzie, J. (2007) An experimental investigation of natural convection with solidification in a differentially heated cavity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (1-2). pp. 36-44. ISSN 0017-9310


O'Hare, L. and Scanlon, T.J. and Reese, J.M.; (2006) Gas flow through microscale orifice plates. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels. ASME, p. 96193. ISBN 0791837785

Zhang, Yonghao and Reese, Jason and Scanlon, Thomas and Lockerby, Duncan A.; (2006) Scaled Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations for rarefied gas flow and heat transfer phenomena in micro- and nano-systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels. ASME, p. 96066. ISBN 0791837785

Scanlon, T.J. and Reese, J.M. and O'Hare, L.; (2006) A procedure for calculating wall distance in arbitrary geometrics. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels. ASME, p. 96037. ISBN 0791837785


Fernández, J and Blanco, E and Parrondo, J and Stickland, M. T. and Scanlon, T. J. (2004) Performance of a centrifugal pump running in inverse mode. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 218 (4). pp. 265-271. ISSN 0957-6509

Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2004) A novel method for the provision of flight experience and flight testing for undergraduate aeronautical engineers at the University of Strathclyde. Aeronautical Journal, 108 (1084). pp. 315-318. ISSN 0001-9240

Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2004) A numerical analysis of buoyancy-driven melting and freezing. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47 (3). pp. 429-436. ISSN 0017-9310

Tenchev, R.T. and MacKenzie, J.A. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2004) Finite element moving mesh analysis of phase change problems with natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 26 (4). pp. 597-612. ISSN 0142-727X

Wallace, M.S. and Dempster, W.M. and Scanlon, T.J. and Peters, J. and McCulloch, S. (2004) Prediction of impact erosion in valve geometries. Wear, 256 (9-10). pp. 927-936. ISSN 0043-1648

Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T.; Bergles, A., ed. (2004) A numerical analysis of thermosolutal melting. In: Proceedings of the 11th ASME/ZSIS International Thermal Science Seminar. ASME, pp. 711-716.


Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and Fernandez-Francos, J. and Blanco, E. (2003) Measurement of rotating flows using PIV and image derotation. Experiments in Fluids, 34 (2). pp. 304-306. ISSN 1432-1114

Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and Vidinha, T. and Langlands, K.C. and Dempster, W.M. and Jaryczewski, R. and Langlands, Kim Corell (2003) The development and application of time resolved PIV at the University of Strathclyde. Experiments in Fluids, 177. pp. 199-207. ISSN 1432-1114

Stickland, M.T. and McKay, S. and Scanlon, T.J. (2003) The development of a three-dimensional imaging system and its application in computer aided design workstations. Mechatronics, 13 (5). pp. 521-532. ISSN 0957-4158

Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and Craighead, I.A. and Fernandez, J. (2003) An investigation into the mechanical damping characteristics of catenary contact wires and their effect on aerodynamic galloping instability. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 217 (2). pp. 63-71. ISSN 0954-4097


Blanco, E. and Fernandez-Vina, F. and Fernandez-Oro, J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2002) Analisis numerico de una bomba semiaxial. In: 15th Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering National Conference, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13.

Fernandez, J. and Blanco, E. and Fernandez-Oro, J. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2002) Estudio numerico de las condiciones de estabilidad de estructuras bidimensionales bajo carga aerodinamica. In: 15th Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering National Conference, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13.

Doherty, N. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. and Waddell, P. (2002) An experimental and numerical analysis of flow in a ShockWave power generator. In: 10th International Symposium on Flow Visualisation, 2002-08-26 - 2002-08-29.

Reddy, D.N. and Scanlon, T.J. and Kuo, C. (2002) Prediction of slam loads on a wedge section using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques. In: Twenty-fourth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, 2002-07-08 - 2002-07-13.

Fernandez, J. and Blanco, E. and Fernandez-Oro, J. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2002) Diseno de una bomba centrifuga : analisis numerico y experimental. In: 15th Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering National Conference, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13.

Blanco, E. and Fernandez, J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T.; (2002) A numerical analysis of a mixed flow pump. In: Proceedings of the ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering. ASME, pp. 791-798. ISBN 0791836150

Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and Fernandez, J. and Blanco, E. and Parrondo, J.; (2002) A numerical and experimental analysis of flow in a centrifugal pump. In: Proceedings of the ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Conference. ASME, pp. 703-708. ISBN 0791836150

Fernandez, J. and Parrondo, J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T.; (2002) A numerical and experimental flow analysis in a centrifugal pump with impeller-volute interaction. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements. Elsevier. ISBN 0-08-044114-9

Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. and Fernandez, J. and Blanco, E. and Parrondo, J.; Rodi, W. and Fueyo, N., eds. (2002) A numerical flow simulation of a mixed flow pump. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements. Elsevier. ISBN 0080441149


Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2001) An investigation into the aerodynamic characteristics of catenary contact wires in a cross-wind. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 215 (4). pp. 311-318. ISSN 0954-4097

Langlands, K.C. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2001) An experimental and numerical analysis of flow near a pump intake using particle image velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics. In: 9th International Conference on Laser Anemometry, 2001-09-12 - 2001-09-14.

Fernandez, J. and Blanco, E. and Parrondo, J. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2001) Ironwork of Teixois-Taramundi (Asturias) Spain. In: International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms, HMM 2000, 2000-05-11 - 2000-05-13.

Fernandez, J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2001) Mapping the velocity field in a pump impeller using high speed digital video, image derotation and particle image velocimetry. In: 9th International Conference on Laser Anemometry, 2001-09-12 - 2001-09-14.

Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. and Lacombe, M. (2001) A PIV and CFD analysis of natural convection ice melting. In: 9th International Conference on Laser Anemometry, 2001-09-12 - 2001-09-14.

McKay, S. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2001) The development of a three-dimensional imaging system and its application in fluid mechanics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 215 (12). pp. 1459-1463. ISSN 0954-4062

Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2001) An experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection melting. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 28 (2). pp. 181-190. ISSN 0735-1933


Stickland, Matthew T. and Scanlon, Tom J. and Blanco-Marigorta, Eduardo and Fernandez-Francos, Joaquin and Parrondo-Gayo, Jorge L. and Santolaria-Morros, Carlos; (2000) Numerical simulation of centrifugal pumps. In: Proceedings of ASME 2000 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. ASME, New York. ISBN 0791819665


Stickland, MT and Scanlon, TJ and Oldroyd, A and Waddell, P and Crawley, F and Stubbs, B; Mochizuki, Sadanari, ed. (1997) An experimental and computational analysis of buoyancy driven flows by laser sheet tomography, particle image velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics. In: Flow visualization and image processing 1997. Pacific Center of Thermal-Fluids Engineering, Honolulu. ISBN 0965246922

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