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Number of items: 109.


Ferguson, Alistair S. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Tant, Katherine M.M. and Foondun, Mohammud (2023) Ultrasonic wave propagation in randomly layered heterogeneous media. Wave Motion, 120. 103138.


Tant, K. M. M. and Galetti, E. and Mulholland, A. J. and Curtis, A. and Gachagan, A. (2020) Effective grain orientation mapping of complex and locally anisotropic media for improved imaging in ultrasonic non-destructive testing. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 28 (12). pp. 1694-1718. ISSN 1741-5977

Ingram, Marcus and Mineo, Carmelo and Gachagan, Anthony and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Nordon, Alison and Hegarty, Martin (2020) Determination of bubble size distribution using ultrasound array imaging. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 67 (7). pp. 1424-1437. ISSN 0885-3010


Algehyne, Ebrahem A. and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2019) Analysis of a fractal ultrasonic transducer with a range of piezoelectric length scales. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 84 (3). pp. 605-631. ISSN 1464-3634

Ingram, Marcus and Gachagan, Anthony and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Nordon, Alison and Dziewierz, Jerzy and Hegarty, Martin; (2019) Enhanced phased array imaging through reverberating interfaces. In: 45th Annual Review Of Progress In Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings, 38 . AIP, USA. ISBN 9780735418325


Fang, Haoyu and Qiu, Zhen and Mulholland, Anthony J. and O'Leary, Richard L. and Gachagan, Anthony (2018) Broadband 1-3 piezoelectric composite transducer design using Sierpinski Gasket fractal geometry. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 65 (12). pp. 2429-2439. ISSN 0885-3010

Agimelen, Okpeafoh S. and Svoboda, Vaclav and Ahmed, Bilal and Cardona, Javier and Dziewierz, Jerzy and Brown, Cameron J. and McGlone, Thomas and Cleary, Alison and Tachtatzis, Christos and Michie, Craig and Florence, Alastair J. and Andonovic, Ivan and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Sefcik, Jan (2018) Multi-sensor inline measurements of crystal size and shape distributions during high shear wet milling of crystal slurries. Advanced Powder Technology, 29 (12). pp. 2987-2995. ISSN 1568-5527

Ingram, Marcus and Gachagan, Anthony and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Nordon, Alison and Hegarty, Martin; (2018) Ultrasonic array imaging through reverberating layers for industrial process analysis. In: 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. IEEE, JPN. ISBN 9781538634257

Walker, Alan J and Mulholland, Anthony J (2018) A pipe organ-inspired ultrasonic transducer. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 82 (6). pp. 1135-1150. ISSN 1464-3634

da Costa Filho, Carlos Alberto and Tant, Katherine and Curtis, Andrew and Mulholland, Anthony and Moran, Carmel M.; (2018) Using laboratory experiments to develop and test new Marchenko and imaging methods. In: SEG Technical Program. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, OK., pp. 4352-4356.

Zhu, Botong and Tiller, Benjamin P. and Walker, Alan J. and Mulholland, A. J. and Windmill, James F. C. (2018) "Pipe organ" inspired air-coupled ultrasonic transducers with broader bandwidth. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 65 (10). pp. 1873-1881. ISSN 0885-3010

Tant, Katherine M. M. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Curtis, Andrew and Ijomah, Winifred L. (2018) Design-for-testing for improved remanufacturability. Journal of Remanufacturing. ISSN 2210-4690

Miller, Ainsley and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Pierce, Stephen Gareth and Hughes, Ben and Forbes, Alistair B. (2018) Positional uncertainty in optical-based metrology systems in large volume manufacturing. Acta IMEKO, 7 (2). ISSN 2221-870X

Tant, K M M and Galetti, E and Mulholland, A J and Curtis, A and Gachagan, A (2018) A transdimensional Bayesian approach to ultrasonic travel-time tomography for non-destructive testing. Inverse Problems, 34 (9). 095002. ISSN 0266-5611

Fang, H. and Qiu, Z. and Mulholland, A. J. and O'Leary, R. L. and Gachagan, A. (2018) Linear ultrasonic array design using cantor set fractal geometry. In: 2018 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, 2018-05-08 - 2018-05-10.

Ahmed, Bilal and Svoboda, Vaclav and Agimelen, Okpeafoh and Cardona, Javier and Dziewierz, Jerzy and Brown, Cameron and McGlone, Thomas and Cleary, Alison and Tachtatzis, Christos and Michie, Craig and Florence, Alastair J. and Andonovic, Ivan and Mulholland, Anthony and Sefcik, Jan (2018) Monitoring API crystal breakage in wet milling using inline imaging and chord length distribution measurements. In: 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, 2018-04-22 - 2018-04-26, Orlando World Center Marriott.


Tant, Katherine M. M. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Gachagan, Anthony (2017) Application of the factorisation method to limited aperture ultrasonic phased array data. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 103 (6). pp. 954-966. ISSN 1861-9959

Fang, H. and Qiu, Z. and O'Leary, R. L. and Gachagan, A. and Mulholland, A. J.; (2017) Linear ultrasonic array incorporating a Cantor Set fractal element configuration. In: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2017. IEEE, Piscataway, N.J.. ISBN 9781538633847

Tant, Katherine M. M. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Curtis, Andrew and Ijomah, Winifred L. (2017) Design-for-testing for improved remanufacturability. In: International Conference on Remanufacturing, 2017-10-24 - 2017-10-26.

Zhu, B. and Tiller, B. and Windmill, J.F.C. and Mulholland, A.J. and Walker, A.J. (2017) Pipe organ air-coupled broad bandwidth transducer. In: 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2017, 2017-09-06 - 2017-09-09.

Cowley, James and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Gachagan, Anthony (2017) A nonlinear elasticity approach to modelling the collapse of a shelled microbubble. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 82 (4). pp. 781-801. ISSN 1464-3634

Barlow, Euan and Bradley, Aoibhinn M. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Torres-Sanchez, Carmen (2017) A weak-inertia mathematical model of bubble growth in a polymer foam. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 244. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0377-0257

Algehyne, Ebrahem and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2017) Renormalisation analysis of a composite ultrasonic transducer with a fractal architecture. Fractals, 25 (2). 1750015. ISSN 0218-348X

Cunningham, L. J. and Mulholland, A. J. and Tant, K. M. M. and Gachagan, A. and Harvey, G. and Bird, C. (2017) A spectral method for sizing cracks using ultrasonic arrays. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. ISSN 1741-5977

Agimelen, Okpeafoh S. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Sefcik, Jan (2017) Modelling of artefacts in estimations of particle size of needle-like particles from laser diffraction measurements. Chemical Engineering Science, 158. pp. 445-452. ISSN 0009-2509


Mulholland, Anthony J. and Picard, Rainer and Trostorff, Sascha and Waurick, Marcus (2016) On well-posedness for some thermo-piezoelectric coupling models. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39 (15). pp. 4375-4384. ISSN 0170-4214

Fang, Haoyu and Qiu, Zhen and O'Leary, Richard and Gachagan, Anthony and Mulholland, Anthony; (2016) Improving the operational bandwidth of a 1-3 piezoelectric composite transducer using Sierpinski Gasket fractal geometry. In: Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2016 IEEE International. IEEE, FRA.

Tant, Katherine M. M. and Galetti, Erica and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Curtis, Andrew and Gachagan, Anthony; (2016) Mapping the material microstructure of safety critical components using ultrasonic phased arrays. In: 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). IEEE, FRA. ISBN 9781467398978

Barlow, Euan and Algehyne, Ebrahem A. and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2016) Investigating the performance of a fractal ultrasonic transducer under varying system conditions. Symmetry, 8 (6). 43. ISSN 2073-8994

Cunningham, Laura J. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Tant, Katherine M. M. and Gachagan, Anthony and Harvey, Gerry and Bird, Colin (2016) The detection of flaws in austenitic welds using the decomposition of the time reversal operator. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472 (2188). 20150500. ISSN 1471-2962

Agimelen, Okpeafoh S. and Jawor-Baczynska, Anna and McGinty, John and Dziewierz, Jerzy and Tachtatzis, Christos and Cleary, Alison and Haley, Ian and Michie, Craig and Andonovic, Ivan and Sefcik, Jan and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2016) Integration of in situ imaging and chord length distribution measurements for estimation of particle size and shape. Chemical Engineering Science, 144. pp. 87-100. ISSN 0009-2509

Aston, Philip J. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Tant, Katherine M.M. (2016) UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics. Springer, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-25452-4

Dobson, Jeff and Tweedie, Andrew and Harvey, Gerald and O'Leary, Richard and Mulholland, Anthony and Tant, Katherine and Gachagan, Anthony; Chimenti, Dale E. and Bond, Leonard J., eds. (2016) Finite element analysis simulations for ultrasonic array NDE inspections. In: 42nd Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings, USA, 040005-1 - 040005-14. ISBN 9780735413535

Walker, Alan J. and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2016) A theoretical model of an ultrasonic transducer incorporating spherical resonators. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 81 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1464-3634

Cowley, James and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Stewart, Iain W. and Gachagan, Anthony (2016) Mathematical modelling of the collapse time of an unfolding shelled microbubble. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Algehyne, Ebrahem A. and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2015) A finite element approach to modelling fractal ultrasonic transducers. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 80 (6). pp. 1684-1702. ISSN 1464-3634

Guarato, Francesco and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Windmill, James F. and Gachagan, Anthony (2015) Radiation properties of truncated cones to enhance the beam patterns of air-coupled transducers. Physics Procedia, 70. pp. 163-166. ISSN 1875-3892

Tant, Katherine M M and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Gachagan, Anthony; (2015) An analytical approach to objectively sizing cracks using ultrasonic phased array data. In: 54th Annual British Conference of Non-Destructive Testing, NDT 2015. British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, GBR, pp. 282-291. ISBN 9781510813236

Tramontana, Manuel and Gachagan, Anthony and Nordon, Alison and Littlejohn, David and O'Leary, Richard and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2015) System modeling and device development for passive acoustic monitoring of a particulate-liquid process. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 228. pp. 159-169. ISSN 0924-4247

Cunningham, Laura and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Tant, Katherine M. M. and Gachagan, Anthony and Harvey, Gerry and Bird, Colin (2015) A Maximum Eigenvalue Approximation for Crack-Sizing Using Ultrasonic Arrays. Preprint / Working Paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Tant, Katherine M. M. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Gachagan, Anthony (2015) A model-based approach to crack sizing with ultrasonic arrays. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 62 (5). pp. 915-926. ISSN 0885-3010

Tant, Katherine M.M. and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Langer, Matthias and Gachagan, Anthony (2015) A fractional Fourier transform analysis of the scattering of ultrasonic waves. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471 (2175). 471. ISSN 1471-2962

Agimelen, Okpeafoh S. and Hamilton, Peter and Haley, Ian and Nordon, Alison and Vasile, Massimiliano and Sefcik, Jan and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2015) Estimation of particle size distribution and aspect ratio of non-spherical particles from chord length distribution. Chemical Engineering Science, 123. pp. 629-640. ISSN 0009-2509

Algehyne, Ebrahem A. and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2015) A Composite Ultrasonic Transducer with a Fractal Architecture. University of Strathclyde. (Unpublished)

Cowley, James and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Stewart, Iain W. and Gachagan, Anthony (2015) Dynamical model of an oscillating shelled microbubble. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Algehyne, Ebrahem and Mulholland, Anthony (2014) A Finite Element Approach to Modelling Fractal Ultrasonic Transducers. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. (Unpublished)


Lord, Natacha H. and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2013) A dual weighted residual method applied to complex periodic gratings. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 469 (2160). 20130176. ISSN 0308-2105

Lord, Natacha H. and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2013) Explicit error bounds for the α-quasi-periodic Helmholtz problem. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 30 (10). pp. 2111-2123. ISSN 1084-7529

Lord, Natacha and Mulholland, Anthony (2013) An a priori error estimate for the finite element modelling of electromagnetic waves interacting with a periodic diffraction grating. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36 (10). 1187–1205. ISSN 0170-4214

Gorman, Daniel and Horacek, Jaromir and Mulholland, Anthony and Gorman, Marie N. (2013) Analysis and interpretation of compressible fluid interaction upon the vibration of a circular membrane. Acta Technica, 58 (4). pp. 443-461. ISSN 0001-7043


Cunningham, Laura and Mulholland, Anthony and Harvey, G. and Bird, C.; (2012) Ultrasonic wave propagation in heterogenous media. In: Proceedings of Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, France. UNSPECIFIED, FRA, pp. 1457-1462.

Dziewierz, Jerzy and Gachagan, Anthony and Lord, Natacha and Mulholland, Anthony; (2012) An application-specific design approach for 2D ultrasonic arrays. In: 51st Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing 2012 (NDT 2012). British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, GBR. ISBN 9781622764372


Mulholland, A. J. and Walker, A. J. (2011) Piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers with fractal geometry. Fractals, 19 (4). pp. 469-479. ISSN 0218-348X

Barlow, Euan and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2011) A fractional Fourier transform analysis of a bubble excited by an ultrasonic chirp. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130 (5). pp. 3264-3270. ISSN 1520-8524

Barlow, Euan and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Gachagan, Anthony and Nordon, Alison (2011) A theoretical investigation of chirp insonification of ultrasound contrast agents. Ultrasonics, 51 (6). pp. 725-733. ISSN 0041-624X

Bin Abdul Hamid, Syamsul Bahrin and O'Leary, Richard and Mulholland, Anthony and Walker, Alan (2011) Improving sensitivity of electrostatic transducer through fluidic amplification technique for air-coupled ultrasound. In: International Workshop on Transducers and Transducer Materials, 2011-05-10, Penn State University.

Mulholland, Anthony and MacKersie, John and O'Leary, Richard and Gachagan, Anthony and Walker, A. and Ramadas, Sivaram Nishal; (2011) The use of fractal geometry in the design of piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers. In: 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). IEEE, USA, pp. 1559-1562. ISBN 9781457712531


Troge, Alexandre and O'Leary, Richard and Hayward, Gordon and Pethrick, Richard and Mulholland, Anthony (2010) Properties of photocured epoxy resin materials for application in piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer matching layers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128 (5). pp. 2704-2714. ISSN 1520-8524

Mulholland, Anthony J.; (2010) Ultrasonic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. In: Proceedings of ICNAAM 2010: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010. American Institute of Physics, pp. 1745-1748.

Walker, A.J. and Mulholland, A.J. and Whitely, S. (2010) A theoretical model of an electrostatic ultrasonic transducer incorporating resonating conduits. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 75 (5). pp. 796-810. ISSN 1464-3634

Barlow, Euan and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Nordon, Alison and Gachagan, Anthony (2010) Theoretical analysis of chirp excitation of contrast agents. Physics Procedia, 3 (1). pp. 743-747. ISSN 1875-3884

Barlow, E and Mulholland, Anthony and Nordon, Alison and Gachagan, Anthony; Garreton, L.G., ed. (2010) Theoretical analysis of chirp excitation of contrast agents. In: International Congress on Ultrasonics, Proceedings. Physics Procedia . Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 743-747.


Ramadas, Sivaram Nishal and O'Leary, Richard and Mulholland, Anthony and Hayward, Gordon and Mackintosh, Allan and Troge, Alexandre and Pethrick, Richard; (2009) Tapered transmission line technique based graded matching layers for thickness mode piezoelectric transducers. In: 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. IEEE, ITA, pp. 1695-1698. ISBN 9781424443895

O'Leary, Richard and Ramadas, Sivaram Nishal and Mulholland, Anthony and Hayward, Gordon and Troge, Alexandre and Pethrick, Richard (2009) Multiphase passive materials for efficient and wideband transduction. In: International Workshop on Transducers and Transducer Materials, 2009-05-12, Penn State University.

Carson, G. and Mulholland, A.J. and Nordon, A. and Gachagan, A. and Hayward, G. (2009) Theoretical analysis of ultrasonic vibration spectra from multiple particle-plate impacts. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 56 (5). pp. 1034-1041. ISSN 0885-3010

Barlow, Euan and Mulholland, A.J. and Gachagan, A. and Nordon, A. and MacPherson, Kenneth G. (2009) Analysis of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation with chirp excitation. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 74 (1). pp. 20-34. ISSN 1464-3634

Carson, G. and Mulholland, A.J. and Nordon, A. and Tramontana, M. and Gachagan, A. and Hayward, G. (2009) Estimating particle concentration using passive ultrasonic measurement of impact vibrations. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 56 (2). pp. 345-352. ISSN 0885-3010

Young, A. and Mulholland, A.J. and O'Leary, R.L. (2009) The causal differential scattering approach to calculating the effective properties of random composite materials with a particle size distribution. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 128. pp. 49-59. ISSN 0930-8989

Barlow, E. and Mulholland, A. and Gachagan, A. and Nordon, A. (2009) Theoretical analysis of chirp excitation of contrast agents. Physics Procedia, 3 (1). pp. 743-747. ISSN 1875-3892


Orr, Leigh-Ann and Mulholland, Anthony J. and O'Leary, Richard L. and Hayward, Gordon (2008) Harmonic analysis of lossy piezoelectric composite transducers using the plane wave expansion method. Ultrasonics, 48 (8). pp. 652-663. ISSN 0041-624X

Orr, L. and Mulholland, A.J. and O'Leary, R.L. and Hayward, G. (2008) Analysis of ultrasonic transducers with fractal architecture. Fractals, 16 (4). pp. 333-349. ISSN 0218-348X

Mulholland, A. and Ramadas, S.N. and O'Leary, R.L. and Parr, A.C.S. and Hayward, G. and Troge, Alexandre and Pethrick, R.A. (2008) Enhancing the performance of piezoelectric ultrasound transducers by the use of multiple matching layers. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 73 (6). pp. 936-949. ISSN 1464-3634

Carson, G. and Mulholland, A.J. and Nordon, A. and Tramontana, M. and Gachagan, A. and Hayward, G. (2008) Particle sizing using passive ultrasonic measurement of particle-wall impact vibrations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 317 (1-2). pp. 142-157. ISSN 0022-460X

Gorman, Daniel G. and Trendafilova, Irina and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Horáček, Jaromir (2008) Vibration analysis of a circular plate in interaction with an acoustic cavity leading to extraction of structural modal parameters. Thin-Walled Structures, 46 (7-9). pp. 878-886. ISSN 0263-8231

Mulholland, A.J. (2008) Bounds on the hausdorff dimension of a renormalisation map arising from an excitable reaction-diffusion system on a fractal lattice. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 35 (2). pp. 274-284. ISSN 0960-0779

Walker, Alan J. and Mulholland, A.J. and Campbell, Ewan and Hayward, G. (2008) A theoretical model of a new electrostatic transducer incorporating fluidic amplification. In: 2008 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1900-01-01.


Orr, L. and Mulholland, A.J. and O'Leary, R.L. and Parr, A.C.S. and Pethrick, R.A. and Hayward, G. (2007) Theoretical modelling of frequency dependent elastic loss in composite piezoelectric transducers. Ultrasonics, 47 (1). pp. 130-137. ISSN 0041-624X

Mulholland, A. and Ramadas, S.N. and O'Leary, R.L. and Parr, A.C.S. and Troge, A. and Hayward, G. and Pethrick, R.A. (2007) A theoretical analysis of a piezoelectric ultrasound device with an active matching layer. Ultrasonics, 47 (1). pp. 102-110. ISSN 0041-624X

Gorman, D.G. and Trendafilova, I. and Mulholland, A.J. and Horáček, J. (2007) Analytical modelling and extraction of the modal behaviour of a cantilever beam in fluid interaction. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 (1-2). pp. 231-245. ISSN 0022-460X

Ramadas, S.N. and Hayward, G. and O'Leary, R.L. and McCunnie, T. and Mulholland, A. J. and Troge, A. and Pethrick, R.A. and Robertson, D. and Murray, V. (2007) A three-port acoustic lattice model for piezoelectric transducers containing opposing zones of polarization. In: 2007 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007-10-28 - 2007-10-31.

Gachagan, A. and Mulholland, A. J. and Hayward, G. and Tramontana, M. and Nordon, A. and Carson, G.; (2007) P1H-2 particle sizing in the process industry using Hertz-Zener impact theory and acoustic emission spectra. In: IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2006. IEEE, CAN, pp. 1406-1409. ISBN 1424402018

Orr, L. and Mulholland, A.J. and O'Leary, R.L. and Hayward, G. (2007) A theoretical investigation of 2-2 composite transducers with high shear attenuation in the passive phase. In: GDR 2501/CNRS ST21: Étude de la propagation ultrasonore en milieux non homogènes en vue du contrôle non-destructif, 2007-03-01. (Unpublished)

Mackay, C. and Hayward, D. and Mulholland, A.J. and McKee, S. and Pethrick, R.A. (2007) An inverse problem of reconstructing the electrical and geometrical parameters characterising airframe structures and connector interfaces. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 15 (3). pp. 177-190.


Orr, L. and Mulholland, A.J. and O'Leary, R.L. and Hayward, G. (2006) Incorporation of viscoelastic loss into the plane wave expansion approach to modelling composite transducers. In: 2000 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2000-10-22 - 2000-10-25, Caribe Hilton.

Mackay, Cameron and Mulholland, A. and McKee, S. (2006) Diffusion and convection of gaseous and fine particulate from a chimney. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 71 (5). pp. 670-691. ISSN 1464-3634

Gorman, D. and Trendafilova, I. and Mulholland, A. and Horáček, J. (2006) Vibration of a coupled plate/fluid interacting system and its implication for modal analysis and vibration health monitoring. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 5-6. pp. 323-330. ISSN 1660-9336


Mackay, Cameron and Hayward, David and Mulholland, Anthony J. and McKee, Sean and Pethrick, Richard A. (2005) Reconstruction of the spatial dependency of dielectric and geometrical properties of adhesively bonded structures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38 (12). ISSN 1361-6463


Abdulbake, J. and Mulholland, A. and Gomatam, J. (2004) Existence and stability of reaction-diffusion waves on a fractal lattice. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 20 (4). pp. 799-814. ISSN 0960-0779

Buick, J.M. and Cosgrove, J.A. and Tonge, S.J. and Collins, M.W. and Mulholland, A.J. and Steves, B.A. (2004) The Lattice Boltzmann equation for modelling arterial flow. Internal Medicine, 11. pp. 24-29.


Mulholland, A.J. and Steves, B.A. and Buick, J. M. and Cosgrove, J.A. and Collins, M.W. (2003) Simulation of deposit formation in particle laden flows. Internal Medicine Clinical and Laboratory, 11 (1-3). pp. 30-37. ISSN 1590-9271

Buick, J.M. and Cosgrove, J.A. and Tonge, S.J. and Collins, M.W. and Mulholland, A.J. and Steves, B.A. (2003) The Lattice Boltzmann equation for modelling arterial flows : review and application. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 56 (7). pp. 345-346. ISSN 0753-3322

Mulholland, A.J. (2003) Simulation of deposit formation in particle laden flows: thermal properties. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 56 (7). p. 347. ISSN 0753-3322

Abdulbake, Janan and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Gomatam, Jagannathan (2003) A renormalisation approach to excitable reaction-diffusion waves in fractal media. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11 (4). pp. 315-330. ISSN 0960-0779


McDermott, S. and Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. (2002) Knotted reaction-diffusion waves. Proceedings A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 458 (2028). pp. 2947-2966. ISSN 1471-2962

Mulholland, A.J.; (2002) A generic modelling approach to the simulation and thermal properties of plaque deposits on arterial walls. In: Proceedings of XX Congresso Nazionale Sulla Trasmissione Del Calore. Servizi Grafici Editoriali, ITA, pp. 31-36.


Mulholland, Anthony and Gomatam, Jagannathan; (2001) Thermal properties of heat exchanger fouling. In: Unione Italiana di Termofluidodinamica. Unione Italiana di Termofluidodinamica, Modena, Italy, pp. 149-154.

Gomatam, Jagannathan and Mulholland, Anthony J. (2001) Fractal morphology of deposits in heat exchangers and their physical properties. Fractals, 9 (1). pp. 31-50. ISSN 0218-348X

Gomatam, J. and Mulholland, A.J.; Ladde, G.S. and Medhin, N.G. and Sambandham, M., eds. (2001) The Schrodinger equation on helical manifolds: bound states. In: Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 209-216.


Gomez Alvarez-Arenas, TE and Mulholland, A.J. and Hayward, G. and Gomatam, J. (2000) Wave propagation in 0-3/3-3 connectivity composites with complex microstructure. Ultrasonics, 38 (9). pp. 897-907. ISSN 0041-624X


Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. and Jenkins, A. (1999) Modelling high temperature salt condensation; Fick and Soret diffusion effects. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 38 (5). pp. 436-441. ISSN 1290-0729

Mulholland, A.J. and Gomez Alvarez-Arenas, T. and Hayward, G. and Gomatam, J. (1999) A renormalisation approach to wave propagation in 0-3/3-3 connectivity composites. In: 1999 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1999-10-17 - 1999-10-20, Caesars Tahoe.


Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. (1998) Heat transfer of high temperature fouling in combustion chambers. Mathematics of Heat Transfer.


Isdale, J.D. and Mercier, P. and Grillot, J.M. and Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. (1997) Integrated modelling of process heat transfer with combustion and fouling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 17 (8). pp. 751-762. ISSN 1359-4311

Reynolds, D. and Mulholland, A. and Gomatam, J. (1997) Calculation of chemical and phase equilibria via simulated annealing. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 22 (1). pp. 25-37. ISSN 0259-9791

Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. (1997) Knotted reaction-diffusion waves rotating on a torus: the Eikonal approximation. Research in Progress.


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Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. (1996) The eikonal approximation to excitable reaction-diffusion systems: travelling non-planar wave fronts on the plane. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 89 (3-4). pp. 329-345. ISSN 0167-2789


Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. (1995) Pattern formation in excitable reaction-diffusion systems: the eikonal analysis on the torus. Journal of Biological Systems, 3 (4). pp. 1013-1019. ISSN 0218-3390

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