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Number of items: 73.


Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina (2019) Triboelectric sensor as a dual system for impact monitoring and prediction of the damage in composite structures. Nano Energy, 60. pp. 527-535. ISSN 2211-2855

Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina (2019) Real-time diagnosis of small energy impacts using a triboelectric nanosensor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 291. pp. 196-203. ISSN 0924-4247

Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina and Sanchez de Rio, Jose (2019) Detection and measurement of impacts in composite structures using a self-powered triboelectric sensor. Nano Energy, 56. pp. 443-453. ISSN 2211-2855

Trendafilova, Irina and Garcia Pariente, Cristobal; Zhu, Jiajun and Liu, Baicuan and Bellet, Daniel, eds. (2019) Self-powered pressure sensor based on triboelectric nanogenerator. In: Advances towards the Development of Nanotechnology. AkademikerVerlag, Saarbrücken, Germany, pp. 337-343. ISBN 978-620-2-22099-6


Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina (2018) A self-powered triboelectric velocity sensor for impact detection in composite structures. MATEC Web of Conferences, 211. 21004. ISSN 2261-236X

Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina and Guzman de Villoria, Roberto and Sanchez del Rio, Jose (2018) Self-powered pressure sensor based on the triboelectric effect and its analysis using dynamic mechanical analysis. Nano Energy, 50. pp. 401-409. ISSN 2211-2855

Trendafilova, Irina and Garcia Cava, David and Al-Bugharbee, Hussein; Nobari, Ali Salehzadeh and Aliabadi, M. H. Ferri, eds. (2018) Data-driven methods for vibration-based monitoring based on singular spectrum analysis. In: Vibration-Based Techniques for Damage Detection and Localization in Engineering Structures. Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures . World Scientific, London, pp. 41-73. ISBN 978-1-78634-496-0

Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina and Zucchelli, Andrea (2018) The effect of polycaprolactone nanofibers on the dynamic and impact behavior of glass fibre reinforced. Journal of Composites Science, 2 (3). 43. ISSN 2504-477X

Garcia, David and Trendafilova, Irina (2018) Study of Singular Spectrum Analysis as a data-driven technique for damage diagnosis. Comparison between the time or frequency domain. In: International Conference on Engineering Vibration 2017 (ICoEV 2017), 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-07.

Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina and Guzman de Viloria, Roberto and Sánchez del Rio, Jose (2018) Triboelectric nanogenerator as self-powered impact sensor. MATEC Web of Conferences, 148. 14005. ISSN 2261-236X

Garcia, Cristobal and Trendafilova, Irina and Zucchelli, Andrea and Contreras, Justin (2018) The effect of nylon nanofibers on the dynamic behaviour and the delamination resistance of GFRP composites. MATEC Web of Conferences, 148. 14001. ISSN 2261-236X


Al-Bugharbee, Hussein Razzaq Sabah and Abolfathi, Ali and Trendafilova, Irina (2017) Vibration-based damage detection of structure's joints in presence of uncertainty. In: International Conference on Engineering Vibration 2017 (ICoEV 2017), 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-07.

Al Bugharbee, Hussein and Trendafilova, Irina (2017) A methodology for fault detection in rolling element bearings using singular spectrum analysis. In: International Conference on Engineering Vibration 2017 (ICoEV 2017), 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-07. (In Press)

Garcia, Cristobal and Wilson, Jodi and Trendafilova, Irina and Yang, Liu (2017) Vibratory behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) interleaved with nylon nanofibers. Composite Structures, 176. pp. 923-932. ISSN 0263-8223

Al-Bugharbee, H and Trendafilova, I (2017) A new methodology for fault detection in rolling element bearings using singular spectrum analysis. International Journal of Condition Monitoring, 7 (2). pp. 26-35. ISSN 2047-6426

García, David and Trendafilova, Irina and Inman, Daniel J.; (2017) Delamination detection and growth assessment in composite laminated beams through data-driven vibration structural health monitoring. In: 14th International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment (ESIA14). EMAS Publishing, Warrington.


Tabrizi, Ali Akbar and Al-Bugharbee, Hussein and Trendafilova, Irina and Garibaldi, Luigi (2016) A cointegration-based monitoring method for rolling bearings working in time-varying operational conditions. Meccanica. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0025-6455

Al-Bugharbee, Hussein and Trendafilova, Irina (2016) A fault diagnosis methodology for rolling element bearings based on advanced signal pretreatment and autoregressive modelling. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 369 (12 May). pp. 246-245. ISSN 0022-460X

Garcia, David and Trendafilova, Irina and Inman, Daniel J (2016) A study on the vibration-based self-monitoring capabilities of nano-enriched composite laminated beams. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (4). 045011. ISSN 0964-1726


Garcia, D. and Palazzetti, R. and Trendafilova, I. and Fiorini, C. and Zucchelli, A. (2015) Vibration-based delamination diagnosis and modelling for composite laminate plates. Composite Structures, 130. pp. 155-162. ISSN 0263-8223

Garcia Cava, David and Tcherniak, Dmitri and Trendafilova, Irina; (2015) Damage assessment for wind turbine blades based on a multivariate statistical approach. In: Journal of Physics Conference Series. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 628 . Institute of Physics Publishing, BEL.

Al-Bugharbee, H and Trendafilova, I (2015) Autoregressive modelling for rolling element bearing fault diagnosis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 628 (1). 012088. ISSN 1742-6588

Trendafilova, Irina and Palazzetti, Roberto and Zucchelli, Andrea (2015) Damage assessment based on general signal correlation : Application for delamination diagnosis in composite structures. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 49. pp. 197-204. ISSN 0997-7538


Garćia, David and Trendafilova, Irina (2014) A multivariate data analysis approach towards vibration analysis and vibration-based damage assessment : application for delamination detection in a composite beam. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (25). pp. 7036-7050. ISSN 0022-460X

Garcia, David and Trendafilova, Irina (2014) Singular spectrum analysis for identifying structural nonlinearity using free-decay responses : Application detection and diagnosis in composite laminates. In: 26th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2014-09-15 - 2014-09-17.

Palazzetti, R. and Garcia, D. and Trendafilova, I. and Fiorini, C. and Zucchelli, A.; (2014) An investigation in vibration modeling and vibration-based monitoring for composite laminates. In: Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics. KU Leuven, GBR, pp. 3819-3828. ISBN 9789073802919

Garcia, David and Trendafilova, Irina and Al-Bugharbee, Hussein Razzaq Sabah (2014) Vibration-based health monitoring approach for composite structures using multivatiate statistical analysis. In: 14th European Workshop on Structura Health Monitoring, 2014-07-08 - 2014-07-11.

Trendafilova, Irina and Palazzetti, Roberto and Zucchelli, Andrea (2014) Delamination assessment in structures made of composites based on general signal correlation. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 14 (8). 1440022. ISSN 0219-4554


Palazzetti, Roberto and Zucchelli, Andrea and Trendafilova, Irina (2013) The self-reinforcing effect of nylon 6,6 nano-fibres on CFRP laminates subjected to low velocity impact. Composite Structures, 106. pp. 661-671. ISSN 0263-8223

Garcia, David and Trendafilova, Irina (2013) Multivariate statistical analysis for damage and delamination in composite structures. In: 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems, 2013-09-09 - 2013-09-12, Instituto Superior Tecnico.


Trendafilova, Irina and Manoach, Emil; Rigatos, Gerassimos, ed. (2012) Vibration-based methods for structural and machinery fault diagnosis based on nonlinear dynamics tools. In: Fault Diagnosis in Robotic and Industrial Systems. IConcept Press LTD, Article 6. ISBN 978-1461098744

Trendafilova, Irina and Pallazetti, Roberto (2012) Delamination assessment in structures made of composites based on signal cross-correlation. In: ISMA2012 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-19.

Trendafilova, Irina (2012) An inverse vibration-based approach towards modelling and damage identification in nonlinearly vibrating structures. Application for delamination detection in a composite beam. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 382 (1). 012030. ISSN 1742-6588

Guechaichia, Abdelhamid and Trendafilova, Irina (2012) A simple frequency-based delamination detection and localization method without baseline model. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 382 (1). 012033. ISSN 1742-6588


Trendafilova, Irina and Palazzetti, Roberto and Zucchelli, Andrea (2011) Modelling the dynamics and vibration of structures made of composites : A review. Central European Journal of Engineering. ISSN 1896-1541 (Unpublished)

Trendafilova, Irina (2011) Vibration-based structural interrogation and health monitoring based on nonlinear signal analysis. In: 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ENOC2011, 2011-07-24 - 2011-07-29.

Trendafilova, Irina (2011) A method for vibration-based structural interrogation and health monitoring based on signal cross-correlation. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 305 (1). 012005. ISSN 1742-6588

Guechaichia, Abdelhamid and Trendafilova, Irina (2011) A simple method for enhanced vibration-based structural health monitoring. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 305 (1). 012073. ISSN 1742-6588


Minak, Giangiacomo and Palazzetti, Roberto and Trendafilova, Irina and Zucchelli, Andrea (2010) Localization of a delamination and estimation of its length in a composite laminate beam by the VSHM and pattern recognition methods. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 46 (4). pp. 387-394. ISSN 0191-5665

Cattani, Carlo and Seyraman, Alexander and Trendafilova, Irina (2010) Nonlinear vibrations, stability, analysis and control. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 3. 873047. ISSN 1024-123X

Trendafilova, I. (2010) An automated procedure for detection and identification of ball bearing damage using multivariate statistics and pattern recognition. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 24 (6). pp. 1858-1869. ISSN 0888-3270

Palazzetti, Roberto and Trendafilova, Irina and Zucchelli, Andrea and Minak, Giangiacomo (2010) Delamination localisation and length estimation in composite laminate beam by VSHM and pattern recognition methods. In: 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM14, 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-10. (Unpublished)

Manoach, Emil and Trendafilova, Irina; (2010) Damage detections in nonlinear vibrating thermally loaded plates. In: Materials with complex behaviour. Advanced Structural Materials . Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 193-211. ISBN 9783642126673


Trendafilova, I. and Kazandjiev, R. (2009) Smart materials for intelligent structural health monitoring. In: 11th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, NCTAM 2009, 2009-09-02 - 2009-09-05.

Manoach, Emil and Trendafilova, Irina (2009) Damage detections in nonlinear vibrating thermally loaded plates. In: 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and experimenting, ACE-X 2009, 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-23.

Trendafilova, I. and Gorman, D. G. and Manoach, E. (2009) An investigation on vibration-based damage detection in circular plates. Structural Health Monitoring, 8 (4). pp. 291-302. ISSN 1475-9217

Malinowski, P. and Wandowski, T. and Trendafilova, I. and Ostachowicz, W.M. (2009) A phased array-based method for damage detection and localization in thin plates. Structural Health Monitoring, 8 (1). pp. 5-15. ISSN 1475-9217

Trendafilova, I.N. (2009) A review of the paper 'Some insights into the dynamics of defective structures' by J. A. Brandon. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 223 (1). pp. 157-174. ISSN 0954-4062


Israr, Asif and Cartmell, Matthew P. and Manoach, Emil and Trendafilova, Irina and Ostachowicz, Wieslaw and Krawczuk, Marek and Zak, Arkadiusz (2008) Analytical modeling and vibration analysis of partially cracked rectangular plates with different boundary conditions and loading. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 76 (1). pp. 11005-11013. ISSN 0021-8936

Manoach, Emil and Trendafilova, I. (2008) Large amplitude vibrations and damage detection of rectangular plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 315 (3). pp. 591-606. ISSN 0022-460X

Gorman, Daniel G. and Trendafilova, Irina and Mulholland, Anthony J. and Horáček, Jaromir (2008) Vibration analysis of a circular plate in interaction with an acoustic cavity leading to extraction of structural modal parameters. Thin-Walled Structures, 46 (7-9). pp. 878-886. ISSN 0263-8231

Trendafilova, I. and Manoach, Emil (2008) Vibration-based damage detection in plates by using time series analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22 (5). pp. 1092-1106. ISSN 0888-3270

Trendafilova, I. and Cartmell, Matthew P. and Ostachowicz, Wieslaw and Cartmell, Matthew (2008) Vibration-based damage detection in an aircraft wing scaled model using principal component analysis and pattern recognition. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 313 (3-5). pp. 560-566. ISSN 0022-460X


Gorman, D.G. and Trendafilova, I. and Mulholland, A.J. and Horáček, J. (2007) Analytical modelling and extraction of the modal behaviour of a cantilever beam in fluid interaction. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 (1-2). pp. 231-245. ISSN 0022-460X

Trendafilova, Irina and Manoach, E. and Cartmell, M.P. and Ostachowicz, W. and Zak, A. (2007) An investigation on damage detection in aircrafts panels using nonlinear time series analysis. Key Engineering Materials, 347. pp. 213-218. ISSN 1013-9826

Malinowski, P. and Wandowski, T. and Trendafilova, I. and Ostachowicz, Wieslaw (2007) Multi-phased array for damage localisation. Key Engineering Materials, 347. pp. 77-82. ISSN 1013-9826


Trendafilova, I. (2006) Vibration-based damage detection in structures using time series analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 220 (3). pp. 261-272. ISSN 0954-4062

Israr, Asif and Cartmell, Matthew P. and Krawczuk, Marek and Ostachowicz, Wieslaw and Manoach, Emil and Trendafilova, I. and Shishkina, E.V. and Palacz, M. (2006) On approximate analytical solutions for vibrations in cracked plates. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 5-6. pp. 315-322. ISSN 1660-9336

Trendafilova, I. and Manoach, Emil and Cartmell, Matthew P. and Krawczuk, Marek and Ostachowicz, Wieslaw and Palacz, M. (2006) On the problem for damage detection of vibrating cracked plates. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 5-6. pp. 247-254. ISSN 1660-9336

Gorman, D. and Trendafilova, I. and Mulholland, A. and Horáček, J. (2006) Vibration of a coupled plate/fluid interacting system and its implication for modal analysis and vibration health monitoring. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 5-6. pp. 323-330. ISSN 1660-9336


Trendafilova, Irina (2005) An investigation on vibration-based damage detection in an aircraft wing scaled model. Key Engineering Materials, 293-4. pp. 321-328. ISSN 1013-9826

Trendafilova, I. (2005) A study on vibration-based damage detection and location in an aircraft wing scaled model. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 3-4. pp. 309-314. ISSN 1660-9336


Trendafilova, I. and Imbabi, M. (2004) Novel health monitoring procedure for reinforced concrete slabs. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1-2. pp. 65-70. ISSN 1660-9336

Lazarov, B.S. and Trendafilova, I.; Boller, Chistian and Staszewski, Wieslaw J., eds. (2004) An investigation on vibration-based damage diagnosis in thin plates. In: Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Destech Publications, pp. 76-82. ISBN 1-932078-41-X


Trendafilova, I. and Heylen, W. (2003) Categorisation and pattern recognition methods for damage localisation from vibration measurements. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 17 (4). pp. 825-836. ISSN 0888-3270

Trendafilova, I. and Van Brussel, H.H. (2003) Condition monitoring of robot joints using statistical and nonlinear dynamics tools. Meccanica, 38 (2). pp. 283-295. ISSN 0025-6455

Trendafilova, I. (2003) State space modelling and representation for vibration-based damage assessment. Key Engineering Materials, 246. pp. 547-555. ISSN 1013-9826

Trendafilova, I. (2003) A state space based approach to health monitoring of vibrating structures. Materials Science Forum, 440-441. pp. 203-210. ISSN 1662-9760


Trendafilova, I. (2002) Non-linear dynamics characteristics for damage detection. In: Third International Conference on Identification in Engineering Systems, 2002-04-15 - 2002-04-17.

Trendafilova, I.; Balageas, Daniel L., ed. (2002) Vibration-based damage assessment using state-space representation of structural response. In: Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Destech Publications. ISBN 978-1-932078-08-4


Trendafilova, I. and Heylen, W. and Van Brussel, H.H. (2001) Measurement point selection in damage detection using the mutual information concept. Smart Materials and Structures, 10 (3). pp. 528-533. ISSN 0964-1726

Trendafilova, I. and Van Brussel, H.H. (2001) Nonlinear dynamics tools for the motion analysis and condition monitoring of robot joints. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15 (6). pp. 1141-1164. ISSN 0888-3270

Trendafilova, I.; (2001) Pattern recognition methods for damage diagnosis in structures from vibration measurements. In: Damage Assessment of Structures. Key Engineering Materials, 204-2 . Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 85-96. ISBN 0-87849-879-6

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