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Number of items: 129.


Kikkert, Peter and Quigley, John and Belton, Ian and Brown, Robert and Ennis, Kerri-Ann and Goerlandt, Floris and Howick, Susan and Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Mak, Lawrence and Pedersen, Calvin and Pelot, Ronald and Shan, Desai and Walls, Lesley and Wright, George (2023) Addressing the challenges to search and rescue operations caused by ice conditions in Nunavut, Canada. In: 27th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-16, University of Strathclyde.


Shi, Guo and Liu, Bin and Walls, Lesley; (2022) Data augmentation to improve the performance of ensemble learning for system failure prediction with limited observations. In: 2022 13th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety (ICRMS). 13th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety: Reliability and Safety of Intelligent Systems, ICRMS 2022 . IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 296-300. ISBN 9781665486903

Johnson, Karl and Morais, Caroline and Patelli, Edoardo and Walls, Lesley; (2022) A data driven approach to elicit causal links between performance shaping factors and human failure events. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022). Research Publishing, IRL, pp. 520-527.

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2022) Modelling epistemic uncertainty in offshore wind farm production capacity to reduce risk. Risk Analysis, 42 (7). pp. 1524-1540. ISSN 1539-6924


Schwarzenegger, Rafael and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley (2021) Is eliciting dependency worth the effort? A study for the multivariate Poisson-Gamma probability model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 237 (5). pp. 858-867. ISSN 1748-006X

Barlow, E. and Bedford, T. and Revie, M. and Tan, J. and Walls, L. (2021) A performance-centred approach to optimising maintenance of complex systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 292 (2). pp. 579-595. ISSN 0377-2217

Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley; Hanea, Anca M. and Nane, Gabriela F. and Bedford, Tim and French, Simon, eds. (2021) Characteristics of a process for subjective probability elicitation. In: Expert Judgment in Risk and Decision Analysis. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 287-318. ISBN 9783030464745


Schwarzenegger, Rafael and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley; Baraldi, Piero and Di Maio, Francesco and Zio, Enrico, eds. (2020) Evaluation of empirical Bayes estimators of correlated event rates and implications for predicting new product reliability. In: E-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference. Research Publishing Services, ITA, p. 3022. ISBN 9789811485930


Sun, Qiuzhuang and Ye, Zhi-Sheng and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2019) Reliability modelling of infrastructure load-sharing systems with workload adjustment. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 68 (4). pp. 1283-1295. ISSN 0018-9529


Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley and Demirel, Güven and McCarthy, Bart and Parsa, Mahdi (2018) Supplier quality improvement : the value of information under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 264 (3). pp. 932-947. ISSN 0377-2217


Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley; Dias, Luis and Morton, Alec and Quigley, John, eds. (2017) A methodology for constructing subjective probability distributions with data. In: Elicitation. Springer, New York. ISBN 978-3-319-65051-7 (In Press)

Howick, Susan and Ackermann, Fran and Walls, Lesley and Quigley, John and Houghton, Tom (2017) Learning from mixed OR method practice : the NINES case study. Omega, 69. pp. 70-81. ISSN 0305-0483


Walls, L. and Quigley, J. and Parsa, M. and Comrie, E.; Walls, Lesley and Revie, Matthew and Bedford, Tim, eds. (2016) Risk analysis of supply : comparative performance and short-term prediction. In: Risk, Reliability and Safety. CRC/Taylor & Francis Group, GBR. ISBN 9781315374987

Revie, M. and Bedford, T. and Walls, L. and Shimell, J. and Baldwin, T.; Walls, Lesley and Revie, Matthew and Bedford, Tim, eds. (2016) What is the value of a standard? In: Risk, Reliability and Safety. CRC/Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781315374987

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2016) A model for availability growth with application to new generation offshore wind farms. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 152. pp. 83-94. ISSN 0951-8320


Ali Agha, Mouhamad Shaker and van der Meer, Robert and Walls, Lesley (2015) Dynamic Bayesian network modelling of supply chain resilience : learning from multiple cases. In: 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVII), 2015-07-12 - 2015-07-15, University of Strathclyde.

Walls, Lesley and Leerojanaprapa, Kanogkan and Van Der Meer, Robert (2015) A bayesian network model with epistemic uncertainty : analysis of a medicine supply chain risk. In: 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVII), 2015-07-12 - 2015-07-15, University of Strathclyde.

Anderson, Gillian Hopkins and Walls, Lesley and Revie, Matthew and Fenelon, Euan and Storie, Calum (2015) Quantifying intra-organisational risks : an analysis of practice-theory tensions in probability elicitation to improve technical risk management in an energy utility. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. ISSN 1748-006X


Ackermann, Fran and Howick, Susan and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley and Houghton, Tom (2014) Systemic risk elicitation : using causal maps to engage stakeholders and build a comprehensive view of risks. European Journal of Operational Research, 238 (1). pp. 290-299. ISSN 0377-2217

Zitrou, A. and Bedford, T. and Walls, L.; Nowakowski, Tomasz and Młyńczak, Marek and Jodejko-Pietruczuk, Anna and Werbińska-Wojciechowska, Sylwia, eds. (2014) Quantification and modelling of epistemic uncertainties for availability risk of future offshore wind farms using expert judgement. In: Safety and Reliability. CRC Press, Croyden, 805–812. ISBN 9781138026810

Ye, Zhisheng and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2014) A load sharing system reliability model with managed component degradation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 63 (3). pp. 721-730. ISSN 0018-9529

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley and Wilson, Kevin and Bell, Keith; Betancourt, Uta and Ackermann, Thomas, eds. (2014) Availability growth and state-of-knowledge uncertainty simulation for offshore wind power plants. In: Proceedings of the 12th Wind Integration Workshop. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 785-788. ISBN 9783981387070

Blair, G. and Quigley, J. and Walls, L.; Nowakowski, Tomasz and Młyńczak, Marek and Jodejko-Pietruczuk, Anna and Werbińska-Wojciechowska, Sylwia, eds. (2014) Empirical Bayes inference with nonlinear homogenizations and correlated intensity functions : use in asset degradation modelling. In: Safety and Reliability. CRC Press, London, pp. 171-179. ISBN 9781138026810

Howick, Susan and Ackermann, Fran and Houghton, Thomas and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley (2014) Mixing methods – lessons from the field. In: 56th Operational Research Society Conference, 2014-09-08, Royal Holloway. (Unpublished)


Leerojanaprapa, K. and van der Meer, R. and Walls, L.; (2013) Modeling supply risk using belief networks : a process with application to the distribution of medicine. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management . IEEE, THA. ISBN 9781479909865

Quigley, John and Wilson, Kevin and Walls, Lesley and Bedford, Tim (2013) A Bayes linear Bayes method for estimation of correlated event rates. Risk Analysis, 33 (12). 2209–2224. ISSN 1539-6924

Wilson, Kevin and Quigley, John and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2013) Bayes linear Bayes graphical models in the design of optimal test strategies. International Journal of Performability Engineering, 9 (6). pp. 715-728. ISSN 0973-1318

Walls, Lesley and Quigley, John and Houghton, Tom and Howick, Susan and Ackermann, Fran (2013) Modelling systemic risks to inform a repowering decision. In: ESREL 2013, 2013-09-30. (Unpublished)

Dowell, Jethro and Walls, Lesley and Zitrou, Athena and Infield, David (2013) Analysis of wind and wave data to assess maintenance access for offshore wind farms. In: 22nd ESREL conference 2013, 2013-09-29 - 2013-10-02.

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley and Wilson, Kevin and Bell, Keith (2013) Availability growth and state-of-knowledge uncertainty simulation for offshore wind farms. In: 22nd ESREL conference 2013, 2013-09-29 - 2013-10-02.

Wilson, Kevin and Quigley, John and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2013) Bayes linear graphical models in the design of optimal test strategies. In: 8th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2013), 2013-07-01 - 2013-07-04. (Unpublished)

Howick, Susan and Ackermann, Fran and Walls, Lesley and Quigley, John and Houghton, Tom (2013) Managing complex projects for industry : developing a new approach to risk management. In: 26th European Conference in Operational Research, 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-11. (Unpublished)

Houghton, Tom and Howick, Susan and Ackermann, Fran and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley (2013) Building a framework for integrate risk management of complex projects : the case of a major distribution network investment. In: 22nd CIRED Conference, 2013-06-10. (Unpublished)

Anderson, Gillian Hopkins and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley; (2013) Technical risk quantification, process and method in practice. In: Proceedings of the 19th AR2TS Advances in Risk, Reliability and Technology Symposium. ASME.

Barlow, Euan and Revie, Matthew and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley; Steenbergen, R.D.J.M and van Gelder, P.H.A.J.M and Miraglia, S and Ton, A.C.W.M and Vrouwenvelder, eds. (2013) Trading off asset performance and condition to model strategic maintenance decisions. In: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis. CRC Press, NLD, 723–731. ISBN 9781138001237

Jirsak, Cenek and Bedford, Tim and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley; (2013) A condition based model using performance data for strategic asset maintenance in a water utility. In: ESREL Conference. Thomson Reuters.

Walls, Lesley and Zitrou, Athena and Wilson, Kevin and Bedford, Tim (2013) A model for early life availability growth of a system of systems. In: 8th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2013), 2013-07-01 - 2013-07-04.


Ackermann, Fran and Howick, Susan and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley and Houghton, Tom (2012) Managing projects in an uncertain world : engaging stakeholders, and building a systemic view of risk. In: 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, 2012-12-02 - 2012-12-04. (Unpublished)

Mouhamad Shaker, Ali Agha and Van Der Meer, Robert and Walls, Lesley (2012) Modelling supply network reliability using dynamic Bayesian networks. In: Hamburg International Conference on Logistics 2012, 2012-09-05 - 2012-09-06.

Ackermann, Fran and Howick, Susan and Houghton, Tom and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley (2012) Managing projects in an uncertain world : engaging stakeholders, and building a systemic view of risk. In: OR54 Annual Conference 2012, 2012-09-04 - 2012-09-06, Edinburgh First, The University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Ali Agha, Mouhamad Shaker and van der Meer, Robert and Walls, Lesley; Blecker, Thorsten and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M., eds. (2012) Modeling supply network reliability and resilience using dynamic Bayesian networks. In: Pioneering Supply Chain Design. Josef Eul Verlag, Lohmar, Germany, pp. 249-264. ISBN 9783844101812

Quigley, John and Wilson, Kevin and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2012) Bayes linear adjustments to improve empirical bayes inference for correlated event rates. In: PSAM11 & ESREL 2012, 2012-06-25 - 2012-06-29.

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley; (2012) Modelling the availability of offshore wind farm sub-assemblies. In: 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012 (PSAM11 ESREL 2012). Curran Associates, Inc., pp. 4741-4750. ISBN 9781622764365


Revie, Matthew and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2011) Supporting reliability decisions during defense procurement using a Bayes linear methodology. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58 (4). pp. 662-673.

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2011) Mixing Bayes and empirical Bayes inference to anticipate the realization of engineering concerns about variant system designs. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96 (8). pp. 933-941. ISSN 0951-8320

Leerojanaprapa, Kanogkan and Walls, Lesley and van der Meer, Robert (2011) Modelling and managing systemic risks in supply chains. In: 18th International Conference of the European Operations Management Association, 3-6 July 2011, University of Cambridge, 2011-07-03 - 2011-07-06.

Quigley, John and Hardman, Gavin and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2011) Merging expert and empirical data for rare event frequency estimation : pool homogenisation for empirical Bayes models. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96 (6). pp. 687-695. ISSN 0951-8320

Daneshkhah, Alireza and Revie, Matthew and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley and Quigley, John; Cochran, James J. and Cox, Jr., Louis Anthony and Keskinocak, Pinar and Cole Smith, J. Cole Smith and Kharoufeh, Jeffrey P., eds. (2011) Eliciting subjective probability distributions from groups. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. ISBN 9780470400630

Blair, Graeme and Murray, Robert and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2011) Exploring the influence of temperature on the frequency of burst pipes in the Scottish water network. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2011, 2011-05-03 - 2011-05-05.

Montanana, Mark and Griffin, Dave and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2011) Modelling GB rail timetable risk : analysis of SPADs due to human error on the Scotland network between 2004-10. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2011, 2011-05-03 - 2011-05-05.


Revie, Matthew and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2010) Evaluation of elicitation methods to quantify Bayes linear models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 224 (4). pp. 322-332.

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2010) A model for supporting decisions regarding the operation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines. In: ESREL 2010, 1900-01-01.

Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley (2010) Reconciling experts opinion concerning the value of testing using Bayesian networks : a bridge too far? In: 5th International ASRANet Conference, 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-16.

Shafti, F. and Bedford, T.J. and Deleris, L. and Hosking, J. and Serban, N. and Shen, H. and Walls, L.A. (2010) Service operation classification for risk management. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 54 (3). 7:1-7:17. ISSN 0018-8646

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2010) Bayes geometric scaling model for common cause failure rates. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 95 (2). pp. 70-76. ISSN 0951-8320

Walls, Lesley and Quigley, J.L. (2010) Modelling and managing reliability growth during the engineering design process. In: 2nd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science - ICDES2010, 2010-11-17 - 2010-11-19. (Unpublished)


Burnham, M.R. and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2009) The identifiability problem for generalised competing risk models with non-symmetric virtual ages. In: Mathematical Methods in Reliability, 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-27. (Unpublished)

Bedford, Tim and Quigley, John and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2009) Historical exploration - Learning risk lessons from the past to inform the future. In: Advances in Reliability Technology Symposium, 2009-04-21 - 2009-04-23. (Unpublished)

Quigley, J.L. and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2009) Empirical bayes estimates of development reliability for one shot devices. Safety and Reliability : the journal of the Safety and Reliability Society, 29 (4). pp. 35-46. ISSN 0961-7353


Hardman, G. and Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2008) Models for data combination to support safety committee decisions. In: European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-25.

Hardman, G. and Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2008) Safety, reliability and risk analysis: theory, methods and applications. In: ESREL 2008, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-25. (Unpublished)

Walls, Lesley (2008) Encyclopedia of quantitative risk analysis and assessment. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. ISBN 978-0-470-03549-8

Bedford, Tim and Quigley, John and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2008) Historical Exploration - Learning Lessons from the Past to Inform the Future. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. and Alkali, B. and Daneshkhah, A. and Hardman, Gavin (2008) Advances in mathematical modeling for reliability. Delft University Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9781586038656

Quigley, J.L. and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A.; Ruggeri, Fabrizio and Kenett, Ron and Faltin, Frederick, eds. (2008) Prior distribution elicitation. In: Encyclopaedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. ISBN 9780470018613

Bedford, T.J. and Hardman, G. and Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L.; Ruggeri, Fabrizio and Kenett, Ron and Faltin, Frederick W., eds. (2008) Reliability Databases. In: Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. ISBN 9780470018613

Bedford, Tim and Denning, Richard and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2008) Applying Bayes linear methods to support reliability procurement decisions. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability symposium, 2008-01-28 - 2008-01-31.

Hutchison, Kenneth and Quigley, John and Raza, M. and Walls, L.A.; (2008) Empirical Bayes methodology for estimating equipment failure rates with application to power generation plants. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2008. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IEEM, 1-3 . IEEE, pp. 1359-1364. ISBN 9781424426294

Bititci, Umit S and Walls, Lesley and Geraghty, Kathleen and Attri, Hitesh (2008) To outsource or not to outsource! Journal of Operations Management, 34 (1). pp. 9-17. ISSN 0272-6963


Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley (2007) Trading reliability targets within a supply chain using Shapley's value. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 92 (10). pp. 1448-1457. ISSN 0951-8320

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2007) Multivariate reliability modelling with empirical Bayes inference. In: ISSAT international conference on modeling of complex systems and environments, 2007-07-16 - 2007-07-18. (Unpublished)

Quigley, John and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2007) Estimating rate of occurrence of rare events with empirical Bayes : a railway application. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 92 (5). pp. 619-627. ISSN 0951-8320

Zitrou, A. and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2007) A Bayesian approach for structural modelling of common cause failures. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Mathemathical Methods in Reliability Conference, 2007-07-01 - 2007-07-04.

Grigg, N.P. and Walls, L.A. (2007) Developing statistical thinking for performance in the food industry. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 24 (4). pp. 347-369. ISSN 0265-671X

Revie, Matthew and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2007) Eliciting covariances within a Bayes linear framework. In: Mathematical Methods in Reliability, 1900-01-01.

James, I. and Olatoke, J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2007) Improving product reliability through data literate modelling - methodology and application. In: ARTS Conference 2007, 1900-01-01.

Zitrou, A. and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2007) An influence diagram extension of the unified partial method for common cause failures. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 4 (1). pp. 111-128. ISSN 1684-3703

Revie, Matthew and Bedford, Tim and Walls, Lesley (2007) An introduction to Bayes linear methods. In: Mathematical Methods in Reliability, 2007-05-08 - 2007-05-10.

Grigg, N.P. and Walls, L.A. (2007) The role of control charts in promoting organisational learning: new perspectives from a food industry study. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 19 (1). pp. 37-49. ISSN 1478-3363


Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2006) Fault tree inference for one-shot devices using Bayes and empirical Bayes methods. In: ESREL Conference, 2006-05-02.

Dunlop, Stewart and Van Der Meer, Robert and Whalley, Jason and Walls, Lesley (2006) Economic impact of business process outsourcing : report for highlands & islands enterprise. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bedford, T.J. and Revie, Matthew and Walls, L.A. (2006) Applications of Bayes linear to reliability. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and management, 2006-05-14 - 2006-05-19.

Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. (2006) Enhancement within UK aerospace industry through modelling. In: 30th ESReDA Seminar, 2006-06-07 - 2006-06-08.

Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2006) Expert elicitation for reliable system design. Statistical Science, 21 (4). pp. 428-462. ISSN 0883-4237

Bititci, U. and Busi, M. and Walls, L.A. (2006) Measuring the value of customer management: lessons from the UK call and contact industry. In: 17th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 2006-04-24 - 2006-05-01.

Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. and Marshall, J. (2006) Modelling to support reliability decisions during new product development with applications in the aerospace industry. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 53 (2). pp. 263-274. ISSN 0018-9391

Johnston, W. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2006) Optimal allocation of reliability tasks to mitigate faults during new product development. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 17 (2). pp. 159-169. ISSN 1471-678X

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A.; (2006) Prediction intervals for reliability growth models with small sample sizes. In: Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 113-124. ISBN 9781852338060

Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. (2006) Sitting on the fence - observations on transition from reliability assurance to enhancement within UK aerospace industry through modelling. In: 30th ESReDA Seminar, 2006-06-07 - 2006-06-08.

Bititci, U. and Busi, M. and Walls, L.A. (2006) A conceptual framework for understanding the shared services model. In: 17th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 2006-04-24 - 2006-05-01.


Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2005) Nonparametric bootstrapping of the reliability function for multiple copies of a repairable item modeled by a birth process. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 54 (4). pp. 604-611. ISSN 0018-9529

Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A.; Kolowrocki, K., ed. (2005) Estimation of high-consequence low-frequency events through empirical Bayes procedures. In: ESREL Conference 2005, 2005-06-27 - 2005-06-30.

Walls, L.A. and Krasich, M. and Quigley, J.L. (2005) Comparison of two models for managing reliability growth during product design. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 16 (1). pp. 12-22. ISSN 1471-678X

Finlayson, G. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2005) Confidence intervals for the mean cumulative function. In: 16th ARTS Conference, 2005-04-12 - 2005-04-14.

Balderstone, M. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2005) Elicitation of structured engineering judgement to inform a focussed FMEA. In: 16th ARTS Conference, 2005-04-12 - 2005-04-14.

Bedford, T.J. and Revie, Matthew and Walls, L.A. (2005) The safety case and the lessons learned for the reliability and maintainability case. In: ESREL 2005, 2005-06-27 - 2005-06-30.


Krasich, M. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2004) Modeling reliabilty growth in the product design process. Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. pp. 424-430.

Johnston, W. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A.; Spitzer, Cornelia and Schmocker, Ulrich and Dang, Vinh N., eds. (2004) Optimal scheduling of reliability development activities. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. Springer, DEU, pp. 1642-1647. ISBN 978-1-85233-827-5

Derejian, A. and Hallam, A. and Quigley, J.L. and Tanner, G. and Walls, L.A. (2004) Bayesian modelling to understand reliability uncertainty during product development. In: 27th ESREDA Seminar, 2004-11-15 - 2004-11-16.

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2004) Conditional lifetime data analysis using the limited expected value function. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 20 (3). pp. 185-192. ISSN 0748-8017

Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. and Zitrou, A.; Spitzer, C. and Schmocker, U. and Dang, V.N., eds. (2004) Developing soft factors inputs to common cause failure models. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. Springer, Germany, pp. 825-830. ISBN 978-1-85233-827-5

Zitrou, Athena and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2004) Developing softer factor inputs to common cause failure models. In: International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, 2004-06-01.

Revie, Matthew and Bedford, T.J. and Walls, L.A. (2004) Evaluating the R and M case - the MoD perspective. In: 27th ESREDA Seminar, 2004-11-15 - 2004-11-16.

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2004) Observations on the transition to reliability enhancement within UK aerospace industry through modelling. In: 27th ESREDA Seminar, 2004-11-15 - 2004-11-16.

Klyatis, L. and Walls, L.A. (2004) A methodology for selecting representative input regions for accelerated testing. Quality Engineering, 16 (3). pp. 400-410. ISSN 0898-2112


Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2003) Cost-benefit modelling for reliability growth. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54 (12). pp. 1234-1241. ISSN 0160-5682

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2003) Confidence intervals for reliability growth models with small sample sizes. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 52 (2). pp. 257-262. ISSN 0018-9529

Belton, V. and Cook, H.L. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2003) Identifying and assessing the chance of service failures. In: 15th ARTS Conference 2003, 2003-04-08 - 2003-04-10.

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2003) Limited expected value - an effective tool for analysing highly censored data? In: 15th ARTS Conference 2003, 2003-04-08 - 2003-04-10.


Jones, J. and Marshall, J. and Walls, L.A. (2002) Enhancing product reliability using REMM. Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. pp. 372-378.

James, I. and Marshall, J. and Walls, L.A. (2002) Improving design for reliability with in-service data analysis. Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. pp. 417-422.

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2002) Point process model for reliability analysis of evolutionary designs. In: 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Methodology and Practice, 2002-06-17 - 2002-06-20.

Marshall, J. and Walls, L.A. and Jones, J. (2002) Reliability enhancement methodology and modelling: the REMM project. Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1058). pp. 195-201. ISSN 0001-9240


Walls, Lesley and Quigley, John (2001) Building prior distributions to support Bayesian reliability growth modelling using expert judgement. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 74 (2). pp. 117-128. ISSN 0951-8320

Sigurdsson, J.H. and Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. (2001) Bayesian belief nets for managing expert judgement and modelling reliability. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 17 (3). pp. 181-190. ISSN 0748-8017

Belton, V. and Johnson, B. and Walls, L.A.; Hockings, C. and Moore, I., eds. (2001) Developing key skills at Strathclyde business school through the integrative core. In: Innovations in Teaching Business and Management. Staff and Educational Development Association, pp. 75-86. ISBN 1902435141

Hodge, R.J.J. and Evans, M. and Marshall, J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (2001) Eliciting engineering knowledge about reliability during design - lessons learnt from implementation. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 17 (3). pp. 169-179. ISSN 0748-8017

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. and Hodge, R.J.J. ICIIL , ed. (2001) How much risk can you afford? In: International Conference on Industrial Logistics, 2001-07-09 - 2001-07-12.

Jones, J. and Marshall, J. and Walls, L.A. (2001) Understanding reliability through analysis of event histories - a case study from the aerospace industry. In: ESREL 2001, 2001-09-16 - 2001-09-20. (Unpublished)

Jones, J. and Marshall, J. and Walls, L.A. (2001) Using the REMM methodology. In: Avionics Conference 2001, 2001-11-27 - 2001-11-28.


Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. IEST , ed. (2000) Learning to enhance reliability of electronic systems through effective modeling and risk assessment. In: Annual reliability and maintainability symposium - 2000 proceedings, 1900-01-01.

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. and Hodge, R.J.J. (2000) Eliciting prior distributions for potential system faults from correlated experts. In: Foresight and precaution, vols 1 and 2, 1900-01-01.


Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. (1999) Learning to improve reliability during system development. European Journal of Operational Research, 119 (2). pp. 495-509. ISSN 0377-2217

Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. (1999) Measuring the effectiveness of reliability growth testing. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 15 (2). pp. 87-93. ISSN 0748-8017

Ansell, J.I. and Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. (1999) Achieving growth in reliability. Annals of Operations Research, 91. pp. 11-24. ISSN 0254-5330

Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L. and Mowbray, P. (1999) Modeling to support reliability enhancement of electronic aerospace system design. In: Safety and reliability, vols 1 & 2, 1999-01-01.


Ansell, J.I. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A.; Christer, Anthony H. and Osaki, Shunji and Thomas, Lyn C., eds. (1997) Growth and innovation through reliability testing. In: Stochastic Modelling in Innovative Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (445). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 225-235. ISBN 354061768X


Walls, L.A. (1996) A graphical approach to identification of dependent failures. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D, The Statistician, 45 (2). pp. 185-196. ISSN 0039-0526


Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. and Macarthur, E. (1995) Reliability growth analysis of complex electronic systems. In: ESREL 1995, 1900-01-01. (Unpublished)

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