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Number of items: 67.


Govender, Navan N. and Ellis, Sue; Tierney, Robert J. and Rizvi, Fazal and Ercikan, Kadriye, eds. (2023) Teacher identity : crossing the technical-rationalist and affective divide. In: International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 346-355. ISBN 9780128186299


Ellis, Sue and Rowe, Adele (2020) Literacy, social justice and inclusion : a large-scale design experiment to narrow the attainment-gap linked to poverty. Support for Learning, 35 (4). pp. 418-439. ISSN 1467-9604

Ellis, Sue and Rowe, Adele (2020) Inclusive literacy teaching : raising attainment and equity by empowering educators and broadening the evidence they use. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ISSN 1360-3116 (In Press)

Ellis, Sue and Rowe, Adele and Carey, Jenny and Smith, Vivienne; Ssimpson, Alyson and Pomerantz, Francesca and Kaufman, Doug and Ellis, Sue, eds. (2020) Teacher noticing in language and literacy landscapes of practice. In: Developing Habits of Noticing in Literacy and Language Classrooms. Routledge, London, pp. 59-78. ISBN 9780429320828


Ellis, Sue (2019) Recommendations for Scottish National Standardised Assessments. Scottish Government, Edinburgh.


Ellis, Susan and Anderson, Jess and Rowe, Adele (2018) Report on the Renfrewshire Literacy Approach : August 2015 – July 2017. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Smith, Vivienne and Ellis, Susan; Thorburn, Malcolm, ed. (2017) Literacy, language and wellbeing. In: Wellbeing, Education and Contemporary Schooling. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 141-152. ISBN 978-1-138-66848-5

Ellis, Susan and Thomson, Jane and Carey, Jenny; Ng, Clarence and Barlett, Brendan, eds. (2017) Generating data, generating knowledge : professional development in the Strathclyde literacy clinic. In: Improving Reading and Reading Engagement in the 21st Century. Springer Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 255-268. ISBN 9789811043307

Ellis, Sue and Smith, Vivienne (2017) Assessment, teacher education and the emergence of professional expertise. Literacy, 51 (2). pp. 84-93. ISSN 1741-4350

Ellis, Susan; Peters, Michael A. and Cowie, Bronwen and Menter, Ian, eds. (2017) The Strathclyde literacy clinic : developing student teacher values, knowledge and identity as inclusive practitioners. In: A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. Springer Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 121-134. ISBN 9789811040757


Sosu, Edward M. and Smith, Lauren N. and McKendry, Stephanie and Santoro, Ninetta and Ellis, Sue (2016) Widening Access to Higher Education for Students from Economically Disadvantaged Backgrounds : What Works and Why? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Sosu, Edward M. and Smith, Lauren N. and McKendry, Stephanie and Santoro, Ninetta and Ellis, Sue (2016) Widening Access to Higher Education for Students from Economically Disadvantaged Backgrounds : What Works and Why? [Summary Report]. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Ellis, Susan and Thompson, Ian and McNicholl, Jane and Thomson, Jane (2016) Student teachers' understandings of poverty and learners' educational attainment and well-being : perspectives from England and Scotland. Journal of Education and Teaching, 42 (4). pp. 483-499.

Sosu, Edward and Mckendry, Stephanie and Smith, Lauren and Santoro, Ninetta and Ellis, Susan (2016) Access to higher education : how might this be achieved for students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds? In: European Conference on Educational Research 2016, 2016-08-22 - 2017-08-26.


Ellis, Susan and Sosu, Edward (2015) Closing Poverty-Related Attainment Gaps in Scotland's Schools : What Works? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

McCartney, Elspeth and Boyle, James and Ellis, Sue (2015) Developing a universal reading comprehension intervention for mainstream primary schools within areas of social deprivation for children with and without language-learning impairment : a feasibility study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50 (1). pp. 129-135. ISSN 1368-2822

Ellis, Susan (2015) Improving Literacy in Scotland : Four Policy Proposals. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


McAlister, Clare and Ellis, Susan (2014) Genre pedagogy and literacy across learning. In: Scottish Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2014, 2014-11-19 - 2014-11-22, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

McAlister, Clare and Ellis, Susan (2014) Literacy across learning. Contemporary? Empowering? Better change for children. In: Contemporary Childhood Conference, 2014-09-05 - 2014-09-06, University of Strathclyde. (Unpublished)

Sosu, Edward and Ellis, Susan (2014) Closing the attainment gap in Scottish education. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Ellis, Sue and Moss, Gemma (2014) Ethics, education policy and research : the phonics question reconsidered. British Educational Research Journal, 40 (2). 241–260. ISSN 0141-1926

Ellis, Susan and Carey, Jenny; Cremin, Teresa and Arthur, James, eds. (2014) The Scottish context for the curriculum. In: Learning to Teach in the Primary School. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 300-310. ISBN 978-0-415-81818-6

McCartney, Elspeth and Boyle, Jim and Ellis, Susan (2014) Developing a universal reading comprehension intervention for mainstream primary schools within areas of social deprivation for children with and without language-learning impairment : a feasibility study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. ISSN 1368-2822


Ellis, Susan; Goodman, Ken and Calfee, robert and Goodman, Yetta, eds. (2013) Whose knowledge counts, for whom, in what circumstances? The ethical constraints on who decides. In: Whose Knowledge Counts in Government Literacy Policies? Routledge, New York. ISBN 9780415858014

McAlister, Clare and Ellis, Susan (2013) Implementing literacy across the curriculum – a case study of geography teachers' change and development. In: Dissemination Conference Comenius Project: Teacher Learning for European Literacy Education (TeL4ELE), 2013-10-10 - 2013-10-12. (Unpublished)

McAlister, Clare and Ellis, Susan (2013) Implementing literacy across the curriculum – a case study of geography teachers' change and development. In: BERA Annual Conference, 2013-09-03 - 2013-09-05, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)

Ellis, Susan; Bryce, Tom and Humes, Walter and Gillies, Donald and Kennedy, Aileen, eds. (2013) Literacy and english. In: Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748645824

McCartney, Elspeth E. and Ellis, Susan (2013) The linguistically aware teacher and the teacher-aware linguist. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 27 (6-7). pp. 419-427. ISSN 0269-9206

Ellis, Sue and Coddington, Cassandra S.; Hall, Kathy and Cremin, Teresa and Comber, Barbara and Moll, Luis C., eds. (2013) Reading engagement research : issues and challenges. In: International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex, pp. 228-240. ISBN 9780470975978


McCartney, Elspeth and Boyle, James and Ellis, Sue and Bannatyne, Susan and Turnbull, Mary (2011) Indirect language therapy for children with persistent language impairment in mainstream primary schools : outcomes from a cohort intervention. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 46 (1). pp. 74-82. ISSN 1368-2822

Ellis, Sue and McCartney, Elspeth; Ellis, S and McCartney, E, eds. (2011) How to empower teachers working with children with language impairments : why a ‘just-in-time’ model might work. In: Applied Linguistics in the Primary School Teaching. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 252-266. ISBN 9780521193542

Ellis, Sue and McCartney, Elspeth and Bourne, J. (2011) What do primary teachers need to understand, and how? Developing an applied linguistics curriculum for pre-service primary school teacher. Language Teaching. ISSN 0261-4448


McCartney, Elspeth and Ellis, Sue and Boyle, James and Turnbull, Mary and Kerr, J. (2010) Developing a language support model for mainstream primary school teachers. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 26 (3). pp. 359-374. ISSN 0265-6590

Martlew, J. and Ellis, S. and Stephen, C. and Ellis, J (2010) Teacher and child talk in active learning and whole-class contexts : some implications for children from economically less advantaged home backgrounds. Literacy, 44 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 1741-4350

Ellis, Susan; Arthur, J and Cremin, T, eds. (2010) The Scottish context for the curriculum. In: Learning to teach in the primary school. Routledge, London, pp. 221-232. ISBN 109780415487900

Kholowa, Foster and Ellis, Sue; Clark, Margaret and Tucker, Stanley, eds. (2010) Growing up in rural Malawi: dilemmas of childhood. In: Early Childhoods In A Changing World. Trentham Books, Stoke-on-Trent, pp. 67-76. ISBN 9781858564739

McCartney, Elspeth and Ellis, Sue; (2010) Supporting students who struggle with language. In: Motivating Children's Literacy in Today's World. New Zealand Council for Educational Research, Wellington. ISBN 9781877398650

Ellis, Sue; Hall, K and Goswami, U and Harrison, C and Ellis, S and Soler, J, eds. (2010) The use of evidence in language and literacy teaching. In: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning to Read: Culture, Cognition and Pedagogy. Routledge Psychology in Education . Routledge, London, pp. 193-207. ISBN 9780415561242


Ellis, Sue (2009) The creative function of social understanding in children's story writing. In: BERA Language and Literacy SIG and Creativity SIG, 2009-11-23. (Unpublished)

McCartney, Elspeth and Ellis, Sue and Boyle, James (2009) The mainstream primary classroom as a language-learning environment for children with severe and persistent language impairment - implications of recent language intervention research. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 9 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 1471-3802

Ellis, Sue (2009) Teaching reading: art or science? The problems of evidence-based literacy education. In: The 45th UKLA International Conference, 2009-07-01. (Unpublished)

AHRC (Funder); Jajdelska, Elspeth and Ellis, Sue. (2009) Comprehension and the silent reader. Education Scotland.

Ellis, Sue; Fletcher-Campbell, F and Soler, J and Reid, G, eds. (2009) Policy and research : lessons from the Clackmannanshire synthetic phonics initiative. In: Approaching Difficulties in Literacy Development. Sage, London, pp. 39-51. ISBN 9781848607712

Ellis, Susan and McCartney, Elspeth and Bourne, Jill (2009) What do primary teachers need to understand, and how? Developing an applied linguistics curriculum for pre-service primary school teachers. Language Teaching, 42 (2). pp. 261-265. ISSN 0261-4448


Ellis, Sue (2008) Open dialogue peer review: a response to Morag Stuart. The Psychology of Education Review, 32 (2). pp. 11-12. ISSN 1463-9807

McCartney, Elspeth and Ellis, Sue (2008) Open dialogue peer review: a response to Tymms, Merrell & Coe. The Psychology of Education Review, 32 (2). pp. 11-12. ISSN 1463-9807

Ellis, Susan and Friel, G; Bryce, T and Humes, W M, eds. (2008) English language. In: Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 380-384. ISBN 109780748616251


Ellis, Sue (2007) Policy and research : lessons from the Clackmannanshire synthetic phonics initiative. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 7 (3). pp. 281-297. ISSN 1468-7984

Ellis, Sue (2007) Policy and research : Lessons from the Clackmannanshire synthetic phonics initiative. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 7 (3). pp. 281-297. ISSN 1468-7984

Ellis, Sue (2007) Early reading instruction : what science really tells us about how to teach reading. [Review]


Lewis, Maureen and Ellis, Sue (2006) Phonics: Practice, Research and Policy. Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 1412930855

Farmer, S and Ellis, Susan and Smith, Vivienne; Lewis, M and Ellis, S, eds. (2006) Teaching Phonics : the Basics. In: Phonics. Sage, London, pp. 34-44. ISBN 109781412930864

Ellis, Susan; Arthur, J and Grainger, T and Wray, D, eds. (2006) The Scottish context for the curriculum. In: Learning to Teach in the Primary School. Routledge, London, pp. 221-233. ISBN 100415359287

Ellis, Sue and Dombey, Henrietta and Pahl, Kate and Sainsbury, Marian (2006) Book review: Handbook of early childhood literacy. [Review]

McCartney, Elspeth and Ellis, Susan and Boyle, James (2006) Support your local co-op : co-operative approaches to speech and language therapists and teachers supporting children with language impairment. Preprint / Working Paper. Nexus, Aberdeen.


Allan, J. and Ellis, S. and Pearson, C. (2005) Literature circles, gender and reading for enjoyment. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Ellis, Sue (2005) The Best of Language Matters, Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, London. [Review]

Munn, Penny and Ellis, Sue (2005) Interactions between school systems and reading recovery programmes - evidence from Northern Ireland. Curriculum Journal, 16 (3). pp. 341-362.

Ellis, Sue and Friel, Gill (2005) Real readers, real writers and a home-grown experience. Thinking Classroom.

Ellis, Susan and Munn, Penelope and Allan, James (2005) Teacher experiences of the building bridges programme : a report to learning and teaching in Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Bearne, E and Ellis, Susan and Graham, L. and Hulme, P and Merchant, G (2004) Multimodal literacy assessment issues : report to QCA. UK Literacy Association, Leicester.

Ellis, S.; Bourne, Gill and Pollard, Andrew, eds. (2004) The Scottish context for the curriculum. In: Teaching and Learning in the Primary School. Routledge, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 0415102588

McCartney, Elspeth and Turnbull, Mary and Boyle, James and Ellis, Sue (2004) A Survey And Cohort Intervention Using Indirect Speech And Language Therapy For Children With Primary Language Impairment In Schools. West of Scotland Primary Care NHS Trust, Glasgow. (Unpublished)


Ellis, S. (2003) Story-writing, planning and creativity. Reading, 37 (1). pp. 27-31. ISSN 0034-0472


Ellis, Sue; (2002) Independent, imaginative writing: lots of problems and some solutions. In: Connecting Creating: New Ideas in Teaching Writing. Royston. ISBN 1-897638-26-4


Munn, Penelope and Ellis, Susan (2001) Report on the longitudinal evaluation of reading recovery in Northern Ireland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Ellis, Susan and Hughes, Anne and MacKay, R (1997) Writing Stories 5-14 : What must the teacher teach? Scottish Educational Review, 29 (1). pp. 56-65. ISSN 2773-0840

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