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Mathematics & Statistics hosts the Marine Population Modelling group which is engaged in research into topics surrounding marine resource modelling and ecology. Recent work has included important developments in the population modelling of marine species.

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Jump to: 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2002
Number of items: 42.


McGarry, Connor and Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Galloway, Stuart (2023) A high-resolution geospatial and socio-technical methodology for assessing the impact of electrified heat and transport on distribution network infrastructure. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 35. 101118. ISSN 2352-4677

McGarry, Connor and Anderson, Amy Chanissa and Elders, Ian and Galloway, Stuart (2023) A scalable geospatial data-driven localization approach for modelling of low voltage distribution networks and low carbon technology impact assessment. IEEE Access, 11. pp. 64567-64585. ISSN 2169-3536


Edmunds, Calum and Galloway, Stuart and Dixon, James and Bukhsh, Waqquas and Elders, Ian (2021) Hosting capacity assessment of heat pumps and optimised electric vehicle charging on low voltage networks. Applied Energy. ISSN 0306-2619


Edmunds, Calum and Elders, Ian and Galloway, Stuart and Stephen, Bruce and Postnikov, Andrey and Varga, Liz and Hu, Yukun and Kipouros, Timoleon; (2020) Congestion management with aggregated delivery of flexibility using distributed energy resources. In: 6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON). IEEE, Piscataway, N.J., pp. 616-620. ISBN 978-1-7281-2956-3

Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith (2020) Evaluating the likely temporal variation in electric vehicle charging demand at popular amenities using smartphone locational data. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14 (6). pp. 504-510. ISSN 1751-9578

Edmunds, C. and Galloway, S. and Elders, I. and Bukhsh, W. and Telford, R. (2020) Design of a DSO-TSO balancing market coordination scheme for decentralised energy. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, 14 (5). 707–718. ISSN 1751-8695


Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith (2019) Electric vehicle charging simulations on a real distribution network using real trial data. In: 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia Pacific, 2019-05-07 - 2019-05-10, International Convention Centre.


Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith (2018) Characterization of electric vehicle fast charging forecourt demand. In: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 2018, 2018-10-21 - 2018-10-25, Sarajevo.

Dixon, James and Bell, Keith and Elders, Ian (2018) Electric vehicle destination charging characterisations at popular amenities. In: E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium 2018, 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-15, KTH.


Telford, Rory and Galloway, Stuart and Stephen, Bruce and Elders, Ian (2017) Diagnosis of series DC arc faults - a machine learning approach. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13 (4). pp. 1598-1609. ISSN 1551-3203

Dixon, James and Bell, Keith and Elders, Ian (2017) Opportunities for interconnection of adjacent distribution feeders in GB networks. In: 52nd International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, 2017-08-29 - 2017-09-01, T.E.I. of Crete.

Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith and Smith, Kevin and Collinson, Alan (2017) Application of enhanced thermal ratings to primary substation transformers. CIRED Open Access Proceedings Journal. pp. 1-5. (In Press)

Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith and Smith, Kevin and Collinson, Alan; (2017) Application of enhanced thermal ratings to primary substation transformers. In: Proceedings of 24th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. IET, GBR.


Morris, Euan Andrew and Bell, Keith and Elders, Ian (2016) Spatial and temporal clustering of fault events on the GB transmission network. In: 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 2016-10-16 - 2016-10-20, Beijing Friendship Hotel.

Dixon, James and Bell, Keith and Elders, Ian (2016) Distribution network reconfiguration for optimisation of reliability and losses. In: Hubnet Smart Grids Symposium 2016, 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-14, University of Strathclyde.

Ding, J. and Bell, K. R. W. and Elders, I. M.; (2016) A method for the evaluation and optimisation of power losses and reliability of supply in a distribution network. In: 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). IEEE, ITA, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4673-8151-2


Barnacle, Malcolm and Galloway, Stuart and Elders, Ian and Ault, Graham (2015) A multi-objective transmission reinforcement planning approach for analysing future energy scenarios in the GB network. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1751-8695


Roscoe, Andrew and Jackson, Gordon and Elders, Ian and McCarthy, J. and Burt, Graeme; (2012) Demonstration of sustained and useful converter responses during balanced and unbalanced faults in microgrids. In: Electrical systems for aircraft, railway and ship propulsion (ESARS), 2012. Proceedings. IEEE, GBR. ISBN 9781467313704


Blair, Steven Macpherson and Booth, Campbell and Elders, Ian and Singh, Nand and Burt, Graeme and McCarthy, J. (2011) Superconducting fault current limiter application in a power-dense marine electrical system. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 1 (3). 93 – 102. ISSN 2042-9738

Roscoe, A. J. and Elders, I. M. and Hill, J.E. and Burt, G. M. (2011) Integration of a mean-torque diesel engine model into a hardware-in-the-loop shipboard network simulation using lambda tuning. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 1 (3). pp. 103-110.


Galloway, S. and Sookananta, B. and Elders, I.M. and Burt, G.M. (2010) Optimal flexible alternative current transmission system device allocation under system fluctuations due to demand and renewable generation. IEE Proceedings Generation Transmission and Distribution, 4 (6). pp. 725-735. ISSN 1350-2360

Fletcher, S. D. A. and Elders, I. M. and Norman, P. J. and Galloway, S. J. and Booth, C. D. and Burt, G. M. and McCarthy, J. and Hill, J.E.; (2010) The impact of incorporating skin effect on the fault analysis and protection system performance of DC marine and aerospace power systems. In: Proceedings of the 10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2010). Managing the Change. IET, 1 -5.

Schuddebeurs, J. and Norman, P. and Elders, I.M. and Galloway, S. and Booth, C.D. and Burt, G.M. and Apsley, J.M. (2010) A solution for improved simulation efficiency of a multi-domain marine power system model. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 6 (1). pp. 67-77. ISSN 1740-2123

Roscoe, A. J. and Elders, I. M. and Hill, J.E. and Burt, G.M (2010) Integration of a mean-torque diesel engine model into a hardware-in-the-loop shipboard network simulation. In: IET conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) 2010, 2010-04-19 - 2010-04-21.

Blair, S.M. and Singh, N.K. and Elders, I.M. and Booth, C.D. and Burt, Graeme M. and McCarthy, J. (2010) Investigation of superconducting fault current limiter application in a power-dense marine electrical network. In: Power Electronics, Machines and Drives PEMD 2010, 2010-04-19 - 2010-04-21.


Dolan, Michael and Ault, Graham W and Elders, Ian M and McDonald, JR (2009) Economic and technical evaluation of an energy storage system connected to an islanded distribution network. International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources, 5 (4). pp. 279-294. ISSN 1614-7138

Fletcher, S. and Elders, I.M. and Norman, P. and Galloway, S. and Burt, G.M. and Bright, C.G. and McCarthy, J. (2009) Consideration of the impact of skin effect in the transient analysis of dc marine systems. In: IMarEST Engine as a Weapon III Conference, 1900-01-01.


Elders, Ian and Norman, Patrick and Booth, Campbell and Galloway, Stuart and Burt, Graeme and Mcdonald, James; (2008) A review of alternative electrical power distribution methods for future unmanned aerial vehicles. In: Power Systems Conference Technical Papers 2008. SAE International, USA.

Booth, C.D. and Schuddebeurs, J. and Norman, P. and Elders, I.M. and Galloway, S. and Burt, G.M. and Apsley, Judith; (2008) A solution for an improved modelling efficiency of a multi-disciplinary marine power system. In: Proceedings of the 20th European Modelling and Simulation Symposium. DIPTIM University, pp. 610-619. ISBN 978-88-903724-0-7

Kelly, Nick and Galloway, Stuart and Elders, Ian and Tumilty, Ryan and Burt, Graeme (2008) Modelling the impact of micro generation on the electrical distribution system. In: Micro-Cogen 2008, 1st International Conference on Micro-Cogeneration Technologies and Applications, 2008-04-29 - 2008-05-01.

Booth, Campbell and Elders, I.M. and Schuddebeurs, J.D. and McDonald, J.R. and Loddick, S. (2008) Power system protection for more and full electric marine systems. Proceedings- Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology Part B Journal of Marine Design and Operations (B13). pp. 37-45. ISSN 1476-1556


Tumilty, R. and Elders, I.M. and Burt, G.M. and McDonald, J.R. (2007) Coordinated protection, control and automation schemes for microgrids. International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources, 3 (3). pp. 225-242. 304. ISSN 1614-7138

Elders, I.M. and Norman, P. and Schuddebeurs, J. and Booth, C.D. and Burt, G.M. and McDonald, J.R. and Apsley, J. and Barnes, M. and Smith, A. and Williamson, S. and Loddick, S. and Myers, I. IEEE (2007) Modelling and analysis of electro-mechanical interactions between prime-mover and load in a marine IFEP system. In: 2007 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium. IEEE, pp. 77-84. ISBN 1-4244-0947-0

Ault, G.W. and Elders, I.M. and Green, R. (2007) Transmission use of system charges under future power system scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (4). pp. 1523-1531. ISSN 0885-8950


Elders, I.M. and Ault, G.W. and Galloway, S.J. and McDonald, J.R. and Kohler, J. and Leach, M. and Lampaditou, E.; Jamasb, Tooraj and Nuttall, William J. and Pollitt, Michael G., eds. (2006) Electricity network scenarios in the UK in 2050. In: Future electricity technologies and systems. Cambridge University Press, pp. 24-80. ISBN 9780521860499

Elders, Ian and Ault, Graham and Burt, Graeme and Tumilty, Ryan and Mcdonald, James and Koehler, J. (2006) Electricity network scenarios for 2020. SuperGen.

McMorran, A.W. and Ault, G.W. and Morgan, C. and Elders, I.M. and McDonald, J.R. (2006) A common information model (CIM) toolkit framework implemented in Java. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21 (1). pp. 194-201. ISSN 0885-8950


Ramsay, D. and Elders, I.M. and Ault, G.W. and McDonald, J.R. (2005) Scenario-based analysis of the impact of marine energy development on Scotland's electricity network. In: 6th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2005-08-29 - 2005-09-02.

Foote, C.E.T. and Burt, G.M. and Elders, I.M. and Ault, G.W.; (2005) Developing distributed generation penetration scenarios. In: Future Power Systems, 2005 International Conference on. IEEE, NLD.

Elders, I.M. and Ault, G.W. and Galloway, S.J. and McDonald, J.R. (2005) Identification of long-term scenarios of electricity network development. In: 2005 International Conference on Future Power Systems, 2005-11-18.


McMorran, A. and Ault, G.W. and Elders, I.M. and Foote, C.E.T. and Burt, G.M. and McDonald, J.R. (2004) Translating CIM XML power system data to a proprietary format for system simulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (1). pp. 229-235. ISSN 0885-8950


Elders, I.M. and Hossack, J.A. and Moyes, A.J. and Burt, G.M. and McDonald, J.R. (2002) The use of internet technologies to enable flexible alarm processing. In: Fifth International Conference on Power System Management and Control, 2002-04-17 - 2002-04-19.

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