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Jump to: 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
Number of items: 47.


Zimoń, M.J. and Reese, J.M. and Emerson, D.R. (2016) A novel coupling of noise reduction algorithms for particle flow simulations. Journal of Computational Physics, 321. pp. 169-190. ISSN 0021-9991


Ritos, Konstantinos and Borg, Matthew Karl and Lockerby, Duncan A. and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason (2015) Hybrid molecular-continuum simulations of water flow through carbon nanotube membranes of realistic thickness. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19 (5). pp. 997-1010. ISSN 1613-4982

Zografos, Konstantinos and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David R. and Oliveira, Mónica S. N. (2015) A design rule for constant depth microfluidic networks for power-law fluids. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19 (3). pp. 737-749. ISSN 1613-4982


Zografos, Konstantinos and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David and Oliveira, Monica (2014) Analysis of power-law fluid flow in constant depth microfluidic networks based on a generalised Murray's law. In: 9th Annual European Rheology Conference, AERC 2014, 2014-04-08 - 2014-04-11.

Zografos, Konstantinos and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David and Oliveira, Monica (2014) Flow of power law fluids in microfluidic bifurcating networks designed using biomimetic principles. In: 9th Annual European Rheology Conference, AERC 2014, 2014-04-08 - 2014-04-11.

Zografos, Konstantinos and Oliveira, Monica and Emerson, David and Barber, R.W.; (2014) Constant depth microfluidic networks based on a generalised Murry's law for Newtonian and power-law fluids. In: 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (book of abstracts). Brunel University London, GBR. ISBN 978-1-908549-16-7 (Unpublished)


Dongari, Nishanth and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David and Stefanov, Stefan and Zhang, Yonghao (2013) The effect of Knudsen layers on rarefied cylindrical Couette gas flows. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 14 (1-2). pp. 31-43. ISSN 1613-4982


Dongari, Nishanth and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David and Zhang, Yonghao and Reese, Jason (2012) Velocity inversion in cylindrical Couette gas flows. In: 1st European Conference on Gas Micro Flows, GAMEMS 2012, 2012-06-06 - 2012-06-08.


Fico, Vincenzo and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason (2011) A parallel compact-TVD method for compressible fluid dynamics employing shared and distributed-memory paradigms. Computers and Fluids, 45 (1). pp. 172-176. ISSN 0045-7930


Fico, Vincenzo and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason (2010) A new parallel compact TVD scheme for compressible flows employing domain decomposition. In: 22nd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Parallel CFD 2010, 2010-05-17 - 2010-05-21.

Fico, Vincenzo and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason (2010) A high order compact scheme for hypersonic aerothermodynamics. In: 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2010-01-04 - 2010-01-07.


Reese, Jason and Lockerby, Duncan A. and Emerson, David (2009) Gas dynamics at the micro-scale : a review of progress in hydrodynamic modelling. In: 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference, MNF2009, 2009-09-01 - 2009-09-02. (Unpublished)

Tang, G.H. and Zhang, Y. H. and Gu, X.J. and Barber, R. W. and Emerson, D. R. (2009) Lattice Boltzmann model for thermal transpiration. Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 79 (2). 027701. ISSN 2470-0053

Tang, G.H. and Zhang, Yonghao and Barber, Robert W. and Gu, X.J. and Emerson, David (2009) Modelling viscous fluid damping in oscillating microstructures. Modern Physics Letters B, 23 (3). pp. 241-244. ISSN 0217-9849


Tang, G.H. and Zhang, Y. H. and Gu, X.J. and Emerson, D. R. (2008) Lattice Boltzmann modelling Knudsen layer effect in non-equilibrium flows. EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics, 83 (4). 40008. ISSN 0295-5075

Tang, G.H. and Gu, X.J. and Barber, R. W. and Emerson, D. R. and Zhang, Y. H. and Reese, Jason (2008) Lattice Boltzmann simulation of nonequilibrium effects in oscillatory gas flow. Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 78 (2). 026706-026714. ISSN 2470-0053

Tang, G.H. and Zhang, Yonghao and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David (2008) Lattice Boltzmann simulation of viscous gas damping in microstructures. In: 2nd International Symposium on Physics of Fluids, 2008-06-06 - 2008-06-09. (Unpublished)

Reese, Jason and Emerson, David and Clare, H. (2008) Guest editorial article: special issue on micro- and nanoscale flows : advancing the engineering science and design. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 222 (5). i-ii. ISSN 0954-4062

Tang, Gu-Hua and Zhang, Yong-hao and Emerson, David R. (2008) Lattice Boltzmann models for non-equilibrium gas flows. Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 77 (4). 046701-046707. ISSN 2470-0053

O'Hare, Lynne and Scanlon, Thomas and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason (2008) Evaluating constitutive scaling models for application to compressible microflows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51 (5-6). pp. 1281-1292. ISSN 0017-9310

Mizzi, Simon and Gu, X.J. and Emerson, David and Barber, Robert W. and Reese, Jason (2008) Computational framework for the regularized 20-moment equations for non-equilibrium gas flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 56 (8). pp. 1433-1439. ISSN 0271-2091

Mizzi, Simon and Gu, X.J. and Emerson, David and Barber, Robert W. and Reese, Jason; (2008) Application of a high-order macroscopic approach to a force-driven Poiseuille flow in the slip and transition regimes. In: Proceedings of the Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer International Conference (MNHT2008). ASME. ISBN 0791838137

Tang, G.H. and Gu, X.J. and Zhang, Yonghao and Reese, Jason and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David; (2008) Pulsating electroosmotic flow and wall block mixing in microchannels. In: Proceedings of MNHT2008, Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer International Conference. ASME.

Zhang, Yonghao and Gu, X.J. and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David; (2008) A thermal lattice Boltzmann model for micro/nano-flows. In: Proceedings of Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer International Conference (MNHT2008). ASME, pp. 1275-1281. ISBN 0791842924


Mohr, S. and Zhang, Yonghao and MacAskill, Alexandra and Day, P.J.R. and Barber, Robert W. and Goddard, N.J. and Emerson, David and Fielden, P.R. (2007) Numerical and experimental study of a droplet-based PCR chip. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 3 (5). pp. 611-621. ISSN 1613-4982

O'Hare, Lynne and Lockerby, Duncan A. and Reese, Jason and Emerson, David (2007) Near-wall effects in rarefied gas micro-flows : Some modern hydrodynamic approaches. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 28 (1). pp. 37-43. ISSN 0142-727X

Zhang, Y. H. and Gu, X.J. and Barber, R. W. and Emerson, D. R. (2007) Modelling thermal flow in a transition regime using a lattice Boltzmann approach. EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics, 77 (3). 30003.1-30003.5. ISSN 0295-5075

Mizzi, Simon and Emerson, David R. and Stefanov, Stefan K. and Barber, Robert W. and Reese, Jason M. (2007) Effects of rarefaction on cavity flow in the slip regime. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 4 (4). pp. 817-822. ISSN 1546-1955

Mizzi, Simon and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason and Stefanov, Stefan (2007) A phenomenological and extended continuum approach for modelling non-equilibrium flows. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 19 (5). pp. 273-283. ISSN 0935-1175


Zhang, Yonghao and Gu, X.J. and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David (2006) Capturing Knudsen layer phenomena using lattice Boltzmann model. Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 74 (4). 046704. ISSN 2470-0053

Mizzi, Simon and Emerson, David R. and Stefanov, Stefan K. and Barber, Robert W. and Reese, Jason M. (2006) Micro-scale cavities in the slip - and transition - flow regimes. In: Computational Micro and Nanofluidics Conference (ECCOMAS CFD), 2006-09-01.

Mizzi, Simon and Emerson, David and Barber, Robert W. and Reese, Jason; (2006) Modelling low Knudsen number transition flows using a computationally efficient continuum-based methodology. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (ICNMM2006). ASME. ISBN 0791847608

Mohr, S. and Zhang, Yonghao and MacAskill, Alexandra and Day, P.J.R. and Barber, Robert W. and Goddard, N.J. and Emerson, David and Fielden, P.R.; (2006) Optimal design and operation for a droplet-based PCR chip. In: Proceedings of ASME 4th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (ICNMM2006). ASME.

Gu, X.J. and Emerson, David and Barber, Robert W. and Zhang, Yonghao; (2006) Towards numerical modelling of surface tension of microdroplets. In: Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics - Theory and Applications. Elsevier, pp. 365-373. ISBN 0-444-52206-9

Stefanov, Stefan and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason; (2006) The critical accommodation coefficient for velocity inversion in rarefied cylindrical Couette flow in the slip and near free-molecular regimes. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD25). AIP.


Zhang, Yonghao and Gu, Xiao-Jun and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David R. (2005) Influence of the electric double layer on induced pressure fields and development lengths in electro-osmotic flows. Modern Physics Letters B, 19 (28-29). pp. 1655-1658. ISSN 0217-9849

Zhang, Y. H. and Qin, R. S. and Sun, Y.H. and Barber, R. W. and Emerson, D. R. (2005) Gas flow in microchannels - a Lattice Boltzmann method approach. Journal of Statistical Physics, 121 (1-2). pp. 257-267. ISSN 0022-4715

Myong, R.S. and Reese, Jason and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David (2005) Velocity slip in microscale cylindrical Couette flow: the Langmuir model. Physics of Fluids, 17 (8). 087105. ISSN 1089-7666

Zhang, Yonghao and Qin, Rongshan and Emerson, David (2005) Lattice Boltzmann simulation of rarefied gas flows in microchannels. Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 71 (4). 047702. ISSN 2470-0053

Reese, Jason and Lockerby, Duncan A. and Emerson, David (2005) On hydrodynamic predictions of near-wall effects in rarefied gases: some phenomenological and modelling approaches. In: International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, 2005-09-25 - 2005-09-30.

Zhang, Yonghao and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David R. (2005) Particle separation in microfluidic devices - SPLITT fractionation and microfluidics. Current Analytical Chemistry, 1 (3). pp. 345-354. ISSN 1573-4110


Lockerby, Duncan A. and Reese, Jason and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David; (2004) Geometric and constitutive dependence of Maxwell's velocity slip boundary condition. In: Rarefied Gas Dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 762 . American Institute of Physics, pp. 725-730. ISBN 0-7354-0247-7

Bailey, C.L. and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David and Lockerby, Duncan A. and Reese, Jason; (2004) A critical review of the drag force on a sphere in the transition flow regime. In: Rarefied Gas Dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 762 . American Institute of Physics, pp. 743-748. ISBN 0-7354-0247-7

Lockerby, Duncan A. and Reese, Jason and Emerson, David and Barber, Robert W. (2004) The velocity boundary condition at solid walls in rarefied gas calculations. Physical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 70 (1). 017303. ISSN 2470-0053

Zhang, Yonghao and Emerson, David R. (2004) Effect of flow development region and fringing magnetic force field on annular split-flow thin fractionation. Journal of Chromatography A, 1042 (1-2). pp. 137-145.

Zhang, Yonghao and Gu, X.J. and Barber, Robert W. and Emerson, David (2004) An analysis of induced pressure fields in electroosmotic flows through microchannels. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 275 (2). pp. 670-678. ISSN 0021-9797


Zhang, Yonghao and Emerson, David and Reese, Jason (2003) General theory for flow optimisation of split-flow thin fractionation. Journal of Chromatography A, 1010 (1). pp. 87-94. ISSN 0021-9673

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