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Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2005 | 2002 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
Number of items: 34.


Clarke, B.P. and Nicholas, G. and Hart, E. and Long, H. and Dwyer-Joyce, R.S. (2023) Loading on a wind turbine high-speed shaft gearbox bearing : ultrasonic field measurements and predictions from a multi-body simulation. Tribology International, 181. 108319. ISSN 0301-679X


Leksycki, Kamil and Feldshtein, Eugene and Maruda, Radosław W. and Khanna, Navneet and Królczyk, Grzegorz M. and Pruncu, Catalin I. (2022) An insight into the effect surface morphology, processing, and lubricating conditions on tribological properties of Ti6Al4V and UHMWPE pairs. Tribology International, 170. 107504. ISSN 0301-679X


Fleming, Christopher (2021) An investigation into the behaviour of selected boundary regime lubricants when cold forging steel under rolling-sliding conditions. Tribology International, 157. 106771. ISSN 0301-679X

Szczotkarz, Natalia and Mrugalski, Roland and Maruda, Radosław W. and Królczyk, Grzegorz M. and Legutko, Stanisław and Leksycki, Kamil and Dębowski, Daniel and Pruncu, Catalin I. (2021) Cutting tool wear in turning 316L stainless steel in the conditions of minimized lubrication. Tribology International, 156. 106813. ISSN 0301-679X


Roy, Manish and Stack, Margaret M. (2020) Tribo-Corrosion V 2016–a return to Hyderabad. Tribology International, 141. 105945. ISSN 0301-679X


Rasool, G. and Stack, M.M. (2015) Tribo-oxidation maps for Ti against steel. Tribology International, 91. pp. 258-266. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, Margaret M and Geringer, Jean and Mathew, Mathew T (2015) Editorial - Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Tribo-Corrosion, Glasgow 2014 : Volume 1. Tribology International, 91. p. 197. ISSN 0301-679X


Rasool, Ghulam and Stack, Margaret (2014) Mapping the role of Cr content in dry sliding of steels : comparison between maps for material and counterface. Tribology International, 80. 49–57. ISSN 0301-679X

Holmes, D. and Sharifi, S. and Stack, M. M. (2014) Tribo-corrosion of steel in artificial saliva. Tribology International, 75. pp. 80-86. ISSN 0301-679X

Rasool, G. and Stack, M.M. (2014) Wear maps for TiC composite based coatings deposited on 303 stainless steel. Tribology International, 74. pp. 93-102. ISSN 0301-679X


Hussainova, I. and Stack, Margaret (2013) 3rd International Conference on Tribocorrosion – Atlanta 2012. Tribology International, 68. iv. ISSN 0301-679X

Goel, S. and Luo, X. and Reuben, R.L. (2013) Wear mechanism of diamond tools against single crystal silicon in single point diamond turning process. Tribology International, 57 (Januar). pp. 272-281. ISSN 0301-679X


Telfer, C.G. and Stack, Margaret and Jana, Buddhadev (2012) Particle concentration and size effects on the erosion-corrosion of pure metals in aqueous slurries. Tribology International, 53. pp. 35-44. TRIBINT-D-11-00532R1. ISSN 0301-679X


Stack, Margaret and Huang, W. and Wang, G. and Hodge, C. (2011) Some views on the construction of bio-tribo-corrosion maps for Ti in Hanks solution : Particle concentration and applied loads effects. Tribology International, 44 (12). pp. 1827-1837. ISSN 0301-679X


Stack, M. M. and Hong, Ting-Fu and Wang, Hsin-Chun and Wang, Moo-Chin and Li, Wang-Long (2010) On the construction of wear maps for Y-TZP dental ceramics in aqueous environments : pH, exposure time and impact angle effects. Tribology International, 43 (12). pp. 2258-2267. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, Margaret and Abdelrahman, Shehab and Jana, Buddhadev (2010) Some perspectives on modelling the effect of temperature on the erosion-corrosion of Fe in aqueous conditions. Tribology International, 43 (12). pp. 2279-2297.

Chacon-Nava, J. G. and Martinez-Villafañe, A. and Almeraya-Calderon, F. and Cabral-Miramontes, J.A. and Stack, M.M. (2010) Some remarks on particle size effects on the abrasion of a range of Fe based alloys. Tribology International, 43 (8). pp. 1307-1317. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, M.M. and Abdulrahmen, G.H. (2010) Mapping erosion-corrosion of carbon steel in oil exploration conditions : some new approaches to characterizing mechanisms and synergies. Tribology International, 43 (7). pp. 1268-1277. ISSN 0301-679X

Roy, Mannish and Pauschitz, A. and Stack, Margaret (2010) Guest Editorial: Tribocorrosion 2009: East meets West. Tribology International, 43 (7). pp. 1201-1202. ISSN 0301-679X


Srinivasa Pai, P. and Mathew, M. T. and Stack, M.M. and Rocha, L.A. (2008) Some thoughts on neural network modelling of micro-abrasion-corrosion processes. Tribology International, 41 (7). pp. 672-681.

Roy, M. and Sundararajan, G. and Stack, M.M. (2008) Tribo-Corrosion 2006 - a passage to India to celebrate the 1st International Conference on Tribo-Corrosion. Tribology International, 41 (7). pp. 571-572.

Mathew, M.T. and Stack, M. M. and Matijevic, B. and Rocha, L.A. and Ariza, E. (2008) Micro-abrasion resistance of thermochemically treated steels in aqueous solutions: Mechanisms, maps, materials selection. Tribology International, 41 (2). pp. 141-149. ISSN 0301-679X


Stack, Margaret and Jawan, H. and Mathew, M.T. and Mathew, Mathew T (2005) On the construction of micro-abrasion maps for a steel/polymer couple in corrosive environments. Tribology International, 38 (9). pp. 848-856. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, M.M. and Williams, J. (2005) Tribology International - Guest Editorial in memory of Tony Ball. Tribology International, 38 (9). p. 785. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, M.M. and Jana, B. (2005) Modelling particulate erosion-corrosion regime transitions Al/Al2O3 and Cu/Al2O3 MMCs in aqueous conditions. Tribology International, 38 (11-12). pp. 995-1006. ISSN 0301-679X


Stack, M.M. (2002) Editorial to: Special issue: Tribo-Erosion. Tribology International, 35 (10). pp. 615-616. ISSN 0301-679X

Jiang, Jiaren and Stack, Margaret and Neville, Anne (2002) Modelling the tribo-corrosion interaction in aqueous sliding conditions. Tribology International, 35 (10). pp. 669-679. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, M.M. (2002) Mapping tribo-corrosion processes in dry and aqueous conditions: some new directions for the new Millennium. Tribology International, 35 (10). pp. 681-689. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, M.M. and Pungwiwat, N. (2002) Particulate erosion of Al in aqueous conditions: some perspectives on pH effects on the erosion-corrosion map. Tribology International, 35 (10). pp. 651-660. ISSN 0301-679X


Jiang, Jiaren and Stott, F.H. and Stack, Margaret (1998) The role of triboparticulates in dry sliding wear. Tribology International, 31 (5). pp. 245-256. ISSN 0301-679X


Jiang, Jiaren and Stott, F.H. and Stack, Margaret (1997) Characterization of wear scar surfaces using combined three-dimensional topographic analysis and contact resistance measurements. Tribology International, 30 (7). pp. 517-526. ISSN 0301-679X

Stack, M.M. (1997) Some issues relating to the construction of materials selection maps for resistance to elevated temperature erosion. Tribology International, 30 (6). pp. 435-444. ISSN 0301-679X


Stack, Margaret (1996) Book Review : Fretting and Fatigue. [Review]


Stack, M.M. and Lekatos, S. and Stott, F.H. (1995) Erosion-corrosion regimes : number, nomenclature and justification? Tribology International, 28 (7). pp. 445-451. ISSN 0301-679X

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