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Number of items: 109.


Roszak, Jacob Aleksander and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Rosochowska, Malgorzata; (2021) Effects of lubrication, specimen preparation and tool coating on the friction behavior of commercially pure titanium at elevated temperature. In: 24th International Conference on Material Forming. Université de Liège, BEL. ISBN 9782870190036


Yakushina, E. and Reshetov, A. and Semenova, I. and Polyakova, V. and Rosochowski, A. and Valiev, R. (2018) The influence of the microstructure morphology of two phase Ti-6Al-4V alloy on the mechanical properties of diffusion bonded joints. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 726. pp. 251-258. ISSN 0921-5093

Tallafuss, Philipp J and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Campbell, Sylvia and Minguez, Xavier (2018) Implementing an on-line bond quality inspection system for cold roll bonded Al/Al-Sn/Al/steel strips using guided wave EMATs. Insight - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring, 60 (3). ISSN 1354-2575


Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia (2017) Influence of incremental ECAP on the microstructure and tensile behaviour of commercial purity titanium. Procedia Engineering, 207. 1481–1486. ISSN 1877-7058

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2017) New method of producing tailored blanks with constant thickness. Procedia Engineering, 207. pp. 1433-1438. ISSN 1877-7058

Guillot, M. and McCormack, T. and Tuffs, M. and Rosochowski, A. and Halliday, S. and Blackwell, P. (2017) Shear forming of 304L stainless steel – microstructural aspects. Procedia Engineering, 207. 1719–1724. ISSN 1877-7058

Lipinska, Marta and Chrominski, Witold and Olejnik, Lech and Golinski, Jacek and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Lewandowska, Malgorzata (2017) Ultrafine grained plates of Al-Mg-Si alloy obtained by Incremental Equal Channel Angular Pressing : microstructure and mechanical properties. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48 (10). 4871–4882. ISSN 1073-5623

Roszak, J.A. and Rosochowski, A. and Rosochowska, M.; Gao, James and El Souri, Mohammed and Keates, Simeon, eds. (2017) Chemical etching as a method of combatting adhesive tool wear during severe plastic deformation of commercially-pure titanium. In: Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, GBR, pp. 15-20. ISBN 978-1-61499-791-7

Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Sivaswamy, Giribaskar and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia (2017) On the evolution of microstructure and texture in commercial purity titanium during multiple passes of incremental equal channel angular pressing (I-ECAP). Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 699. pp. 31-47. ISSN 0921-5093

Tallafuss, Philipp J and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Campbell, Sylvia and Camacho, Antonio R; (2017) Detection of bond defects in cold roll bonded Al/Al-Sn/Al/steel sheets using Lamb type guided wave EMATs. In: 1st World Congress on Condition Monitoring 2017 (WCCM 2017). British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, GBR. ISBN 9781510844759

Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Sivaswamy, Giribaskar and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia (2017) Effect of incremental equal channel angular pressing (I-ECAP) on the microstructural characteristics and mechanical behaviour of commercially pure titanium. Materials & Design, 122. pp. 385-402. ISSN 0264-1275

Tallafuss, Philipp Johannes and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Campbell, Sylvia (2017) A comparison study on different NDT techniques used for testing bond quality in cold roll bonded AlSn alloy/steel bimetal strips. Manufacturing Review, 4. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2265-4224

Salamati, M and Tamimi, S and Moturu, Shanmukha Rao and Sivaswamy, G and Qarni, M and Rosochowski, A (2017) Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-1050 during incremental ECAP. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 194. 012009. ISSN 1757-899X

Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia (2017) Warm deformation behaviour of UFG CP-Titanium produced by I-ECAP. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 194. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1757-899X

Lipińska, Marta and Ura-Bińczyk, Ewa and Olejnik, Lech and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Lewandowska, Malgorzata (2017) Microstructure and corrosion behavior of the friction stir welded joints made from ultrafine grained aluminum. Advanced Engineering Materials. ISSN 1527-2648


Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech; Chinesta, Francisco and Cueto, Elias and Abisset-Chavanne, Emmanuelle, eds. (2016) Incremental non-equal channel angular pressing - FE simulation. In: ESAFORM 2016. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1769 . American Institute of Physics, FRA. ISBN 9780735414273

Lewandowska, Malgorzata and Chrominski, Witold and Lipinska, Marta and Olejnik, Lech and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2016) Incremental ECAP as a method to produce ultrafine grained aluminium plates. Key Engineering Materials, 710. pp. 59-64. ISSN 1013-9826

Elkaseer, AM and Dimov, SS and Pham, DT and Popov, KP and Olejnik, L and Rosochowski, A (2016) Material microstructure effects in micro-endmilling of Cu99.9E. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 232 (7). pp. 1143-1155. ISSN 2041-2975

Salamati, Mohammad and Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Tamimi, Saeed and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2016) Effect of channel angle on the material flow and hardness distribution during incremental ECAP of Al-1050 billets. In: The 19th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 2016-04-27 - 2016-04-29, Nantes Congress Center.

Gzyl, Michal and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia and Olejnik, Lech and Katimon, Mohd Nizam (2016) Producing high-strength metals by I-ECAP. Advanced Engineering Materials, 18 (2). pp. 219-223. ISSN 1527-2648


Olejnik, Lech and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2015) Wytwarzanie wielofunkcyjnych blach do tłoczenia za pomocą przyrostowego odkształcania w kanale kątowym : Production of tailored blanks by Incremental ECAP. Obrobka Plastyczna Metali, 26 (4). pp. 307-324. ISSN 0867-2628

Lipińska, Marta and Olejnik, Lech and Pietras, Adam and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Bazarnik, Piotr and Goliński, Jacek and Brynk, Tomasz and Lewandowska, Małgorzata (2015) Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded joints made from ultrafine grained aluminium 1050. Materials and Design, 88. pp. 22-31. ISSN 0264-1275

Gzyl, Michal and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia and Qarni, Muhammad Jawad (2015) The origin of fracture in the I-ECAP of AZ31B magnesium alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46 (11). pp. 5275-5284. ISSN 1073-5623

Lipińska, M. and Olejnik, L. and Chromiński1, W. and Rosochowski, A. and Goliński, J. and Lewandowska, M. (2015) Microstructure evolution in aluminium 6060 during incremental ECAP. In: Euromat 2015, 2015-09-20 - 2015-09-24, Warsaw University of Technology.

Gzyl, Michal and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia and Olejnik, Lech (2015) The role of microstructure and texture in controlling mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by I-ECAP. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 638. pp. 20-29. ISSN 0921-5093

Chrominski, W. and Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A. and Lewandowska, M. (2015) Grain refinement in technically pure aluminium plates using incremental ECAP processing. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 636. pp. 172-180. ISSN 0921-5093

Golinski, J. and Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A. (2015) Kształtowanie przyrostowe wielofunkcyjnych pakietów blaszanych do tłoczenia. Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej Mechanika, 267. pp. 149-154. ISSN 0137-2335

Olejnik, Lech and Golinski, Jacek and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2015) Wytwarzanie wielofunkcyjnych blach techniką ścinania. Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej Mechanika, 267. pp. 155-160. ISSN 0137-2335

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech and Rosochowska, Malgorzata (2015) Tailored sheared blanks produced by incremental ECAP. Key Engineering Materials, 651-653. pp. 651-656. ISSN 1013-9826

Gzyl, Michal and Pesci, Raphaël and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Boczkal, Sonia and Olejnik, Lech (2015) In situ analysis of the influence of twinning on the strain hardening rate and fracture mechanism in AZ31B magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials Science, 50 (6). pp. 2532-2543. ISSN 0022-2461

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Olejnik, Lech (2015) Determination of friction factor by ring compression testing and FE analysis. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 15 (1). pp. 156-161. ISSN 1641-8581


Lipinska, Marta and Olejnik, Lech and Pietras, Adam and Brynk, Tomasz and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Lewandowska, Malgorzata and Golinski, Jacek (2014) Joining ultrafine grained aluminium by friction stir welding – processing, microstructure and mechanical properties. In: Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials for Innovative Industry, Nano PL 2014, 2014-10-15 - 2014-10-17.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Rosochowska, Malgorzata and Olejnik, Lech (2014) A method of forming oblique rings. Procedia Engineering, 81. pp. 568-573. ISSN 1877-7058

Wood, P. and Qarni, M.J. and Chippendale, J. and Rosochowski, A. (2014) Numerical study on the effect of the thermo-mechanical properties of alloys on the behaviour of super plastic forming tools. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 45 (9). pp. 828-834. ISSN 0933-5137

Olejnik, Lech and Chrominski, Witold and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Lipinska, Marta and Lewandowska, Malgorzata (2014) Incremental ECAP as a novel tool for producing ultrafine grained aluminium plates. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 63 (1). 012004. ISSN 1757-899X

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2014) Incremental ECAP of thick continuous plates - machine and initial trials. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 63 (1). 012010. ISSN 1757-899X

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Pesci, Raphael and Olejnik, Lech (2014) Microstructure evolution in AZ31B magnesium alloy subjected to tension. In: 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, 2014-06-30 - 2014-07-04, The Arsenal. (Unpublished)

Rosochowski, Andrzej (2014) Developments in incremental ECAP for manufacture of UFG metals. In: 1st International Conference of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2014-06-04 - 2014-06-06. (Unpublished)

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech and Pesci, Raphael (2014) Improving mechanical properties of magnesium alloy by incremental equal angular pressing (ECAP). In: 1st International Conference of Non-Ferrous Metals, ICNFM 2014, 2014-06-04 - 2014-06-06. (Unpublished)

Yakushina, Evgenia and Reshetov, Aleksey and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2014) Optimisation of diffusion bonding parameters of Ti alloys through the structure and surface conditions. Materials Science Forum, 783-786. pp. 2845-2850. ISSN 1662-9760

Salamati, Mohammad Reza and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2014) Using FEA in assessing backward extrusion of multiple micro-pins. Key Engineering Materials, 611-612. pp. 589-596. ISSN 1013-9826

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech and Reshetov, Aleksey (2014) The effect of initial grain size on formability of AZ31B magnesium alloy during I-ECAP. Key Engineering Materials, 611-612. pp. 573-580. ISSN 1013-9826

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Pesci, Raphael and Olejnik, Lech and Yakushina, Evgenia and Wood, Paul (2014) Mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by I-ECAP. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45 (3). pp. 1609-1620. ISSN 1073-5623


Rosochowski, Andrzej and Rosochowska, Malgorzata and Olejnik, Lech (2013) Severe plastic deformation by incremental angular splitting. Journal of Materials Science, 48 (13). pp. 4557-4562. ISSN 0022-2461

Wood, Paul and Sun, Lin and Bhattacharya, Rahul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2013) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP12 Final report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Elkaseer, Ahmed and Bigot, Samuel and Surleraux, Anthony and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2013) Effect of material microstructure on the micro-EDM process. In: ICOMM 2013, 2013-03-25 - 2013-03-28.

Wood, Paul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2013) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP8 D8.4 Modelling user guidelines. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech and Richert, Jan and Rosochowska, Malgorzata and Richert, Maria (2013) Equal channel angular pressing with converging billets—experiment. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 560. pp. 358-364. ISSN 0921-5093

Anderson, Magnus and McGuire, Kenny and Zante, Remi Christophe and Ion, William and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Brooks, Jeffery (2013) Identifying the dominant failure mode in the hot extrusion tooling used to forge nickel based superalloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213 (1). 111–119. ISSN 0924-0136

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2013) FE simulation of magnesium alloy microstructure evolution in tension. In: The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, 2014-01-06.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2013) Incremental ECAP with converging billets. Key Engineering Materials, 554-557. pp. 869-875. ISSN 1013-9826

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Pesci, Raphael and Yakushina, Evgenia and Olejnik, Lech and Wood, Paul (2013) Mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by I-ECAP. In: Magnesium Workshop Madrid 2013, 2013-05-21 - 2013-05-24. (Unpublished)

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Milenin, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2013) Modelling microstructure evolution during equal channel angular pressing of magnesium alloys using cellular automata finite element method. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 13 (2). pp. 357-363. ISSN 1641-8581

Wood, Paul and Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Blackwell, Paul and Cerny, Vladimir and Brennand, Phillip and Wilkinson, Steven and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2013) Modelling the superplastic forming of a multi-sheet diffusion bonded titanium alloy demonstrator fan blade. Materials Science Forum, 735. pp. 215-223. ISSN 1662-9760

Gzyl, Michal Zbigniew and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Yakushina, Evgenia and Wood, Paul and Olejnik, Lech (2013) Route effects in I-ECAP of AZ31B magnesium alloy. Key Engineering Materials, 554-557. pp. 876-884. ISSN 1013-9826


Polyakova, Veronika and Gabitova, Svetlana and Semenova, Irina and Yakushina, Evgenia and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2012) Study of ultrafine grained Ti-6Al-4V linear friction welds. In: 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Structural Materials, COMAT 2012, 2012-11-21 - 2012-11-22.

Wood, Paul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2012) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP4 D4.6. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Wood, Paul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2012) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP2 D2.5 specification for the property and structure characterisation of nickel and chromium alloys used in SPF tools. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Wood, Paul and Rusinek, Alexis and Pesci, R and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2012) Effect of grain size and stress state on the behaviour of Magnesium AZ31b alloy. In: Dynamic Behavior of Materials and Safety of Structures, 2012-05-02 - 2012-05-04.

Wood, Paul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2012) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP4 D4.4 thermo-mechanical modelling of SPF tools. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Wood, Paul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2012) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP4 D4.5 identification of properties for the thermo-mechanical tool model. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Rosochowska, Malgorzata and Olejnik, Lech (2012) New SPD process of incremental angular splitting. Key Engineering Materials, 504-506. pp. 569-574. ISSN 1013-9826

Rosochowska, Malgorzata and Balendra, Rajendram and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech; Tewari, Asim and Narasimhan, K and Date, Prashant P, eds. (2012) FE modelling of multi-stage drawing of a miniature tubular component with a middle flange and rounded edge. In: IDDRG 2012. International Deep-Drawing Research Group, IND, pp. 128-133.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech; Lin, J. and Balint, D. and Pietrzyk, M, eds. (2012) Severe plastic deformation for grain refinement and enhacement of properties. In: Microstructure evolution in metal forming processes. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 114-141. ISBN 9780857090744


Rees, Andrew and Dimov, Stefan and Minev, Roussi and Lalev, Georgi and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2011) The effect of material grain structure on the surface integrity of components processed by microwire electrical discharge machining (μWEDM). Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 225 (9). pp. 1647-1656. ISSN 2041-2975

Wood, Paul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2011) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP1 D1.2 review of state of art. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Wood, Paul and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2011) SAMULET 5.1.7 SPF tooling development; WP4 D4.2 SPF process simulation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, J (2011) Incremental ECAP of tubular components : FE simulation. In: 14th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, 2011-04-27 - 2011-04-29.

Wood, Paul and Qarni, Muhammad Jawad and Rosochowski, Andrzej (2011) Effect of friction and back pressure on the formability of superplastically formed aluminium alloy sheet. In: SheMet Conference 2011, 2011-04-17 - 2011-04-20.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, J (2011) Incremental equal channel angular pressing for grain refinement. Materials Science Forum, 674. pp. 19-28. ISSN 1662-9760

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2011) Equal channel angular pressing with converging billets - FE simulation. In: 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2011, 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2011) New process configurations for ECAP. In: Congress on Nanotechnologies, The Third International Symposium on Bulk Nanostructured Materials: from fundamentals to innovations, BNM2011, 2011-08-23 - 2011-08-26.

Wood, Paul and Gebelin, Jean-Christophe and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Brooks, Jeffery (2011) Predicting grain structure and defect locations in a cast nickel and chromium alloy tool for superplastic forming by casting simulation. In: 8th European Conference on Superplastic Forming, EuroSPF2011, 2011-09-20 - 2011-09-21.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech (2011) Uzyskiwanie ultradrobnoziarnistych struktur w metalowych przedmiotach o pierscieniowym przekroju poprzecznym. In: Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Metal Forming Processes FIMM'11, 2011-05-19 - 2011-05-21.


Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, J (2010) Current practice and future opportunities for two-turn ECAP. Materials Science Forum, 667-669. pp. 121-126. ISSN 1662-9760

Rosochowski, Andrzej (2010) Ultrafine grained metals for microforming. In: 5th Erlangen Workshop on Microforming, 2010-11-23.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Rosochowska, Malgorzata and Olejnik, J and Verlinden, B (2010) Incremental equal channel angular pressing of sheets. Steel Research International, 81 (9). ISSN 1611-3683

Rosochowska, Malgorzata and Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, J (2010) FE simulation of micro-extrusion of a conical pin. International Journal of Material Forming, 3 (Supple). pp. 423-426. ISSN 1960-6206

Kennedy, B. and DeVor, R. and Rosochowski, A. (2010) First-place finish : imparting fine surface finishes when micromilling. Micromanufacturing, 3 (1). pp. 29-32.


Pham, D.T. and Elkaseer, A.M. and Popov, K.P. and Dimov, S.S. and Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A.; (2009) Micromiling of coarse-grained and ultrafine-grained Cu99.9E: Effects of material microstructure on machining conditions and surface quality. In: Proceedings of the International Conferences on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M)/International Conferences on Micro Manufacturing (ICOMM). Professional Engineering Publishing, pp. 241-244.

Rees, A. and Dimov, S.S. and Minev, R. and Lalev, G. and Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L. (2009) The effect of surface integrity of components processed by μWEDM. International Conferences on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M)/International Conferences on Micro Manufacturing (ICOMM) . Professional Engineering Publishing, United Kingdom.

Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A. (2009) Incremental method of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). Przeglad Mechaniczny (10). pp. 22-27. ISSN 0033-2259

Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L.; (2009) Ultrafine grained metals in micro-manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Bulk Nanostructured Materials: from fundamentals to innovations, BNM2009. Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia. ISBN 978-5-86911-971-1

Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L. (2009) Ultrafine grains - a new option for light metals. Materials Technology, 24 (3). pp. 139-142. ISSN 1066-7857

Olejnik, L. and Kulczyk, M. and Pachla, W. and Rosochowski, A. (2009) Hydrostatic extrusion of UFG aluminium. International Journal of Material Forming, 2 (Suppl ). pp. 621-624. ISSN 1960-6206

Olejnik, L. and Presz, W. and Rosochowski, A. (2009) Backward extrusion using micro-blanked aluminium sheet. International Journal of Material Forming, 2 (Suppl ). pp. 617-620. ISSN 1960-6206

Rosochowska, M. and Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L. (2009) Finite element analysis of forward extrusion of 1010 steel. Annals of Dunărea de Jos, University of Galaţi, Fascicle V, Technologies in Machine Building. ISSN 1221-4566

Kokkonen, J. and Kuokkala, V-T and Seidt, J.D. and Walker, A. and Gilat, A. and Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A. (2009) High strain rate deformation analysis of UFG aluminum sheet samples. In: 2009 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 2009-06-01 - 2009-06-04.

Rosochowski, A. (2009) UFG metals for micromanufacturing. Micromanufacturing, 2 (1). p. 40.


Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A. (2008) Using ICFG guidelines for developing ECAP with enhanced productivity. In: 41st ICFG Plenary Meeting, 2008-09-14 - 2008-09-17.

Rosochowski, Andrzej and Olejnik, Lech and Richert, Maria (2008) Double-billet incremental ECAP. Materials Science Forum, 584-586. pp. 139-144. ISSN 1662-9760

Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A. and Richert, M. (2008) Incremental ECAP of plates. Materials Science Forum, 548-586. pp. 108-113. ISSN 1662-9760

Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L. (2008) Finite element analysis of two-turn incremental ECAP. International Journal of Material Forming, 1 (Suppl ). pp. 483-486. ISSN 1960-6206

Corney, J. and Wren, G. and Rosochowski, A. and Ewing, H. and Yi, Q. and Stack, M. (2008) The Advanced Forming Research Centre at Strathclyde University: aims, objectives and methodologies. In: SMEA Conference and Exhibition, The Influence of Rolling and Forging on Product Quality and Properties, 2008-06-17 - 2008-06-18.

Kokkonen, J. and Kuokkala, V-T and Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A.; (2008) Dynamic behaviour of ECAP-processed aluminium at room and sub-zero temperature. In: Proceedings of the 2008 SEM XI International Congress and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics. Society for Experimental Mechanics. ISBN 0-912053-99-2

Kuokkala, V.T and Kokkonen, J. and Song, B. and Chen, W. and Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A.; (2008) Dynamic response of severe plastic deformation processed 1070 aluminum at various temperatures. In: Proceedings of the 18th DYMAT Technical Meeting, The Behaviour of Bulk Nanomaterials and Metallic Glasses under Dynamic Loading. Nexter Munitions, La Chapelle, France. ISBN 2-9517947-3-8

Geissdörfer, S. and Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L. and Engel, U. (2008) Micro-extrusion of an ultrafine grained copper can. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture . Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath. ISBN 978-1904445-76-0

Olejnik, L. and Rosochowski, A. (2008) Scaled-up ECAP with enhanced productivity. Steel Research International, 2. pp. 439-447. ISSN 1611-3683

Azushima, A. and Kopp, R. and Korhonen, A. and Yang, D.Y. and Micari, F. and Lahoti, G.D. and Groche, P. and Yanagimoto, J. and Tsuji, N. and Rosochowski, A. and Yanagida, A. (2008) Severe plastic deformation (SPD) processes for metals. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 57 (2). pp. 716-735. ISSN 0007-8506


Rosochowski, A and Olejnik, L (2007) Finite element simulation of severe plastic deformation processes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 221 (4). pp. 187-196. ISSN 1464-4207

Rosochowski, A. and Presz, W. and Olejnik, L. and Richert, M. (2007) Micro-extrusion of ultrafine grained aluminium. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 33 (1-2). pp. 137-146. ISSN 1433-3015


Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L. and Richert, M. (2006) Channel configuration effects in 3D-ECAP. Materials Science Forum, 503-4. pp. 179-184. ISSN 1662-9760


Zattarin, P. and Lipinski, P. and Rosochowski, A. (2004) Numerical study of the influence of microstructure on subsequent yield surfaces of polycrystalline materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 46 (9). pp. 1377-1398. ISSN 0020-7403


Rosochowski, A. and Rosochowska, M. (2003) Dimensional effects in the warm calibration of a stainless steel cylinder. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 135 (2-3). pp. 125-130. ISSN 0924-0136


Rosochowski, A. and Olejnik, L. (2002) Numerical and physical modelling of plastic deformation in 2-turn equal channel angular extrusion. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 125-126. pp. 309-316. ISSN 0924-0136


Rosochowski, A. (2001) Die compensation procedure to negate die deflection and component springback. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 115 (2). pp. 187-191. ISSN 0924-0136

Rosochowski, A. and Balendra, R. (2001) Secondary yielding of forged components due to unloading. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 115 (2). pp. 233-239. ISSN 0924-0136

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