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Number of items: 41.


Kim, J. and Clarke, J. A. and Allison, J. and Ahn, J. and Chung, D. (2016) An e-Service delivery platform for building indoor environment and energy performance assessment. In: 3rd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2016-11-27 - 2016-11-29, Phoenix Island.

Kim, Jae Min and Oh, Jin Seok (2016) Hybrid power management system using fuel cells and batteries. Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 122-128. ISSN 2234-8883


Tuohy, Paul Gerard and Kim, Jae Min and Samuel, Aizaz and Peacock, Andrew D and Owens, E.H. and Dissanayake, M. and Corne, D.W. and Galloway, Stuart and Sontonja, S. and Todoli, C. (2015) Orchestration of renewable generation in low energy buildings and districts using energy storage and load shaping. Energy Procedia, 78. pp. 2172-2177. ISSN 1876-6102

Tuohy, Paul Gerard and Kim, Jae Min and Samuel, Aizaz and Peacock, Andrew D and Owens, Eddie and Dissanayake, Manjula and Corne, David and Galloway, Stuart and Stephen, Bruce and Sontonja, S. and Todoli, C. (2015) Orchestration of renewable generation in low energy buildings and districts using energy storage and load shifting. In: 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC15, 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-16.

Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae-min and Samuel, Aizaz and Svehla, Katalin (2015) Performance of actively controlled domestic heat storage devices in a smart grid. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 229 (1). pp. 99-110. ISSN 0957-6509


Clarke, Joseph and Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae Min and Ladha, Cassim and Olivier, Patrick and Roskilly, Tony and Royapoor, Mohammad and Samuel, Aizaz and Wu, Dawei (2014) Pervasive sensing as a mechanicsm for the effective control of CHP plant in commerical buildings. In: Building Simulation and Optimisation (BSO14), 2014-06-23 - 2014-06-24, University College London.

Gill, Simon and Svehla, Katalin and Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae Min and Samuel, Aizaz and Clarke, Joseph and Kockar, Ivana and Ault, Graham (2014) Competing objectives in domestic demand side management: : learning from the Northern Isles New Energy Solutions projects. In: CIRED Workshop 2014, 2014-06-11 - 2014-06-12, Ergife Palace Hotel.

Lee, Deuk Hwan and Choi, Hyun-Woong and Kang, So-Ra and Yu, Ho Kyung and Kim, Jae-Min (2014) ISO 13790 한국형 유효계수 결정 방법론에 관한 연구. Journal of Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems, 8 (3). pp. 127-135. ISSN 1976-6483

Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae Min and Ladha, Cassim and Ladha, Karim and Olivier, Patrick and Roskilly, Tony and Royapoor, Mohammad and Samuel, Aizaz and Wu, Dawei (2014) Pervasive sensing as a mechanism for the effective control of CHP plant in commercial buildings. In: Building Simulation and Optimisation (BSO14), 2014-06-23 - 2014-06-24, University College London.


Kim, Jae Min and Lee, Deuk Hwan and Yu, Ho Kyung and Han, Se hee and Choi, Hyun Woong (2013) 건물 구조체에 따른 히트펌프 시스템 계절별 에너지 효율 계수. Journal of Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems, 7 (4). pp. 223-231. ISSN 1976-6483

Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae Min and Samuel, Aizaz and Svehla, Katalin (2013) Electricity storage within the domestic sector as a means to enable renewable energy integration within exisiting electricity networks. In: 13th Building Simulation Conference, BS2013, 2013-08-25 - 2013-08-28.

Kim, Jae Min and Choi, Hyun Woong and Han, Se hee and Lee, Deuk Hwan and Yu, Ho Kyung (2013) ISO 13790 월간계산법 냉난방부하 유효계수 국내 사무소 건물 적용 타당성 연구. Journal of Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems, 7 (2). pp. 126-134. ISSN 1976-6483


Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae Min and Woo, Kyunghun (2011) Gaining confidence in models of experiments in existing buildings. In: Building Simulation 2011 Conference, BS2011, 2011-11-14 - 2011-11-16, Sydney. (In Press)

Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae Min and Woo, Kyunghun; (2011) Gaining confidence in models of experiments in existing buildings. In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011. International Building Performance Simulation Association, AUS.

Hong, Jun and Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min and Tuohy, Paul Gerard; (2011) Technology demand-side management and control in buildings. In: The Future of Electricity Demand. Supergen Flexnet Book, Part II, . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 978-1-107-00850-2

Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Hong, Jun and Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min and Tuohy, Paul Gerard; (2011) The potential impact of policy and legislation on the energy demands of UK buildings and implications for the electrical network. In: The Future of Electricity Demand. Supergen Flexnet Book, Part IV P . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 978-1-107-00850-2


Pan, Yiqun and Li, Yunming and Shi, Jie and Wang, Chunxiang and Jeong, Kwan Seok and Kim, Jaemin and Lee, Ji Young and Johnstone, Cameron and Hong, Jun and Park, Ji Young and Park, Gyoung Min; (2010) Optimal design of multi-utility complex for a low carbon city in China integrating renewable energy. In: Energy Systems Analysis, Thermodynamics and Sustainability; NanoEngineering for Energy; Engineering to Address Climate Change, Parts A and B. ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 5 . American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 533-540. ISBN 9780791844298

Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min and Martin, M. and Oh, Jin-Sook and Kang, Hoon; (2010) Internet-based remote condition monitoring of a building integrated wind-PV hybrid energy system. In: Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress XI (WRECXI). Future Technology Press. ISBN 9780956151612

Oh, Jin-Sook and Bae, Soo-Young and Lee, Li-Young and Kwak, Jun-Ho and Kim, Jae Min and Johnstone, Cameron; (2010) Wireless monitoring system for hybrid power generation system. In: Springer Proceedings in Physics. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 135 . Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, pp. 91-98. ISBN 978-3-642-13623-8

Kim, Ji-Yeon and Hong, Sung-Hee and Park, Hyo-Soon and Kim, Sung-Sil and Kim, Jae Min; (2010) A research on the application method for renewable energy complex system for school buildings. In: EKC 2009, Proceedings of the EU-Korea Conference on Science & Technology. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 135 . Springer-Verlag Berlin, Germany, pp. 61-72. ISBN 978-3-642-13623-8


Woo, K. and Kim, Jae Min (2009) Development of BIM-based energy performance tool : Samsung energy performance (SEP). Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning and Design, 25 (12). pp. 113-120. ISSN 1226-9093

Ghauri, Sabeeta and Hand, Jon and Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min and Kokogiannakis, Georgios and Tuohy, Paul Gerard and Woo, K-H. (2009) Adoption of dynamic simulation for an energy performance rating tool for Korean residential buildings : EDEM-SAMSUNG. In: Building Simulation 2009, 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-30.

Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Ghauri, Sabeeta and Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min and Tuohy, Paul Gerard (2009) The EDEM methodology for housing upgrade analysis, carbon and energy labelling and national policy development. In: 11th International IBPSA Conference, 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-30.

Prazeres, L. and Kim, Jae Min and Hand, Jon (2009) Improving communication in building simulation supported projects. In: 11th International IBPSA Conference, 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-30.

Clarke, J.A. and Johnstone, C. and Kim, J.M. and Tuohy, P.G. (2009) Energy, carbon and cost performance of building stocks : upgrade analysis, energy labelling and national policy development. Advances in Building Energy Research, 3 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1751-2549

Lee, E.J. and Pae, M.H. and Kim, D.H. and Kim, Jae Min and Kim, J.Y.; (2009) Literature review of technologies and energy feedback measures impacting on the reduction of building energy consumption. In: Proceedings of EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology. Proceedings in Physics, 124 . Springer, pp. 223-228. ISBN 978-3-540-85189-9


Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min and Kokogiannakis, Georgios and Strachan, Paul and Woo, K. and Kang, B. (2008) Study of the energy performance of Korean apartment buildings with alternative balcony configurations. In: 10th World Renewable Energy Congress, 2008-07-19 - 2008-07-25. (Unpublished)

Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Hong, Jun and Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min (2008) The application of demand-side management via internet-enabled monitoring and control. In: 10th World Renewable Energy Congress, 2008-07-19 - 2008-07-25. (Unpublished)

Clarke, J A and Ghauri, Sabeeta and Johnstone, C M and Kim, J M and Tuohy, P G (2008) The EDEM methodology for housing upgrade analysis, carbon and energy labelling and national policy development. In: eSim 2008, 2008-05-20 - 2008-05-23.

Park, H.S. and Kim, Jae Min and Kim, J.Y.; Yoo, SD, ed. (2008) Development of and research on energy-saving buildings in Korea. In: EKC2008: Proceedings of the EU-Korea conference on science and technology. Proceedings in Physics, 124 . Springer, DEU, pp. 287-296. ISBN 9783540851899


Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Johnstone, Cameron and Hong, Jun and Kim, Jae Min and Strachan, Paul and Hwang, I. and Li, Hongjun (2007) A multi-criteria performance study of an integrated demand/supply energy system for low and zero carbon technologies within domestic building design. In: 10th IBPSA Conference on Building Simulation 2007, 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-06.

Clarke, J.A. and Hand, J. and Kim, J.M. and Prazeres, L.M.R. (2007) Delivering building simulation information via new communication media. In: 10th IBPSA Conference on Building Simulation 2007, 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-06, Beijing.

Prazeres, L.M.R. and Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Hand, Jon and Kim, Jae Min; Jiang, Y and Zhu, Y.X. and Yang, X.D. and Li, X.T., eds. (2007) Delivering building simulation information via new communication media. In: Building simulation 2007 proceedings. Tsinghua University Press, CHN. ISBN 9780977170630

Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Johnstone, Cameron and Kim, Jae Min and Tuohy, Paul Gerard (2007) Energy and carbon performance of housing : upgrade analysis, energy labelling and national policy development. In: Scottish Energy Systems Group Conference, 2007-07-03.

Choi, W. and Kim, Jae Min (2007) A study on the thermal modelling method of the under-floor heating system in apartment. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning and Design, 23. pp. 175-184. ISSN 1226-9093


Clarke, J. and Hong, J. and Kim, J. and Strachan, P. and Hwang, I. and Li, H. (2006) A strategic study of energy efficient and hybrid energy system options for a multi-family building in Korea. In: EuroSun 2006 International Renewable Energy Conference, 2006-06-27 - 2006-06-30.


Kim, Jae Min and Clarke, Joseph Andrew and Hong, Jun and Strachan, Paul and Hwang, I. and Lee, H.W.V.; (2005) Simulation-based design procedure to evaluate hybrid-renewable energy systems for residential buildings in Korea. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference. IBPSA, Montreal, Canada, pp. 191-198.


Kim, J. and Clarke, J.; (2004) The EnTrak system : supporting energy action planning via the Internet. In: Proceedings of the Congress of Tall Buildings Urban Habitats (CTBUH). ASME.

Clarke, J. A. and Conner, S. and Fujii, G. and Geros, V. and Johannesson, G. and Johnstone, C. M. and Karatasou, S. and Kim, J. and Santamouris, M. and Strachan, P. A. (2004) The role of simulation in support of internet-based energy services. Energy and Buildings, 36 (8). pp. 837-846. ISSN 0378-7788


Clarke, J. A. and Conner, S. and Geros, V. and Johnstone, C. M. and Karatasou, S. and Kim, J. and Santamouris, M. and Strachan, P. A.; (2003) Simulation support for internet-based energy services. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, Eindhoven. IBPSA, NLD, pp. 187-194.


Clarke, J.A. and Johnstone, C. and Kim, J. and Strachan, P.A.; (2002) On-line energy services for smart homes. In: Proceedings of EPIC 02 Conference. Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, FRA.

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