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Number of items: 52.


Young, John; Albareda, Joaquim and Sánchez, Manuel Herrero, eds. (2018) Representation in the Scottish parliament to 1707 and Scottish representation in the parliament of Great Britain to the 1832 Reform Act. In: Political Representation in the Ancien Régime. Routledge Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Worlds of Knowledge . Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 123-140. ISBN 9780429443855


Young, John; Castella i Pujois, Maria Betlem, ed. (2015) The Committee of Estates of the Scottish Parliament, 1640-1651 : an exercise in provisional government. In: Poders a l'ombra. Testimonis Parlamentaris . Parlament de Catalunya, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, pp. 153-176. ISBN 978-84-393-9239-2


Young, John; (2014) The seventeenth century. In: Essays on the Local History and Archaelogy of West Central Scotland. Culture and Sport Glasgow (Glasgow Museums), Glasgow, pp. 1-15. ISBN 978-1-908638-15-1


Young, John; Corciulo, Maria Sofia, ed. (2013) Monarchs and parliaments in a Scottish context : the Scottish restoration parliament and the reassertion of the royal prerogative of Charles II as King of Scotland. In: Ricordo di Antonio Marongiu. Rubbettino, Italy, pp. 69-85. ISBN 9788849835519

Young, John (2013) Scotland and Ulster connections in the seventeenth century : Sir Robert Adair of Kinhilt and the Scottish Parliament under the covenanters. Journal of Scotch-Irish Studies, 3 (4). pp. 16-76. ISSN 1535-9840


Young, John; Soddu, Annamari and Soddu, Francesco, eds. (2011) The 1689 convention of estates and the parliament of 1689-90 in Scotland : securing the williamite regime in the context of the war in Ireland. In: Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche. Editrice Democratica Sarda, Sassari, Italy, pp. 229-238. ISBN 9788860251473


Young, John and Macinnes, Allan; Coelho, Maria Helena da Cruz and Ribeiro, Maria Manuela Tavares, eds. (2010) The Weckherlin Project : crown, parliament and competitive intelligence. In: Parlamentos. Assembleia da República, PRT, pp. 381-387. ISBN 9789725565513

Young, John R.; Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian, eds. (2010) Kirk party (act. 1648-1651). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2010) The scottish parliament and the politics of empire : parliament and the darien project, 1695-1707. In: Assemblées et parlements dans le monde, du moyen-âge à nos jours. The French National Assembly, FRA, pp. 786-804.


Young, John R. (2009) The Scottish Parliament and the monarchy in the context of the monarchy and the Anglo-Scottish dynastic union, 1603-1707. Czasopismo prawno-historyczne, 61 (2). pp. 113-127. ISSN 0070-2471

Young, John R.; Legay, Marie-Laure and Baury, Roger, eds. (2009) The nobility and the Scottish parliament of 1648-1651. In: L’invention de la Décentralisation. Noblesse et Pouvoirs Intermédiarires en France et en Europe XVIIe-XIXe Siècle (The invention of decentralization. Nobility and intermediaries of power in France and Europe between the 17th and 19th centuries). Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, France, pp. 241-258. ISBN 978-2-7574-0104-0


Young, John R. (2008) The Scots and the union. [Review]


Young, John; Edwards, David and Lenihan, Pádraig and Tait, Clodagh, eds. (2007) Escaping massacre : Refugees in Scotland in the aftermath of the 1641 Ulster rebellion. In: Age of Atrocity. Violence and political conflict in early modern Ireland. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 219-241. ISBN 1851829620

Young, John (2007) The Scottish Covenanters and the drive for a godly society 1639-1651. Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines, 40. pp. 25-35. ISSN 0557-6989

Young, John (2007) The Scottish Parliament and the politics of empire: : Parliament and the Darien Project, 1695-1707. Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 27. pp. 175-190. ISSN 0260-6755

Young, John and Murdoch, Steve; Sevaldsen, Jørgen and Rasmussen, Jens Rahbek, eds. (2007) Union and identity : Scotland in a social and insitutional context. In: Angles on the English-Speaking World: The State of the Union, Scotland 1707-2007. Museum Tusculanum Press, pp. 35-58. ISBN 8763507028

Young, John; Uruszczaka, W. and Barana, K. and Karabowicz, A., eds. (2007) The covenanting constitutional settlement of 1639-41 and the experience of the 1633 Scottish Parliament. In: Separation of powers and parliamentarism. The past and the present. Law, doctrine, practice. Sejm Publishing Office, Warsaw, pp. 106-121. ISBN 1851829620

Young, John; Leydier, Gilles, ed. (2007) The scottish parliament and the constitutional settlement of 1640-41 : a european case study in early modern constitutional development. In: Scotland and Europe, Scotland in Europe. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 2-11. ISBN 1847181007


Young, John; Boran, Elizabethanne and Gribben, Crawford, eds. (2006) The covenanters and the scottish parliament, 1639-51 : the rule of the godly and the second scottish reformation. In: Enforcing reformation in Ireland and Scotland, 1550–1700. St Andrews Studies in Reformation History . Ashgate, pp. 131-158. ISBN 0754655824

Young, John (2006) The Scottish Parliament and witch-hunting in Scotland under the Covenanters. Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 26 (1). pp. 53-65. ISSN 0260-6755


Young, J.R.; Brown, Keith M. and Mann, Alastair J., eds. (2005) Charles I and the 1633 Scottish parliament. In: The history of the Scottish parliament. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 101-137. ISBN 9780748614950

Young, John; Sobrequés, J. and Agirreazkuenaga, J. and Morales, M. and Urquijo, M. and Cisneros, M., eds. (2005) Prosopography and methods for the study of Scottish parliamentary committees, 1639-1651. In: Actes del 53è Congrés de la Comissió Internacional per a l'Estudi de la Història de les Institucions Representatives i Parlamentàries. Parlament de Catalunya & Museu d'Història de Catalunya, Barcelona, pp. 1652-1669. ISBN 9788439367987


Young, John; Matthew, H. C. G. and Harrison, Brian, eds. (2004) Home, James, third earl of Home (1615–1666). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Abingdon. ISBN 9780198614111

Young, John; (2004) Arbuthnott, Robert, first viscount of Arbuthnott (c.1618–1655). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Young, John; (2004) Dalrymple, John, first earl of Stair (1648–1707). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Young, John; (2004) Douglas, James, second duke of Queensberry and first duke of Dover (1662–1711). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Young, John; (2004) Grant, Ludovick, of that ilk (1650?–1716). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Young, John; (2004) Hamilton, John, second Lord Belhaven and Stenton (1656–1708). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Young, John; (2004) Hay, John, first marquess of Tweeddale (1626–1697). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Young, John; (2004) Hay, John, second marquess of Tweeddale (1645–1713). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Young, John; (2004) Hume, Patrick, first earl of Marchmont (1641–1724). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2004) Johnston, James (1655–1737). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2004) Keith, John, first earl of Kintore (d. 1715). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2004) Lindsay, John, seventeenth earl of Crawford and first earl of Lindsay (1596–1678). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2004) Maitland, John, fifth earl of Lauderdale (c.1655–1710). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2004) Melville, George, fourth Lord Melville and first earl of Melville (1636–1707). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2004) Murray, John, first duke of Atholl (1660–1724). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John; (2004) Ogilvy, James, fourth earl of Findlater and first earl of Seafield (1663–1730). In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 019861411X

Young, John R.; Kelly, W. and Young, J., eds. (2004) Scotland and Ulster in the seventeenth century : the movement of peoples over the north channel. In: Ulster and Scotland, 1600-2000: history, language and identity. Four Courts Press, Dublin. ISBN 1-85182-808-7


Young, John; Casella, L., ed. (2003) Constitutional reform and parliamentary development in a northern European context : the Scottish Parliament 1603-1707. In: Rappresentanze e territori. Parlamento friulano e istituzioni rappresentative territoriali nell'Europa moderna. Forum Edizioni, Udine, pp. 141-164. ISBN 9788884201317


Young, John R.; Macinnes, A. and Ohlmeyer, J., eds. (2002) The Scottish parliament and the covenanting heritage of constitutional reform. In: The three kingdoms in the seventeenth century. Four Courts Press, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, pp. 226-250. ISBN 1-85182-532-0


Young, John R.; Lenihan, P., ed. (2001) Invasions: Scotland and Ireland 1641-1691. In: Conquest and resistance: war in seventeenth-century Ireland. History of Warfare series, 3 . Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 53-86. ISBN 90-04-11743-1

Young, John; Macinnes, A.I. and Riiss, T. and Pedersen, F., eds. (2001) The Scottish Parliament in the Seventeenth Century: European Perspectives. In: Ships, Guns and Bibles in the North Sea and the Baltic States, c.1350-1700. Tuckwell Press, East Linton, pp. 139-172. ISBN 18622321671

Young, John R.; Murdoch, Steve, ed. (2001) The Scottish parliament and European diplomacy 1641-1647: the Palatine, the Dutch republic and Sweden. In: Scotland and the thirty years war 1618-1648. History of Warfare series . Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, pp. 77-106. ISBN 90-04-120866

Young, John R. (2001) The Scottish parliament and the war for the three kingdoms. Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 21. pp. 104-123. ISSN 0260-6755

Young, John R.; Kelly, W., ed. (2001) The Scottish response to the siege of Londonderry 1689-90. In: The sieges of Derry. Four Courts Press, Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, pp. 53-74. ISBN 1-85182-510--X


Young, John; Devine, T.M. and Young, John, eds. (1999) The parliamentary incorporating union of 1707 : political management, anti-unionism and foreign policy. In: Eighteenth century Scotland. Tuckwell Press, East Linton, pp. 24-52. ISBN 9781862320512


Young, John; Broun, Dauvit and Finlay, Richard and Lynch, Michael, eds. (1998) The Scottish parliament and national identity from the union of the crowns to the unions of the parliaments, 1603-1707. In: Image and identity. The making and re-making of Scotland through the ages. John Donald Publishers Ltd., Edinburgh, pp. 105-142. ISBN 9780859764094


Young, John (1997) Seventeenth-century Scottish parliamentary rolls and political factionalism : the experience of the covenanting movement. Parliamentary History, 16 (2). pp. 148-170. ISSN 0264-2824

Young, John; Young, John R., ed. (1997) The Scottish Parliament and the Covenanting Revolution: the emergence of a Scottish Commons. In: Celtic Dimensions of the British Civil Wars. Proceedings of the ... conference of the Research Centre in Scottish History, University of Strathclyde . John Donald, Edinburgh, pp. 164-184. ISBN 0859764524


Young, John R. (1996) The Scottish Parliament 1639-61: A Political and Constitutional Analysis. John Donald, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. ISBN 0859764125


Young, John (1995) Scottish covenanting radicalism, the commission of the kirk and the establishment of the Scottish parliamentary radical regime of 1648-49. Records of the Scottish Church History Society, 25 (3). pp. 342-376.

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