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Jump to: 2024 | 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1998
Number of items: 38.


Cairns, Iain and Southern, Alan and Whittam, Geoff (2024) Collective entrepreneurship in low-income communities : the importance of collective ownership, collective processes and collective goods. International Small Business Journal, 42 (3). pp. 335-364. ISSN 0266-2426


Zahoor, Nadia and Lew, Yong Kyu (2021) The drivers of the post-entry internationalisation commitment of small and medium-sized enterprises. International Small Business Journal. ISSN 0266-2426


Drakopoulou Dodd, Sarah and Wilson, Juliette and Mac an Bhaird, Ciáran and Bisignano, Angelo P. (2018) Habitus emerging : the development of hybrid logics and collaborative business models in the Irish craft beer sector. International Small Business Journal, 36 (6). pp. 637-661. ISSN 0266-2426

Brown, Ross and Mawson, Suzanne and Rowe, Alexander and Mason, Colin (2018) Working the crowd : improvisational entrepreneurship and equity crowdfunding in nascent entrepreneurial ventures. International Small Business Journal, 36 (2). pp. 169-193. ISSN 0266-2426


Shaw, Eleanor and Wilson, Juliette and Pret, Tobias (2017) The process of embedding a small firm in its industrial context. International Small Business Journal, 35 (3). pp. 219-243. ISSN 0266-2426

Chalmers, Dominic M. and Shaw, Eleanor (2017) The endogenous construction of entrepreneurial contexts : a practice-based perspective. International Small Business Journal, 35 (1). pp. 19-39. ISSN 0266-2426


Pret, Tobias and Shaw, Eleanor and Drakopoulou Dodd, Sarah (2016) Painting the full picture : the conversion of economic, cultural, social and symbolic capital. International Small Business Journal, 34 (8). pp. 1004-1027. ISSN 0266-2426


Lam, Wing and Harker, Michael J. (2015) Marketing and entrepreneurship : an integrated view from the entrepreneur's perspective. International Small Business Journal, 33 (3). pp. 321-348. ISSN 0266-2426

Carter, Sara and Mwaura, Samuel and Ram, Monder and Trehan, Kiran and Jones, Trevor (2015) Barriers to ethnic minority and women's enterprise : existing evidence, policy tensions and unsettled questions. International Small Business Journal, 33 (1). pp. 49-69. ISSN 0266-2426

Wright, Mike and Roper, Stephen and Hart, Mark and Carter, Sara (2015) Joining the dots : building the evidence base for SME growth policy. International Small Business Journal, 33 (1). pp. 3-11. ISSN 0266-2426


Stringfellow, Lyndsey and Shaw, Eleanor and Maclean, Mairi (2014) Apostasy versus legitimacy : relational dynamics and routes to resource acquisition in entrepreneurial ventures. International Small Business Journal, 32 (5). pp. 571-592. ISSN 0266-2426

Levie, Jonathan (2014) Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development : Policy, Practice and Challenges. [Review]


Shaw, Eleanor and Gordon, Jillian and Harvey, Charles and MacLean, Mairi (2013) Exploring contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy. International Small Business Journal, 31 (5). pp. 580-599. ISSN 0266-2426

McAdam, Rodney and Antony, Jiju and Kumar, Maneesh and Hazlett, Shirley A (2013) Absorbing new knowledge in small and medium-sized enterprises : a multiple case analysis of Six Sigma. International Small Business Journal, 31 (7). pp. 785-810. ISSN 0266-2426

Chalmers, Dominic and Balan-Vnuk, Eva (2013) Innovating not-for-profit social ventures : exploring the microfoundations of internal and external absorptive capacity routines. International Small Business Journal. ISSN 0266-2426

Maclean, Mairi and Harvey, Charles and Gordon, Jillian (2013) Social innovation, social entrepreneurship and the practice of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy. International Small Business Journal, 31 (7). pp. 747-763. ISSN 0266-2426


Barron, A. and Hultén, Peter and Hudson, Sarah (2012) The financial crisis and the gathering of political intelligence : a cross-country comparison of SMEs in France, Sweden and the UK. International Small Business Journal, 30 (4). pp. 345-366. ISSN 0266-2426


Mason, C.M. (2009) Public policy support for the informal venture capital market in Europe a critical review. International Small Business Journal, 27 (5). pp. 536-556. ISSN 0266-2426

Ashcroft, B.K. (2009) Book review: The economics of small firms: an introduction. International Small Business Journal, 27 (5). pp. 648-649. ISSN 0266-2426

Cooper, B. (2009) Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education, vol 1, a general perspective, entrepreneurship. International Small Business Journal, 27 (5). pp. 654-656. ISSN 0266-2426

Arshed, Norin (2009) Book review: Three decades of enterprise culture: entrepreneurship, economic regeneration and public policy. International Small Business Journal, 27 (3). pp. 383-384. ISSN 0266-2426

Matthews, Russell (2009) Book review: The entrepreneurship research challenge. International Small Business Journal, 27 (3). pp. 386-389. ISSN 0266-2426

Carter, S.L. and Marlow, S. and Henry, C. (2009) Exploring the impact of gender upon women's business ownership. International Small Business Journal, 27 (2). pp. 139-148. ISSN 0266-2426


Whitehurst, Fiona and Siedlok, Frank and Race, Julia (2008) Reach in and reach out : the story of the MSc in pipeline engineering at Newcastle University. International Small Business Journal, 26 (6). pp. 709-733. ISSN 0266-2426

Mason, C.M. (2008) The oxford handbook of entrepreneurship. [Review]

Wheeler, C.N. and Ibeh, K.I.N. and Dimitratos, P. (2008) UK export performance research - review and implications. International Small Business Journal, 26 (2). pp. 207-239. ISSN 0266-2426

Cooper, S.Y. and Park, J.S. (2008) The impact of 'incubator' organizations on opportunity recognition and technology innovation in new, entrepreneurial high-technology ventures. International Small Business Journal, 26 (1). pp. 27-56. ISSN 0266-2426

Cooper, S.Y. (2008) Technological entrepreneurship. International Small Business Journal, 26 (1). pp. 118-121. ISSN 0266-2426


Shaw, E. and Stringfellow, L. (2006) Networks, trust and social capital. International Small Business Journal, 24 (4). pp. 424-427. ISSN 0266-2426

Mason, C.M. (2006) The economics and management of small business: an international perspective. [Review]

Shaw, E. (2006) Small firm networking: an insight into outcomes and motivating factors. International Small Business Journal, 24 (1). pp. 15-29. ISSN 0266-2426


Mason, C.M. (2005) Handbook of entrepreneurship research: an interdisciplinary survey and introduction. [Review]


Mason, C.M. and Stark, J.M. (2004) What do investors look for in a business plan? A comparison of investment criteria of bankers, venture capitalists and business angels. International Small Business Journal, 22. pp. 227-248. ISSN 0266-2426

Shaw, E. (2004) Review of B. Bjerke and C.M. Hultman, 'Entrepreneurial Marketing: the Growth of Small Firms in the New Economic Era'. International Small Business Journal, 22 (1). pp. 110-113.


Ram, Monder and Carter, Sara (2003) Paving professional futures: ethnic minority accountants in the United Kingdom. International Small Business Journal, 21 (1). pp. 55-71. ISSN 0266-2426


Fletcher, Margaret and Harris, Simon (2002) Seven aspects of strategy formation: Exploring the value of planning. International Small Business Journal, 20 (3). pp. 291-306. ISSN 0266-2426

Shaw, E. (2002) Review of E. Joseph, 'A Welcome Engagement: SMEs and Social Inclusion'. International Small Business Journal, 20 (3). pp. 343-345.


Rosa, P. and Carter, Sara L. (1998) Indigenous Rural Firms: Farm Enterprises in the UK. International Small Business Journal, 16 (4). pp. 15-27.

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