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Number of items: 44.


Barry, Monica; Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais, ed. (2017) 'Youth offending, youth transitions and social recognition' : rethinking youth justice policy and practice. In: Juvenile Delinquency. Ministry of Justice [Portugal], Lisbon. (In Press)

McDiarmid, C. and Barry, M. and Donnelly, M. and Corson, S. (2017) Role of the Safeguarder in the Children's Hearings System. Scottish Government Social Research, Edinburgh.

McDiarmid, C. and Barry, M. and Donnelly, M. and Corson, S. (2017) The Role of the Safeguarder in the Children's Hearings System : Executive Summary. Scottish Government Social Research, Edinburgh.

Barry, Monica; Liu, Jianhong and Travers, Max and Chang, Lennon Y.C., eds. (2017) Young offenders' views of desistance in Japan : a comparison with Scotland. In: Comparative Criminology in Asia. Asian Criminology and Criminal Justice Research . Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, pp. 119-129. ISBN 9783319549415


Barry, Monica and Weaver, Elizabeth and Liddle, Mark and Schmidt, Bethany and Maruna, Shadd and Meek, Rosie and Renshaw, Judy (2016) Evaluation of the User Voice Prison and Community Councils : Final Report. Nesta, London.

Barry, Monica (2016) On the cusp of recognition : using critical theory to promote desistance among young offenders. Theoretical Criminology, 20 (1). ISSN 1362-4806

Barry, Monica (2016) The automatic early release and supervision of prisoners in Scotland. Edinburgh Law Review, 20 (1). pp. 94-99. ISSN 1364-9809


Weaver, Beth and Barry, Monica (2014) Managing high risk offenders in the community : compliance, cooperation and consent in a climate of concern. European Journal of Probation, 6 (3). pp. 278-295. ISSN 2066-2203

Weaver, Beth and Barry, Monica; McCartan, Kieran, ed. (2014) Risky business? Supporting desistance from sexual offending. In: Responding to Sexual Offending. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 153-169. ISBN 9781137358127


Barry, Monica (2013) Rational choice and responsibilisation in youth justice in Scotland : whose evidence matters in evidence-based policy? The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 52 (4). pp. 347-364. ISSN 0265-5527

Barry, Monica (2013) Desistance by design : offenders' reflections on criminal justice theory, policy and practice. European Journal of Probation, 5 (2). pp. 47-65. ISSN 2066-2203

Barry, Monica and Moodie, Kristina and Gilder, Paula (2013) An evaluation of the journey. Venture Scotand, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)


Barry, Monica; Lösel, Friedrich and Bottoms, Anthony and Farrington, David P., eds. (2012) Young women in transition : from offending to desistance. In: Young Adult Offenders. Willan Publishing, pp. 113-127. ISBN 9781843922711

Barry, Monica and Leonardsen, Dag (2012) Inequality and punitivism in late modern societies: Scandinavian exceptionalism revisited. European Journal of Probation, 4 (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 2066-2203

Weaver, Beth and Tata, Cyrus and Munro, Mary and Barry, Monica (2012) The failure of recall to prison : early release, front-door and back-door sentencing and the revolving prison door in Scotland. European Journal of Probation, 4 (1). pp. 85-98. ISSN 2066-2203

Bradshaw, Paul and Sharp, Clare and Duff, Pete and Tata, Cyrus and Barry, Monica and Munro, Mary and McCrone, Paul (2012) Evaluation of the Reforms to Summary Criminal Legal Assistance and Disclosure. The Stationery Office, Edinburgh.


Barry, Monica (2011) Explaining youth custody in Scotland : the new crisis of containment and convergence. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 50 (2). pp. 153-170. ISSN 0265-5527

Barry, Monica (2011) 'I realised that I wasn't alone' : the views and experiences of young carers from a social capital perspective. Journal of Youth Studies, 14 (5). pp. 523-539. ISSN 1367-6261

Barry, Monica; (2011) Social capital in the lives of young carers. In: Social capital practices and young people. The Policy Press, Bristol. (Unpublished)


Barry, Monica and McIvor, Gill (2010) Professional decision making and women offenders : containing the chaos? Probation Journal, 57 (1). pp. 27-41. ISSN 0264-5505

Barry, Monica (2010) Youth transitions : from offending to desistance. Journal of Youth Studies, 13 (1). pp. 121-136. ISSN 1367-6261

Barry, Monica (2010) Youth custody in Scotland : rates, trends and drivers. Prison Reform Trust, London.

Barry, Monica (2010) An evaluation of Venture Trust’s moving on – Willow Partnership Project. Venture Trust. (Unpublished)


Barry, Monica and McNeill, Fergus (2009) Youth Offending and Youth Justice. Jessica Kingsley, London. ISBN 101843106892

Barry, Monica (2009) Good practice in projects working with prisoners' families. Robertson Trust, Glasgow.

Barry, Monica; (2009) Promoting desistance amongst young people. In: Youth Justice Handbook, Theory, Policy and Practice. Willan Publshing. ISBN 1-843927-16-0

Barry, Monica; (2009) Youth justice policy and its influence on desistance from crime. In: Youth Offending and Youth Justice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN 978 18431 06890


Cruickshank, Cheryl-Ann and Barry, Monica and Morrison, Elizabeth (2008) "Nothing has convinced me to stop" Young people's perceptions and experiences of persistant offending. Who Cares? Scotland.

Barry, Monica and McIvor, Gill (2008) Chaotic lives : a profile of women in the criminal justice system in Lothian and Borders. Lothian and Borders Community Justice Authority.

Stalker, Kirsten Ogilvie and Malloch, Margaret and Barry, Monica Anne and Watson, June Ann (2008) Local area co-ordination : strengthening support for people with learning disabilities in Scotland. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36 (4). pp. 215-219. ISSN 1354-4187

Barry, Monica and Moodie, Kristina and Morrison, Elizabeth and Cruickshank, Cheryl-Ann (2008) "This isn't the road I want to go down" Young people's perceptions and experiences of secure care. Who Cares? Scotland.


Barry, Monica, University of Strathclyde (2007) Listening and learning : the reciprocal relationship between worker and client. Probation Journal, 54 (4). pp. 407-422. ISSN 0264-5505

Hazel Kemshall; Barry, Monica and Loucks, Nancy. (2007) Serious violent offenders : developing a risk assessment framework. Risk Management Authority, Paisley, United Kingdom.

Barry, Monica (2007) Effective approaches to risk assessment in social work : an international literature review. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh.

Barry, Monica (2007) Youth offending and youth transitions : the power of capital in influencing change. Critical Criminology, 15 (2). pp. 185-198. ISSN 1205-8629

Martin Knapp, Rennee Romeo, Sujith Dhanasiri; Barry, Monica and Malloch, Margaret and Moodie, Kristina and Nellis, Mike. (2007) An evaluation of the use of electronic monitoring as a condition of bail in Scotland. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh.


Barry, M. (2006) Youth offending in transition : The search for social recognition. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-36792-9

Barry, M.; (2006) Dispensing [with?] justice: young people's views of the criminal justice system. In: Constructive Work with Offenders. Jessica Kingsley, pp. 177-192. ISBN 9781843103455


Barry, M. (2005) A curriculum by any other name: The parallels between youth work and criminal justice. Youth and Policy, 86. pp. 19-32.


Barry, M.; (2002) Minor rights and major concerns: the views of young people in care. In: The New Handbook of Children's Rights: Comparative Policy and Practice. Routledge, pp. 239-253. ISBN 0415250366


Barry, M. (2001) Challenging transitions: young people's views and experiences of growing up. Save the Children. ISBN 1 84187 041 2

Barry, M. (2001) A sense of purpose: care leavers' views and experiences of growing up. Preprint / Working Paper. Save the Children.


Barry, Monica (2000) The mentor/monitor debate in criminal justice : 'what works' for offenders. British Journal of Social Work, 30 (5). pp. 575-595. ISSN 0045-3102


Barry, Monica (1996) The empowering process : leading from behind? Youth and Policy, 54. pp. 1-12.

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