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Number of items: 55.


Barton, Karen and Garvey, J. and Maharg, Paul (2011) Standardized clients and SIMPLE (SIMulated professional learning environment) : learning professionalism through simulated practice. In: Future Ed Conference: New Business Models for U.S. and Global Legal Education, 2011-04-15 - 2011-04-16. (Unpublished)


Barton, Karen and McKellar, Patricia and Maharg, Paul (2010) Simshare: open educational resources in simulation learning. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference - University of Hertfordshire, 2010-06-22 - 2010-06-23. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2010) Simshare: open educational resources in simulation learning. In: BILETA Annual Conference 2010, 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-30. (Unpublished)


Agapiou, Andrew and Maharg, P. and Nicol, Emma (2009) Learning contract management and administration using a simulated game environment. In: Information Visualisation Conference 09, 2009-07-14 - 2009-07-17.


Maharg, Paul and Barton, Karen and McKellar, Patricia and Mayer, John Peter (2008) An informal discussion of simulation in legal education : SIMPLE in the US? In: Transforming Legal Education - CALI Conference for Law School Computing - University of Maryland, 2008-06-19 - 2008-06-21. (Unpublished)

Gould, Helyn and Hughes, Michael and Maharg, Paul and Nicol, Emma; Gibson, D and Kyun Baek, Y, eds. (2008) The narrative event diagram : a tool for designing professional simulations. In: Digital Simulations for Improving Education. Information Science Reference, pp. 101-118. ISBN 978-1605663227

Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2008) SIMPLE : learning through simulations. In: BILETA 2008 Conference - Glasgow Caledonian University, 2008-03-26 - 2008-03-28. (Unpublished)


Maharg, Paul (2007) Transforming legal education: learning and teaching the law in the early twenty-first century. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 0-7546-4970-9

Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul (2007) E-simulations in the wild : interdisciplinary research, design and implementation. In: The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference - Durham University, 2007-09-10 - 2007-09-13. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul (2007) Standardised clients and the assessment of interviewing skills. In: Learning in Law Conference 2007 - University of Warwick, 2007-01-04 - 2007-01-05. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and McKellar, Patricia and Maharg, Paul (2007) Authentic fictions: simulation, professionalism and legal learning. Clinical Law Review, 14 (1). pp. 143-194. ISSN 1079-1159


Barton, Karen and Cunningham, Clark D. and Jones, Gregory Todd and Maharg, Paul (2006) Valuing what clients think : standardized clients and the assessment of clinical competence. Clinical Law Review, 13 (1). pp. 1-65. ISSN 1079-1159

Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul (2006) The development of multimedia learning resources and e-portfolios. In: Pedagogy of Interviewing and Counselling Conference 2006 - UCLA, 2006-10-20 - 2006-10-21. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul; Gibson, David and Aldrich, Clark and Prensky, Marc, eds. (2006) E-simulations in the wild : interdisciplinary research, design and implementation of simulation environments in legal education. In: Games and simulations online learning. Information Science Publishing, Hershey, USA, pp. 115-148. ISBN 1599043041

Barton, Karen and Bloxham, S and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2006) Rip, mix and learn : social software and professional legal education. In: SLS Annual Conference 2006 Keele University, 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-07. (Unpublished)

Maharg, Paul (2006) On the edge : ICT and the transformation of professional legal education. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 3. ISSN 1360-1326

Barton, Karen and Bloxham, S and McKellar, Patricia and Maharg, Paul (2006) UK legal education and ICT : state of the discipline, state of the art. In: Subtech - The 9th Bi-annual Conference of Substantive Technology in the Law School, 2006-06-20. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and McKellar, Patricia and Maharg, Paul (2006) Webcasts as an element of blended learning. In: First Annual Blended Learning Conference University of Hertfordshire, 2006-06-15. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and McKellar, Patricia and Maharg, Paul (2006) using webcasts in legal education. In: 21st BILETA Annual Conference, 2006-04-17. (Unpublished)


Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2005) Authenticity in learning : transactional learning in virtual communities. In: 6th International Clinical Conference, 2005-10-27 - 2005-10-30. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and Cunningham, C and Maharg, Paul and Jones, G. (2005) Do we value what clients think about their lawyers? If so, why don't we measure it? In: 6th International Clinical Conference, 2005-10-27 - 2005-10-30. (Unpublished)

Maharg, Paul and Muntjewerff, Antoinette (2005) Editorial: Legal education and information and communications technology (ICT). The Law Teacher, 39 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0306-9400

Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2005) Virtual learning environments: the alternative to the box under the bed. The Law Teacher, 39 (1). pp. 43-56. ISSN 0306-9400

Maharg, Paul (2005) Peripherals perish, but bits perdure : Professional legal education and ICT. In: CELTS Professional Legal Education Conference, 2005-04-18.


Maharg, Paul (2004) Outcomes for the diploma, the diploma: to change or not to change? In: Conference paper Heriot Watt University, 2004-01-01.

Maharg, Paul (2004) Virtual firms: transactional learning on the web. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 49 (10). ISSN 0458-8711

Maharg, Paul (2004) Legal Sims: from Everquest to Ardcalloch. In: State of Play Reloaded Conference, 2004-10-06 - 2004-10-08.

Maharg, Paul (2004) Authenticity in learning: transactional learning in virtual communities. In: 35th ISAGA Conference: Bridging the gap: transforming knowledge through gaming and simulation, 2004-09-06 - 2004-09-10.

Maharg, Paul (2004) Firm foundations. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 49 (8). pp. 15-18. ISSN 0458-8711

Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2004) Presence, emergence and knowledge objects: user interaction in a virtual learning environment. In: Subtech 2004: 8th International conference on substantive technology in legal education and practice, 2004-06-21 - 2004-06-23.

Maharg, Paul (2004) Legal Sims: from Everquest to Ardcalloch (and back again). In: CALI Conference, Seattle, June 2004, 2004-06-17 - 2004-06-19.

Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2004) Talk about talk: are discussion forums worth the effort? In: Vocational Teachers' Forum III, 2004-01-10.

Maharg, Paul and McKellar, P. (2004) Virtual learning environments in action. In: 6th Learning in Law Initiative Conference, 2004-01-09.

Maharg, Paul (2004) Curriculum design in the diploma in legal practice. Education and Training Committee of the Law Society of Scotland. (Unpublished)

Maharg, Paul (2004) Mind the gaps. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 49 (9). p. 47. ISSN 0458-8711

Maharg, Paul (2004) Professional legal education in Scotland. Georgia University State Law Review, 20. pp. 947-976. ISSN 8755-6847

Maharg, Paul; Vedder, Anton, ed. (2004) Virtual communities on the web: Transactional learning and teaching. In: Aan het Werk met ICT in het Academisch Onderwijs - RechtenOnline. Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, Netherlands, pp. 75-90. ISBN 9058500659


Maharg, Paul (2003) Introduction. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 17 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 1360-0869

Maharg, Paul and Anderson, S. and Murray, L. (2003) Minority and social diversity in legal education. Scottish Government.

Maharg, Paul (2003) Test of professional competence open-book pilot examinations, phase 1 and phase 2. Other. The Law Society of Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland.


Maharg, Paul and Paliwala, Abdul; Burridge, Roger and Paliwala, Abdul and Varnava, Tracey and Hinett, Karen, eds. (2002) Negotiating the learning process with electronic resources. In: Effective learning and teaching in law. Kogan Page, London, UK, pp. 81-104. ISBN 0749435682

Maharg, Paul (2002) IT's progress: the gradual revolution. The Legal Executive, 2002 (2). pp. 8-13. ISSN 0024-0362

Maharg, Paul (2002) Professional legal skills resources. Glasgow Graduate School of Law, Glasgow, Scotland.

Maharg, Paul and Muntjewerff, Antoinette J. (2002) Through a screen, darkly : electronic legal education in Europe. Law Teacher, 36 (3). pp. 307-332. ISSN 0306-9400

Maharg, Paul (2002) Transactional learning: web-based simulations and legal education. Legal Information Management, 2 (4). pp. 8-16. ISSN 1472-6696


Maharg, Paul (2001) Negotiating the web: legal skills learning in a virtual community. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 15 (3). pp. 345-361. ISSN 1360-0869

Maharg, Paul (2001) As we may learn. Web-based learning, teaching and assessment in law. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 15 (3). pp. 261-264. ISSN 1360-0869

Maharg, Paul; Farmer, Lindsay and Veitch, Scott, eds. (2001) Imagined Communities, Imaginary Conversations : Failure and the Construction of Legal Identities. In: The State of Scots Law. Butterworths, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780406944528

Maharg, Paul (2001) The Professional Competence Course. Other. Council of the Law Society of Scotland, Scotland.

Maharg, Paul; Juwah, Charles and Stefani, Lorraine and Westwood, Jenny and Gray, Craig and Drysdale, Jan, eds. (2001) Plans for action, time for reflection: an experiment with time, action and personal development. In: Personal Development Planning in Practice. PDP in HE Scotland Network, Scotland, pp. 1-6. ISBN 1901085627


Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2000) Situated learning and the management of learning : a case study. The Law Teacher, 34 (2). pp. 141-163. ISSN 0306-9400

Barton, Karen and Duncan, P. and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2000) The paisley pattern: IT and legal practice in scotland. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 5 (3). pp. 217-239.


Barton, Karen and Duncan, P. and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (1999) The paisley pattern : a study of the use of IT in legal practice. In: 14th BILETA Annual Conference, 1999-03-29 - 1999-03-30. (Unpublished)


Barton, Karen and McKellar, Patricia and Maharg, Paul (1998) Situated learning and the management of learning : a case study. In: The Law in the Information Society Conference, 1998-12-02 - 1998-12-05. (Unpublished)

Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (1998) Learning from learning: the dialogue of virtual and real courts : the dialogue of virtual and real courts. In: BILETA '98 Annual Conference, 1998-03-27 - 1998-03-28.

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