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Number of items: 66.


Parsonage, Ben and Hagglund, Philip K. and Keogh, Lloyd and Wheelhouse, Nick and Brown, Richard E. and Dancer, Stephanie J. (2017) Control of antimicrobial resistance requires an ethical approach. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8. 2124. ISSN 1664-302X


Casseau, Vincent and Espinoza, Daniel E. R. and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. (2016) A two-temperature open-source CFD model for hypersonic reacting flows, part two : multi-dimensional analysis. Aerospace, 3 (4). ISSN 2052-451X

Casseau, V. and Scanlon, T. J. and John, B. and Emerson, D. R. and Brown, R. E.; Struchtrup, Henning and Ketsdever, Andrew, eds. (2016) Hypersonic simulations using open-source CFD and DSMC solvers. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1786 . American Institute of Physics, CAN. ISBN 9780735414488

Espinoza, Daniel and Casseau, Vincent and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard; Struchtrup, Henning and Ketsdever, Andrew, eds. (2016) An open-source hybrid CFD-DSMC solver for high speed flows. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1786 . American Institute of Physics, CAN. ISBN 9780735414488

Casseau, Vincent and Palharini, Rodrigo . and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. (2016) A two-temperature open-source CFD model for hypersonic reacting flows, part one : zero-dimensional analysis. Aerospace, 3 (4). ISSN 2052-451X


White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2015) The permeability of ablative materials under rarefied gas conditions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 53 (1). pp. 134-142. ISSN 0022-4650

Cassineli Palharini, Rodrigo and White, Craig and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. and Borg, Matthew K. and Reese, Jason M. (2015) Benchmark numerical simulations of rarefied non-reacting gas flows using an open-source DSMC code. Computers and Fluids, 120. pp. 140-157. ISSN 0045-7930

Casseau, Vincent and Scanlon, Thomas J. and Brown, Richard E. (2015) Development of a two-temperature open source CFD model for hypersonic reacting flows. In: 20th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, MHYP15, 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-09.

Wuilbercq, R. and Mogavero, A. and Brown, R. E. (2015) Robust multi-disciplinary modelling of future re-usable aerospace planes. In: 20th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, MHYP15, 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-09.

Espinoza, Daniel and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2015) Validation of tools to accelerate high-speed CFD simulations using OpenFOAM. In: 20th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, MHYP15, 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-09.

Mogavero, A. and Brown, R. E. (2015) An improved engine analysis and optimization tool fo hypersonic combined cycle engines. In: 20th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, MHYP15, 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-09.

Scanlon, Thomas J. and White, Craig and Borg, Matthew K. and Palharini, Rodrigo C. and Farbar, Erin and Boyd, Iain D. and Reese, Jason M. and Brown, Richard E. (2015) Open source Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) chemistry modelling for hypersonic flows. AIAA Journal, 53 (6). pp. 1670-1680. ISSN 0001-1452

Bell, Andrew M and Brown, Richard E and Mulheran, Paul A (2015) Multi-scale chemistry modelling for spacecraft atmospheric re-entry. In: Faculty of Engineering Research Presentation Day 2015, 2015-06-24 - 2015-06-24. (Unpublished)


Brown, Richard (2014) The future of air travel : Dinner in Sydney, London in time for 'The X-Factor'? The Washington Post, Washington DC.

Mogavero, Alessandro and Taylor, Ian and Brown, Richard (2014) Hybrid propulsion parametric and modular model : a novel engine analysis tool conceived for design optimization. In: 19TH AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-20, Hyatt Regency Atlanta.

Wuilbercq, Romain and Pescetelli, Fabrizio and Minisci, Edmondo and Brown, Richard (2014) Influence of boundary layer transition on the trajectory optimisation of a reusable launch vehicle. In: 19TH AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-20, Hyatt Regency Atlanta.

Wuilbercq, Romain and Pescetelli, Fabrizio and Mogavero, Alessandro and Minisci, Edmondo and Brown, Richard (2014) Robust multi-disciplinary design and optimisation of a reusable launch vehicle. In: 19TH AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-20, Hyatt Regency Atlanta.


Pescetelli, Fabrizio and Minisci, Edmondo and Brown, Richard (2013) Re-entry trajectory optimization for a SSTO vehicle in the presence of atmosheric uncertainties. In: 5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, EUCASS, 2013-07-01 - 2013-07-04.

Scheurich, Frank and Brown, Richard (2013) Modelling the aerodynamics of vertical-axis wind turbines in unsteady wind conditions. Wind Energy, 16 (2). pp. 91-107. ISSN 1095-4244


Pescetelli, Fabrizio and Minisci, Edmondo and Maddock, Christie and Taylor, Ian and Brown, Richard (2012) Ascent trajectory optimisation for a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle with hybrid propulsion. In: 18th AIAA/3AF International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-28.

Wuilbercq, Romain and Ahmad, Abdul Ossman and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2012) Towards robust aero-thermodynamic predictions for re-usable single-stage to orbit vehicles. In: 18th AIAA/3AF International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-28.


Brown, Richard and Scheurich, Frank (2011) Effect of dynamic stall on the aerodynamics of vertical-axis wind turbines. AIAA Journal, 49 (11). pp. 2511-2521. ISSN 0001-1452

Ahmad, Abdul Ossman and Maddock, Christie and Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard (2011) Prediction of the aerodynamic performance of re-usable single stage to orbit vehicles. In: Space Access 2011, 2011-09-21 - 2011-09-23.

Scanlon, Thomas and White, Craig and Schuebler, Matthias and Brown, Richard and Reese, Jason (2011) Thermochemistry modelling in an open-source DSMC code. In: 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 2011-07-17 - 2011-07-22.

Scanlon, Thomas and Brown, Richard and Reese, Jason and White, Craig and Ahmad, Abdul Ossman and Schuebler, Matthias (2011) Chemistry modelling in an open-source DSMC code. In: 4th European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences, EUCASS, 2011-07-04 - 2011-12-08.

Scheurich, F. and Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, Richard (2011) Effect of blade geometry on the aerodynamic loads produced by vertical-axis wind turbines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 225 (3). pp. 327-341. ISSN 0957-6509

Kelly, Mary E. and Brown, Richard (2011) Influence of blade aerodynamic model on prediction of helicopter rotor aeroacoustic signatures. Journal of Aircraft, 48 (3). pp. 1058-1083. ISSN 0021-8669

Scheurich, Frank and Brown, Richard (2011) Vertical-axis wind turbines in oblique flow: sensitivity to rotor geometry. In: EWEA Annual event (formerly known as EWEC), 2011-03-14 - 2011-03-17.

Kelly, Mary E. and Brown, Richard (2011) Influence of blade aerodynamic model on the prediction of helicopter high-frequency airloads. Journal of Aircraft, 48 (2). pp. 476-494. ISSN 0021-8669

Scheurich, Frank and Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, Richard (2011) Simulating the aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics of a vertical-axis wind turbine. Wind Energy, 14 (2). pp. 159-177. ISSN 1095-4244

Phillips, Catriona and Brown, Richard and Kim, Hyo Wan (2011) Helicopter brownout - can it be modelled? Aeronautical Journal, 115 (1164). pp. 123-133. ISSN 0001-9240


Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, Richard (2010) Helicopter tail rotor thrust and main rotor wake coupling in crosswind flight. Journal of Aircraft, 47 (6). pp. 2136-2148. ISSN 0021-8669

Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, Richard (2010) Simulation of wind turbine wake interaction using the vorticity transport model. Wind Energy, 13 (7). pp. 587-602. ISSN 1095-4244

Brown, R.E. and Phillips, Catriona and Kim, Hyo Wan (2010) Helicopter brownout - can it be modelled? In: Royal Aeronautical Society Rotorcraft Group Conference: Operating Helicopters Safely in a Degraded Visual Environment, 2010-06-16 - 2010-06-17.

Whitehouse, Glen R. and Boschitsch, Alexander H. and Smith, Marlyn J. and Lynch, C. Eric and Brown, Richard (2010) Investigation of mixed element hybrid grid-based CFD methods for rotorcraft flow analysis. In: 66th American Helicopter Society Forum: Rising to New Heights in Vertical Lift Technology, 2010-05-11 - 2010-05-13.

Phillips, Catriona and Kim, Hyo Wan and Brown, R.E. (2010) The flow physics of helicopter brownout. In: 66th American Helicopter Society Forum: Rising to New Heights in Vertical Lift Technology, 2010-05-11 - 2010-05-13.

Kim, Da Hye. and Yu, Dong Oh and Kwon, Oh Joon and Fletcher, Timothy M. and Scheurich, Frank and Brown, Richard (2010) Predicting unsteady blade loads of a wind turbine using RANS and vorticity transport methodologies. In: European Wind Energy Conference, 2010-04-20 - 2010-04-23.

Yu, Dong Oh and Kwon, Oh Joon and Fletcher, Timothy M. and Scheurich, Frank and Brown, Richard (2010) Prediction of unsteady blade loads of a wind turbine using RANS and vorticity transport methodologies. In: Annual Conference of the Korea Wind Energy Association, 2010-04-07 - 2010-04-09.

Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, R.E. (2010) Interaction of an Eulerian flue gas plume with wind turbines. In: 29th ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 2010-01-04 - 2010-01-07.

Scheurich, Frank and Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, R.E. (2010) The influence of blade curvature and helical blade twist on the performance of a vertical-axis wind turbine. In: 29th ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 2010-01-04 - 2010-01-07.

Kim, Hyo Won and Brown, Richard E. (2010) A comparison of coaxial and conventional rotor performance. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 55 (1). 012004. ISSN 0002-8711


Kim, Hyo Wan and Brown, R.E. (2009) A rational approach to comparing the performance of coaxial and conventional rotors. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 55 (1). 012003 1-9. ISSN 0002-8711

Kelly, Mary E. and Phillips, Catriona and Scheurich, Frank and Kim, Hyo Wan and Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, R.E. (2009) Applying rotorcraft modelling technology to renewable energy research. In: 2nd AHS/KSASS International Forum on Rotorcraft Multidiscipllinary Technology, 2009-10-19 - 2009-10-20.

Smith, Marilyn J. and Shenoy, Rajiv and Kenyon, Adam R. and Brown, Richard (2009) Vorticity-transport and unstructured RANS investigation of rotor-fuselage interactions. In: 35th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2009-09-22 - 2009-09-25.

Kelly, Mary E. and Brown, R.E. (2009) The effect of blade aerodynamic modelling on the prediction of the blade airloads and the acoustic signature of the HART II rotor. In: 35th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2009-09-22 - 2009-09-25.

Phillips, Catriona and Kim, Hyo Wan and Brown, R.E. (2009) The effect of rotor design on the fluid dynamics of helicopter brownout. In: 35th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2009-09-22 - 2009-09-25.

Ahlin, G.A. and Brown, R.E. (2009) Wake structure and kinematics in the vortex ring state. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 54 (3). 032003. ISSN 0002-8711

Phillips, C. and Brown, R.E. (2009) Eulerian simulation of the fluid dynamics of helicopter brownout. Journal of Aircraft, 46 (4). pp. 1416-1429. ISSN 0021-8669

Kim, Hyo Wan and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2009) Effect of rotor stiffness and lift offset on the aeroacoustics of a coaxial rotor in level flight. In: 65th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, 2009-05-27 - 2009-05-29.

Fletcher, Timothy M. and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2009) Sensitivity of tail rotor noise to helicopter configuration in forward flight. In: 65th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, 2009-05-27 - 2009-05-29.

Kelly, Mary E. and Brown, Richard (2009) The effect of blade aerodynamic modelling on the prediction of high-frequency rotor airloads. In: 65th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, 2009-05-27 - 2009-05-29.

Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, Richard and Kim, Da Hye and Kwon, Oh Joon (2009) Predicting wind turbine blade loads using vorticity transport and RANS methodologies. In: European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, EWEC 2009, 2009-03-16 - 2009-03-19.

Kim, Hyo Wan and Kenyon, Adam R. and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2009) Interactional aerodynamics and acoustics of a hingeless coaxial helicopter with an auxiliary propeller in forward flight. Aeronautical Journal, 113 (1140). pp. 65-78. ISSN 0001-9240

Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, R.E. (2009) Simulating wind turbine interactions using the vorticity transport equations. In: 28th ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 2009-01-05 - 2009-01-08.

Kenyon, A.R. and Brown, R.E. (2009) Wake dynamics and rotor-fuselage aerodynamic interactions. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 54 (1). 12003-1-12003-18. ISSN 0002-8711


Fletcher, Timothy M. and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2008) Aeroacoustic analysis of main rotor-tail rotor interaction. In: 34th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2008-09-16 - 2008-09-19.

Kelly, Mary E. and Brown, Richard (2008) Predicting the wake structure of the HART II rotor using the vorticity transport model. In: 34th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2008-09-16 - 2008-09-19.

Phillips, Catriona and Brown, R.E. (2008) The effect of helicopter configuration on the fluid dynamics of brownout. In: 34th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2008-09-16 - 2008-09-19.

Kim, Hyo Won and Brown, Richard E.; Yoo, Seung-Deog, ed. (2008) Modelling the aerodynamics of coaxial helicopters : from an isolated rotor to a complete aircraft. In: EKC2008 Proceedings of the EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 124 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 45-59. ISBN 9783540851905

Kim, Hyo Wan and Kenyon, Adam R. and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, R.E. (2008) Interactional aerodynamics and acoustics of a hingeless coaxial helicopter with an auxiliary propeller in forward flight. In: 9th International Powered Lift Conference, IPLC2008, 2008-07-22 - 2008-07-24.

Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2008) Aerodynamic response of a hovering rotor to ramp change in pitch input. In: 64th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, 2008-04-28 - 2008-05-01.

Phillips, Catriona and Brown, R.E. (2008) Eulerian simulation of the fluid dynamics of helicopter brownout. In: 64th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, 2008-04-28 - 2008-05-01.

Kim, Hyo Wan and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2008) Aeroacoustics of a coaxial rotor in level flight. In: 64th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, 2008-04-28 - 2008-05-01.

Fletcher, Timothy M. and Brown, R.E. (2008) Main rotor-tail rotor intraction and its implications for helicopter directional control. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 53 (2). pp. 125-138. ISSN 0002-8711

Kim, Hyo Wan and Kenyon, Adam R. and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2008) Interactional aerodynamics and acoustics of a propeller-augmented compound coaxial helicopter. In: 9th American Helicopter Society Aeromechanics Specialists' Meeting, 2008-01-23 - 2008-01-25.

Kelly, Mary E. and Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Brown, Richard (2008) Predicting blade vortex interaction, airloads and acoustics using the vorticity transport model. In: 9th American Helicopter Society Aeromechanics Specialists' Meeting, 2008-01-23 - 2008-01-25.

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