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Udom, Evans Joel and Lappa, Marcello (2025) Comparative analysis of microchannel heat sinks for different values of the Prandtl and Reynolds numbers. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow. ISSN 0961-5539
Watson, Peter and Bonnieu, Sebastien Vincent and Anwar, Ali and Lappa, Marcello (2025) 3D waveforms and patterning behavior in thin monodisperse and multidisperse vertically-vibrated layers. Granular Matter, 27. 19. ISSN 1434-5021
Manayil Santhosh, Balagopal and Lappa, Marcello; (2025) Morphological evolution of particle accumulation structures induced by thermo-vibrational effects in non-uniformly heated systems under microgravity conditions. In: AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum. AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA. ISBN 9781624107238
Watson, Peter and Bonnieu, Sebastien Vincent and Anwar, Ali and Lappa, Marcello (2024) Experimental analysis of vibrationally-induced fluidization of lunar regolith in hoppers and closed containers. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre. (In Press)
Manayil Santhosh, Balagopal and Anwar, Ali and Lappa, Marcello (2024) On the various numerical methods for the simulation and validation of thermovibrationally-driven solid particle accumulation phenomena in microgravity conditions. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre.
Esposito, Antonio and Lappa, Marcello and Allouis, Christophe (2024) A combustion-driven facility for hypersonic sustained flight simulation. Journal of Aerospace Science, Technologies & Systems, 103 (3). pp. 271-287. ISSN 0365-7442
Ferialdi, Hermes and Lappa, Marcello (2024) An experimental and numerical investigation into the sensitivity of Rayleigh-Bénard convection to heat loss through the sidewalls. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 464. 134190. ISSN 0167-2789
Manayil Santhosh, Balagopal and Lappa, Marcello (2024) Vibrationally driven particle formations in fluid systems with bimodal thermal inhomogeneities. Physics of Fluids, 36 (5). 053337. ISSN 1089-7666
Aljanadi, Ahmed and Oliveira, Monica S.N. and Lappa, Marcello (2024) Gravitational modes of convection in water liquid bridges. Physics of Fluids, 36. 054113. ISSN 1089-7666
Aljanadi, Ahmed Salahuldeen S and Lappa, Marcello; Fossati, Marco and Kontis, Kostantinos and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Monica and Chaparian, Emad, eds. (2024) Buoyancy-driven flow instabilities in liquid bridges. In: Book of abstracts: UK Fluids Conference 2023. University of Strathclyde, GBR. ISBN 978-1-914241-69-7
Watson, Peter and Bonnieu, Sebastien Vincent and Lappa, Marcello; Fossati, Marco and Kontis, Kostantinos and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Monica and Chaparian, Emad, eds. (2024) Convective states and patterning behavior in Lunar Regolith under the effect of vertical vibrations. In: Book of abstracts: UK Fluids Conference 2023. University of Strathclyde, GBR. ISBN 978-1-914241-69-7
Capobianchi, Paolo and Davoodi, Mahdi and Poole, Robert J. and Lappa, Marcello and Morozov, Alexander and Oliveira, Mónica S.N. (2024) Creeping thermocapillary motion of a Newtonian droplet suspended in a viscoelastic fluid. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 324. 105168. ISSN 0377-0257
Waris, Wasim and Lappa, Marcello (2024) Thermographic analysis of topographically controlled Marangoni–Rayleigh–Bénard convection in a fluid with temperature-dependent properties. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 196. 108718. ISSN 1290-0729
Lappa, Marcello and Carvil, Philip; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) Access to the space environment and low earth orbit : what are the opportunities. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 14-21. ISBN 9781914241680
Lappa, Marcello and Kao, Andrew; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) Considerations for material properties and processes in space and their impact. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 24-28. ISBN 9781914241680
Lappa, Marcello; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) New in-orbit self-assembly principles and manufacturing techniques. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 62-65. ISBN 9781914241680
Lappa, Marcello; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) New methods for the transport and management of lunar regolith. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 131-133. ISBN 9781914241680
Esposito, Antonio and Lappa, Marcello (2023) Perspectives and recent progresses on the simulation of the entry into the atmospheres of the outer ice giants. Journal of Aerospace Science, Technologies & Systems, 102. pp. 367-376. ISSN 0365-7442
Boaro, Alessio and MacDowall, Gregor and Lappa, Marcello (2023) Symmetry properties and bifurcations of viscoelastic thermovibrational convection in a square cavity. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 108 (6). 065101. ISSN 2470-0053
Manayil Santhosh, Balagopal and Lappa, Marcello; Kumar, Mohit Hemanth and Bal, Sasmita and B.M., Girish, eds. (2023) Comparative assessment of numerical models for the simulation of thermovibrational-driven solid particle accumulation phenomena in microgravity conditions. In: Proceedings of First Joint International Conference on Advances in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (ATCON 2: ICAMAE 2023). Alliance University, IND, pp. 234-235. ISBN 9788196590949
Watson, Peter and Bonnieu, Sebastien Vincent and Lappa, Marcello; Kumar, Mohit Hemanth and Bal, Sasmita and B.M., Girish, eds. (2023) Effect of vertical and horizontal vibrations, vessel size and layer height on the fluidization of lunar regolith. In: Proceedings of First Joint International Conference on Advances in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (ATCON 2: ICAMAE 2023). Alliance University, IND, pp. 238-239. ISBN 9788196590949
Watson, Peter and Bonnieu, Sebastien Vincent and Lappa, Marcello (2023) Fluidization and transport of vibrated granular matter : a review of landmark and recent contributions. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 20 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1555-2578
Manayil Santhosh, Balagopal and Lappa, Marcello (2023) Vibrationally-driven solid particle attractors in non-uniformly heated systems. In: UK Fluids Conference 2023, 2023-10-17 - 2023-10-19.
Manayil Santhosh, Balagopal and Lappa, Marcello (2023) On the relationship between solid particle attractors and thermal inhomogeneities in vibrationally-driven fluid-particle systems. Physics of Fluids, 35 (10). 103316. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello and Boaro, Alessio and Ferialdi, Hermes; Oliveira, Monica S. N. and Zografos, Konstantinos and Poole, Robert J. and Ellero, Marco and Anderson, Patrick D., eds. (2023) Viscoelastic thermally-driven flows in normal and microgravity conditions : laminar and turbulent states. In: 21st International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, p. 41. ISBN 9781914241420
Parker, Robert and Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello (2023) Competing particle attractee in liquid bridges. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 381 (2245). 20220302. ISSN 1471-2962
Lappa, Marcello and Inam, Saad (2023) Large eddy simulation of three-dimensional hybrid forced-buoyancy convection in channels with a step. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 202 (4). 123767. ISSN 0017-9310
Crewdson, Georgie and Lappa, Marcello (2023) Three-dimensional solid particle self-assembly in thermovibrational flow : the case with unidirectional temperature gradient and concurrent vibrations. Physics of Fluids, 35 (2). 023323. ISSN 1089-7666
Waris, Wasim and Lappa, Marcello (2023) Patterning behavior of hybrid buoyancy-Marangoni Convection in inclined layers heated from below. Fluids, 8 (1). 12. ISSN 2311-5521
Esposito, Antonio and Lappa, Marcello and Pagliara, Rocco and Spada, Gennaro (2022) A mixed radiative-convective technique for the calibration of heat flux sensors in hypersonic flow. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 18 (2). pp. 189-203. ISSN 1555-2578
Boaro, Alessio and Lappa, Marcello (2022) On the competition of transverse and longitudinal modes of Marangoni convection in a three-dimensional layer of viscoelastic fluid. Physics of Fluids, 34 (12). 123103. ISSN 1089-7666
Esposito, Antonio and Allouis, Christophe and Lappa, Marcello; (2022) A new facility for hypersonic flow simulation driven by a high velocity oxygen fuel gun. In: Proceedings of the 33th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS). International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Bonn.
Crewdson, Georgie and Evans, Matthew and Lappa, Marcello (2022) Two-dimensional vibrationally-driven solid particle structures in non-uniformly heated fluid containers. Chaos, 32 (10). p. 103119. 103119. ISSN 1054-1500
Lappa, Marcello (2022) Incompressible flows and the Boussinesq approximation : 50 years of CFD. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 350 (S1). ISSN 1631-0721
Inam, Saad and Lappa, Marcello (2022) Hybrid forced-buoyancy convection in a channel with a backward facing step. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194. 122963. ISSN 0017-9310
Crewdson, Georgie and Boaro, Alessio and Kerr, Monica Mary and Lappa, Marcello; (2022) Supporting an ISS experiment as PhD students : a case study of the PARTICLE VIBRATION project. In: Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities. Symposium on Space Educational Activities . Symposium on Space Educational Activities (SSEA), ESP. ISBN 9788419184405
Lappa, Marcello and Burel, Thomas and Kerr, Monica and Crewdson, Georgie and Boaro, Alessio and Capobianchi, Paolo and Bonnieu, Sebastien Vincent and Murphy, Lesley and Randall, Peter and Hens, Steven (2022) Particle Vibration, an instrument to study particle accumulation structures on board the International Space Station. Microgravity Science and Technology, 34 (3). 33. ISSN 1875-0494
Capobianchi, P. and Lappa, M. and Oliveira, M. S. N. and Pinho, F. T. (2022) Erratum : Shear rheology of a dilute emulsion of ferrofluid droplets dispersed in a non-magnetizable carrier fluid under the influence of a uniform magnetic field (Journal of Rheology (2021) 65 (925) DOI: 10.1122/8.0000226). Journal of Rheology, 66 (4). p. 811. ISSN 1520-8516
Lappa, Marcello (2022) On the propagation of hydrothermal waves in a fluid layer with two-way coupled dispersed solid particles. Fluids, 7 (7). 215. ISSN 2311-5521
Lappa, Marcello (2022) Characterization of two-way coupled thermovibrationally driven particle attractee. Physics of Fluids, 34 (5). 053109. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello and Waris, Wasim (2022) On the role of heat source location and multiplicity in topographically controlled Marangoni-Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 939. A20. ISSN 0022-1120
Nasseri, Lynn and Himrane, Nabil and Ameziani, Djamel Eddine and Bourada, Abderrahmane and Bennacer, Rachid and Silva, Luis and Gupta, Parag and MacTaggart, David and Simitev, Radostin D. and Busse, Friedrich H. and Fischer, Patrick and Bruneau, Charles-Henri and Kellay, Hamid and Vitoshkin, Helena and Gelfgat, Alexander and Ueno, Ichiro and Khayat, Roger E. and Hossain, Mohammad Tanvir and Crewdson, Georgie and Lappa, Marcello and Kozlov, Victor and Rysin, Kirill and Vjatkin, Aleksei and Dmitrenko, Artur V. and Papazian, K. and Al Hajaj, Z. and Saghir, M. Z. (2022) Thermal Flows. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), Basel, Switzerland. ISBN 9783036522272
Crewdson, Georgie and Lappa, Marcello (2022) An investigation into the behavior of non-isodense particles in chaotic thermovibrational flow. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 18 (3). pp. 497-510. ISSN 1555-2578
Crewdson, Georgie and Lappa, Marcello (2022) Spatial and temporal evolution of three-dimensional thermovibrational convection in a cubic cavity with various thermal boundary conditions. Physics of Fluids, 34 (1). 014108. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello and Sayar, Aydin and Waris, Wasim (2021) Topographically controlled Marangoni-Rayleigh-Bénard convection in liquid metals. Fluids, 6 (12). 447. ISSN 2311-5521
Capobianchi, P. and Lappa, M. and Oliveira, M. S. N. and Pinho, F. T. (2021) Shear rheology of a dilute emulsion of ferrofluid droplets dispersed in a non-magnetizable carrier fluid under the influence of a uniform magnetic field. Journal of Rheology, 65 (5). pp. 925-941. ISSN 1520-8516
Lappa, Marcello and Boaro, Alessio (2021) Viscoelastic thermovibrational flow driven by sinusoidal and pulse (square) waves. Fluids, 6 (9). 311. ISSN 2311-5521
Visone, M. and Lanzetta, M. and Lappa, M. and Lanzaro, C. and Polizio, L. (2021) Three-dimensional simulation of clouds of multi-disperse evaporating saliva droplets in a train cabin. Physics of Fluids, 33 (8). 083318. ISSN 1089-7666
Boaro, Alessio and Lappa, Marcello (2021) Competition of overstability and stabilizing effects in viscoelastic thermovibrational flow. Physical Review E, 104 (2). 025102. ISSN 2470-0053
Inam, Saad and Lappa, Marcello (2021) Flow topology and bifurcations of buoyancy and mixed convection in an elongated channel with an abrupt section variation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 173. 121267. ISSN 0017-9310
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Mónica and Pinho, Fernando (2021) Shear rheology of a dilute emulsion of ferrofluid droplets dispersed in a non-magnetizable carrier fluid under the influence of a uniform magnetic field. Preprint / Working Paper., Ithaca, N.Y..
Crewdson, Georgie and Lappa, Marcello (2021) Thermally-driven flows and turbulence in vibrated liquids. International Journal of Thermofluids, 11. 100102. ISSN 2666-2027
Frank, M. and Lappa, M. and Capobianchi, P. (2021) Investigation of thermocapillary migration of nano-droplets using molecular dynamics. Physics of Fluids, 33 (4). 042110. ISSN 1089-7666
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello (2021) Particle accumulation structures in a 5 cSt silicone oil liquid bridge : new data for the preparation of the JEREMI experiment. Microgravity Science and Technology, 33 (2). 31. ISSN 1875-0494
Boaro, Alessio and Lappa, Marcello (2021) Multicellular states of viscoelastic thermovibrational convection in a square cavity. Physics of Fluids, 33 (3). 033105. ISSN 1089-7666
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello (2021) On the influence of gravity on particle accumulation structures in high aspect-ratio liquid bridges. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 908. A29. ISSN 0022-1120
Crewdson, Georgie and Lappa, Marcello (2021) The zoo of modes of convection in liquids vibrated along the direction of the temperature gradient. Fluids, 6 (1). 30. ISSN 2311-5521
Lappa, Marcello and Boaro, Alessio (2020) Rayleigh-Bénard convection in viscoelastic liquid bridges. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 904. A2. ISSN 0022-1120
Ferialdi, Hermes and Lappa, Marcello and Haughey, Christopher (2020) On the role of thermal boundary conditions in typical problems of buoyancy convection : a combined experimental-numerical analysis. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 159. 120012. ISSN 0017-9310
Lappa, Marcello and Inam, Saad (2020) Thermogravitational and hybrid convection in an obstructed compact cavity. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 156. 106478. ISSN 1290-0729
Lappa, Marcello; Hashmi, Saleem, ed. (2020) Thermally-driven flows in polymeric liquids. In: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Elsevier, Oxford, 724–742. ISBN 9780128035818
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello (2020) Particle accumulation structures in non-cylindrical liquid bridges under microgravity conditions. Physical Review Fluids, 5 (8). 084304. ISSN 2469-990X
Esposito, Antonio and Lappa, Marcello and Zuppardi, Gennaro and Allouis, Christophe and Apicella, Barbara and Commodo, Mario and Minutolo, Patrizia and Russo, Carmela (2020) On the formation and accumulation of solid carbon particles in high-enthalpy flows mimicking re-entry in the Titan atmosphere. Fluids, 5 (2). 93. ISSN 2311-5521
Lappa, Marcello and Burel, Thomas (2020) Symmetry breaking phenomena in thermovibrationally driven particle accumulation structures. Physics of Fluids, 32 (5). 053314. ISSN 1089-7666
Esposito, A. and Lappa, M. (2020) Extension of the Frozen Sonic Flow Method to mixtures of polyatomic gases. AIAA Journal, 58 (1). pp. 265-277. ISSN 0001-1452
Lappa, Marcello (2019) On the gravitational suppression of hydrothermal modes in liquid layers with a blockage on the bottom wall. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 145. 105987. ISSN 1290-0729
Lappa, Marcello (2019) On the highly unsteady dynamics of multiple thermal buoyant jets in cross flows. Physics of Fluids, 31 (11). 115105. ISSN 1089-7666
Esposito, Antonio and Lappa, Marcello and Zuppardi, Gennaro and Allouis, Christophe and Apicella, Barbara and Commodo, Mario and Minutolo, Patrizia and Russo, Carmela (2019) Solid carbon produced during the simulation of re-entry in the Titan atmosphere by means of an arc-driven flow facility. In: International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Reentry Missions & Engineering, 2019-09-30 - 2019-10-03, Monopoli.
Capobianchi, Paolo and T. Pinho, Fernando and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Mónica S. N. (2019) Thermocapillary motion of a Newtonian drop in a dilute viscoelastic fluid. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 270. pp. 8-22. ISSN 0377-0257
Lappa, Marcello (2019) On the formation and morphology of coherent particulate structures in non-isothermal enclosures subjected to rotating g-jitters. Physics of Fluids, 31 (7). 073303. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello (2019) Time reversibility and non deterministic behaviour in oscillatorily sheared suspensions of non-interacting particles at high Reynolds numbers. Computers and Fluids, 184. pp. 78-90. ISSN 0045-7930
Lappa, Marcello; Lind, Patrick R., ed. (2019) Convective effects and traveling waves in transparent oxide materials processed with the floating zone technique. In: Recent Studies in Materials Science. Materials Science and Technologies . Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, pp. 97-150. ISBN 9781536152708
Lappa, Marcello and Ferialdi, Hermes; Lind, Patrick R., ed. (2019) Oscillatory and turbulent flows of liquid metals in differentially heated systems with horizontal and non-horizontal walls. In: Recent Studies in Materials Science. Materials Science and Technologies . Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, pp. 151-209. ISBN 9781536152708
Lappa, Marcello; (2019) Towards new contact-less techniques for the control of inertial particles dispersed in a fluid. In: 12th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, February 23-26, 2019, Gandhinagar , India. ICTEA/Ryerson University, IND.
Lappa, M. and Esposito, A. and Aponte, F. and Allouis, C. (2019) High velocity infrared thermography and numerical trajectories of solid particles in compressible gas flow. Powder Technology, 343. pp. 671-682. ISSN 0032-5910
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Mónica S. N.; Nóbrega, João and Jasak, Hrvoje, eds. (2019) Implementation of a flexible and modular multiphase framework for the analysis of surface-tension driven flows based on a L-S VOF approach. In: OpenFOAM®. Springer, PRT, pp. 235-247. ISBN 978-3-319-60846-4
Lappa, Marcello and Ferialdi, Hermes (2018) Multiple solutions, oscillons and strange attractors in thermoviscoelastic marangoni convection. Physics of Fluids, 30 (10). 104104. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello and Ferialdi, Hermes (2018) Gravitational thermal flows of liquid metals in 3D variable cross-section containers : transition from low-dimensional to high-dimensional chaos. Chaos, 28 (9). 093114. ISSN 1054-1500
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Mónica S. N. (2018) Deformation of a ferrofluid droplet in a simple shear flow under the effect of a constant magnetic field. Computers and Fluids, 173. pp. 313-323. ISSN 0045-7930
Lappa, Marcello (2018) On the formation and propagation of hydrothermal waves in liquid layers with phase change. Computers and Fluids, 172. pp. 741-760. ISSN 0045-7930
Lappa, Marcello; Gelfgat, Alexander, ed. (2018) A mathematical and numerical framework for the simulation of oscillatory buoyancy and Marangoni convection in rectangular cavities with variable cross section. In: Computational Modeling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Mechanics. Springer Mathematical Series, 50 . Springer, Cham., pp. 419-458. ISBN 9783319914930
Lappa, Marcello and Gradinscak, Tomislav (2018) On the oscillatory modes of compressible thermal convection in inclined differentially heated cavities. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121. pp. 412-436. ISSN 0017-9310
Lappa, Marcello (2018) On the transport, segregation and dispersion of heavy and light particles interacting with rising thermal plumes. Physics of Fluids, 30 (3). 033302. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello (2017) An alternative theoretical approach for the derivation of analytic and numerical solutions to thermal Marangoni flows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 114. 407–418. ISSN 0017-9310
Lappa, Marcello (2017) Hydrothermal waves in two-dimensional liquid layers with sudden changes in the available cross-section. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 27 (11). pp. 2629-2649. ISSN 0961-5539
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Monica (2017) Walls and domain shape effects on the thermal marangoni migration of three-dimensional droplets. Physics of Fluids, 29 (11). 112102. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello (2017) On the oscillatory hydrodynamic modes in liquid metal layers with an obstruction located on the bottom. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 118. pp. 303-319. ISSN 1290-0729
Lappa, Marcello (2017) On the multiplicity and symmetry of particle attractors in confined non-isothermal fluids subjected to inclined vibrations. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 93. pp. 71-83. ISSN 0301-9322
Lappa, Marcello and Ferialdi, Hermes (2017) On the oscillatory hydrodynamic instability of gravitational thermal flows of liquid metals in variable cross-section containers. Physics of Fluids, 29 (6). 064106. ISSN 1089-7666
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Mónica S. N.; (2017) Numerical simulations of the thermocapillary migration of a deformable Newtonian droplet in an Oldroyd-B matrix fluid in stokes flow conditions. In: 30th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. ISBN 9781527209725
Gradinscak, Tomislav and Lappa, Marcello (2017) Oscillatory compressible thermal convection in vertical and inclined differentially heated cavities. In: 30th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, 2017-05-19 - 2017-05-19, University of Strathclyde.
Ferialdi, Hermes and Lappa, Marcello (2017) Oscillatory motion of liquid metals in non-isothermal geometries with converging or diverging walls. In: 30th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, 2017-05-19 - 2017-05-19, University of Strathclyde.
Lappa, Marcello and Drikakis, Dimitris and Kokkinakis, Ioannis (2017) On the propagation and multiple reflections of a blast wave travelling through a dusty gas in a closed box. Physics of Fluids, 29 (3). 033301. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello and Ferialdi, Hermes (2017) On the general properties of steady gravitational thermal flows of liquid metals in variable cross-section containers. Review of Applied Physics, 5 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2327-1612
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Monica; Co, Albert, ed. (2017) Thermal Marangoni migration of droplets in an Oldroyd-B fluid under creeping flow conditions. In: The Society of Rheology. University of Maine, Orono, ME..
Ben Sassi, Mokhtar and Kaddeche, Slim and Lappa, Marcello and Millet, Séverine and Henry, Daniel and Ben Hadid, Hamda (2017) On the effect of thermodiffusion on solute segregation during the growth of semiconductor materials by the vertical Bridgman method. Journal of Crystal Growth, 458. pp. 154-165. ISSN 0022-0248
Lappa, Marcello (2016) On the onset of multi-wave patterns in laterally heated floating zones for slightly supercritical conditions. Physics of Fluids, 28 (12). 124105. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello (2016) Numerical study into the morphology and formation mechanisms of three dimensional particle structures in vibrated cylindrical cavities with various heating conditions. Physical Review Fluids, 1 (6). 064203.
Lappa, Marcello (2016) On the nature, formation and diversity of particulate coherent structures in microgravity conditions and their relevance to materials science and problems of astrophysical interest. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 110 (4). pp. 348-386. ISSN 1029-0419
Capobianchi, Paolo and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Monica; (2016) Development of a multiphase solver for numerical simulations of thermally driven marangoni flows. In: The 29th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Book of Abstracts. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, p. 15.
Lappa, Marcello (2016) A mathematical and numerical framework for the analysis of compressible thermal convection in gases at very high temperatures. Journal of Computational Physics, 313. pp. 687-712. ISSN 0021-9991
Lappa, Marcello (2016) Patterning behavior of gravitationally modulated supercritical Marangoni flow in liquid layers. Physical Review E, 93 (5). 053107. ISSN 2470-0053
Lappa, Marcello (2016) Control of convection patterning and intensity in shallow cavities by harmonic vibrations. Microgravity Science and Technology, 28 (1). pp. 29-39. ISSN 1875-0494
Frulla, G. and Gili, P. and Visone, M. and D'Oriano, V. and Lappa, M. (2015) A practical engineering approach to the design and manufacturing of a mini kW blade wind turbine : definition, optimisation and CFD analysis. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 11 (3). pp. 257-277. ISSN 1555-2578
Lappa, Marcello (2014) The patterning behaviour and accumulation of spherical particles in a vibrated non-isothermal liquid. Physics of Fluids, 26 (9). 093301. ISSN 1089-7666
Shevtsova, V. and Gaponenko, Y. and Kuhlmann, H. C. and Lappa, M. and Lukasser, M. and Matsumoto, S. and Mialdun, A. and Montanero, J. M. and Nishino, K. and Ueno, I. (2014) The JEREMI-project on thermocapillary convection in liquid bridges. Part B : Overview on impact of co-axial gas flow. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 10 (2). pp. 197-240. ISSN 1555-2578
Kuhlmann, H. C. and Lappa, M. and Melnikov, D. and Mukin, R. and Muldoon, F. H. and Pushkin, D. and Shevtsova, V. and Ueno, I. (2014) The JEREMI-project on thermocapillary convection in liquid bridges. Part A : Overview of particle accumulation structures. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 10 (1). pp. 1-36. ISSN 1555-2578
Lappa, Marcello (2014) Stationary solid particle attractors in standing waves. Physics of Fluids, 26 (1). 013305. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, Marcello (2013) On the variety of particle accumulation structures under the effect of g-jitters. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 726. pp. 160-195. ISSN 0022-1120
Lappa, Marcello (2013) On the existence and multiplicity of one-dimensional solid particle attractors in time-dependent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 23 (1). 013105. ISSN 1054-1500
Lappa, Marcello (2013) Assessment of the role of axial vorticity in the formation of particle accumulation structures in supercritical Marangoni and hybrid thermocapillary-rotation-driven flows. Physics of Fluids, 25 (1). 012101. ISSN 1089-7666
Lappa, M. and Savino, R. (2002) 3D analysis of crystal/melt interface shape and Marangoni flow instability in solidifying liquid bridges. Journal of Computational Physics, 180 (2). pp. 751-774. ISSN 0021-9991
Monti, R. and Savino, R. and Lappa, M. (2001) On the convective disturbances induced by g-jitter on the space station. Acta Astronautica, 48 (5-12). pp. 603-615. ISSN 0094-5765
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