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Number of items: 71.


Swee, Colin and Geiger, Benedikt and Ford, Oliver and O’Mullane, Martin and Poloskei, Peter and Reimold, Felix and Romba, Thilo and Wegner, Thomas (2024) High-n Rydberg transition spectroscopy for heavy impurity transport studies in W7-X. Review of Scientific Instruments, 95 (9). 093539. ISSN 0034-6748

Cremona, Anna and Causa, Federica and Uccello, Andrea and Ricci, Daria and Giunta, Alessandra and O'Mullane, Martin, GyM Team (2024) Empirical line ratios for optical emission spectroscopy in low-temperature, low-density, magnetised Ar plasmas. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57 (36). 365203. ISSN 1361-6463

Delabie, E. and O’Mullane, M. G. and von Hellermann, M. and Whiteford, A. and Horton, L. D. and Zastrow, K. D. and Menmuir, S. and Litherland-Smith, E. and Meigs, A. and Biewer, T. M. (2024) The CXSFIT spectral fitting code : past, present and future. Review of Scientific Instruments, 95 (8). 083536. ISSN 0034-6748

Makarov, S. O. and Coster, D. P. and Gleiter, T. and Brida, D. and Muraca, M. and Dux, R. and David, P. and Kurzan, B. and Bonnin, X. and O'Mullane, M., ASDEX Upgrade team (2024) First SOLPS‐ITER simulations of ASDEX Upgrade partially detached H‐mode with boron impurity : the missing radiation at the outer strike‐point region. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 64 (7-8). e202300139. ISSN 1521-3986

Swee, Colin and Geiger, Benedikt and Ford, Oliver and Nornberg, Mark and O’Mullane, Martin and Poloskei, Peter and Reimold, Felix and Romba, Thilo and Wegner, Thomas, the W7-X Team (2024) Impurity transport study based on measurement of visible wavelength high-n charge exchange transitions at W7-X. Nuclear Fusion, 64 (8). 086062. ISSN 1741-4326

Pablant, N. A. and Cheng, Z. and O’Mullane, M. and Gao, L. and Barnsley, R. and Bartlett, M. N. and Bitter, M. and Bourcart, E. and Brown, G. V. and De Bock, M. and Delgado-Aparicio, L. F. and Dunn, C. and Fairchild, A. J. and Hell, N. and Hill, K. W. and Klabacha, J. and Kraus, F. and Lu, D. and Magesh, P. B. and Mishra, S. and Sánchez del Río, M. and Tieulent, R. and Yakusevich, Y. (2024) Results from a synthetic model of the ITER XRCS-Core diagnostic based on high-fidelity x-ray ray tracing. Review of Scientific Instruments, 95 (8). 083517. ISSN 0034-6748


Hill, C. and Dipti and Heinola, K. and Dubois, A. and Sisourat, N. and Taoutioui, A. and Agueny, H. and Tőkési, K. and Ziaeian, I. and Illescas, C. and Jorge, A. and Méndez, L. and Kadyrov, A.S. and Antonio, N.W. and Kotian, A.M. and Kirchner, T. and Leung, A.C.K. and Ko, J. and Lee, J.K. and Marchuk, O. and O’Mullane, M.G. and Litherland-Smith, E. and Pokol, G.I. and Asztalos, O. and Balazs, P. and Wu, Y. and Jia, C.C. and Liu, L. and Wang, J.G. (2023) Atomic collisional data for neutral beam modeling in fusion plasmas. Nuclear Fusion, 63 (12). 125001. ISSN 1741-4326

Verhaegh, K. and Lipschultz, B. and Harrison, J.R. and Federici, F. and Moulton, D. and Lonigro, N. and Kobussen, S.P. and O’Mullane, M. and Osborne, N. and Ryan, P. and Wijkamp, T. and Kool, B. and Rose, E. and Theiler, C. and Thornton, A.J., the MAST Upgrade Team (2023) The role of plasma–atom and molecule interactions on power & particle balance during detachment on the MAST Upgrade Super-X divertor. Nuclear Fusion, 63 (12). 126023. ISSN 1741-4326

Henderson, S.S. and Bernert, M. and Brida, D. and Cavedon, M. and David, P. and Dux, R. and Février, O. and Järvinen, A. and Kallenbach, A. and Komm, M. and McDermott, R. and O’Mullane, M., The ASDEX Upgrade Team, The EUROfusion MST1 team (2023) Divertor detachment and reattachment with mixed impurity seeding on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion, 63 (8). 086024. ISSN 1741-4326


Peterson, B.J. and Nishitani, T. and Reichle, R. and Munechika, K. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Mukai, K. (2022) Erratum : estimates of foil thickness, signal, noise, and nuclear heating of imaging bolometers for ITER. Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (8). E08005. ISSN 1748-0221

Cheng, Zhifeng and Bader, Amro and De Bock, Maarten and Barnsley, Robin and Lorriere, Philippe and Pablant, Novimir and Costa, Fabio and Soeiro, Joao and Bola, Ines and O’Mullane, Martin and Yakusevich, Yevgeniy (2022) Novel dual-reflection design applied for ITER core x-ray spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments, 93 (7). 073502. ISSN 0034-6748

Peterson, B.J. and Nishitani, T. and Reichle, R. and Munechika, K. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Mukai, K. (2022) Estimates of foil thickness, signal, noise, and nuclear heating of imaging bolometers for ITER. Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (6). P06034. ISSN 1748-0221


Colette, D. and Mazon, D. and Barnsley, R. and O'Mullane, M. and Jardin, A. and Sirinelli, A. (2021) Conceptual study of energy resolved x-ray measurement and electron temperature reconstruction on ITER with low voltage ionization chambers. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 (8). 083511. ISSN 0034-6748

Lawson, K. D. and Groth, M. and Harting, D. and Menmuir, S. and Reiter, D. and Aggarwal, K. M. and Brezinsek, S. and Coffey, I. H. and Corrigan, G. and Keenan, F. P. and Maggi, C. F. and Meigs, A. G. and O'Mullane, M. G. and Simpson, J. and Wiesen, S., JET Contributors (2021) Use of the Culham He model He II atomic data in JET EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 27. 101010. ISSN 2352-1791


Lomanowski, B. and Carr, M. and Field, A. and Groth, M. and Jaervinen, A.E. and Lowry, C. and Meigs, A.G. and Menmuir, S. and O'Mullane, M. and Reinke, M.L. and Stavrou, C.K. and Wiesen, S. (2019) Spectroscopic investigation of N and Ne seeded induced detachment in JET ITER-like wall L-modes combining experiment and EDGE2D modeling. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 20. 100676. ISSN 2352-1791

Pütterich, T. and Fable, E. and Dux, R. and O'Mullane, M. and Neu, R. and Siccinio, M. (2019) Determination of the tolerable impurity concentrations in a fusion reactor using a consistent set of cooling factors. Nuclear Fusion, 59 (5). 056013. ISSN 1741-4326

Henderson, S.S. and Bernert, M. and Brezinsek, S. and Carr, M. and Cavedon, M. and Dux, R. and Gahle, D.S. and Harrison, J. and Kallenbach, A. and Lipschultz, B. and Lomanowski, B. and Meigs, A. and O'Mullane, M. and Reimold, F. and Reinke, M.L. and Wiesen, S., The EUROfusion MST1 team, ASDEX Upgrade team, JET Contributors (2019) An assessment of nitrogen concentrations from spectroscopic measurements in the JET and ASDEX upgrade divertor. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 18. pp. 147-152.

Lawson, K D and Aggarwal, K M and Coffey, I H and Keenan, F P and O'Mullane, M G (2019) Population modelling of the He II energy levels in tokamak plasmas : I. Collisional excitation model. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 52 (4). 045001. ISSN 0953-4075


Preval, S. P. and Badnell, N. R. and O'Mullane, M. G. (2018) Dielectronic recombination of lanthanide and low ionization state tungsten ions : W13+ - W+. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 52 (2). 025201. ISSN 0953-4075

Kwon, D.-H. and Lee, W. and Preval, S. and Ballance, C.P. and Behar, E. and Colgan, J. and Fontes, C. J. and Nakano, T. and Li, B. and Ding, X. and Dong, C.Z. and Fu, Y.B. and Badnell, Nigel and O'Mullane, M. and Chung, H.-K. and Braams, B.J. (2018) Iso-nuclear tungsten dielectronic recombination rates for use in magnetically-confined fusion plasmas. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 119. pp. 250-262. ISSN 0092-640X

Preval, S. P. and Badnell, N. R. and O'Mullane, M. G. (2018) Dielectronic recombination of the open 4d-shell of tungsten: W$^{37+}$ to W$^{28+}$. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 51 (4). 045004. ISSN 0953-4075


Litaudon, X. and Henderson, S.S. and O'Mullane, M. and Summers, H.P. (2017) Overview of the JET results in support to ITER. Nuclear Fusion, 57 (10). 102001. ISSN 1741-4326

Preval, S P and Badnell, N R and O'Mullane, M G (2017) Partial and total dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for W55+ to W38+. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 50 (10). 105201. ISSN 0953-4075

Henderson, S S and Bluteau, M and Foster, A and Giunta, A and O'Mullane, M G and Pütterich, T and Summers, H P (2017) Optimisation and assessment of theoretical impurity line power coefficients relevant to ITER and DEMO. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59 (5). pp. 1-8. 055010. ISSN 0741-3335

Preval, Simon and Badnell, Nigel and O'Mullane, Martin; (2017) The Tungsten Project : dielectronic recombination data for collisional-radiative modelling in ITER. In: Atomic Processes in Plasmas APIP 2016. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1811 . AIP Publishing, FRA. ISBN 9780735414792


Mazon, D. and Liegeard, C. and Jardin, A. and Barnsley, R. and Walsh, M. and O'Mullane, M. and Sirinelli, A. and Dorchies, F. (2016) Polycapillary lenses for soft x-ray transmission in ITER : model, comparison with experiments, and potential application. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87 (11). 11E302. ISSN 0034-6748

Delabie, E. and Hawkes, N. and Biewer, T. M. and O'Mullane, M. G. (2016) In situ wavelength calibration of the edge CXS spectrometers on JET. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87 (11). pp. 1-3. 11E525. ISSN 0034-6748

Hollmann, E. M. and Commaux, N. and Moyer, R. A. and Parks, P. B. and Austin, M. E. and Bykov, I. and Cooper, C. and Eidietis, N. W. and O'Mullane, M. and Paz-Soldan, C. and Rudakov, D. L. and Shiraki, D. (2016) Use of Ar pellet ablation rate to estimate initial runaway electron seed population in DIII-D rapid shutdown experiments. Nuclear Fusion, 57 (1). 016008. ISSN 0029-5515

Giunta, A. S. and Henderson, S. and O'Mullane, M. and Harrison, J. and Doyle, J.G. and Summers, H.P. (2016) Diagnosing transient plasma status : from solar atmosphere to tokamak divertor. Journal of Instrumentation, 11. C09008. ISSN 1748-0221

Solano, Emilia R. and Coffey, I and Huber, A. and Henderson, S. S. and O'Mullane, M. and Casson, Francis and Summers, H. and Putterich, T. and Puiatti, M. E. and Carraro, L. and Valisa, M. and Menmuir, S. and Lawson, K. D. and Sertoli, M. and Lomanowski, B. and Reinke, M. and Bernert, M. and Drewelow, P. and Maslov, M. and Flanagan, J. and Sergienko, G. and Stamp, M. and Brezinsek, S. and Meneses, L. and Schmuck, S. and Boom, J. and Giroud, C. and Guillemaut, C. and De la Luna, E. and Baciero, A. JET Contributors (2016) Characterising W radiation in JET-ILW plasmas. In: 43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 40A . European Physical Society (EPS), BEL. ISBN 2914771991

Jardin, A. and Mazon, D. and O'Mullane, M. and Chernyshova, M. and Czarski, T. and Malinowski, K. and Kasprowicz, G. and Wojenski, A. and Pozniak, K. and Malard, P. and Bourdelle, C.; Mantica, P. and Giruzzi, G. and Fajardo, M. and Gans, T., eds. (2016) Synthetic SXR diagnostic using GEM detectors on WEST : development in the prospect of tungsten monitoring. In: 43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 40A . European Physical Society (EPS), BEL. ISBN 2914771991

Preval, S. P. and Badnell, N. R. and O'Mullane, M. G. (2016) Partial and total dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for W73+ to W56+. Physical Review A, 93 (4). 042703. ISSN 1050-2947

Guillemaut, C and Jardin, A and Horacek, J and Borodkina, I and Autricque, A and Arnoux, G and Boom, J and Brezinsek, S and Coenen, J W and De La Luna, E and Devaux, S and Eich, T and Harting, D and Kirschner, A and Lipschultz, B and Matthews, G F and Meigs, A and Moulton, D and O'Mullane, M and Stamp, M (2016) Experimental estimation of tungsten impurity sputtering due to Type I ELMs in JET-ITER-like wall using pedestal electron cyclotron emission and target Langmuir probe measurements. Physica Scripta, 2016 (T167). ISSN 0031-8949


Mazon, Didier and Chernyshova, Maryna and Jiolat, Guillaume and Czarski, Tomasz and Malard, Philippe and Kowalska-Strzeciwilk, Ewa and Jablonski, Slawomir and Figacz, Waldemar and Zagorski, Roman and Kubkowska, Monika and Kasprowicz, Grzegorz and Pozniak, Krzysztof and Zabolotny, Wojciech and Larroque, Sébastien and Verger, Jean Marc and O'Mullane, Martin and Mlynar, Jan and Byszuk, Adrian and Wojenski, Andrzej (2015) Design of soft-X-ray tomographic system in WEST using GEM detectors. Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97. pp. 856-860. ISSN 0920-3796

Preval, S. P. and Badnell, N. R. and O'Mullane, M. (2015) The Tungsten Project : Dielectronic Recombination data for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635 (2). 022068. ISSN 1742-6588

Henderson, S S and Garzotti, L and Casson, F J and Dickinson, D and O'Mullane, M and Patel, A and Roach, C M and Summers, H P and Tanabe, H and Valovic, M (2015) Charge dependence of neoclassical and turbulent transport of light impurities on MAST. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57 (9). 095001. ISSN 0741-3335

Bluteau, M M and O'Mullane, M G and Badnell, N R (2015) Dirac R-matrix and Breit–Pauli distorted wave calculations of the electron-impact excitation of W44+. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48 (19). 195701. ISSN 0953-4075

Hong, Joohwan and Lee, Seung Hun and Kim, Juhyung and Seon, C.R. and Lee, S.G. and Park, G.Y. and Lee, K.D. and Henderson, S.S. and Lee, H.Y. and Park, Jae Sun and Jang, Juhyeok and Jang, Siwon and Jeon, Taemin and O'Mullane, M. and Choe, Wonhoe (2015) Control of core argon impurity profile by ECH in KSTAR L-mode plasmas. Nuclear Fusion, 55 (6). 063016. ISSN 0029-5515

Romanelli, F. and O'Mullane, M. and Summers, H.P, JET Contributors (2015) Overview of the JET results. Nuclear Fusion, 55 (10). 104001. ISSN 1741-4326


Henderson, S.S. and Garzotti, L. and Casson, F.J. and Dickinson, D. and Fox, M.F.J. and O'Mullane, M. and Patel, A. and Roach, C.M. and Summers, H.P. and Valovic, M. (2014) Neoclassical and gyrokinetic analysis of time-dependent helium transport experiments on MAST. Nuclear Fusion, 54 (9). 093013. ISSN 1741-4326

Pindzola, M. S. and Loch, S. D. and Ballance, C. P. and Abdel-Naby, Sh A. and Lee, T. G. and Colgan, J. and Fontes, C. J. and Badnell, N. R. and O'Mullane, M. G. (2014) Atomic collision processes for astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 548 (1). 012010. ISSN 1742-6588


Badnell, N. R. and Ballance, C. P. and Griffin, D. C. and O'Mullane, M. (2012) Dielectronic recombination of W20+ (4d(10)4 f(8)) : addressing the half-open f shell. Physical Review A, 85 (5). 052716. ISSN 1050-2947

Kumar, S.T.A. and Den Hartog, D. J. and Chapman, B. E. and O'Mullane, Martin and Nornberg, M. and Craig, D. and Eilerman, S. and Fiksel, G. and Parke, E. and Reusch, J. (2012) High resolution charge-exchange spectroscopic measurements of aluminum impurity ions in a high temperature plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0741-3335


Czarnecka, A. and Zastrow, K-D and Rzadkiewicz, J. and Coffey, I. H. and Lawson, K. D. and O'Mullane, M. G. and Contributors, JET-EFDA (2011) Determination of metal impurity density,Delta Z(eff) and dilution on JET by VUV emission spectroscopy. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53 (3). ISSN 0741-3335

Lawson, K. D. and Aggarwal, K. M. and Coffey, I. H. and Keenan, F. P. and O'Mullane, M. G. and Ryc, L. and Zacks, J. and Contributors, JET-EFDA (2011) An analysis of VUV C (IV) emission from the JET divertor giving measurements of electron temperatures. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53 (1. Spe). ISSN 0741-3335


Delabie, E. and Brix, M. and Giroud, C. and Jaspers, R. J. E. and Marchuk, O. and O'Mullane, M. G. and Ralchenko, Yu and Surrey, E. and von Hellermann, M. G. and Zastrow, K. D. and Contributors, JE (2010) Consistency of atomic data for the interpretation of beam emission spectra. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 52 (12). p. 125008. ISSN 0741-3335

Hill, K. W. and Bitter, M. and Delgado-Aparicio, L. and Johnson, D. and Feder, R. and Beiersdorfer, P. and Dunn, J. and Morris, K. and Wang, E. and Reinke, M. and Podpaly, Y. and Rice, J. E. and Barnsley, R. and O'Mullane, M. and Lee, S. G. (2010) Development of a spatially resolving x-ray crystal spectrometer for measurement of ion-temperature (T-i) and rotation-velocity (v) profiles in ITER. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81 (10). 10E322. ISSN 0034-6748

Putterich, T. and Neu, R. and Dux, R. and Whiteford, A. D. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Summers, H.P. (2010) Calculation and experimental test of the cooling factor of tungsten. Nuclear Fusion, 50 (2). 025012. ISSN 0029-5515


O'Mullane, Martin and Foster, A. R. and Whiteford, Allan and Summers, H.P. and Loch, S.D. and Lauro-Taroni, L. (2009) Atomic data for core and edge modeling needs. In: 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, 2009-03-22 - 2009-03-26.

Lisgo, S. and Borner, P. and Counsell, G.F. and Dowling, J. and Kirk, A. and Scannell, R. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Reiter, D. (2009) Interpretation of spatially resolved helium line ratios on mast. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 390-91. pp. 1078-1080. ISSN 0022-3115


Zastrow, K.D. and Keatings, S.R. and Marot, L. and O'Mullane, M.G. and de Temmerman, G. (2008) Modeling the effect of reflection from metallic walls on spectroscopic measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments, 79 (10). 10F527. ISSN 0034-6748

Putterich, T. and Neu, R. and Dux, R. and Whiteford, A.D. and O'Mullane, M.G. (2008) Modelling of measured tungsten spectra from ASDEX upgrade and predictions for ITER. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 50 (8). 085016. ISSN 0741-3335

Loch, S.D. and Pindzola, M.S. and Ballance, C.P. and Griffin, D.C. and Colgan, J. and Badnell, N.R. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Summers, H.P. (2008) Generalized collisional radiative model for light elements. Part B : data for the Be isonuclear sequence. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 94 (2). pp. 257-321. ISSN 0092-640X

Peacock, N.J. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Barnsley, R. and Tarbutt, M. (2008) Anticipated X-ray and VUV spectroscopic data from ITER with appropriate diagnostic instrumentation. Canadian Journal of Physics, 86 (1). pp. 277-284. ISSN 0008-4204


Ahn, J-W. and Craig, D. and Fiksel, G. and Den Hartog, D.J. and Anderson, J.K. and O'Mullane, M.G. (2007) Emission intensities and line ratios from a fast neutral helium beam. Physics of Plasmas, 14 (8). 083301. ISSN 1070-664X

Giroud, C. and Barnsley, R. and Buratti, P. and Coffey, I.H. and von Hellermann, M. and Jupen, C. and Lawson, K.D. and Meigs, A. and O'Mullane, M. and Whiteford, A.D. and Zastrow, K.-D. and Contributors, JET EFDA (2007) Method for experimental determination of Z dependence of impurity transport on JET. Nuclear Fusion, 47 (4). pp. 313-330. ISSN 1741-4326


Loch, S. D. and Colgan, J. and Witthoeft, M. C. and Pindzola, M. S. and Ballance, C. P. and Mitnik, D. M. and Griffin, D. C. and O'Mullane, M. G. and Badnell, N. R. and Summers, H. P. (2006) Generalised collisional-radiative model for light elements. A : Data for the Li isonuclear sequence. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 92 (6). pp. 813-851. ISSN 0092-640X

Den Hartog, D.J. and Craig, D. and Ennis, D. A. and Fiksel, G. and Gangadhara, S. and Holly, D.J. and Reardon, J.C. and Davydenko, V.I. and Ivanov, A.A. and Lizunov, A.A. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Summers, H.P. (2006) Advances in neutral-beam-based diagnostics on the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments, 77 (10). 10F122. ISSN 0034-6748

O'Mullane, M.G. and Summers, H.P. and Whiteford, A.D. and Meigs, A.G. and Lawson, K.D. and Zastrow, K.-D. and Barnsley, R. and Coffey, I.H. and Contributors, JET EFDA (2006) Atomic modeling and instrumentation for measurement and analysis of emission in preparation for the ITER-like wall in JET. Review of Scientific Instruments, 77 (10). 10F520. ISSN 0034-6748

Ahn, J.-W. and Craig, D. and Fiksel, G. and Den Hartog, D.J. and Anderson, J.K. and O'Mullane, M.G. (2006) Development of fast helium beam emission spectroscopy on MST. Review of Scientific Instruments, 77 (10). 10F114. ISSN 0034-6748

Murari, A. and Alper, B. and Bertalot, L. and Brzozowski, J. H. and Coad, P. and Conroy, S. and De la Luna, E. and Ericsson, G. and Esser, H. G. and Hacquin, S. and Kaellne, J. and Kiptily, V. and Lawson, K. and O'Mullane, M. and Philipps, V. and Sharapov, S. and Zastrow, K.-D. and Contributors, JET EFDA (2006) New diagnostic techniques and technologies at JET (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments, 77 (10). 10F529. ISSN 0034-6748

Andrew, Y. and Sartori, R. and Righi, E. and De la Luna, E. and Hacquin, S. and Howell, D.F. and Hawkes, N.C. and Horton, L.D. and Huber, A. and Korotkov, A. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Contributors, JET EFDA (2006) H-mode access in the low density regime on JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 48 (4). pp. 479-488. ISSN 0741-3335

Summers, H.P. and Dickson, W.J. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Badnell, N.R. and Whiteford, A.D. and Brooks, D.H. and Lang, J. and Loch, S.D. and Griffin, D.C. (2006) Ionization state, excited populations and emission of impurities in dynamic finite density plasmas: I. The generalized collisional-radiative model for light elements. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 48 (2). pp. 263-293. ISSN 0741-3335


Stork, D. and Baranov, Y. and Belo, P. and Bertalot, L. and Borba, D. and Brzozowski, J.H. and Challis, C.D. and Ciric, D. and Neu, R and O'Mullane, M and Contributors, JET EFDA (2005) Overview of transport, fast particle and heating and current drive physics using tritium in JET plasmas. Nuclear Fusion, 45 (10). S181-S194. ISSN 0029-5515

Zastrow, K.D. and Cox, S.J. and von Hellermann, M.G. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Stork, D. and Brix, M. and Challis, C.D. and Coffey, I.H. and Contributors, JET EFDA (2005) Helium exhaust experiments on JET with Type I ELMs in H-mode and with Type III ELMs in ITB discharges. Nuclear Fusion, 45 (3). pp. 163-175. ISSN 0029-5515

Neu, R. and Dux, R. and Kallenbach, A. and Putterich, T. and Balden, M. and Fuchs, J.C. and Herrmann, A. and Maggi, C.F. and O'Mullane, M. and team, ASDEX Upgrade (2005) Tungsten : an option for divertor and main chamber plasma facing components in future fusion devices. Nuclear Fusion, 45 (3). pp. 209-218. ISSN 1741-4326

von Hellermann, M.G. and Bertschinger, G. and Biel, W. and Giroud, C. and Jaspers, R. and Jupen, C. and Marchuk, O. and O'Mullane, M. and Summers, H.P. and Whiteford, A. and Zastrow, K.D. (2005) Complex spectra in fusion plasmas. Physica Scripta, T120. pp. 19-29. ISSN 0031-8949


Badnell, N.R. and Berrington, K.A. and Summers, H.P. and O'Mullane, M.G. and Whiteford, A.D. and Ballance, C.P. (2004) Electron-impact excitation of Xe26+ and its resultant spectral signature. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37 (23). pp. 4589-4601. ISSN 0953-4075


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