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Number of items: 8.


Fox, M. and Long, D. and Porteous, J.; (2007) Discovering near symmetry in graphs. In: Proceedings of AAAI 2007. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. ISBN 978-1-57735-323-2


McCluskey, T.L. and Porteous, J.M. and Naik, Y. and Taylor, C.N. and Jones, S. (2006) A requirements capture method and its use in an air traffic control application. Software: Practice and Experience, 25 (1). pp. 47-71. ISSN 0038-0644


Fox, M. and Long, D. and Porteous, J.; (2005) Abstraction-based action ordering in planning. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05). IJCAI.


Hoffmann, J. and Porteous, J. and Sebastia, L. (2004) Ordered landmarks in planning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 22. pp. 215-278.

Gregory, P. and Cresswell, S. and Long, D. and Porteous, J.; Harvey, W. and Kiziltan, Z., eds. (2004) On the extraction of disjunctive landmarks from planning problems via symmetry reduction. In: Proceedings of SymCon'04. Springer, pp. 34-41.

Porteous, J. and Long, D. and Fox, M.; Brown, K., ed. (2004) The identification and exploitation of almost symmetry in planning problems. In: 23rd UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, 2004-12-20 - 2004-12-21.


Porteous, J. and Cresswell, S. (2002) Extending landmarks analysis to reason about resources and repetition. In: Proceedings of the 21st Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group (PLANSIG '02), 2002-11-21 - 2002-11-22.


Porteous, Julie and Sebastia, Laura and Hoffmann, Jorg (2001) On the extraction, ordering, and usage of landmarks in planning. In: 6th European Conference on Planning, 2001-09-12 - 2016-07-14.

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