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Al-Dajani, Haya and Akbar, Hammad and Carter, Sara and Shaw, Eleanor (2019) Defying contextual embeddedness : evidence from displaced women entrepreneurs in Jordan. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 31 (3-4). pp. 198-212. ISSN 0898-5626

Carter, Sara and Brierton, Jackie (2019) Introduction to the special issue : Women's enterprise international policy and practice : honoring the legacy of Julie Weeks. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 11 (1). pp. 2-5. ISSN 1756-6266


Mwaura, Samuel and Levie, Jonathan and Lassalle, Paul and Stoyanov, Stoyan and Carter, Sara (2018) Taking steps to combat barriers to ethnic minority enterprise in Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Kesidou, Eleni and Carter, Sara (2018) Entrepreneurial leadership : an exploratory study of attitudinal and behavioural patterns over the business lifecycle. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 16 (1). pp. 63-88. 1573. ISSN 2009-2822

Chen, Shihui and Fang, Hanqing Chevy and MacKenzie, Niall G. and Carter, Sara and Chen, Ling and Wu, Bingde (2018) Female leadership in contemporary Chinese family firms : a case study. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35 (1). pp. 181-211. ISSN 0217-4561

Carter, Sara (2018) International Examples of Women's Enterprise Development Centres. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Fitz-Koch, Sarah and Nordqvist, Mattias and Carter, Sara and Hunter, Erik (2017) Entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector : a literature review and future research opportunities. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42 (1). pp. 129-166. ISSN 1042-2587

Vestrum, Ingebjørg and Rasmussen, Einar and Carter, Sara (2017) How nascent community enterprises build legitimacy in internal and external environments. Regional Studies, 51 (11). pp. 1721-1734. ISSN 0034-3404

Carter, Sara, Women's Enterprise Scotland , ed. (2017) Scottish Framework and Action Plan for Women in Enterprise. The Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Pret, Tobias and Carter, Sara (2017) The importance of 'fitting in' : collaboration and social value creation in response to community norms and expectations. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 29 (7-8). pp. 639-667. ISSN 0898-5626

Carter, Sara and Kuhl, Aniela and Marlow, Susan and Mwaura, Samuel (2017) Households as a site of entrepreneurial activity. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 13 (2). pp. 81-190. ISSN 1551-3122

Mwaura, Samuel and Carter, Sara (2017) No joy with banks 'round here : the geography of the usage of bank financing among UK SMEs. In: RSA Annual Conference, 2017-06-04 - 2017-06-07, Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin.


Arshed, Norin and Mason, Colin and Carter, Sara (2016) Exploring the disconnect in policy implementation : a case of enterprise policy in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34 (8). pp. 1582-1611. ISSN 1472-3425

Carter, Sara; Audretsch, David B. and Lehmann, Erik E., eds. (2016) The effect of business ownership on people's lives. In: Companion to Makers of Modern Entrepreneurship. Routledge, Oxford. ISBN 9781138838109

Pret, Tobias and Carter, Sara and Shaw, Eleanor (2016) Entrepreneurial ideation : unpacking the relationships between creativity, style and trends. In: Academy of Management Meeting, 2016-08-05 - 2016-08-09, California. (In Press)

Pret, Tobias and Carter, Sara (2016) Why context matters : the influence of embeddedness in multiple communities. In: Academy of Management Meeting, 2016-08-05 - 2016-08-09, California. (In Press)

Pret, Tobias and Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara (2016) The role of creativity in entrepreneurial ideation. In: 2016 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference, 2016-01-25 - 2016-01-29.

McFarlane, Julie and Carter, Sara (2016) Serendipity and its role in the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities. In: EGOS 2016, 2016-07-07 - 2016-07-09, University of Naples Federico II.

Carter, Sara and Welter, Friederike; Randerson, Kathleen and Bettinelli, Cristina and Dossena, Giovanna and Fayolle, Alain, eds. (2016) Keeping it in the family : financial rewards in family firms. In: Family Entrepreneurship. Routledge Rethinking Entrepreneurship Research . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 131-147. ISBN 978-1-13-884119-2


Carter, Sara and Mwaura, Samuel; Mason, Colin and Reuschka, Darja and Syrett, Stephen and Van Ham, Martin, eds. (2015) Entrepreneurship as the business of the household. In: Entrepreneurship in Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, pp. 201-222. ISBN 978-1784711993

Pret, Tobias and Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara (2015) Stimulating creativity : the key to developing novel ideas. In: 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference 2015, 2015-11-11 - 2015-11-11, Glasgow.

Al-Dajani, Haya and Carter, Sara and Shaw, Eleanor and Marlow, Susan (2015) Entrepreneurship among the displaced and dispossessed : exploring the limits of emancipatory entrepreneuring. British Journal of Management, 26 (4). pp. 713-730. ISSN 1045-3172

Arshed, Norin and Carter, Sara and Mason, Colin (2015) The ineffectiveness of entrepreneurship policy : is policy formulation to blame? Small Business Economics, 43 (3). pp. 639-659. ISSN 0921-898X

Carter, Sara and Alsos, Gry and Ljunggren, Elisabet; Newbert, Scott L., ed. (2015) The irrational benefits of small business ownership : constructing economic well-being in business-owning households. In: Small Business in a Global Economy. Praeger, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 49-70. ISBN 978-1-4408-3015-0

Carter, Sara and Shaw, Eleanor; (2015) Economic performance and sustainable growth : the role of women entrepreneurs in UK economic development. In: The Impact of Business School Research. Chartered Association of Business Schools, London, pp. 10-11.

Mwaura, Samuel and Carter, Sara (2015) Does Entrepreneurship Make you Wealthy? Insights from the UK Wealth and Assets Survey. Preprint / Working Paper. Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick.

Carter, Sara and Mwaura, Samuel and Ram, Monder and Trehan, Kiran and Jones, Trevor (2015) Barriers to ethnic minority and women's enterprise : existing evidence, policy tensions and unsettled questions. International Small Business Journal, 33 (1). pp. 49-69. ISSN 0266-2426

Mwaura, Samuel and Carter, Sara (2015) Does entrepreneurship make you wealthy? Insights from the UK Wealth and Assets Survey. In: 2015 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference, 2015-02-02 - 2015-02-05. (Unpublished)

Wright, Mike and Roper, Stephen and Hart, Mark and Carter, Sara (2015) Joining the dots : building the evidence base for SME growth policy. International Small Business Journal, 33 (1). pp. 3-11. ISSN 0266-2426

Dajani, Haya and Carter, Sara and Williams, Colin; Gervais, RL and Millear, P, eds. (2015) Women's resourcefulness in the informal economy : evidence from Jordan. In: Exploring Resources, Life-Balance and Well-Being of Women Who Work in Global Contex. Springer-Verlag. (In Press)


Alsos, Gry and Carter, Sara and Ljunggren, Elisabet; Baker, Ted and Welter, Friederike, eds. (2014) Entrepreneurial families and households. In: The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting . Routledge, Oxford, pp. 165-177. ISBN 9780415631761

Kesidou, Eleni and Carter, Sara (2014) Entrepreneurial leadership and firm performance : reconciling the objective-subjective dichotomy. In: Rencontres St Gall, 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-02.

Pret, Tobias and Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara (2014) Entrepreneurial capital : the effects of household and family on women entrepreneurs. In: Babson Kaufmann Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2014-06-09 - 2014-06-14, Babson College.

MacKenzie, Niall and Carter, Sara and Chen, Shihui (2014) Female leadership and family cohesion : the emergence of Neoglory as a Chinese multinational. In: Association of Business Historians Conference. 22nd Annual Conference, 2014-06-27 - 2014-06-28, Newcastle University Business School.

Carter, Sara and Mwaura, Samuel (2014) The Financing of Diverse Enterprises : Evidence from the SME Finance Monitor. Preprint / Working Paper. Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick.

Carter, Sara and Mwaura, Samuel (2014) The Financing of Diverse Enterprises : Evidence from the SME Finance Monitor. Preprint / Working Paper. Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick.

Carter, Sara and Brierton, Jackie and Muldoon, James (2014) Women in Enterprise : A Framework and Action Plan to Increase the Contribution of Women's Enterprise to the Scottish Economy. Women's Enterprise Scotland.

Alsos, Gry Agnete and Carter, Sara and Ljunggren, Elisabet (2014) Kinship and business : how entrepreneurial households facilitate business growth. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 26 (1-2). pp. 97-122. ISSN 0898-5626

Summers, Juliette and Eikhof, Doris and Carter, Sara (2014) Opting out of corporate career : portraits from a women's magazine. Employee Relations, 36 (1). pp. 33-48. ISSN 0142-5455


Alsos, Gry Agnete and Carter, Sara and Ljunggren, Elisabet (2013) Entrepreneurial Families and Households : ERC Research Paper No. 10. Preprint / Working Paper. Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick.

Eikhof, Doris and Summers, Juliette and Carter, Sara (2013) “Women doing their own thing” : media representations of female entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 19 (5). pp. 547-564. ISSN 1355-2554

Carter, Sara and Ram, Monder and Trehan, Kiran and Jones, Trevor (2013) Diversity and SMEs : Existing Evidence and Policy Tensions : ERC White Paper No.3. Preprint / Working Paper. Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick.


Arshed, Norin and Carter, Sara; Blackburn, Robert and Schaper, Michael T., eds. (2012) Enterprise policymaking in the UK : prescribed approaches and day-to-day practice. In: Government, SMEs and entrepreneurship development. Gower Publishing, London, pp. 61-74. ISBN 9781409430353

Alsos, Gry and Ljunggren, Elisabet and Carter, Sara (2012) Complexities of portfolio entrepreneurship : the business-household nexus. In: Academy of Management, 2012-08-03 - 2012-08-08.

Arshed, Norin and Carter, Sara; Zacharakis, Andrew and Carter, Sara and Gruber, Marc and Leleux, Benoit and Corbett, Andrew and Honig, Benson and Lumpkin, Tom and Delmar, Frederic and Kelley, Donna and Marino, Lou and Edelman, Linda and Kickul, Jill and Schindehutte, Minet, eds. (2012) The effect of enterprise policy on female business ownership : an institutional perspective. In: Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 2011. Babson College Center, GBR, pp. 299-300. ISBN 0910897344

Hughes, Karen and Jennings, Jennifer and Brush, Candida and Carter, Sara and Welter, Friederike (2012) Extending women’s entrepreneurship research in new directions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36 (3). pp. 429-442. ISSN 1042-2587

Carter, Sara and Marlow, Susan and Bennett, Dinah; Carter, Sara and Jones-Evans, Dylan, eds. (2012) Gender and entrepreneurship. In: Enterprise and small business. Financial Times (3rd). Pearson Education, pp. 218-231. ISBN 9780273726104

Carter, Sara and Jones Evans, Dylan; Carter, Sara and Jones-Evans, Dylan, eds. (2012) Introduction. In: Enterprise and small business. Financial Times (3rd). Pearson Education, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780273726104

Freel, M. and Carter, S.L. and Tagg, Stephen and Mason, Colin (2012) The latent demand for bank debt : characterizing 'discouraged borrowers'. Small Business Economics, 38 (4). pp. 399-418.


Alsos, Gry and Ljunggren, Elisabet and Carter, Sara (2011) Sustainable portfolio entrepreneurship : exploring business and household interactions. In: Research in Entrepreneurship (RENT) XXV Conference, 2011-11-16 - 2011-11-18, University of Nordland.

Arshed, Norin and Carter, Sara (2011) The effect of enterprise policy on female business ownership : an institutional theoretical perspective. In: Babson Kaufmann Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2011-06-05 - 2011-06-08, NY.

Mason, Colin M. and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen (2011) Invisible businesses : the characteristics of home-based businesses in the United Kingdom. Regional Studies, 45 (5). pp. 625-639. ISSN 0034-3404

Carter, S.L. (2011) The rewards of entrepreneurship : exploring the incomes, wealth, and economic well-being of entrepreneurial households. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 35 (1). pp. 39-55. ISSN 1042-2587

Mason, Colin and Tagg, Stephen and Carter, Sara; Borch, Odd Jarl and Fayolle, Alain and Kyroe, Paula and Ljunggren, Elisabet, eds. (2011) Does Education matter? : The characteristics and performances of businesses started by recent university graduates. In: Entrepreneurship Research in Europe. European Research in Entrepreneurship . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 13-33. ISBN 978-0-85793-174-0

Alsos, Gry and Carter, Sara and Ljunggren, Elisabet and Welter, Friederike; Alsos, Gry A. and Carter, Sara and Ljunggren, Elisabet and Welter, Friederike, eds. (2011) Introduction : researching entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural development. In: The handbook of research on entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural development. Elgar original reference . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9780857933249


Al-Dajani, H. and Carter, S.L.; Brush, Candida G. and de Bruin, Anne and Gatewood, Elizabeth J. and Henry, Colette, eds. (2010) Women empowering women : female entrepreneurs and home-based producers in Jordan. In: Women entrepreneurs and the global environment for growth. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 118-136. ISBN 9781847209146

Felzensztein, C. and Gimmon, E. and Carter, S.L. (2010) Geographical co-location, social networks and inter-firm marketing co-operation : the case of the salmon industry. Long Range Planning, 43 (5-6). 675–690. ISSN 0024-6301

Carter, Sara and Welter, Friederike (2010) Financial reward decisions in family businesses : exploring the effects of stewardship, altruism, and succession. In: Theories of Family Firms Conference, 2010-06-01 - 2010-06-04, University of Alberta.

Shaw, E. and Carter, S.L. and Lam, W.; Brush, C. and Gatewood, E. and de Bruin, A. and Henry, C., eds. (2010) An Integrated View of Gender, Finance and Entrepreneurial Capital: Theory, Practice and Policy. In: Women Entrepreneurs. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.


Carter, S.L. and Marlow, S. and Henry, C. (2009) Exploring the impact of gender upon women's business ownership. International Small Business Journal, 27 (2). pp. 139-148. ISSN 0266-2426

Carter, S.L. and Mason, C.M. and Tagg, S.K. (2009) Perceptions and experience of employment regulation in UK small firms. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27 (2). pp. 263-278. ISSN 1472-3425

Holmquist, C. and Carter, Sara L. (2009) The Diana project: pioneering women studying pioneering women. Small Business Economics, 32 (2). pp. 121-128.

Mason, Colin and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen; Landstrom, Hans and Smallbone, D and Jones-Evans, D, eds. (2009) The Entrepreneur in 'Risk Society': The Personal Consequences of Business Failure. In: Entrepreneurship and growth in local, regional and national economies: frontiers in european entrepreneurship research. Edward Elgar, pp. 184-204.

Diaz Garcia, Maria Cristina and Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara (2009) Entrepreneurial capital and firm performance: gendered experiences in North and South Europe. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 7 (4). ISSN 2009-2822

Shaw, Eleanor and Marlow, S. and Lam, W. and Carter, Sara L. (2009) Gender and entrepreneurial capital: implications for firm performance. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 1 (1). pp. 25-41. ISSN 1756-6266

Alsos, G.A and Carter, S.L. and Ljunggren, E. (2009) Gender differences in rates of business exit: evidence from a longitudinal study. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2009, 2009-01-01, Babson College. (Unpublished)

Alexander, Pam and Stone, Glenda and Ahmad, S and Carter, Sara and Dwyer, Val (2009) Greater return on women's enterprise (GROWE) : final report and recommendations of the women's enterprise task force. SEEDA, women’s enterprise task force. Women’s Enterprise Task Force.

Carter, Sara and Diaz, C. (2009) Resource mobilization through business owners' networks: is gender an issue? International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 1 (3). pp. 226-252. ISSN 1756-6266

Carter, S.L. (2009) Women's Enterprise and Access to Finance. Discussion paper. National Policy Centre for Women's Enterprise Evidence Paper, London.


Mason, Colin and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen; Dwelly, Tim and Lake, Andy, eds. (2008) Business begins at home. In: Can homeworking save the planet? How homes can become workspace in a low carbon economy. The Smith Institute, London.

Ibeh, Kevin and Carter, Sara (2008) Editorial: perspectives on women, globalisation and global management. Journal of Business Ethics, 83 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0167-4544

Carter, Sara and Al-Dajani, H. (2008) The Empowerment of Self-employed Home Based Women Producers: Evidence from Jordan. Discussion paper. Diana International Research Symposium, Belfast.

Ibeh, K.I.N. and Carter, S.L. and Poff, D. and Hamill, J. (2008) How focused are the world's top-rated business schools on educating women for global management? Journal of Business Ethics, 83 (1). pp. 65-83. ISSN 0167-4544

Carter, S.L. and Diaz, A. (2008) Resource seeking behaviour among small business owners: is gender an issue? In: DIANA International Research Symposium 2008, 2008-11-04.

Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara and Lam, W. (2008) An integrated view on gender, networks and social capital: theory, practice and policy. In: DIANA International Research Symposium 2008, 2008-11-04.

Marlow, Susan and Carter, Sara and Shaw, Eleanor (2008) Constructing female entrepreneurship policy in the UK : is the US a relevant benchmark? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 26 (2). pp. 335-351. ISSN 1472-3425

Shaw, Eleanor and Lam, Wing and Carter, Sara (2008) The role of entrepreneurial capital in building service reputation. Services Industries Journal, 28 (7). pp. 899-917. ISSN 0264-2069


Vos, Ed and Yeh, Andy Jia-Yuh and Carter, Sara L. and Tagg, Stephen K. (2007) The happy story of small business financing. Journal of Banking and Finance, 31 (9). pp. 2648-2672. ISSN 0378-4266

Wilson, Fiona and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen and Shaw, Eleanor and Lam, Wing (2007) Bank loan officers' perceptions of business owners: the role of gender. British Journal of Management, 18 (2). pp. 154-171. ISSN 1045-3172

Carter, S.L. and Shaw, E. and Lam, W. and Wilson, F. (2007) Gender, entrepreneurship, and bank lending : the criteria and processes used by bank loan officers in assessing applications. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 31 (3). pp. 427-444. ISSN 1042-2587

Ibeh, K.I.N. and Carter, S. and Hamill, J. (2007) Developing female talent for global management : a study of the world's top-rated business schools. In: 33rd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy, 2007-12-13 - 2007-12-15.

Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara (2007) Social entrepreneurship: theoretical antecedents and empirical analyses of entrepreneurial processes and outcomes. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14 (3). pp. 418-434. ISSN 1462-6004


Carter, S.L. and Shaw, E. (2006) Women's business ownership : recent research and policy developments. DTI Small Business Service.

Carter, S.L. and Jones-Evans, Dylan (2006) Enterprise and Small business : Principles, Practice and Policy. Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, Harlow, United Kingdom. ISBN 9780273702672

Mason, Colin M. and Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen K. (2006) The effect of the national minimum wage on the UK small business sector : a geographical analysis. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24 (1). pp. 99-116. ISSN 1472-3425

Carter, S.L. and Marlow, S.; Carter, N. and Henry, C. and O’Cinneide, B. and Johnston, K., eds. (2006) Female Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Perspectives. In: Female Entrepreneurship: Implications for Education, Training and Policy. Routledge, London, pp. 11-36.

Carter, S.L.; Neergaard, E. and Ulhoi, J.P., eds. (2006) Foreword. In: Handbook of Qualitative Research in Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar, xv-xvi. ISBN 1843768356

Carter, S.L. and Bennett, D.; Carter, S.L. and Jones-Evans, D., eds. (2006) Gender and Entrepreneurship. In: Enterprise and Small Business: Principles Practice and Policy. Financial Times/Prentice Hall, Harlow, pp. 176-191. ISBN 027370267X

Carter, S.L. and Wilson, F. and Shaw, Eleanor and Lam, W.; Brush, C.G. and Carter, N.M. and Gatewood, E.J. and Greene, P.G. and Hart, M.M., eds. (2006) Gender, entrepreneurship and business finance: investigating the relationship between banks and entrepreneurs in the UK. In: Women Entrepreneurs and their Businesses: A Global Research Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 373-392. ISBN 9781845422899

Alsos, G. and Carter, S.L. (2006) Multiple business ownership in the Norwegian farm sector: resource transfer and performance consequences. Journal of Rural Studies, 22 (3). pp. 313-322. ISSN 0743-0167

Felzensztein, C. and Carter, Sara L. (2006) The salmon farming industry: cooperation versus competition for achieving a global positioning. Case study. European Case Clearing House.


Jennings, Peter L. and Perren, Lew and Carter, Sara (2005) Guest editors' introduction: Alternative perspectives on entrepreneurship research : Alternative perspectives on entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29 (2). pp. 145-152. ISSN 1042-2587

Carter, S.L. and Lamb, W. and Shaw, E. and Wilson, F. (2005) Gender, entrepreneurship and bank lending: the criteria and processess used by bank loan officers in assessing loan applications. In: RENT XIX Conference, 2005-11-17 - 2005-11-18.

Levie, J.D. and Currie, C. and Carter, Sara L. (2005) Global entrepreneurship monitor: Scotland report 2005. Unknown Publisher.

Wilson, F. and Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara (2005) Securing a business loan : how important is gender. ESRC.

Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, S.L.; Zahra, S., ed. (2005) Social Entrepreneurship: Theoretical Antecedents and Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurial Processes and Outcomes. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004:Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Babson College, Wellesley, pp. 637-651.

Carter, S.L. and Shaw, E. and Wilson, F. (2005) Social capital, debt and risky relationaships - networking and access to finance. In: 28th Conference, Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2005-11-01 - 2005-11-03.

Carter, S.L. and Marlow, S. (2005) Women's Enterprise: Access to Finance and the Role of the Accountant. ACCA, London.

Neergaard, E. and Shaw, E. and Carter, S.L. (2005) The impact of gender, social capital and networks on business ownership: a research agenda. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 11 (5). pp. 338-357. ISSN 1355-2554

Carter, S.L. and Shaw, E. and Wilson, F. (2005) The life of a female business developer is not an easy one. In: European Group on Organization Studies Colloquium, 2005-06-30 - 2005-07-02.


Carter, S.L. and Abbas, T. and Ram, M. and Jones, T.; Ram, M. and Patton, D and Marlow, S., eds. (2004) Breaking out of survival businesses: managing labour, growth and development in the south Asian restaurant trade. In: Managing labour in small firms. Routledge studies in small business (9). Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 109-132. ISBN 041531285X

Marlow, Susan and Carter, Sara (2004) Accounting for change: professional status, gender disadvantage and self-employment. Women In Management Review, 19 (1). pp. 5-17. ISSN 0964-9425

Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen and Dimitratos, Pavlos (2004) Beyond portfolio entrepreneurship: multiple income sources in small firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 16 (6). pp. 481-500. ISSN 0898-5626

Carter, S.L. and Tagg, S.K. and Mason, C.M. (2004) Lifting the Barriers to Growth in UK Small Businesses. Federation of Small Business.

Tagg, Stephen and Mason, Colin and Carter, Sara (2004) Lifting the barriers to growth in UK small businesses: 2004 biennial survey of FSB membership. Unknown Publisher.

Dimitratos, P. and Ram, M. and Carter, S.L.; Dimitratos, P. and Jones, M.V., eds. (2004) Portfolio Entrepreneurship: A Description and its Link to International Entrepreneurship. In: Emerging Paradigms in International Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 89-99.

Carter, S.L. and Neergaard, H. and Shaw, E. (2004) Social support theory: a new framework for exploring gender differences in business owner networks. In: 49th International Council for Small Business World Conference, 2004-06-20 - 2004-06-23.

Dimitratos, Pavlos and Lioukas, Spyros and Carter, Sara (2004) The relationship between entrepreneurship and international performance: the importance of the domestic environment. International Business Review, 13 (1). pp. 19-41. ISSN 0969-5931


Carter, S.L.; Rønning, L. and Borch, O.J., eds. (2003) Entrepreneurship in the farm sector: indigenous growth for rural areas. In: Entrepreneurship in Regional Food Production. Norland Research Institute, Bodo, Norway, pp. 23-50. ISBN 82-7321-499-0

Carter, Sara and Ram, Monder (2003) Reassesing portfolio entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 21 (4). pp. 371-380.

Marlow, S. and Carter, S.L.; Butler, John E., ed. (2003) Accounting for change: professionalism as a challenge to gender disadvantage in entrepreneurship. In: New perspectives on women entrepreneurs. Research in entrepreneurship and management . Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, pp. 181-202. ISBN 1931576785

Ram, Monder and Carter, Sara (2003) Paving professional futures: ethnic minority accountants in the United Kingdom. International Small Business Journal, 21 (1). pp. 55-71. ISSN 0266-2426

Carter, S.L. and Shaw, E. and Wilson, F. (2003) Securing a business loan: how women entrepreneurs view banks and how banks view them. In: 23rd Annual Babson College-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2003-04-04 - 2003-04-08.

Carter, S.L. and Shaw, E. and Wilson, F. (2003) Securing a business loan: the effects of gender in accessing bank financing. In: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, 2003-11-20 - 2003-11-21.


Carter, Sara and Tagg, Stephen and Brierton, J. (2002) Restricted access : women's business ownership in profile. Prowess.

Carter, S. and Weeks, J. (2002) Gender and business ownership: international perspectives on entrepreneurial theory and practice. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 3 (2). pp. 81-82. ISSN 1465-7503


Webb, J. and Carter, Sara (2001) Sponsorship activities and the small firm sector. Managing Leisure, 6 (3). pp. 168-179. ISSN 2375-0480

Carter, Sara (2001) Multiple Business Ownership in the Farm Sector: Differentiating Monoactive, Diversified and Portfolio Enterprises. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 7 (2). pp. 43-59. ISSN 1355-2554

Anderson, S. and Carter, Sara (2001) On the move: women and men business owners in the United Kingdom. Unknown Publisher.

Carter, Sara L. and Ram, M. (2001) Smaller practices in profile. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, London, UK.

Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara L. and Brierton, J. (2001) Unequal entrepreneurs : why female enterprise is an uphill business. Work Foundation, London.

Brierton, J. and Carter, S.L. and Shaw, E.; (2001) Unequal entrepreneurs: why female entrepreneurship is an uphill struggle. In: The Industrial Society Policy Report. To be assertained.

Carter, S.L. and Anderson, S. and Shaw, E. (2001) Women's business ownership : a review of the academic, popular and internet literature. Department of Trade and Industry, London, United Kingdom.


Carter, Sara and Andriopoulos, C. and Webb, J. and Tzokas, Nikolaos and Ennis, Sean and Lowe, A. (2000) Barriers to survival and growth in UK small firms. Federation of Small Business.

Andriopoulos, C. and Webb, Julian and Tzokas, Nikolaos and Tagg, Stephen and Lowe, A. and Ennis, Sean and Carter, S.L. (2000) Barriers to survival and growth in UK small firms : regional reports. Unknown Publisher.

Carter, Sara (2000) Improving the numbers and performance of women owned businesses: Some implications for training and advisory services. Education and Training, 42 (4/5). pp. 326-333. ISSN 0040-0912


Carter, Sara (1999) Multiple business ownership in the farm sector: assessing the enterprise and employment contributions of farmers in Cambridgeshire. Journal of Rural Studies, 15 (4). pp. 417-429. ISSN 0743-0167

Collinson, E. and Carter, Sara (1999) Entrepreneurship education: alumni perceptions of the role of higher education institutions. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 6 (3). pp. 229-239. ISSN 1462-6004


Rosa, P. and Carter, Sara L. (1998) Indigenous Rural Firms: Farm Enterprises in the UK. International Small Business Journal, 16 (4). pp. 15-27.

Hogg, G. and Dunne, A. and Carter, Sara (1998) Investing in People: Internal Marketing and Corporate Culture. Journal of Marketing Management, 14. pp. 879-895.

Carter, Sara (1998) Portfolio Entrepreneurship in the Farm Sector: Indigenous Growth in Rural Areas? Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 10 (1). pp. 17-32.

Carter, Sara (1998) The economic potential of portfolio entrepreneurship: enterprise and employment contributions of multiple business ownership. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 5 (4). pp. 297-306. ISSN 1462-6004


Rosa, P. and Carter, S.L. and Hamilton, D. (1996) Gender as a determinant of small business performance: insights from a British study. Small Business Economics, 8 (6). pp. 463-478.

Carter, Sara (1996) The indigenous rural enterprise: characteristics and change in the British farm sector. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 8 (4). pp. 345-358. ISSN 0898-5626

Hamilton, Hamilton, D. and Rosa, P. and Carter, Sara (1996) Gender and Small Business Performance Small Business Economics. Small Business Economics, 8 (6). pp. 463-478.


Carter, Sara and Cannon, Tom (1992) Women as Entrepreneurs : A Study of Female Business Owners, Their Motivations, Experiences and Strategies for Success. Academic Press, London. ISBN 9780121617554

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