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Number of items: 157.


Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc and Almási, Anikó (2025) How do creative firms strategize creativity? An exploratory study of haute cuisine. In: EGOS 2025: 41st Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies, 2025-07-03 - 2025-07-05. (In Press)

Dörfler, Viktor and Dryden, Dylan and Lee, Viet (2025) Intanify AI platform : embedded AI for automated IP audit and due diligence. In: The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2025-02-25 - 2025-03-04.


Dörfler, Viktor and Bas, Alina and Sinclair, Marta; Williams, A Mark and Preckel, Franzis and Hoffman, Robert R, eds. (2024) Does Intuiting Precede or Follow Mastery? In: Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, 3 (3rd). Cambridge University Press (CUP). (In Press)

Bas, Alina and Dörfler, Viktor (2024) Can AI have intuition? In: 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2024-08-09 - 2024-08-13.

Stierand, Marc and Mainemelis, Charalampos and Dörfler, Viktor (2024) Transferring aesthetic inspiration across creative contexts : the case of world-renowned chefs. In: 40th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies, 2024-07-04 - 2024-07-06.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2024) Nonlocality of creativity : the phenomenology of triggers. In: EURAM 2024, 2024-06-25 - 2024-06-28, Bath University.

Göndöcs, Dóra and Dörfler, Viktor (2024) AI in medical diagnosis : AI prediction & human judgment. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 149. 102769. ISSN 1873-2860

Dörfler, Viktor and Cuthbert, Giles (2024) Dubito ergo sum : exploring AI ethics. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2024-01-03 - 2024-01-06, Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort.


Bhatnagar, Bhawani and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2023) Navigating the open innovation paradox : an integrative framework for adopting open innovation in pharmaceutical R&D in developing countries. Journal of Technology Transfer, 48 (6). 2204–2248. ISSN 0892-9912

Miralles, Megane and Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2023) Our methodological challenges with a multi-level archival study of strategizing in an extreme context. In: BAM 2023, 2023-09-01 - 2023-09-06, University of Sussex.

Bas, Alina and Sinclair, Marta and Dörfler, Viktor (2023) Sensing : the elephant in the room of management learning. Management Learning, 54 (4). 489–510. ISSN 1350-5076

Dörfler, Viktor (2023) Critical interpretivism : the first outline. In: PHILOS 2023: 3rd Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies, 2023-06-22 - 2023-06-24, Minoa Palace.

Dörfler, Viktor; Mattingly, James, ed. (2023) Artificial Intelligence. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp. 37-41. ISBN 9781071872383

Bas, Alina and Dörfler, Viktor; Mattingly, James, ed. (2023) Intuition. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp. 413-417. ISBN 9781071872383


Miralles, Megane and Lee, Bill and Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2022) Investigating trauma : methodological, emotional, and ethical challenges for the qualitative researcher. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 17 (4). pp. 397-405. ISSN 1746-5648

Bas, Alina and Dörfler, Viktor (2022) Developing intuiting for the conditions of uncertainty. In: The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2022-08-05 - 2022-08-09.

Spanellis, Agnessa and Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor (2022) Gamifying situated learning in organisations. Management Learning, 53 (3). pp. 525-546. ISSN 1350-5076

Dörfler, Viktor and Lee, Bill and Stierand, Marc and Miralles, Megane (2022) Bracketing episodes : deserialization of events in case study research. In: EURAM 2022: 22nd Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17, ZHAW School of Management and Law.

Lee, Bill and Stierand, Marc and Miralles, Megane and Dörfler, Viktor (2022) Bracketing and deserialization : seeking systematisation through episodic recording of the conduct of case study research. In: EURAM 2022: 22nd Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17, ZHAW School of Management and Law.

Dörfler, Viktor (2022) What Every CEO Should Know About AI. Cambridge Elements in Business strategy . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781009037853

Olekanma, Obafemi and Dörfler, Viktor and Shafti, Farhad (2022) Stepping into the participants' shoes : the trans-positional cognition approach (TPCA). International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1609-4069


Feuls, Miriam and Stierand, Marc B. and Dörfler, Viktor and Boje, David M. and Haley, Usha C. V. (2021) Practices of creative leadership : a qualitative meta-analysis in haute cuisine. Creativity and Innovation Management, 30 (4). pp. 783-797. ISSN 0963-1690

Göndöcs, Dóra and Dörfler, Viktor (2021) Post-covid performance management : the impact of remote working experience during the pandemic. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, 2021, 2021-09-23 - 2021-09-25, Online.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2021) Bracketing : a phenomenological theory applied through transpersonal reflexivity. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 34 (4). pp. 778-793. ISSN 0953-4814

Shaka'a, Wasef and Dörfler, Viktor (2021) Gamifying causal mapping : what are the benefits for hybrid settings? In: 63rd Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society, 2021-09-14 - 2021-09-16, Virtual.

Dörfler, Viktor (2021) What AI still can’t do? In: 63rd Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society, 2021-09-14 - 2021-09-16, Virtual.

Bas, Alina and Dörfler, Viktor (2021) Intuitive wayfinding as an approach to research design. In: 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2021-07-29 - 2021-08-04, Virtual.

Spanellis, Agnessa and MacBryde, Jillian and Dörfler, Viktor (2021) A dynamic model of knowledge management in innovative technology companies : a case from the energy sector. European Journal of Operational Research, 292 (2). pp. 784-797. ISSN 0377-2217

Broby, Daniel and Coulson, Andrea and Dörfler, Viktor (2021) The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Determine Contingent Legal Liabilities Provisions : Centre for Financial Regulation and Innovation : White Paper. Other. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Harrington, Susan and Dörfler, Viktor and Blair, Shona (2021) Combining Bayesianism and reflexivity in interpretivist research. In: EURAM 2021: 21st Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2021-06-16 - 2021-06-18, University du Québec à Montréal.

Dörfler, Viktor; Kilgour, D. Marc and Eden, Colin, eds. (2021) Looking back on a framework for thinking about group support systems. In: Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation. Living reference works (2nd). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 837-860. ISBN 9783030496296


Harrington, Susan and Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2020) Towards a participatory autoethnography to explore threshold moments in autistic adults. In: EURAM 2020: 20th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2020-06-10 - 2020-06-12, Trinity College Dublin.

Spanellis, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2020) Investigating the potential for using gamification to empower knowledge workers. Expert Systems with Applications, 160. 113694. ISSN 0957-4174

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2020) Gamifying the process of innovating. Innovation: Organization and Management, 22 (4). pp. 488-502. ISSN 2204-0226

Miralles, Megane and Stierand, Marc Benjamin and Lee, Bill and Dörfler, Viktor (2020) Methodological and emotional challenges of studying traumatic experiences. In: BAM 2020: 34th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2020-09-02 - 2020-09-04, Cloud.

Rayan, Salma and Dörfler, Viktor and Lennon, Marilyn (2020) Struggles, strengths, and strategies : an online ethnographic study of self-management of Type 1 Diabetes. In: BAM 2020: 34th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2020-09-02 - 2020-09-04, Cloud.

Harrington, Susan and Dörfler, Viktor (2020) Twitter sentiment analysis & machine learning in threshold concept identification. In: BAM 2020: 34th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2020-09-02 - 2020-09-04, Cloud.

Dörfler, Viktor and Bas, Alina (2020) Tools for exploring the unknowable : intuition vs. artificial intelligence. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference 2020, 2020-08-07 - 2020-08-11, Vancouver.

Dörfler, Viktor and Bas, Alina Isabelle; Sinclair, Marta, ed. (2020) Intuition : scientific, non-scientific or unscientific? In: Handbook of Intuition Research as Practice. Handbooks of Research Methods in Management Series . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 293-305. ISBN 978 1 78897 974 0

Dörfler, Viktor; Runco, Mark A and Pritzker, Steven, eds. (2020) Artificial intelligence. In: Encyclopedia of Creativity. Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 1 (3rd). Academic Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 57-64. ISBN 9780128156155


Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2019) Understanding "expert" scientists : implications for management and organization research. Management Learning, 50 (5). 534 –555. ISSN 1350-5076

Feuls, Miriam and Stierand, Marc B and Dörfler, Viktor and Boje, David M and Haley, Usha CV (2019) Exploring practices of managing creativity : a qualitative meta-analysis of narratives from haute cuisine. In: CINet 2019: 20th International Conference on Innovating in an Era of Continuous Disruption, 2019-09-08 - 2019-09-10.

Oues, Fatchie and Dörfler, Viktor and Pyrko, Igor (2019) Business development as internal strategic partner. In: BAM 2019: 33rd Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-05, Aston University.

Miralles, Megane and Stierand, Marc Benjamin and Dörfler, Viktor (2019) Frozen in time : unfolding experiences in archival process data. In: BAM 2019: 33rd Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-05, Aston University.

Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2019) Communities of practice in landscapes of practice. Management Learning, 50 (4). pp. 482-499. ISSN 1350-5076

Stierand, Marc and Mainemelis, Charalampos and Dörfler, Viktor (2019) How highly creative people shape their creative identity. In: AoM 2019: 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, MA, 2019-08-09 - 2019-08-13.

Bas, Alina and Dörfler, Viktor and Sinclair, Marta (2019) Intuiting process as sensing plus sensemaking. In: AoM 2019: 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, MA, 2019-08-09 - 2019-08-13.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2019) Bracketing through transpersonal reflexivity. In: EURAM 2019: 19th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2019-06-26 - 2019-06-28.

Stierand, Marc and Boje, David M. and Glăveanu, Vlad Petre and Dörfler, Viktor and Haley, Usha C. V. and Feuls, Miriam (2019) Paradoxes of creativity : examining the creative process through an antenarrative lens. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 53 (2). pp. 165-170. ISSN 2162-6057

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian; Ratten, Vanessa and Jones, Paul and Braga, Vitor and Marques, Carla Susana, eds. (2019) Gamifying innovation and innovating through gamification. In: Subsistence Entrepreneurship. Contributions to Management Science . Springer, Cham, pp. 183-194. ISBN 978-3-030-11542-5

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc; Glăveanu, Vlad Petre and Lebuda, Izabela, eds. (2019) Extraordinary : reflections on sample representativeness. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research. Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Culture . Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Cham, Switzerland, pp. 569-584. ISBN 978-3-319-95498-1


Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc and Chia, Robert (2018) Intellectual quietness : our struggles with researching creativity as a process. In: BAM 2018: 32nd Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06, Bristol Business School.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2018) Understanding indwelling through studying intuitions of Nobel laureates and top chefs. In: 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2018-08-10 - 2018-08-14.

Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor (2018) Using causal mapping in the analysis of semi-structured interviews. In: 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2018-08-10 - 2018-08-14.

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and Pyrko, Igor (2018) Gamifying knowledge sharing : networks, communities, and emotions. In: 34th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, 2018-07-05 - 2018-07-07.

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jill (2018) The role of technology support in knowledge management evolution in innovative companies. In: EURAM 2018: 18th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-22, University of Iceland.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor and Miralles, Mégane (2018) Intuiting of strategists in crisis situations : our struggle with the concept of time. In: EURAM 2018: 18th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-22, University of Iceland.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2018) Educating for misbehaviour in a well-behaved world : Reflective dialogue on two years' experience of the Transdisciplinary Doctoral School. In: 2018 ATLAS Transdisciplinary-Transnational-Transcultural (T3) International Conference, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-06, Babeș-Bolyai University.

Zizka, Laura and Stierand, Marc and Buhalis, Dimitrios and Murphy, Hilary and Dörfler, Viktor (2018) In search of co-creation experts in tourism : a research agenda. In: CHME 2018: Annual Research Conference, 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-25, Bournemouth University.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2018) Bracketing : transpersonal reflexivity for a phenomenological inquiry in an interpretivist framework. In: QRM 2018: 6th International Qualitative Research in Management and Organizations Conference, 2018-03-27 - 2018-03-29.


Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2017) An essay concerning human decisions. The Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 8. pp. 69-80. ISSN 1949-0569

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc; Liebowitz, Jay and Paliszkiewicz, Joanna and Gołuchowski, Jerzy, eds. (2017) The underpinnings of intuition. In: Intuition, Trust, and Analytics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN 9781351764407

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc Benjamin and Zizka, Laura (2017) Studying reflecting on becoming : some philosophical reference points. In: BAM 2017: 31st Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2017-09-05 - 2017-09-07, Warwick University.

Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2017) Becoming a Nobel Laureate : patterns of a journey to the highest level of expertise. In: AoM 2017: 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2017-08-04 - 2017-08-08.

Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2017) Trans-organizational learning across healthcare organizations. In: 33 EGOS Colloquium, 2017-07-06 - 2017-07-08.

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2017) Maturity models as an appropriate approach for knowledge management? In: EURAM 2017: 17th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2017-06-21 - 2017-06-24, University of Strathclyde.

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2017) The organic roadmap of knowledge management in innovative companies. In: EURAM 2017: 17th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2017-06-21 - 2017-06-24, University of Strathclyde.

Pyrko, Igor and Eden, Colin and Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2017) Facilitating communities of practice with causal mapping workshops. In: IFKAD 2017, 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-09, GSOM - St. Petersburg University.

Dörfler, Viktor and Baracskai, Zoltán (2017) Fishing for meta-knowledge : a case for transdisciplinary validation. In: IFKAD 2017, 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-09, GSOM - St. Petersburg University.

Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2017) Thinking together : what makes communities of practice work? Human Relations, 70 (4). pp. 389-409. ISSN 0018-7267

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jill (2017) Changing the game : a case for gamifying knowledge management. World Journal of Science, Technology & Sustainable Development, 14 (2/3). pp. 143-154. 592219. ISSN 2042-5945


Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Kádár, Judit Ágnes (2016) The new practitioner : transcending disciplinary boundaries. Work Based Learning e-Journal International, 6 (1). pp. 8-21. ISSN 2044-7868

Velencei, Jolan and Baracskai, Zoltan and Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2016) Supporting the competent practitioner : trans-disciplinary coaching with a knowledge-based expert system. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 2 (12). pp. 20-27. ISSN 1849-5664

Dörfler, Viktor (2016) Competent validation for subsidiarity : we validate where we know. In: The Principle of Subsidiarity from a Transdisciplinary Perspective, 2016-11-08.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2016) The role of intuition in the creative process of expert chefs. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 50 (3). 178–185. ISSN 2162-6057

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2016) Gamification and innovation : a mutually beneficial union. In: BAM 2016, 2016-09-06 - 2016-09-08, Newcastle University.

Bhatnagar, Bhawani and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2016) Dynamics of appropriability regime and open innovation in the Indian pharmaceutical sector : an exploratory analysis. In: BAM 2016, 2016-09-06 - 2016-09-08, Newcastle University.

Stierand, Marc and Boje, David and Feuls, Miriam and Haley, Usha and Dörfler, Viktor (2016) Towards a theory of organizational constraints on entrepreneurship, play, and creativity. In: BAM 2016, 2016-09-06 - 2016-09-08, Newcastle University.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2016) Enhancing intuition : focusing on indirect ways. In: 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2016-08-05 - 2016-08-09, Anaheim.

Bhatnagar, Bhawani and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2016) Patenting and the dynamics of innovation : the role of appropriability regime in pharmaceutical R&D. In: 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2016-08-05 - 2016-08-09, Anaheim.

Stierand, Marc and Mainemelis, Charalampos (Babis) and Dörfler, Viktor and Sadler-Smith, Eugene (2016) The role of aesthetic knowledge in the creative process of expert chefs. In: EGOS 2016, 2016-07-07 - 2016-07-09, University of Naples Federico II.

Shpakova, Agnessa and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2016) The role(s) of gamification in knowledge management. In: EURAM 2016: 16th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2016-06-01 - 2016-06-04, Université Paris Est Créteil.

Velencei, Jolán and Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2016) Icons and icons : decision support using coaching and expert systems. In: 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2016-03-03 - 2016-03-09.


Dörfler, Viktor and Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán; Herzog, Michael A., ed. (2015) Mashup content for passionate learners : bridge between formal and informal learning. In: Economics of Communication. GITO Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 105-129. ISBN 9783955451431

Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2015) Thinking together : making communities of practice work. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015 (1). 13047. ISSN 0065-0668

Bhatnagar, Bhawani and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2015) Open innovation networks in Indian pharmaceutical sector. In: BAM 2015: The 29th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management Conference, 2015-09-08 - 2015-09-10, University of Portsmouth.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor and Sadler-Smith, Eugene (2015) Exploring creativity as experienced by world-leading chefs. In: BAM 2015: The 29th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management Conference, 2015-09-08 - 2015-09-10, University of Portsmouth.

Velencei, Jolán and Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2015) Educating the transdisciplinary mind : curriculum design for a professional doctorate. In: EDULEARN 2015: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-08.

Bhatnagar, Bhawani and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2015) Open innovation in new drug research : the Indian perspective. In: 22nd EurOMA 2015, 2015-06-26 - 2015-07-01, University of Neuchâtel.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán and Stierand, Marc (2015) Examining academic vs. applied doctorate. In: 3rd Annual Research in Management Learning and Education (RMLE) Unconference, 2015-06-21 - 2015-06-25, Swissotel Lima.

Feuls, Miriam and Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2015) Sites of playing : a practice-based perspective on organizational creativity in Haute Cuisine. In: 10th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-23, Crete.

Dörfler, Viktor (2015) Legal expertise vs. competence : knowledge sharing theories & practices. In: Janders Dean Legal Knowledge Management & Innovation Forum, 2015-05-15 - 2015-05-15, Andaz Hotel.

Velencei, Jolán and Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2015) Supporting the competent practitioner : transdisciplinary coaching with knowledge-based expert system. In: MakeLearn 2015, 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-29.

Velencei, Jolán and Dörfler, Viktor and Baracskai, Zoltán and Szendrey, Jaszmina (2015) Prelude for experience mining : (re-)using relevant experience for smart decision support. In: 3rd International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, 2015-04-17 - 2015-04-18, University of Dubrovnik.


Bhatnagar, Bhawani and MacBryde, Jillian and Dörfler, Viktor (2014) Open innovation for new drug research in Indian pharmaceutical sector. In: Drug Discovery India 2014, 2014-09-11 - 2014-09-12, Ramada Powai Hotel & Convention Centre.

Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor (2014) SODA in qualitative research : using cognitive mapping for analysing semi-structured interviews. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2014, 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-11, Belfast Waterfront.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2014) Studying the practice of apprenticeship through insider interviews. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2014, 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-11, Belfast Waterfront.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor; Sinclair, Marta, ed. (2014) Researching intuition in personal creativity. In: Handbook Of Research Methods On Intuition. Handbooks of Research Methods in Management Series . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 249-263. ISBN 9781782545989

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2014) Experience-based innovation : intuitive expertise in creative professions. In: AoM 2014: The Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2014-08-01 - 2014-08-05. (Unpublished)

Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin; Sinclair, Marta, ed. (2014) Research on intuition using intuition. In: Handbook of Research Methods on Intuition. Handbooks of Research Methods in Management Series . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 264-276. ISBN 9781782545989

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Szendrey, Jaszmina and Velencei, Jolán (2014) What is the difference? There was always lifelong learning. International Scientific Journal of Management Information System, 9 (2). pp. 3-9. ISSN 2406-114X

Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán and Dörfler, Viktor and Szendrey, Jaszmina (2014) The tunnel of Doctus KBS : the deeper you get the darker it is. In: 2nd Internatinal OFEL Conference on Corporate Governance, 2014-04-04 - 2014-04-05.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2014) Creativity and innovation in haute cuisine : towards a systemic model. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23 (1). pp. 15-28. ISSN 0963-1690

Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2014) Understanding 'expert' scientists : implications for management and organization research. In: Academy of Management Conference 2014, 2014-08-01 - 2014-08-05.

Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2014) Understanding ‘expert’ scientists : implications for management and organization research. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1 Supp). 10732. ISSN 0065-0668


Dörfler, Viktor (2013) Bridge : ICT for connecting knowledge and knowing. In: EcoCom 2013: 2nd Conference on the Economics of Communication, 2013-11-08 - 2013-11-08.

Dörfler, Viktor (2013) Passionate learners : lifelong learning in a flux. In: ECEL 2013: 12th European Conference on E-Learning, 2013-10-30 - 2013-10-31.

Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor (2013) Trans-organisational knowledge : the 4I framework revisited. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2013, 2013-09-11 - 2013-09-13.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2013) Idiographic explanatory phenomenology : a contextualist approach to elucidating experiences. In: BAM 2013, 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-12.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2013) The experience of personal creativity : unpacking its underlying structure in the creative industries. In: AoM 2013, 2013-08-09 - 2013-08-13. (Unpublished)

Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán and Baracskai, Zoltán (2013) Idea championing : the role of people who make it happen. In: 1st International OFEL Conference on Corporate Governance, 2013-04-11 - 2013-04-12.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2013) Experiences of apprenticeship : elucidating the acquisition of creative practice. In: Management Learning: Learning to publish, publishing to learn, 2013-03-18 - 2013-03-19.


Dörfler, Viktor and Ackermann, Fran (2012) Understanding intuition : the case for two forms of intuition. Management Learning, 43 (5). 545–564. ISSN 1350-5076

Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2012) Intuitive cyclic phenomenology. In: BAM 2012, 2012-09-11 - 2012-09-13.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2012) Iterative learning : a way of achieving generalizability in idiographic research? In: BAM 2012, 2012-09-11 - 2012-09-13.

Bititci, Umit and Garengo, Patrizia and Dörfler, Viktor and Nudurupati, Sai (2012) Performance measurement : challenges for tomorrow. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14 (3). 305–327. ISSN 1460-8545

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2012) Reflecting on a phenomenological study of creativity and innovation in haute cuisine. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24 (6). pp. 946-957. ISSN 0959-6119


Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán and Dörfler, Viktor and Szendrey, Jaszmina (2011) Designing a ‘Strategic Partner’ school. In: IABE 2011 Las Vegas: International Academy of Business and Economics, 2011-10-16 - 2011-10-18.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2011) Revising the notion of sample representativeness. In: BAM 2011, 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-15.

Dörfler, Viktor and Eden, Colin (2011) Intuition as a research method for investigating the extraordinary. In: AoM2011, 2011-08-12 - 2011-08-16.

Dörfler, Viktor and Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán and Ackermann, Fran (2011) Facts, skills and intuition : A typology of personal knowledge. Preprint / Working Paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor; Mesquita, Anabela, ed. (2011) Methods against methods. In: Technology for Creativity and Innovation Tools, Techniques and Applications. IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 121-134. ISBN 9781609605193


Dörfler, Viktor (2010) Learning capability : the effect of existing knowledge on learning. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 8 (4). pp. 369-379. ISSN 1477-8238

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor (2010) Reflecting on a fluid research approach. In: BAM 2010, 2010-09-14 - 2010-09-16.

Dörfler, Viktor and Ackermann, Fran (2010) Understanding intuitive knowledge. In: AoM2010, 2010-08-06 - 2010-08-10.

Dörfler, Viktor and Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán (2010) Understanding creativity. Transactions on Advanced Research, 6 (2). pp. 18-26. ISSN 1820-4511

Dörfler, Viktor; Jolly, Adam, ed. (2010) Fit for innovation. In: The Innovation Handbook. Kogan Page, London, UK, pp. 150-153. ISBN 9780749456870


Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor and MacBryde, Jillian (2009) Innovation of extraordinary chefs : development process or systemic phenomenon? In: BAM 2009, 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-17.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2009) Investigating the extraordinary. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2009, 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-17.

Bititci, U. and Garengo, P. and Dörfler, V. and Mendibil, K. (2009) Performance measurement: questions for tomorrow. In: Advanced Production Management Systems, 1900-01-01.

Dörfler, V. and Baracskai, Z. and Velencei, J. (2009) Knowledge Levels: 3-D Model of the Levels of Expertise. In: AoM 2009, 2009-08-07 - 2009-08-11.

Velencei, Jolán and Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor; Noszkay, Erzsébet, ed. (2009) Knowledge sharing in knowledge restaurants. In: The Capital of Intelligence - The Intelligence of Capital. Alma Mater Study Series . Infota, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 203-221. ISBN 9789638778826


Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (2008) Concept mapping and expert systems : exploring synergies. In: 3rd International Conference on Concept Mapping, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-25.

Stierand, Marc and Dörfler, Viktor and Lynch, Paul (2008) Haute cuisine innovations : the role of the master-apprentice relationship. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2008, 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-11.

Baracskai, Z. and Dörfler, V. and Velencei, J. (2008) Acceptable solution: new decision taking process for the new age. In: Academy of Management, 2008-08-08 - 2008-08-13.

Dörfler, V. and Szendrey, J. (2008) From knowledge management to cognition management: a multi-potential view of cognition. In: OLKC 2008: International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, 2008-04-28 - 2008-04-30.

Dörfler, V. and Baracskai, Z. and Velencei, J. and Ackermann, F. (2008) Intuition: a new knowledge model for knowledge management. In: 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2008-08-08 - 2008-08-13.


Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán and Dörfler, Viktor (2007) The ES could probably know more : But man would not make better business decisions. In: VIPSI, 2007-10-08 - 2007-10-11.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (2007) The systems approach in coaching. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, 2007-09-11 - 2007-09-13.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (2007) Business creativity : an evolutionary approach. In: 66th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2007-01-01.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (2007) Ocjena rizika nije upravljanje rizikom. Strategijski menadzment, 12 (1-2). pp. 15-17. ISSN 0354-8414


Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (2006) Scenarios for f-learning. In: 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems, and Applications, 2006-07-20 - 2006-07-23.


Baracskai, Zlatko and Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Kulcsár, László and Velencei, Jolán (2005) Architecture of three-dimensional knowledges in the discipline of leadership. In: International Conference on Applied Business Research 2005, 2005-12-01 - 2005-12-03.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán and Dörfler, Viktor (2005) MABE methodological framework. In: 4th European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management (ECRM 2005), 2005-04-21 - 2005-04-22.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán and Dörfler, Viktor (2005) Knowledge visualization by Doctus Knowledge Galaxy. In: IPS-USA 2005, 2005-07-07 - 2005-07-10.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (2005) Majstor i kalfa. Sinergija, Croatia. ISBN 9536895242

Dörfler, Viktor and Baracskai, Z. and Ackermann, Fran and Williams, Terence (2005) Model of Learning Ability. PhD thesis, University Of Strathclyde.

Dörfler, Viktor (2005) Rationalities for decision taking. Strategijski menadzment, 10 (1-2). pp. 59-64. ISSN 0354-8414

Baracskai, Z. and Velencei, J. and Dörfler, V. (2005) Reductive Reasoning. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 1 (1). pp. 59-66. ISSN 1800-5845


Dörfler, Viktor (2004) Factors of attention. In: International Conference on Applied Business Research, 2004-12-01 - 2004-12-04.


Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2003) Automated fuzzy-clustering for Doctus expert system. In: International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, 2003-08-29 - 2003-08-31.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Velencei, Jolán and Dörfler, Viktor (2003) Knowledge sharing by knowledge factory. In: International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2003-02-02 - 2003-02-04.


Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor (2002) Intelligent business decisions by EFLOW portal. In: IIWAS 2002, 2002-09-10 - 2002-09-12.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Bevanda, Vanja and Dörfler, Viktor (2002) Intelligent customer relationship management (ICRM) by EFLOW portal. In: Intelligent Information Systems Symposium, 2002-06-03 - 2002-06-06.


Baracskai, Z. and Chikan, G. and Dörfler, V. and Velencei, J. (2001) From hard data to soft decision. In: 29th International conference computers and industrial engineering, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-03.


Dörfler, Viktor and Baracskai, Z. (1999) K + F az ISO-ban : Nemtipizálható folyamatok minősítése. Masters thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (1999) Tudásrendezés. Gazdaság, Vállalkozás, Vezetés, 3 (4). pp. 64-73. ISSN 1417-5576

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