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Jump to: 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
Number of items: 30.


Pattison, D. and Segovia Garcia, M. and Xie, W. and Quail, F. and Revie, M. and Whitfield, I. and Irvine, I. (2016) Intelligent integrated maintenance for wind power generation. Wind Energy. ISSN 1095-4244


Hamilton, Andrew Wallace and Cleary, Alison and Quail, Francis (2014) Development of a novel wear detection system for wind turbine gearboxes. IEEE Sensors Journal, 14 (2). 465 - 473. ISSN 1530-437X


Currie, Magnus and Saafi, Mohamed and Tachtatzis, Christos and Quail, Francis (2013) Structural health monitoring for wind turbine foundations. Proceedings of the ICE - Energy, 166 (4). pp. 162-169. ISSN 1751-4223

Lian, Yiqing and Pattison, David and Kenyon, Andrew and Segovia Garcia, Maria Del Carmen and Quail, Francis; (2013) Wind turbine gearbox ice sensing and condition monitoring for fault prognosis and diagnosis. In: Proceedings of COMADEM 2013, International Congress of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management. COMADEM International.

Quail, Francis and Hamilton, Andrew Wallace (2013) Development of a low-cost lubrication monitoring sensor for wind turbine gearboxes. In: EWEA Annual Wind Energy Event 2013, 2013-02-04 - 2013-02-07. (In Press)

Segovia Garcia, Maria Del Carmen and Revie, Matthew and Quail, Francis; (2013) Condition monitoring data in the study of offshore wind turbines’ risk of failure. In: Proceedings of the 19th AR2TS Advances in Risk, Reliability and Technology Symposium. ASME.

Pattison, David and Xie, Wenbin and Quail, Francis; Borrajo, Daniel and Kambhampati, Subbarao and Oddi, Angelo and Fratini, Simone, eds. (2013) The WINDY domain – a challenging real-world application of integrated planning and scheduling. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). ISBN 9781577356097


Quail, Francis and Butler, Jonathan (2012) Comparison of 2nd generation LiDAR wind measurement technique with CFD numerical modelling. In: EWEA: The Science of Making Torque from Wind, 2012-10-09 - 2012-10-11.

Plumley, Charles Edward and Wilson, Graeme and Kenyon, Andrew and Quail, Francis and Zitrou, Athena (2012) Diagnostics and prognostics utilising dynamic Bayesian networks applied to a wind turbine gearbox. In: International Conference on Condition Monitoringand Machine Failure Prevention Technologies, CM & MFPT 2012, 2012-06-12 - 2012-06-14.

Dinwoodie, Iain Allan and McMillan, David and Quail, Francis (2012) Analysis of offshore wind turbine operation & maintenance using a novel time domain meteo-ocean modeling approach. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2012, 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-15.

Quail, Francis and Currie, Magnus (2012) Development of a low cost structural health monitoring system for wind turbine foundations. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2012 Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition, 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-15.

Currie, Magnus and Saafi, Mohamed and Quail, Francis (2012) Development of a robust structural health monitoring system for wind turbine foundations. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2012 Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition, 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-15.

Quail, Francis and Dinwoodie, Iain Allan (2012) Offshore wind turbine operation and maintenance analysis using a time domain meteo-ocean modelling approach. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2012 Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition, 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-15.

Quail, Francis J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Baumgartner, A. (2012) Design study of a regenerative pump using one-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical techniques. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 31. pp. 181-187. ISSN 0997-7546

Ferguson, David and Kean, Laura and Quail, Francis and Jamieson, P. (2012) Approaches to aerodynamic optimisation of a small scale stall regulated wind turbine. IET Renewable Power Generation. ISSN 1752-1416 (In Press)

Dinwoodie, Iain Allan and McMillan, David and Quail, Francis (2012) Sensitivity of offshore wind turbine operation & maintenance costs to key operational parameters. In: European Safety Reliability and Data Analysis Conference ESReDA 2012, 2012-05-15 - 2012-09-16.


Hamilton, Andrew and Quail, Francis (2011) Detailed state of the art review for the different on-line/in-line oil analysis techniques in context of wind turbine gearboxes. Journal of Tribology, 133 (4). 044001. ISSN 0742-4787

Quail, Francis and Feuchtwang, Julian (2011) Wind turbine condition monitoring. In: NREL Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring Conference, 2011-09-17 - 2011-09-21.

Arbon, Ian and Brown, Colin and Fox, Tim and Knox, Andrew and Quail, Francis (2011) Scottish Energy 2020. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London.

Quail, Francis and Stickland, M.T. and Baumgartner, A. (2011) A one-dimensional numerical model for the momentum exchange in regenerative pumps. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133 (9). 093001. ISSN 0742-4795

Quail, Francis and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2011) Design optimisation of a regenerative pump using numerical and experimental techniques. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 21 (1). pp. 95-111. ISSN 0961-5539

Quail, Francis J. (2011) Condition monitoring wind turbine gearboxes using on-line/in-line oil analysis techniques. In: ASME Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, 2011-06-06 - 2011-06-10.


Quail, Francis and Hamilton, Andrew Wallace (2010) Wind turbine gearbox condition monitoring. In: STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, 2010-10-18 - 2010-10-20.

Quail, Francis J. and Stickland, M.T. and Baumgartner, B.; (2010) Design study of a novel regenerative pump using experimental and numerical techniques. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Fluid Machinery Congress. Woodhead Publishing. ISBN 978-0-85709-091-1

Quail, Francis J. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J.; Korsunsky, A.M., ed. (2010) Numerical and experimental design study of a regenerative pump. In: Current Themes in Engineering Science. American Institute of Physics, pp. 165-180. ISBN 978-0-7354-0766-4

Quail, Francis J. and Scanlon, T.J. and Stickland, M.T. (2010) Development of a regenerative pump impeller using rapid manufacturing techniques. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 16 (5). pp. 337-344. ISSN 1355-2546


Quail, F. and Stickland, M.T. and Scanlon, T.J. (2009) Rapid manufacturing technique used in the development of a regenerative pump impeller. In: World Congress on Engineering, 2009-07-01 - 2009-07-03.

Quail, Francis and Stickland, Matthew and Scanlon, Thomas; Ao, S.I. and Gelman, L and Hukins, D.W.L. and Hunter, A. and Korsunsky, A.M., eds. (2009) Rapid manufacturing technique used in the development of a regenerative pump impeller. In: World congress on engineering 2009. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, I . International Association of Engineers, GBR, pp. 1730-1736. ISBN 978-988-17012-5-1

Quail, Francis and Scanlon, Thomas and Stickland, Matthew (2009) Study of a regenerative pump using numerical and experimental techniques. In: 8th European Turbomachinery Conference, 2009-03-23 - 2009-03-27.

Quail, Francis J. (2009) Efficient use of energy. Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. ISSN 0020-3289

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