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Number of items: 72.


Sargent, Marisa and Wark, Alastair W. and Day, Sarah and Buis, Arjan (2024) An ex vivo animal model to study the effect of transverse mechanical loading on skeletal muscle. Communications Biology, 7 (1). 302. ISSN 2399-3642


Sargent, Marisa and Wark, Alastair and Buis, Arjan (2022) The effect of prosthesis-related loading on soft tissue health. In: Strathclyde Doctoral School Multidisciplinary Symposium 2022, 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-10, Learning and Teaching Building - University of Strathclyde.

Tipping, William J. and Wilson, Liam T. and An, Connie and Leventi, Aristea A. and Wark, Alastair W. and Wetherill, Corinna and Tomkinson, Nicholas C. O. and Faulds, Karen and Graham, Duncan (2022) Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy with spectral phasor analysis : applications in assessing drug-cell interactions. Chemical Science, 13 (12). pp. 3468-3476. ISSN 2041-6539


Boccorh, Delali K. and MacDonald, Peter A. and Boyle, Colm W. and Wain, Andrew J. and Berlouis, Leonard E. A. and Wark, Alastair W. (2021) A universal polymer shell-isolated nanoparticle (SHIN) design for single particle spectro-electrochemical SERS sensing using different core shapes. Nanoscale Advances, 3 (22). pp. 6415-6426. ISSN 2516-0230

Graser, Marisa and Wark, Alastair and Day, Sarah and Sandison, Mairi and McConnell, Gail and Buis, Arjan (2021) Investigating the response of skeletal muscle to prosthesis-related loading conditions : an ex vivo animal model. In: International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics 18th World Congress, 2021-11-01 - 2021-11-04, Virtual.

Graser, M. and Wark, A. and Day, S. and Buis, A. (2021) Development of an ex vivo model to study the response of skeletal muscle to transverse mechanical loading. In: BioMedEng21, 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-07, University of Sheffield.

Okesola, Babatunde O. and Mendoza-Martinez, Ana Karen and Cidonio, Gianluca and Derkus, Burak and Boccorh, Delali K. and Osuna de la Peña, David and Elsharkawy, Sherif and Wu, Yuanhao and Dawson, Jonathon I. and Wark, Alastair W. and Knani, Dafna and Adams, Dave J. and Oreffo, Richard O. C. and Mata, Alvaro (2021) De novo design of functional coassembling organic−inorganic hydrogels for hierarchical mineralization and neovascularization. ACS Nano, 15 (7). pp. 11202-11217. ISSN 1936-0851


Sultan, Maha A. and El-Alamin, Maha M. and Wark, Alastair W. and Azab, Marwa W. (2020) Detection and quantification of warfarin in pharmaceutical dosage form and in spiked human plasma using surface enhanced Raman scattering. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 228. 117533. ISSN 1386-1425

Okesola, Babatunde O. and Lau, Hang K. and Derkus, Burak and Boccorh, Delali K. and Wu, Yuanhao and Wark, Alastair W. and Kiick, Kristi L. and Mata, Alvaro (2020) Covalent co-assembly between resilin-like polypeptide and peptide amphiphile into hydrogels with controlled nanostructure and improved mechanical properties. Biomaterials Science, 8 (3). pp. 846-857. ISSN 2047-4830

Panagopoulou, Maria S. and Wark, Alastair W. and Birch, David J.S. and Gregory, Christopher D. (2020) Phenotypic analysis of extracellular vesicles : a review on the applications of fluorescence. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 9 (1). 1710020. ISSN 2001-3078


El-Alamin, Maha Mahmoud Abou and Sultan, Maha Abd Elrahman and Hegazy, Maha and Wark, Alastair William and Azab, Marwa Mohamed (2019) Pure component contribution (PCCA) and synergy interval partial least squares (siPLS) algorithms for efficient resolution and quantification of overlapped signals; an application to novel antiviral tablets of daclatasvir, sofosbuvir and ribavirin. European Journal of Chemistry, 10 (4). pp. 350-357. ISSN 2153-2249

Ning, Evita and Turnbull, Gareth and Clarke, Jon and Picard, Frederic and Riches, Philip and Vendrell, Marc and Graham, Duncan and Wark, Alastair W. and Faulds, Karen and Shu, Wenmiao (2019) 3D Bioprinting of mature bacterial biofilms for antimicrobial resistance drug testing. Biofabrication, 11 (4). 045018. ISSN 1758-5082

Sultan, Maha A. and El-Alamin, Maha M. Abou and Wark, Alastair W. and Azab, Marwa M. (2019) Stability-indicating micellar enhanced spectro-fluorometric determination of Daclatasvir in its tablet and spiked human plasma. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 211. pp. 52-58. ISSN 1386-1425


Russier-Antoine, Isabelle and Lee, Hye Jin and Wark, Alastair W. and Butet, Jérémy and Benichou, Emmanuel and Jonin, Christian and Martin, Olivier J. F. and Brevet, Pierre-François (2018) Second harmonic scattering from silver nanocubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (30). pp. 17447-17455. ISSN 1932-7447

Azab, Marwa M. and Cherif, Rédha and Finnie, Aryanne L. and El-Alamin, Maha M. Abou and Sultan, Maha A. and Wark, Alastair W. (2018) Optimized polydopamine coating and DNA conjugation onto gold nanorods for single nanoparticle bioaffinity measurements. Analyst, 143 (7). pp. 1635-1643. ISSN 0003-2654


Kim, Suhee and Park, Jeong Won and Wark, Alastair W. and Jhung, Sung Hwa and Lee, Hye Jin (2017) Tandem femto- and nanomolar analysis of two protein biomarkers in plasma on a single mixed antibody monolayer surface using surface plasmon resonance. Analytical Chemistry, 89 (22). pp. 12562-12568. ISSN 0003-2700

Bryans, Declan and McMillan, Brian and Spicer, Mark and Wark, Alastair and Berlouis, Leonard (2017) Novel complexing additives to reduce the immiscible phase formed in the hybrid ZnBr2 flow battery. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164 (13). ISSN 0013-4651

Paterson, Sureyya and Thompson, Sebastian A. and Wark, Alastair W. and de la Rica, Roberto (2017) Gold suprashells : enhanced photothermal nanoheaters with multiple LSPR for broadband SERS. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (13). pp. 7404-7411. ISSN 1932-7447

Thompson, Sebastian A. and Paterson, Sureyya and Azab, Marwa M. M. and Wark, Alastair W. and de la Rica, Roberto (2017) Light-triggered inactivation of enzymes with photothermal nanoheaters. Small. 1603195. ISSN 1613-6810


Kim, Suhee and Wark, Alastair W. and Lee, Hye Jin (2016) Gel electrophoretic analysis of differently shaped interacting and non-interacting bioconjugated nanoparticles. RSC Advances, 6 (111). pp. 109613-109619. ISSN 2046-2069

Cunha-Matos, C. A. and Millington, O. M. and Wark, A. W. and Zagnoni, M.; (2016) Time-lapse measurement of single-cell response to nanomaterial : a microfluidic approach. In: 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016). Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society, IRL, pp. 377-378. ISBN 9781510834163

Cunha-Matos, Carlota A. and Millington, Owain R. and Wark, Alastair W. and Zagnoni, Michele (2016) Real-time assessment of nanoparticle-mediated antigen delivery and cell response. Lab on a Chip, 16 (17). pp. 3374-3381. ISSN 1473-0197

Paterson, S. and Thompson, S. A. and Gracie, J. and Wark, A. W. and de la Rica, R. (2016) Self-assembly of gold supraparticles with crystallographically aligned and strongly coupled nanoparticle building blocks for SERS and photothermal therapy. Chemical Science, 7 (9). pp. 6232-6237. ISSN 2041-6539

Kim, Suhee and Wark, Alastair W. and Lee, Hye Jin (2016) Femtomolar detection of Tau proteins in undiluted plasma using surface plasmon resonance. Analytical Chemistry, 88 (15). pp. 7793-7799. ISSN 0003-2700


Cunha-Matos, C. A. and Millington, O. M. and Wark, A. W. and Zagnoni, M.; Colin, Stéphane and Morini, Gian Luca and Brandner, Jürgen J., eds. (2014) A microfluidics tool for high-throughput, real-time multimodal imaging of nanoparticle-cell interactions. In: 4th European Conference on Microfluidics, Limerick, 10-12 December 2014. Société hydrotechnique de France, IRL. ISBN 9791093567044

Baek, Seung Hee and Wark, Alastair W. and Lee, Hye Jin (2014) Dual nanoparticle amplified surface plasmon resonance detection of thrombin at subattomolar concentrations. Analytical Chemistry, 86 (19). pp. 9824-9829. ISSN 0003-2700

Leckie, Joy and Hope, Alexander and Hughes, Meghan and Debnath, Sisir and Fleming, Scott and Wark, Alastair W. and Ulijn, Rein V. and Haw, Mark D. (2014) Nanopropulsion by biocatalytic self-assembly. ACS Nano, 8 (9). pp. 9580-9589. ISSN 1936-0851

McLintock, Alison and Cunha Matos, Carlota A. and Zagnoni, Michele and Millington, Owain R. and Wark, Alastair W. (2014) Universal surface-enhanced Raman tags : individual nanorods for measurements from the visible to the infrared (514 – 1064 nm). ACS Nano, 8 (8). pp. 8600-8609. ISSN 1936-0851

Cassar, Richard N. and Graham, Duncan and Larmour, Iain and Wark, Alastair W. and Faulds, Karen (2014) Synthesis of size tunable monodispersed silver nanoparticles and the effect of size on SERS enhancement. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 71. pp. 41-46. ISSN 0924-2031

Cunha Matos, C.A. and Millington, O.M. and Wark, A. W. and Zagnoni, M.; (2014) Real-time multimodal imaging of nanoparticle-cell interactions in high-throughput microfluidics. In: 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014). CBM Society, USA, pp. 968-970. ISBN 9781634396974

Jang, Hye Ri and Wark, Alastair and Baek, Seung Hee and Chung, Bong Hyun and Lee, Hye Jin (2014) Ultrasensitive and ultrawide range detection of a cardiac biomarker on a surface plasmon resonance platform. Analytical Chemistry, 86 (1). pp. 814-819. ISSN 0003-2700


McLintock, Alison and Lee, Hye Jin and Wark, Alastair (2013) Stabilized gold nanorod–dye conjugates with controlled resonance coupling create bright surface-enhanced resonance Raman nanotags. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (43). pp. 18835-18843. ISSN 1463-9084

Xie, Hai-nan and Larmour, Iain A. and Chen, Yi-Chieh and Wark, Alastair W. and Tileli, Vasiliki and McComb, David W. and Faulds, Karen and Graham, Duncan (2013) Synthesis and NIR optical properties of hollow gold nanospheres with LSPR greater than one micrometer. Nanoscale, 5 (2). pp. 765-771. ISSN 2040-3372


Nam, E.J. and Kim, E.J. and Wark, Alastair and Rho, S. and Kim, H. and Lee, H.J. (2012) Highly-sensitive electrochemical detection of proteins using aptamer-coated gold nanoparticles and surface enzyme reactions. Analyst, 137. pp. 2011-2016. ISSN 0003-2654

Kwon, M. J. and Lee, J. and Wark, Alastair and Lee, Hye Jin (2012) Nanoparticle-enhanced surface plasmon resonance detection of proteins at attomolar concentrations : comparing different nanoparticle shapes and sizes. Analytical Chemistry, 84 (3). pp. 1702-1707. ISSN 0003-2700

Guerrini, Luca and McKenzie, Fiona Ann and Wark, Alastair and Faulds, Karen and Graham, Duncan (2012) Tuning the interparticle distance in nanoparticle assemblies in suspension via DNA-triplex formation : correlation between plasmonic and surface-enhanced Raman scattering responses. Chemical Science, 3 (7). pp. 2262-2269. ISSN 2041-6539


Edwards, Paul and Sleith, David and Wark, Alastair and Martin, Robert (2011) Mapping localized surface plasmons within silver nanocubes using cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115 (29). 14031–14035.

Mclintock, Alison and Hunt, Nathan and Wark, Alastair (2011) Controlled side-by-side assembly of gold nanorods and dye molecules into polymer-wrapped SERRS-active clusters. Chemical Communications, 47 (13). pp. 3757-3759.

Edwards, Paul and Krishnan Jagadamma, Lethy and Martin, Robert and Wark, Alastair (2011) Cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging on the nanometre scale. In: HSI 2011, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-18. (Unpublished)


Wark, A.W. and Stokes, Robert and Darby, Steven B. and Smith, W.E. and Graham, D. (2010) Dynamic imaging analysis of SERS-active nanoparticle clusters in suspension. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (42). pp. 18115-18120.

Sim, H. R. and Wark, Alastair and Lee, H. J. (2010) Attomolar detection of protein biomarkers using biofunctionalized gold nanorods with surface plasmon resonance. Analyst, 135 (10). pp. 2528-2532. ISSN 0003-2654

Wark, A.W. and McErlean, K. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Berlouis, L.E.A. and Brevet, P.F. (2010) Enhancement of the second harmonic signal from Hg1−xCdxTe (MCT) in the presence of an anodic oxide film. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 646 (1-2). pp. 133-141. ISSN 0022-0728

Wark, Alastair and Lee, J. and Kim, S. and Faisal, S. N. and Lee, H. J. (2010) Bioaffinity detection of pathogens on surfaces. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16. pp. 169-177. ISSN 1226-086X


Wark, Alastair and Yu, Jun and Lindsay, C. D. and Nativo, Paola and Graham, Duncan; (2009) Methods for nanoparticle labeling of ricin and effect on toxicity. In: Methods for nanoparticle labeling of ricin and effect on toxicity. SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering..


Wark, A.W. and Lee, Hye Jin and Corn, R.M. (2008) Multiplexed detection methods for profiling microRNA expression in biological samples. Angewandte Chemie, 47 (4). pp. 644-652. ISSN 1521-3773

Wark, Alastair and Lee, H.J. and Corn, R.M.; (2008) Advanced methods for SPR Imaging Biosensing. In: Handbook of Surface Plasmon Resonance. Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 251-280. ISBN 978-0-85404-267-8

Lee, H.J. and Wark, A.W. and Corn, R.M. (2008) Enhanced bioaffinity sensing using surface plasmons, surface enzyme reactions, nanoparticles and diffraction gratings. Analyst, 133 (5). pp. 596-601. ISSN 0003-2654

Lee, H.J. and Wark, A.W. and Corn, R.M. (2008) Microarray methods for protein biomarker detection. Analyst, 133 (8). pp. 975-983. ISSN 0003-2654


Wark, A.W. and Lee, Hye Jin and Qavi, A.J. and Corn, R.M. (2007) Nanoparticle-enhanced diffraction gratings for ultrasensitive surface plasmon biosensing. Analytical Chemistry, 79 (17). pp. 6697-6701. ISSN 0003-2700

Seferyan, H.Y. and Zadoyan, R. and Wark, A.W. and Corn, R.M. and Apkarian, V.A. (2007) Diagnostics of spectrally resolved transient absorption : surface plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (50). pp. 18525-18532. ISSN 1932-7447

Zadoyan, R. and Seferyan, H.Y. and Wark, A.W. and Corn, R.M. and Apkarian, V.A. (2007) Interfacial velocity-dependent plasmon damping in colloidal metallic nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (29). pp. 10836-10840. ISSN 1932-7447

Lee, Hye Jin and Wark, A.W. and Corn, R.M. (2007) Utilizing ultrathin DNA/poly-lysine multilayer films to create liquid/liquid interfaces : spectroscopic characterization, interfacial reactions and nanoparticle adsorption. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19. 375107. ISSN 0953-8984


Li, Yuan and Wark, A.W. and Lee, Hye Jin and Corn, R.M. (2006) Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping by nanoparticle-enhanced SPR imaging measurements of surface ligation reactions. Analytical Chemistry, 78 (9). pp. 3158-3164. ISSN 0003-2700

Lee, H.J. and Wark, A.W. and Corn, R.M. (2006) Creating advanced multifunctional biosensors with surface enzymatic transformations. Langmuir, 22 (12). pp. 5241-5250. ISSN 0743-7463

Wark, A.W. and Fang, S. and Lee, H.J. and Corn, R.M. (2006) Attomole detection of microRNAs by nanoparticle-amplified SPR imaging measurements of surface polyadenylation reactions. Journal of American Chemical Society, 126. pp. 14044-14046. ISSN 1520-5126


Fang, S. and Lee, H.J. and Wark, A.W. and Kim, H.M. and Corn, R.M. (2005) Determination of ribonuclease H surface enzyme kinetics by surface plasmon resonanace imaging and surface plasmon fluorescence spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 77 (20). pp. 6528-6534. ISSN 0003-2700

Lee, H.J. and Li, Y. and Wark, Alastair and Corn, R.M. (2005) Enzymatically amplified SPR imaging detection of DNA by exonuclease III digestion of DNA microarrays. Analytical Chemistry, 77 (16). pp. 5096-5100. ISSN 0003-2700

Lee, H.J. and Wark, A.W. and Li, Yuan and Corn, R.M. (2005) Fabricating RNA microarrays with RNA-DNA surface ligation chemistry. Analytical Chemistry, 77 (23). pp. 7832-7837. ISSN 0003-2700

Wark, A.W. and Lee, H.J. and Corn, R.M. (2005) Long-range surface plasmon resonance imaging for bioaffinity sensing. Analytical Chemistry, 77 (13). pp. 3904-3907. ISSN 0003-2700

Lee, H.J. and Wark, A.W. and Goodrich, T.T. and Fang, S. and Corn, R.M. (2005) Surface enzyme kinetics for biopolymer microarrays : a combination of Langmuir and Michaelis-Menten concepts. Langmuir, 21 (9). pp. 4050-4057. ISSN 0743-7463


Wegner, G.J. and Wark, A.W. and Lee, H.J. and Codner, E. and Saeki, T. and Fang, S. and Corn, R.M. (2004) Real-time surface plasmon resonance imaging measurements for the multiplexed determination of protein adsorption/desorption kinetics and surface enzymatic reactions on peptide microarrays. Analytical Chemistry, 76 (19). pp. 5677-5684. ISSN 0003-2700


Brevet, P.F. and Russier-Antoine, I. and Benichou, E. and Berlouis, L.E.A. and Wark, A.W. and Cruickshank, F.R. (2002) Thickness dependence of the anisotropy of anodic sulphide films on CdxHg1-xTe studied using surface second harmonic generation. Physica Status Solidi B, 229 (2). pp. 647-651. ISSN 0370-1972

Abid, Jean-Pierre and Wark, Alastair and Brevet, Pierre-Francois and Girault, Hubert (2002) Preparation of silver nanoparticles in solution from a silver salt by laser irradiation. Chemical Communications (7). pp. 792-793. ISSN 1364-548X


Wark, A.W. and Pugh, David and Berlouis, L.E.A. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Brevet, P.F. (2001) Second harmonic generation by reflection from vicinal surfaces of epitaxial layers of cadmium mercury telluride. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34 (11). pp. 1712-1716. ISSN 1361-6463


Wark, A.W. and Berlouis, L.E.A. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Pugh, David and Brevet, P.F. (2000) In-situ evaluation of the anodic oxide growth on CdxHg1-xTe (MCT) using ellipsometry and second harmonic generation. Journal of Electronic Materials, 29 (6). pp. 648-653. ISSN 0361-5235


Berlouis, L.E.A. and Wark, A.W. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Pugh, David and Brevet, Pierre-Francois (1999) Interference between second harmonic waves in an anodically grown cadmium sulphide thin film. Electrochimica Acta, 45 (4-5). pp. 623-628. ISSN 0013-4686

Berlouis, L.E.A. and Wark, A.W. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Pugh, David and Brevet, Pierre-Francois (1999) Surface second harmonic generation in the characterization of anodic sulphide and oxide films on Hg1-xCdxTe (MCT). Journal of Electronic Materials, 28 (6). pp. 830-837. ISSN 0361-5235


Berlouis, L.E.A. and Wark, A.W. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Antoine, R. and Galletto, P. and Brevet, Pierre-Francois and Girault, H.H. and Gupta, S.C. and Chavada, F.R. and Garg, A.K. (1998) Second harmonic generation in the characterisation of epitaxial CdxHg1-xTe (CMT) (111) surfaces. Journal of Crystal Growth, 184-185. pp. 691-695. ISSN 0022-0248

Berlouis, Leonard and Wark, A. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Antoine, R. and Galletto, P. and Brevet, Pierre-Francois and Girault, H.H. and Gupta, S.C. and Chavada, F.R. and Kumar, S. and Garg, A.K. (1998) Second harmonic generation in the characterisation of surface effects in epitaxial CdxHg1-xTe (CMT) <111> layers. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 13 (10). pp. 1117-1122. ISSN 0268-1242


Wark, A.W. and Berlouis, L.E.A. and Jackson, Fiona and Lochran, S. and Cruickshank, F.R. and Brevet, Pierre-Francois (1997) In-situ ellipsometry and SHG measurements of the growth of CdS layers on CdxHg1-xTe. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 435 (1-2). pp. 173-178. ISSN 0022-0728

Berlouis, L.E.A. and Hall, P.J. and Mackinnon, A.J. and Wark, Alastair and Manuelli, D. and Gervais, V. and Robertson, J.E. (1997) The decomposition of electrochemically loaded palladium hydride : a thermal analysis study. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 253-254. pp. 207-209. ISSN 0925-8388


Wark, Alastair and Crouch-Baker, S. and McKubre, M.C.H. and Tanzella, F.L. (1996) The effect of ultrasound on the electrochemical loading of hydrogen in palladium. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 418. pp. 199-204. ISSN 0022-0728

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