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Number of items: 181.


Ojiako, Udechukwu and Bititci, Umit and Marshall, Alasdair and Chipulu, Maxwell and Manville, Graham and Muthalagu, Subha Jayanti and Farrington, Thomas (2023) Ambiguity in performance management systems of complex multi-stakeholder organisations. Production Planning and Control, 34 (14). pp. 1393-1413. ISSN 0953-7287


Chipulu, Maxwell and Ojiako, Udechukwu and Marshall, Alasdair and Williams, Terry and Bititci, Umit and Mota, Caroline and Shou, Yongyi and Thomas, Ashish and Dirani, Ali El and Maguire, Stuart and Stamati, Teta (2019) A dimensional analysis of stakeholder assessment of project outcomes. Production Planning and Control, 30 (13). pp. 1072-1090. ISSN 0953-7287


Bititci, U. and Firat, S.U.O. and Garengo, P. (2013) How to compare performances of firms operating in different sectors? Production Planning and Control, 24 (12). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0953-7287

Ates, Aylin and Garengo, Patrizia and Cocca, Paola and Bititci, Umit (2013) The development of SME managerial practice for effective performance management. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20 (1). pp. 28-54. ISSN 1462-6004


Alinaghian, Leila and Ates, Aylin and Bititci, Umit and Harrington, Tomas and Srai, Jagjit and Talati, Rajan (2012) Drivers and barriers of continuous manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry. In: 16th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, 2012-09-20 - 2012-09-21.

Bititci, Umit and Garengo, Patrizia and Dörfler, Viktor and Nudurupati, Sai (2012) Performance measurement : challenges for tomorrow. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14 (3). 305–327. ISSN 1460-8545

Bititci, Umit and Van Der Meer, Robert and Noordin, Nora (2012) The adoption of E-collaboration technology in decision-making process and development of inter-organizational trust : a case study in service supply chain. In: 4th World Conference on Production & Operations Management, 2012-07-01 - 2012-07-05.

Ates, Aylin and Acur Bakir, Nuran and Bititci, Umit (2012) Examining SME resilience in the context of global economic recession. In: 4th World Conference on Production & Operations Management, 2012-07-01 - 2012-07-05.


Noordin, Nora and Bititci, Umit and Van Der Meer, Robert (2011) Collaborative decision-making in supply chain: the impact of e-business technology on level of trust. In: Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) 2011 International Conference, 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-28.

Nudurupati, Sai and Bititci, Umit and Kumar, V. and Chan, F.T.S. (2011) State of the art literature review on performance measurement. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 60 (2). pp. 279-290. ISSN 0360-8352

Garengo, Patrizia and Ates, Aylin and Bititci, Umit; Sarlak, Mohammad A., ed. (2011) The strategy focused face of SMEs. In: The New Faces of Organizations in the 21st Century. NAISIT Publishers. ISBN 9780986533518

Ates, Aylin and Bititci, U. (2011) Change process : a key enabler to building resilient SMEs. International Journal of Production Research, 49 (18). pp. 5601-5618. ISSN 0020-7543

Ates, Aylin and Assarlind, M and Maguire, Catherine and Bititci, Umit and MacBryde, Jillian (2011) Enabling factors of adaptive capability in small and medium enterprises. In: 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference, 2011-07-03 - 2011-07-06.

Bittici, U. and Ackermann, F. and Ates, Aylin and Davies, John D. and MacBryde, Jillian C. and Gibb, S. and Mackay, David and Maguire, Catherine and Van Der Meer, R.B. and Shafti, F., EPSRC (Funder) (2011) Managerial processes : an operations management perspective towards dynamic capabilities. Production Planning and Control, 22 (2). pp. 157-173.

Bititci, Umit S. and Ackermann, Fran and Ates, Aylin and Davies, John and Garengo, Patrizia and Gibb, Stephen and MacBryde, Jillian and Mackay, David and Maguire, Catherine and van der Meer, Robert and Shafti, Farhad and Bourne, Michael and Firat, Seniye Umit (2011) Managerial processes : business process that sustain performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 31 (8). 851 - 891. ISSN 0144-3577

Shafti, Farhad and Felice, Maria and Van Der Meer, Robert and Bititci, Umit (2011) Service science, future concerns. In: ACSS 2011 - The Second Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, 2011-06-02 - 2011-06-05. (Unpublished)


Bititci, U. and Mendibil, Kepa and Maguire, Catherine (2010) High value manufacturing : a case study in transformation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (10). pp. 1599-1614. ISSN 2041-2975

Bititci, Umit and Mokadam, M (2010) Development of a collaborative supply chain model. In: 17th International Conference of the European Operations Management Association, 2009-06-06 - 2009-06-09. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Mokadam, M (2010) Investigating the role of innovation over collaborative relation intensity in supply chains. In: 17th International Conference of the European Operations Management Association, 2009-06-06 - 2009-06-09. (Unpublished)

Mendibil, Kepa and Bititci, Umit and Smith, Marisa and Wang, Dongbo and Lu, L. (2010) Towards a framework for collaborative innovation. In: 17th International Euroma Conference - Managing Operations in Service Economies, 2010-06-06 - 2010-06-09.

Smith, Marisa K. and Ball, Peter D. and Bititci, Umit S. and Van Der Meer, Robert B. (2010) Transforming mass production contact centres using approaches from manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 21 (4). 433 - 448. ISSN 1741-038X

Parkhill, Ross and Belton, Valerie and Bititci, Umit and Roberts, Alastair and Smith, M.; Howlett, R.J., ed. (2010) Using multiple criteria decision analysis to aid the selection of enterprise resource planning software : a case study. In: Innovation through knowledge transfer. Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies . Springer-Verlag Berlin, GBR, pp. 39-49. ISBN 9783642145933


Bititci, U. and Garengo, P. and Dörfler, V. and Mendibil, K. (2009) Performance measurement: questions for tomorrow. In: Advanced Production Management Systems, 1900-01-01.

Ates, Aylin and Bititci, Umit (2009) Strategy dynamics in small to medium-sized enterprises : Evidence from UK manufacturing SMEs. In: 16th International European Operations Management Association Conference, 2009-06-14 - 2009-06-17.

Macbryde, Jillian and Mendibil, Kepa and Paton, Steve and Davidson, Laura and Bititci, Umit (2009) Manufacturing in Scotland. Preprint / Working Paper. Strathclyde Institute for Operations Management, Glasgow, UK.

Bititci, Umit and Mendibil, Kepa and Wang, Dongbo and Lu, L. (2009) Business collaboration for competitiveness : a global perspective. In: 16th European Operations Management Conference, 2009-06-17.

Bititci, Umit and Butler, P. and Cahill, William and Kearney, Denis (2009) Collaboration : A key competence for competing in the 21st Century. Supply Chain Perspectives, 10 (1). pp. 24-33.

Bititci, Umit and Mokadam, M (2009) Towards collaborative supply chains. In: 16th International European Operations Management Association Conference, 2009-06-14 - 2009-06-17. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Maquire, C (2009) An investigation of productivity and competitiveness challenges facing European SMEs. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 2009-09-01. (Unpublished)


Mendibil, Kepa and Bititci, Umit S. and Maguire, Catherine and Montgomery, Les and Woodburn, Wyllie (2008) Organisational transformation: the Highland Spring story. European Case Clearing House.

Mackay, David and Maguire, Catherine and Bititci, Umit (2008) Addressing the duality of theory and practice in management research:- conducting useful collaborative research which creates relevant outputs to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2008, 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-11.

Ates, Aylin and Bititci, Umit (2008) Strategy processes and managerial activities unfolding strategic initiatives : an evaluation of theory vs. practice in production SMEs. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2008, 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-11.

Mackay, D. and Bititci, U. and Ackermann, F. and Ates, Aylin and Bourne, M. and Davies, J. and Gibb, S. and MacBryde, Jillian C. and Maguire, C. and Shafti, F. and Van Der Meer, R.B. (2008) The process of managing performance: an inductive model. In: 15th International Euroma Conference, 2008-06-15 - 2008-06-18.

Bititci, U.S. and Butler, P. and Cahill, W. and Kearney, D. (2008) Collaboration : a key competence for competing in the 21st century. Preprint / Working Paper. University of Strathclyde.

Bititci, U. and Ackermann, F. and Ates, Aylin and Davis, J. and Gibb, S. and MacBryde, Jillian C. and Mackay, David and Maguire, Catherine and Van Der Meer, R.B. and Shafti, F. and Bourne, M. (2008) Manage processes: what are they? Preprint / Working Paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.

Mackay, David and Maguire, Catherine and Bititci, Umit S. and Ackermann, Fran and Gibb, Stephen and Davies, John B. and van der Meer, Robert and MacBryde, Jillian C. and Ates, Aylin and Shafti, Farhad (2008) Towards a mixed method approach for the multidisciplinary investigation of management processes. In: EURAM Annual Conference, 2008-05-14 - 2008-05-17.

Mackay, David and Bititci, Umit S. and Maguire, Catherine and Ates, Aylin (2008) Delivering sustained performance through a structured business process approach to management. Measuring Business Excellence, 12 (4). pp. 22-37. ISSN 1368-3047

Ates, Aylin and Bititci, Umit (2008) Fundamental concepts in management research and ensuring research quality : focusing on case study method. In: European Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2008, 2008-05-14 - 2008-05-17.

Maguire, Catherine and Bititci, U. and Ackermann, F. and Ates, Aylin and Bourne, M. and Davies, J. and Gibb, S. and MacBryde, Jillian C. and Mackay, D. and Shafti, F.S. and Van Der Meer, R.B. (2008) Learning to SEE : is scanning the external environment key to sustainability? In: 15th International Annual European Operations Management Association, EurOMA, 2008-01-01.

Ates, Aylin and Altin-Gumussoy, C. and Davis, Katherine and Oktay-Firat, U and Bititci, Umit (2008) Organisational change processes, managerial activities, and a comparative study in European context. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2008, 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-11.

Bititci, Umit S and Walls, Lesley and Geraghty, Kathleen and Attri, Hitesh (2008) To outsource or not to outsource! Journal of Operations Management, 34 (1). pp. 9-17. ISSN 0272-6963

Maguire, Catherine and Mendibil, Kepa and Bititci, Umit (2008) Towards the development of a model of business transformation : an empirical study. In: 8th European Academy of Management Conference, 2008-05-14 - 2008-05-17.

Ates, Aylin and Bititci, Umit and van der Meer, Robert (2008) An activity theory perspective on strategy : a case study in a medium-sized manufacturing firm. In: 15th International Annual European Operations Management Association, EurOMA, 2008-01-01.

Parung, Joniarto and Bititci, Umit S. (2008) A metric for collaborative networks. Business Process Management Journal, 14 (5). pp. 654-674. ISSN 1463-7154


Garengo, P. and Nudurupati, Sai and Bititci, Umit (2007) Understanding the relationship between PMS and MIS in SMEs : the key role of organizational development. Computers in Industry, 58 (7). pp. 677-686. ISSN 0166-3615

Bititci, Umit and Ates, Aylin and Macbryde, Jillian and Van Der Meer, Robert and Ackermann, Fran (2007) Complementarities in strategy management. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Operations and Management Conference, 2007-06-01.

Bititci, Umit and Davis, Katherine (2007) Change as a business process. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Operations and Management Conference, 2007-06-01. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Ates, Aylin and Macbryde, Jillian and Van Der Meer, Robert (2007) Creating strategy process capability in SMEs. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Irish Academy of Management, 2007-09-01.

Bititci, Umit and Ates, Aylin and Garengo, P. (2007) Management development needs in SMEs : managerial practices versus theory. In: Proceedings of the 30th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, 2007-10-01.

Bititci, Umit and Turner, Trevor and Mackay, David and Kearney, Denis and Parung, Joniarto and Walters, D (2007) Managing synergy in collaborative enterprises. Production Planning and Control, 18 (6). pp. 454-465.

Bititci, Umit and Maguire, Catherine (2007) Organisational transformation of Scottish SMEs. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference; Connecting Theory and Practice, 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-05. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Garengo, P. and Bernardi, G and Biazzo, S (2007) Performance Measurement in SMEs: An empirical study. Piccola Impressa Small Business (2). pp. 9-34.

Garengo, Patrizia and Bititci, Umit (2007) Towards a contingency approach to performance measurement: an empirical study in Scottish SMEs. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 27 (8). ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, Umit and Ates, Aylin and Macbryde, Jillian and Van Der Meer, Robert (2007) An end-to-end process view of strategy management : a research framework. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, 2007-08-01.

Bititci, Umit (2007) An executives guide to business transformation. Business Strategy Series, 8 (3). pp. 203-213.


Bititci, Umit and Veiseth, M (2006) Performance measurement in railway operations : improvement of punctuality and reliability. In: Proceeding sof the PMA conference, 2006-06-25 - 2006-06-28. (Unpublished)

Ball, P.D. and Bititci, U. (2006) Supply chain management diagnostic and improvement approach. Control, 32 (4). pp. 20-24. ISSN 0266-1713

Busi, Marco and Bititci, Umit S. (2006) Collaborative performance measurement : a state of the art and future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 55 (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 1741-0401

Martinez, V. and Bititci, U. (2006) Aligning value propositions in supply chains. International Journal of Value Chain Management, 1 (1). pp. 6-18. ISSN 1741-5357

Bititci, U. and Turner, T.J. and Kearney, D. (2006) Collaborate to compete : a strategic weapon for SMEs. Logistics Solutions, 9 (2). pp. 23-26. ISSN 1393-7731

Bititci, Umit and Mendibil, Kepa and Nudurupati, Sai and Turner, Trevor and Garengo, Patrizia (2006) Dynamics of performance measurement and organizational culture. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 26 (12). pp. 1325-1350. ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, U. and Busi, M. and Walls, L.A. (2006) Measuring the value of customer management: lessons from the UK call and contact industry. In: 17th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 2006-04-24 - 2006-05-01.

Yilmaz, Y. and Bititci, U. (2006) Performance measurement in the value chain: manufacturing v. tourism. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 55 (5). pp. 371-389. ISSN 1741-0401

Yilmaz, Y. and Bititci, U. (2006) Performance measurement in tourism : a value chain model. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 18 (4). pp. 341-349. ISSN 0959-6119

Bititci, U. and Busi, M. and Walls, L.A. (2006) A conceptual framework for understanding the shared services model. In: 17th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 2006-04-24 - 2006-05-01.


Bititci, Umit and Cavalieri, Stefano and Cieminski, G (2005) Implementation of performance measurement systems : private and public sectors. Production Planning and Control, 16 (2). pp. 99-100.

Turner, T.J. and Bititci, U. and Nudurupati, S.S. (2005) Implementation and impact of performance measures in two SMEs in Central Scotland. Production Planning and Control, 16 (2). pp. 135-151.

Bititci, Umit and Ball, P.D. and Mendibil, Kepa (2005) Managing performance in the product lifecycle : a case study from tender to support. In: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 2005-07-11 - 2005-07-13. (Unpublished)

Bititci, U. and Mendibil, Kepa and Martinez, Veronica and Albores-Barajas, Pavel A. (2005) Measuring and managing performance in extended enterprises. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25 (4). 333 - 353. ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, Umit and Parung, Joniarto (2005) Measuring contribution in collaborative enterprises. In: EurOMA 2005, 2005-06-19 - 2005-06-23. (Unpublished)

Garengo, P. and Biazzo, S. and Bititci, U. (2005) Performance measurement systems in SMEs : a review and a research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 7 (1). pp. 25-47. ISSN 1460-8545

Harris, H. and Bititci, Umit (2005) The importance of moral values to the effectiveness of networking in manufacturing and maintenance. New Engineer, 8 (1). pp. 5-10.


Lopez, U and Bititci, Umit and Errasti, A (2004) Business processes : the critical link in collaborative enterprises. In: International Conference of European Operations Management, 2004-06-01.

Bititci, Umit and Martinez, Veronica and Albores-Barajas, Pavel and Parung, Joniarto (2004) Creating and managing value in collaborative networks. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 34 (3/4). 251 - 268. ISSN 0960-0035

Turner, T.J. and Bititci, U. and Creighton, S. and Nudurupati, S.S. (2004) Implementing a web enabled performance measurement system. Measuring Business Excellence, 8 (2). pp. 40-54. ISSN 1368-3047

Bititci, Umit and Garengo, Patrizia and Bernardi, G (2004) La misurazione delle prestazioni nelle piccole e medie imprese : i risultati di uno studio empirico. In: Italian annual conference of Engineering Managers, 2004-01-01.

Turner, T.J. and Martinez, V. and Bititci, U. (2004) Managing the value delivery process. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 34 (4). pp. 302-318. ISSN 0960-0035

Garengo, Patrizia and Bititci, Umit (2004) Performance measurement in SMEs : an empirical study in Scottish companies. In: conference of the Performance Measurement Association, 2004-07-28. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Garengo, Patrizia and Biazzo, S (2004) Performance measurement systems in SMEs : diffusion, characteristics and models. In: annual conference of the British Association of Management, 2004-09-01. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Mccallum, Neil (2004) Understanding and managing the manage processes. In: conference of the Performance Measurement Association, 2004-07-28. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Mendibil, Kepa and Nudurupati, Sai and Turner, Trevor and Garengo, Patrizia (2004) Understanding the impact of management culture on performance measurement. In: annual conference of the IFIP’s Working Group, 2004-09-05. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Acur Bakir, Nuran (2004) A balanced approach to strategy management international. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24 (4). pp. 388-408. ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, U. and Mendibil, Kepa and Nudurupati, Sai S. and Turner, Trevor J. and Garengo, Patrizia (2004) The interplay between performance measurement, organizational culture and management styles. Measuring Business Excellence, 8 (3). pp. 28-41. ISSN 1368-3047


Bititci, U. and Martinez, Veronica and Albores-Barajas, Pavel A. and Mendibil, Kepa (2003) Creating and sustaining competitive advantage through collaboration systems: The what and the how. Production Planning and Control, 4 (5). pp. 410-424. ISSN 0953-7287

Acur, N. and Bititci, U. (2003) Managing strategy through business process. Production Planning and Control, 14 (4). pp. 309-326. ISSN 0953-7287

Bititci, Umit and Nudurupati, Sai (2003) Human aspects of IT supported performance measurement. In: IFIP International Conference, 2003-10-05. (Unpublished)

Langford, David and Martinez, Veronica and Bititci, Umit (2003) Best value in construction: towards an interpretation of value from client and constructors perspectives. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9 (1). pp. 56-67. ISSN 1358-9180

Nudurupati, Sai and Bititci, Umit and Maddocks, S; Jagdev, Harinder Singh and Wortmann, Johan C. and Pels, Henk Jan, eds. (2003) Enhancing collaboration through web enabled performance measurement system. In: Collaborative Systems for Production Management. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-7542-1

Bititci, Umit and Nudurupati, Sai (2003) Impact of IT enabled performance measurement on business and management. In: Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association, 1993-06-16.

Bititci, Umit and Nudurupati, Sai (2003) Implementation and impact of IT supported PMS. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Measurement, 2003-06-19. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Harris, H. (2003) Practical implications of the moral nature of networks. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing Excellence, 2003-10-13. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and McLeod, M and Turner, Trevor (2003) Using OEE to improve performance of an fast moving food company. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Measurement, 2003-06-19. (Unpublished)

Bititci, Umit and Turner, Trevor and Mcalinden, Niall (2003) Using first pass yield to improve performance of an SME. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Measurement, 2003-06-19. (Unpublished)

Cakar, Figen and Bititci, Umit S. and MacBryde, Jillian C. (2003) A business process approach to human resource management. Business Process Management Journal, 9 (2). pp. 190-207. ISSN 1463-7154


Turner, T.J. and Mendibil, K. and Bititci, U. and Daisley, P. and Breen, T.H.J. (2002) Improving the reliability of the customer order fulfilment process in a product indentification company. International Journal of Production Economics, 78 (1). pp. 99-107. ISSN 0925-5273

Bititci, Umit and Martinez, Veronica (2002) The value cube, a tool to create value : origins and applications. In: Conference Proceedings IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, 2002-08-18.

Nudurupati, Sai and Bititci, Umit (2002) Driving continuous improvement. Manufacturing Engineer, 81 (5). pp. 230-235.

Bititci, U. and MacBryde, J.C. (2002) Guest editorial: special issue on performance measurement. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22 (11). pp. 1196-1197. ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, Umit (2002) Integrated performance measurement systems: an audit approach. Control, 28 (4). pp. 17-22.

Bititci, Umit (2002) Integrated performance measurement systems: the competitive business structure. Control, 28 (1). pp. 18-22.

Coscia, E and Maiza, M and Gauberti, C and Arana, J.M. and Zufiaurre, M and Meo, F and Galassini, M and Leveaux, J.M. and Smithers, T and Bititci, Umit and Albores, P. and Martinez, V. (2002) K-FLOW : Knowledge management in the extended manufacturing enterprise. In: Proceedings of the 2002 ebusiness and eWork Conference, 2002-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Mendibil, Kepa and Turner, Trevor (2002) Managing and improving business processes reliability. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 4 (1).

Cakar, Figen and Bititci, Umit (2002) Modelling in the HRM business process. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2 (3/4). pp. 223-248.

Bititci, Umit and Mccallum, Neil and Bourne, Mike and Macbryde, Jillian and Turner, Trevor (2002) Performance indicators for sustainable competitive advantage : the next frontier. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Performance Measurement, 2002-06-06.

Bititci, Umit and Nudurupati, Sai (2002) Web based performance measurement systems: management implications. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22 (11). ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, U. and Nudurupati, S.S. and Turner, T.J. (2002) Web enabled performance measurement systems. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 22 (11). pp. 1273-1287. ISSN 0924-0136

Bititci, Umit and Nudurupati, Sai and Maddocks, S (2002) Web enabled performance measurement systems : management implications. In: Proceedings of the PMA Conference, 2002-07-17. (Unpublished)

McDougal, G and Kelly, J and Hinks, A.J. and Bititci, Umit (2002) A review of the leading performance measurement tools for assessing buildings. Journal of Facilities Management, 1 (2). pp. 142-153.

Martinez, Veronica and Bititci, Umit (2002) The value matrix : a framework to describe and create value. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2002, 2002-09-09 - 2002-09-11.


Bititci, Umit and Martinez, Veronica (2001) The value matrix and its evolution. In: 8th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association, 2001-06-03 - 2001-06-05.

Bititci, U. and Suwignjo, P. and Carrie, A.S. (2001) Strategy management through quantitative modelling of performance measurement systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 69 (1). pp. 15-22. ISSN 0925-5273

Ball, Peter D. and Bititci, Umit and Muir, Daniel and McCluskey, Bryan and Watson, David (2001) Implementing ERP : comparative case studies. In: IFIP Working Conference on Strategic Manufacturing, 2001-08-26 - 2001-08-29.

Acur Bakir, Nuran and Bititci, Umit (2001) PROPHESY - the strategy management process : a case study. In: IFIP Working Conference on Strategic Manufacturing, 2001-08-26 - 2001-08-29.

Bititci, Umit and Turner, Trevor and Bourne, M. (2001) Performance measurement: the comparison between a process and a model approach. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 3 (2/3/4). pp. 135-153.

Bititci, Umit and Bourne, M. (2001) Performance measures for competitive sustainable advantage. In: IFIP Working Conference on Strategic Manufacturing, 2001-08-26 - 2001-08-29.


Ball, P.D. and Bititci, U. (2000) Implementing ERP systems - organisational implications. IOM Control Magazine, 26 (9). pp. 23-37.

Bititci, Umit (2000) Dynamics of performance measurement systems. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 20 (5). pp. 692-704. ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Hayfron, Lee (2000) Manufacturing franchising : suitable business types. In: IFIP WG5.7 conference, 2000-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Acur Bakir, Nuran (2000) Measuring potential success of startegy. In: Conference on Strategic Manufacturing, 2001-08-01.

Bititci, Umit and Suwignjo, P. and Carrie, Allan (2000) Quantitative models for performance measurement systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 64 (1-3). pp. 231-241. ISSN 0925-5273

Bititci, Umit and Martinez, Veronica (2000) The value matrix. In: IFIP WG5.7 conference, 2000-01-01.


Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Turner, Trevor and Begemann, C (1999) Dynamic behaviour of performance measurement systems. In: European Operations Management Association, 1999-06-01.

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Turner, Trevor and Suwignjo, P. (1999) Systems for managing the dynamics of performance measurement. In: IFIP WG5.7 Annual Working Conference, 1999-09-01.

Kehoe, D.F. and Burns, N.D. and Bititci, Umit (1999) A composite approach to performance measurement system auditing. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 1 (3). 279 - 298.

Turner, Trevor and Bititci, Umit and Ball, Peter (1999) The viable business structure for managing agility. International Journal of Agile Management Systems, 1 (3). pp. 190-199. ISSN 1465-4652


Bititci, Umit and Turner, Trevor and Carrie, Allan and Lutz, S; Bititci, U. and Carrie, A.S., eds. (1998) Integrated performance measurement systems : implementation case studies. In: Strategic management of the manufacturing value chain. International Federation for Information Processing . Kluwer Academic Publishers, GBR, pp. 177-184. ISBN 0412827107

Bititci, Umit and Turner, Trevor and Campbell, J. and Carrie, Allan (1998) Design and implementation of a business improvement model in a chemicals business. In: Internation conference on Performance Measurement, 2008-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Turner, Trevor (1998) Diagnosing the integrity of your performance measurement system. Control, 24 (3).

Lutz, S and Bititci, Umit and Carrie, A.S. and Turner, T.; Baines, R.W. and TalebBendiab, A. and Zhao, Z., eds. (1998) Integrated performance measurement - a reference model and an audit method. In: Advances in manufacturing technology XII. Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., GBR, pp. 391-396. ISBN 1860581722

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and McDevitt, L and Turner, Trevor (1998) Integrated performance measurement systems : a reference model. In: IFIP WG5.7 Annual Working Conference on Organising the Extended Enterprise, 1998-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Hayfron, Lee and Carrie, Allan and Pandya, K.V. (1998) Issues in manufacturing franchising. In: Managing Innovative Manufacturing Conference, 1998-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Turner, Trevor; Bititci, U.S. and Carrie, A.S., eds. (1998) Maintaining reliability of business processes using active monitoring techniques. In: Strategic management of the manufacturing value chain. International Federation for Information Processing . Kluwer Academic Publishers, GBR, pp. 169-176. ISBN 0412827107

Hayfron, Lee and Carrie, Allan and Bititci, Umit and Pandya, K.V. (1998) Manufacturing franchising - a route to agility. In: EurOMA 1998, 1998-01-01.

Hayfron, Lee and Carrie, Allan and Bititci, Umit and Pandya, K.V. (1998) Manufacturing franchising : transferring the service experience. In: Responsiveness in Manufacturing, IEE Workshop, 1998-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Turner, Trevor and Lutz, S (1998) Performance measurement research at CSM. In: International Conference on Managing Enterprise Performance, 1998-12-01.

Suwignjo, P. and Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Turner, Trevor (1998) Performance measurement systems : auditing and prioritisation of performance measures. In: Internation conference on Performance Measurement, 2008-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Suwignjo, P. (1998) Quantitative models for aggregating and prioritising performance measures. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Production Economics, 1998-02-01.

Bititci, Umit and Coll, F.E.; Baines, R.W. and TalebBendiab, A. and Zhao, Z., eds. (1998) Resource-based and network theories : a comparison. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XII. Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., GBR, pp. 447-453. ISBN 1860581722

Coll, F and Carrie, Allan and Bititci, Umit and Reid, A and Trienenkens, J.H. and Hovlby, H.H.; Bititci, U.S. and Carrie, A.S., eds. (1998) The implications of interrelationships for decision making processes in companies along the supply chain. In: Strategic management of the manufacturing value chain. International Federation for Information Processing . Kluwer Academic Publishers, GBR, pp. 411-419. ISBN 0412827107


Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and Allan, Stuart and McDevitt, L and Turner, Trevor (1997) Auditing the integrity of the performance measurement system. In: 32nd MATADOR Conference, 1997-07-01.

Bititci, Umit and Muir, David (1997) Business process definition : a bottom-up approach. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 17 (4). 365 - 374. ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, Umit (1997) Improving industrial performance through research and technology transfer. In: 2nd Henry Dyer Symposium, 1997-03-01.

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and McDevitt, L (1997) Integrated performance measurement systems : a development guide. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 17 (5). 522 - 534. ISSN 0144-3577

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and McDevitt, L (1997) Integrated performance measurement systems: an audit and development guide. TQM Magazine, 9 (1). pp. 46-53. ISSN 0954-478X

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan and McDevitt, L (1997) Performance measurement : a business process view. In: IFIP WG 5.7 Working Conference on Modelling Techniques for Business Process Re-engineering and Benchmarking, 1997-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Suwignjo, P. and Carrie, Allan (1997) Quantitative models for performance measurement system : an analytical hierarchy process approach. In: Managing Enterprises - Stakeholders, Engineering, Logistics, and Achievement, 1997-01-01.

Bititci, Umit and Gembeh, A.B. (1997) Structured design technique for the implementation of quality procedures to ISO 9001. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.

Suwignjo, P. and Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan; (1997) Time-based prioritisation of performance measurement. In: Advances manufacturing technology XI. Glasgow Caledonian University, GBR, pp. 559-564. ISBN 9781901248111

McDevitt, L and Carrie, Allan and Bititci, Umit; Wright, D.T. and Rudolph, M.M. and Hanna, V. and Gillingwater, D. and Burns, N.D., eds. (1997) Viable performance measurement systems. In: First International Conference. Mechanical Engineering Publ, GBR, pp. 287-293. ISBN 1860580661


Bititci, Umit and Muirhead, C and Moreland, S and Pandya, K.V. (1996) Development of procedures in a small screen printing company. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, A.S. and McDevitt, L (1996) Integrated performance measurement systems : fruits of university, industry and government collaboration. In: International Congress UnIG’96, 1996-06-01.

Bititci, Umit and Pandya, K.V. and Muirhead, C (1996) Managing in a owner managed small printing company. In: Improving Competitiveness in SME’s, 1996-12-01.

Bititci, Umit (1996) Modelling Performance Measurement Systems in Manufacturing Enterprises. International Journal of Production Economics, 42 (2). pp. 137-147. ISSN 0925-5273

Bititci, Umit and McDevitt, L (1996) Performance measurement as a competitive weapon. In: Proceedings of the Irish Manufacturing Committee Conference, 1996-09-01.

Macbryde, Jillian and Bititci, Umit (1996) Quality management in higher education : a double edged sword. In: Proceedings of the EFQM Learning Edge Conference, 1996-04-01.


Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan (1995) Benchmarking : the integrated performance measurement system. In: NATO Advanced Study Institute Workshop, 1995-06-01.

Bititci, Umit and Kemp, S. (1995) Groupware and multimedia technology for improved manufacturing integration. In: Irish Manufacturing Committee 12th Conference, 1995-09-01 - 1995-09-01.

Bititci, Umit (1995) Measuring the integrity of your business. Management Decision, 33 (7). pp. 10-18.

Bititci, Umit (1995) Performance measurement systems for performance management. In: IFIP WG5.7 Working Conference, 1995-09-01.

Bititci, Umit (1995) A methodology for implementation of integrated performance measurement systems. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.


Bititci, Umit; Case, Keith and Newman, Steven T., eds. (1994) Business integration methods : a requirements specification. In: Advances in manufacturing yechnology, volume III. Taylor & Francis, GBR. ISBN 9780748402540

Bititci, Umit (1994) Measuring your way to profit. Management Decision, 32 (6). pp. 16-24.

Bititci, Umit (1994) People issues in manufacturing integration. In: Advances in Agile Manufacturing, 1994-01-01.

Bititci, Umit (1994) Use and miss-use of performance measures. In: 1st EurOMA Conference, 1994-06-01.

Bititci, Umit and MacTaggart, J. (1994) The human aspect of management of change : a case study. In: Factory 2000 Conference, 1994-01-01.


Bititci, Umit (1993) Integrated performance measures the key to integration. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.

Bititci, Umit (1993) Total-I : a methodology for business integration. In: Proceedings of the ICCIMM'93, 1993-08-01.


Bititci, Umit and Carrie, A.S. and McMillan, C.R.; Pridham, Mark and O'Brien, Chris, eds. (1991) Linking shop-floor and management systems in real-time. In: Production research. Taylor & Francis, GBR. ISBN 9780850667523

Bititci, Umit and Turnbull, R and Barnett, B and C, Neill (1991) Marketing v production : breaking the barriers. In: Annual BPICS European Conference: Surviving through turbulent times, 2001-10-01.


Bititci, Umit and Thomson, William and Mullen, T.D. (1990) Implementing JIT in a small manufacturing company. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.

Lunde, J and Bititci, Umit (1990) An expert system for selecting and configuring programmable logic controllers. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2 (2). pp. 154-161.


Bititci, Umit and Large, M (1989) Modular architecture for cell management systems. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.

Bititci, Umit and Patel, R (1989) Common architecture for a co-ordination controller in a flexible manufacturing cell. In: National Conference on Production Research, 1989-09-01 - 1989-09-01.

Bititci, Umit and Gohari, M (1989) Diagnostic systems for FMS. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.

Bititci, Umit and Carrie, Allan (1989) Integrating material flow and information systems. In: Special Interest Conference on Methods in Manufacturing Systems Engineering, 1989-01-01.

Bititci, Umit (1989) A generic architecture for cell management and control systems. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.


Carrie, Allan and Bititci, Umit (1988) Tool management - a major challenge to integration. In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Production and Inventory Control, 1988-01-01.

Bititci, Umit (1988) Use of expert systems in the specification of manufacturing systems. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 1997-09-01.

Bititci, Umit; McGeough, J.A., ed. (1988) A strategy for designing integrated manufacturing systems. In: Fourth international conference on computer-aided production engineering. Mechanical Engineering Publ, GBR, pp. 327-334. ISBN 0852986823


Bititci, Umit and Kehoe, D.F. (1987) Implementing manufacturing strategy through the application of programmable control. In: MACON-2 Conference, 1987-05-01.

Bititci, Umit and Little, Derek and Kehoe, D.F. and Goulding, K.G. (1987) The application of a JIT assembly program, based upon modular master scheduling. In: AUTOMAN 4 Conference, 1987-05-01.

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