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Jump to: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
Number of items: 52.


Muñoz-Escalona, Patricia and Mridha, Shahjahan and Baker, Thomas Neville (2021) Advances in surface engineering using TIG processing to incorporate ceramic particulates into low alloy and microalloyed steels – a review. Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 15 (3). pp. 88-89. ISSN 2299-8624


Baker, Thomas Neville and Muñoz-de Escalona, Patricia and Olasolo, Maider and Marrocco, Tiziana and Kelly, James and Wei, Bingquiang and He, Kejian and Mridha, Shahajahan (2020) Role of preplaced silicon on a TIG processed SiC incorporated microalloyed steel. Materials Science and Technology, 36 (12). pp. 1349-1363. ISSN 0267-0836

Muñoz-Escalona, P. and Sillars, F. and Marrocco, T. and Edgar, R. and Mridha, S. and Baker, T. N. (2020) Silicon carbide particulates incorporated into microalloyed steel surface using TIG : microstructure and properties. Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom), 36 (1). pp. 17-32. ISSN 0267-0836


Baker, T. N. and Rahimi, S. and Wei, B. and He, K. and McPherson, N. A. (2019) Evolution of microstructure during double-sided friction stir welding of microalloyed steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50 (6). 2748–2764. ISSN 1073-5623

Rahimi, S. and Konkova, T. N. and Violatos, I. and Baker, T. N. (2019) Evolution of microstructure and crystallographic texture during dissimilar friction stir welding of duplex stainless steel to low carbon-manganese structural steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50 (2). pp. 664-687. ISSN 1073-5623


Konkova, T. and Rahimi, S. and Mironov, S. and Baker, T.N. (2018) Effect of strain level on the evolution of microstructure in a recently developed AD730 nickel based superalloy during hot forging. Materials Characterization, 139. pp. 437-445. ISSN 1044-5803

Baker, T. N. (2018) Titanium microalloyed steels. Ironmaking and Steelmaking. ISSN 1743-2812


Md Idriss, A. N. and Maleque, M.A. and Yaacob, I. I. and Nasir, R. M. and Mridha, S. and Baker, T. N. (2017) Wear behaviour at 600°C of surface engineered low-alloy steel containing TiC particles. Materials Science and Technology. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0267-0836

Rahimi, S. and Wynne, B. P. and Baker, T. N. (2017) Development of microstructure and crystallographic texture in a double-sided friction stir welded microalloyed steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48 (1). pp. 362-378. ISSN 1073-5623


Mridha, Shahjahan and Idriss, A.N. and Maleque, M.A. and Jaacob, I.L. and Baker, Neville (2015) Melting of multipass surface tracks in steel incorporating titanium carbide powders. Materials Science and Technology, 31 (11). pp. 1362-1369. ISSN 0267-0836

Idriss, A.N. and Mridha, Shahjahan and Baker, neville (2015) Laser and GTAW torch processing of Fe-Cr-B coatings on steel : Part II - microstructure and hardness. Materials Science and Technology, 31 (3). pp. 355-360. ISSN 0267-0836

Mridha, Shahjahan and Baker, Neville (2015) Overlapping tracks processed by TIG melting TiC preplaced powder on low alloy steel surfaces. Materials Science and Technology, 31 (3). pp. 337-343. ISSN 0267-0836

Baker, Neville (2015) The role of zirconium in microalloyed steels. Materials Science and Technology, 31 (3). pp. 265-294. ISSN 0267-0836

Baker, Thomas (2015) Microalloyed steels. Ironmaking and Steelmaking. ISSN 1743-2812


Munoz De Escalona, Patricia and Mridha, Shahjahan and Baker, neville (2014) Effect of shielding gas on the properties and microstructure of melted steel surface using a TIG torch. In: International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMPT 2014, 2014-11-16 - 2014-11-20, Atlantis the Palm.

Mridha, Shahjahan and Baker, Neville (2014) Oxidation protection behaviour of titanium aluminide coatings develped by TIG technique. In: International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMPT 2014, 2014-11-16 - 2014-11-20, Atlantis the Palm.

Patel, P and Mridha, Shahjahan and Baker, neville (2014) Influence of shielding gases on preheat produced in surface coatings incorporating SiC particulates into microalloy steel using TIG technique. Materials Science and Technology, 30 (12). pp. 1506-1514. ISSN 0267-0836

Idriss, A.N. and Mridha, Shahjahan and Baker, neville (2014) Laser and GTAW torch processing of Fe-Cr-B coatings on steel : Part I - melt features. Materials Science and Technology, 30 (10). pp. 1209-1213. ISSN 0267-0836


Mridha, Shahjahan and Idriss, A.N. and Baker, Thomas (2012) Incorporation of TiC on Alsi 4340 low alloy steel surfaces via tungsten inert gas arc melting. Advanced Materials Research, 445. pp. 655-660. ISSN 1022-6680


Mridha, Shahjahan and Idriss, A.N. and Baker, Thomas (2011) Incorporation of TiC particles on AlSi 4340 low alloy steel surfaces via tungsten inert gas melting. In: 14th international Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2011-07-13 - 2011-07-16.

Li, Y. and Milbourn, D. and Baker, Thomas (2011) Effect of Vanadium microalloying on the HAZ microstructure and properties of low carbon steels. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 18 (Supple). pp. 393-403. ISSN 1006-706X

Galloway, Alexander and McPherson, Norman and Baker, Thomas (2011) An evaluation of weld metal nitrogen retention and properties in 316NL austenitic stainless steel. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 225 (2). pp. 61-69. ISSN 1464-4207


Li, Y. and Baker, T.N. (2010) Effect of the morphology of the martensite-austenite phase on fracture of the weld heat affected zone in vanadium and niobium microalloyed steels. Materials Science and Technology, 26 (9). pp. 1029-1040. ISSN 0267-0836

Baker, T.N.; (2010) Laser surface modification of Ti alloys. In: Surface Engineering of Light Alloys - Aluminium, Magnesium and Titanium Alloys. Woodhead Publications, Cambridge, UK, pp. 398-443. ISBN 1845695372


Baker, T.N. (2009) Processes, microstructure and properties of vanadium microalloyed steels. Materials Science and Technology, 25 (9). pp. 1083-1107. ISSN 0267-0836


Baker, T.N. and Selamat, M.S. (2008) Surface engineering of Ti-6Al-4V by nitriding and powder alloying using a CW CO2 laser. Materials Science and Technology, 24 (2). pp. 189-200. ISSN 0267-0836


Chi, K. and McLean, M.S. and McPherson, N.A. and Baker, T.N. (2007) Single sided single pass submerged arc welding of austenitic stainless steel. Materials Science and Technology, 23 (9). pp. 1039-1048. ISSN 0267-0836

Wilson, J.A. and Craven, A.J. and Li, Y. and Baker, T.N. (2007) Dispersion strengthening in vanadium microalloyed steels processed by simulated thin slab casting and direct charging. Part 2 - chemical characterisation of dispersion strengthening precipitates. Materials Science and Technology, 23 (5). pp. 519-527. ISSN 0267-0836

Li, Y. and Wilson, J.A. and Craven, A.J. and Mitchell, P.S. and Crowther, D. and Baker, T.N. (2007) Dispersion strengthening in vanadium microalloyed steels processed by simulated thin slab casting and direct charging: Part I - Processing parameters, mechanical properties and microstructure. Materials Science and Technology, 23 (5). pp. 509-518. ISSN 0267-0836

Mridha, S. and Baker, T.N. (2007) Incorporation of 3 μm SiCp into Titanium surfaces using a 2.8 kW laser beam of 186 and 373 MJ m-2 energy densities in a nitrogen environment. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 185 (1-3). pp. 38-45. ISSN 0924-0136


Selamat, M.S. and Watson, L.M. and Baker, T.N. (2006) XRD and XPS studies of surface MMC layers developed by laser alloying Ti6Al4V using a combination of a dilute nitrogen environment and SiC powder. Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (3-4). pp. 724-736. ISSN 0257-8972


Li, Y. and Baker, T.N. and Mitchell, P.S. (2005) Vanadium microalloyed steel for thin slab casting and direct rolling. Materials Science Forum, 500-501. pp. 237-244. ISSN 1662-9760

McPherson, N.A. and Suarez-Fernandez, N. and Tan, H.C.P. and Lee, C.K. and Baker, T.N. (2005) Laser and laser assisted arc welding processes for DH 36 microalloyed steel ship plate. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 10 (4). pp. 460-467. ISSN 1362-1718


Zhang, B. and Baker, T.N. (2004) Effect of heat treatment on the hot deformation behaviour of AA6082 alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 153-154. pp. 881-885. ISSN 0924-0136

Baker, T.N. and Li, Y. and Wilson, J.A. and Carven, A.J. and Crowther, D.N. (2004) Evolution of precipitates, in particular cruciform and cuboid particles, during simulated direct charging of thin slab cast vanadium microalloyed steels. Materials Science and Technology, 20 (6). pp. 720-730. ISSN 0267-0836

Li, Y. and Wilson, J.A. and Crowther, D. and Mitchell, P.S. and Baker, T.N. (2004) The effects of vanadium, niobium, titanium and zirconium on the microstructure and mechanical properties of thin slab cast steels. ISIJ International, 44 (6). pp. 1093-1102. ISSN 0915-1559


Selamat, M.S. and Watson, L.M. and Baker, T.N. (2003) XRD and XPS studies on surface MMC layer of SiC reinforced Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 142 (3). pp. 725-737. ISSN 0924-0136

McPherson, N.A. and Samson, H. and Suarez-Fernandez, N. and Baker, T.N. (2003) Steel microstructures in autogeneous laser welds. Journal of Laser Applications, 15 (4). pp. 200-201. ISSN 1042-346X

McPherson, N.A. and Chi, K. and Baker, T.N. (2003) Submerged arc welding of stainless steel and the challenge from the laser welding process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 134 (2). pp. 174-179. ISSN 0924-0136

McPherson, N.A. and Chi, K. and McLean, M.S. and Baker, T.N. (2003) Structure and properties of carbon steel to duplex stainless steel submerged arc welds. Materials Science and Technology, 19 (2). pp. 219-226. ISSN 0267-0836

Zhang, J. and Baker, T.N. (2003) Effect of equalisation time on the austenite grain size of simulated thin slab direct charged (TSDC) vanadium microalloyed steels. ISIJ International, 43 (12). pp. 2015-2022. ISSN 0915-1559


Sing, W. and Baker, T.N.; (2002) Dry sliding wear behaviour of AA2014 alloy and AA2618 aluminium based composites. In: Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Materials Processing for Properties and Performance. UNSPECIFIED.

Li, Y. and Crowther, D. and Mitchell, P.S. and Baker, T.N.; (2002) Evolution of precipitation in direct charged thin slab cast VoN and V-Ti-N steels. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference: Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference. Institute of Physics Conference series, 168 (11). Institute of Physics, Bristol, United Kingdom. ISBN 0750308125

Wilson, J.A. and Craven, A.J. and Li, Y. and Baker, T.N.; Aindow, M. and Kiely, C.J., eds. (2002) Nanoanalysis of dispersion strengthening particles in thin slab cast vanadium microalloyed steels. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group (EMAG 2001 Conference). EMAG Conference Series, 168 . Institute of Physics, London, United Kingdom, pp. 187-190. ISBN 0-7503-0812-5

Li, Y. and Crowther, D. and Mitchell, P.S. and Baker, T.N. (2002) The evolution of microstructure during thin slab direct rolling processing in vanadium microalloyed steel. ISIJ International, 42 (6). pp. 636-644. ISSN 0915-1559


McPherson, N.A. and Chi, K. and Noriega-Martinez, I. and Baker, T.N. (2001) Autogeneous laser welding of dessimilar joints of stainless steel and carbon steel. In: Stainless Steel World 2001, 2001-11-13 - 2001-11-15.

Selamat, M.S. and Baker, T.N. and Watson, L.M. (2001) Study of the surface layer formed by the laser processing of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in a dilute nitrogen environment. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 113 (1-3). pp. 509-515. ISSN 0924-0136

Li, Y. and Crowther, D. and Wilson, J.A. and Craven, A.J. and Baker, T.N. (2001) Precipitation in vanadium and vanadium-titanium microalloyed steels. Institute of Physics Conference Series, 168. pp. 183-187. ISSN 0951-3248

Baker, T.N.; (2001) Quantitative metallography using transmission electron microscopy. In: 5th International Conference on Quantitive Microscopy of High Temperature Materials 2001. Maney Publishing, pp. 161-189. ISBN 1861251092

Li, Y. and Crowther, D.N. and Green, M.J.W. and Mitchell, P.S. and Baker, T.N. (2001) The effect of vanadium and niobium on the properties and microstructure of the intercritically reheated coarse grained heat affected zone in low carbon microalloyed steels. ISIJ International, 41 (1). pp. 46-55. ISSN 0915-1559


Craven, A.J. and He, K. and Garvie, L.A.J. and Baker, T.N. (2000) Complex heterogeneous precipitation in titanium-niobium microalloyed Al-killed HSLA steels-I. (Ti,Nb)(C,N) particles. Acta Materialia, 48 (15). pp. 3857-3868. ISSN 1359-6454

Craven, A.J. and He, K. and Garvie, L.A.J. and Baker, T.N. (2000) Complex heterogeneous precipitation in titanium-niobium microalloyed Al-killed HSLA steels-II. Non-titanium based particles. Acta Materialia, 48 (15). pp. 3869-3878. ISSN 1359-6454

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