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Babson College, Babson Park, MA, US (Funder), London Business School, London, UK (Funder); Bosma, N. and Jones, K. and Autio, E. and Levie, J.D.. (2008) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2007. London: Global Entrepreneurship Research Association.
McKee, D. and Cunningham, A. and Jones, K. (2002) Three-parameter active in situ optical measurements: theory, instrumentation, and results from coastal waters. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 4 (4). S66-S70. ISSN 1464-4258
McKee, David and Cunningham, Alex and Jones, K. (2002) Optical and hydrographic consequences of freshwater runoff during spring phytoplankton growth in a Scottish fjord. Journal of Plankton Research, 24 (11). pp. 1163-1171. ISSN 0142-7873