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Number of items: 49.


Cameron, Robert and Barnett, Steve and Yao, Alison (2014) Optical helicity of interfering waves. Journal of Modern Optics, 61 (1). pp. 25-31. ISSN 1362-3044


Cranch, G.A. and Flockhart, G.M.H. (2012) Tools for synthesising and characterising Bragg grating structures in optical fibres and waveguides. Journal of Modern Optics, 59 (6). pp. 493-526. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, Stephen M. and Phoenix, Simon J. D. (2012) Asynchronous quantum key distribution on a relay network. Journal of Modern Optics, 59 (15). pp. 1349-1354. ISSN 1362-3044

Colin, Andrew J. T. and Barnett, Stephen M. and Jeffers, John (2012) Measurement-driven dynamics for a coherently-excited atom. Journal of Modern Optics, 59 (21). pp. 1803-1815. ISSN 1362-3044


Dunning, D J and Thompson, N R and McNeil, B W J (2011) Design study of an HHG-seeded harmonic cascade free-electron laser. Journal of Modern Optics, 58 (16). pp. 1362-1373. ISSN 1362-3044

Hemmerling, M. and Robb, G. R. M. (2011) Cavity cooling using intense blue-detuned light. Journal of Modern Optics, 58 (15). pp. 1336-1341. ISSN 1362-3044


Barnett, Stephen M. (2010) Rotation of electromagnetic fields and the nature of optical angular momentum. Journal of Modern Optics, 57 (14-15). pp. 1339-1343. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, Stephen M. (2010) On the recoil and Doppler shifts. Journal of Modern Optics, 57 (14-15). pp. 1445-1447. ISSN 1362-3044

Brougham, Thomas and Barnett, Stephen M. and Jex, Igor (2010) Interference of composite bosons. Journal of Modern Optics, 57 (7). pp. 587-594. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, Stephen M. (2010) Quantum state comparison and the universal-NOT operation. Journal of Modern Optics, 57 (3). pp. 227-231. ISSN 1362-3044

Hillery, Mark and Andersson, Erika and Barnett, Stephen M. and Oi, Daniel (2010) Decision problems with quantum black boxes. Journal of Modern Optics, 57 (3). pp. 244-252. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, S.M. (2010) Random qubit-states and how best to measure them. Journal of Modern Optics, 57 (3). pp. 232-238. ISSN 1362-3044

Oppo, Gian-Luca (2010) Complex spatial structures due to atomic coherence. Journal of Modern Optics, 57 (14-15). pp. 1408-1416. ISSN 1362-3044


Duxbury, Geoffrey and Langford, Nigel and Hay, Kenneth and Tasinato, Nicola (2009) Quantum cascade laser spectroscopy: diagnostics to non-linear optics. Journal of Modern Optics, 56 (18-19). pp. 2034-2048. ISSN 1362-3044

Brougham, Thomas and Chadzitaskos, Goce and Jex, Igor (2009) Transformation design and nonlinear Hamiltonians. Journal of Modern Optics, 56 (14). pp. 1588-1597. ISSN 1362-3044


Duxbury, G. and Langford, N. and Hay, K.G. (2008) Delayed rapid passage and transient gain signals generated using a chirped 8 mu m quantum cascade laser. Journal of Modern Optics, 55 (19-20). pp. 3293-3303. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, S.M. (2008) On the quantum core of an optical vortex. Journal of Modern Optics, 55 (14). pp. 2279-2292. ISSN 1362-3044

Scullion, M.G. and Barnett, S.M. (2008) Optical momentum in negative-index media. Journal of Modern Optics, 55 (14). pp. 2301-2309. ISSN 1362-3044


Kemp, Alan and MacLean, Alexander J. and Hopkins, John-Mark and Hastie, Jennifer and Calvez, Stephane and Dawson, Martin and Burns, David (2007) Thermal management in disc lasers: doped-dielectric and semiconductor laser gain media in thin-disc and microchip formats. Journal of Modern Optics, 54 (12). pp. 1669-1676. ISSN 1362-3044

Hopkins, J.M. and Preston, R.D. and MacLean, A.J. and Calvez, S. and Sun, H. and Ng, J. and Steer, M. and Hopkinson, M. and Burns, D. (2007) High performance 2.2um optically-pumped vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser. Journal of Modern Optics, 54 (12). pp. 1677-1683. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, Stephen M. and Jeffers, John (2007) The damped Jaynes-Cummings model. Journal of Modern Optics, 54 (13-15). pp. 2033-2048. ISSN 1362-3044

Goette, J. B. and Franke-Arnold, S. and Zambrini, R. and Barnett, Stephen M. (2007) Quantum formulation of fractional orbital angular momentum. Journal of Modern Optics, 54 (12). pp. 1723-1738. ISSN 1362-3044

Vitali, David and Kuhr, Stefan and Brune, Michel and Raimond, Jean-Michel (2007) A cavity-QED scheme for Heisenberg-limited interferometry. Journal of Modern Optics, 54 (11). pp. 1551-1567. ISSN 1362-3044


Spohr, Klaus M. and Chapman, Robert and Hanvey, Scott and Ledingham, Ken and McCanny, Tom and McKenna, Paul and Robson, Lynne and Shaw, Martin (2006) The quest for laser induced isomer production. Journal of Modern Optics, 53 (16-17). pp. 2633-2640. ISSN 1362-3044

Firth, William J. and Yao, Alison M. (2006) Master equation for misaligned cavities. Journal of Modern Optics, 53 (14). pp. 2005-2010. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, S M and Zambrini, R (2006) Resolution in rotation measurements. Journal of Modern Optics, 53 (5-6). pp. 613-625. ISSN 1362-3044

Gotte, J B and Franke-Arnold, S and Barnett, S M (2006) Angular EPR paradox. Journal of Modern Optics, 53 (5-6). pp. 627-645. ISSN 1362-3044


Jeffers, J. and Pegg, D.T. (2005) Quantum nature of laser light. Journal of Modern Optics, 52 (13). pp. 1835-1856. ISSN 1362-3044

Andersson, Anna and Bergou, J. and Jex, I. (2005) Comparison of unitary transforms using Franson interferometry. Journal of Modern Optics, 52 (10). pp. 1485-1494. ISSN 1362-3044

Zambrini, R and Barnett, S M (2005) Local transfer of optical angular momentum to matter. Journal of Modern Optics, 52 (8). pp. 1045-1052. ISSN 1362-3044

Zambrini, R and Thomson, L C and Barnett, S M and Padgett, M (2005) Momentum paradox in a vortex core. Journal of Modern Optics, 52 (8). pp. 1135-1144. ISSN 1362-3044


Jex, Igor and Andersson, Erika and Chefles, Anthony (2004) Comparing the states of many quantum systems. Journal of Modern Optics, 51 (4). pp. 505-523. ISSN 1362-3044


Tan, E K and Jeffers, J and Barnett, S M (2003) State vector approximations for the resonant two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model. Journal of Modern Optics, 50 (13). pp. 2057-2065. ISSN 1362-3044

Wright, Amanda J. and Wood, Tiffany A. and Dickinson, Mark R. and Gleeson, Helen F. and Mullin, Tom (2003) The transverse trapping force of an optical trap: factors affecting its measurement. Journal of Modern Optics, 50 (10). pp. 1521-1532. ISSN 1362-3044


Kendon, Vivien and Nemoto, Kae and Munro, William (2002) Typical entanglement in multiple-qubit systems. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (10). pp. 1709-1716. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, S.M. and Pegg, D. and Jeffers, J. (2002) Retrodiction with two-level atoms: atomic previvals. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (7). pp. 1175-1184. ISSN 1362-3044

Arnold, A.S. and Riis, E. (2002) Bose-Einstein condensates in 'giant' toroidal magnetic traps. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 959-964. ISSN 1362-3044

Pegg, D.T. and Barnett, S.M. and Jeffers, J. (2002) Quantum theory of preparation and measurement. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 913-924. ISSN 1362-3044

Jeffers, J. and Barnett, S.M. and Pegg, D.T. (2002) Retrodiction as a tool for micromaser field measurements. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 925-938. ISSN 1362-3044

Ersfeld, B. and Jaroszynski, D.A. (2002) Electromagnetically induced transparency for two intense waves in plasma. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 889-896. ISSN 1362-3044

Wiggins, Mark and Robb, Gordon and McNeil, Brian and Jones, David and Jamison, Steven and Jaroszynski, Dino (2002) Spontaneous density grating formation in suspensions of dielectric nanoparticles. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 997-1006. ISSN 1362-3044

Major, A. and Giniunas, L. and Langford, N. and Ferguson, A.I. and Burns, D. and Bente, E. and Danielius, R. (2002) Saturable bragg reflector-based continuous-wave mode locking of yb : kgd(wo4)(2) laser. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 787-793. ISSN 1362-3044

Shi, L. and Huang, W. and Andonovic, I. and Michie, W.C. (2002) Optical DPSK heterodyne transmission experiments with integrated narrow-linewidth semiconductor lasers. Journal of Modern Optics, 49 (5-6). pp. 795-799. ISSN 1362-3044


Ekert, A and Ericsson, M and Hayden, P and Inamori, H and Jones, J A and Oi, D K L and Vedral, V (2000) Geometric quantum computation. Journal of Modern Optics, 47 (14-15). pp. 2501-2513. ISSN 1362-3044

Jeffers, J. (2000) Interference and the lossless lossy beam splitter. Journal of Modern Optics, 47 (11). pp. 1819-1824. ISSN 1362-3044

Barnett, S.M. and Pegg, D.T. and Jeffers, J. (2000) Bayes' theorem and quantum retrodiction. Journal of Modern Optics, 47 (11). pp. 1779-1789. ISSN 1362-3044


Schmidt, E and Jeffers, J and Barnett, S M and Knoll, L and Welsch, D G (1998) Quantum theory of light in nonlinear media with dispersion and absorption. Journal of Modern Optics, 45 (2). pp. 377-401. ISSN 1362-3044


Jeffers, J and Barnett, S M (1996) Two-photon beats. Journal of Modern Optics, 43 (10). pp. 1985-1992. ISSN 1362-3044


JEFFERS, J and BARNETT, S M (1994) Propagation of squeezed light in dielectrics. Journal of Modern Optics, 41 (6). pp. 1121-1133. ISSN 1362-3044

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