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Number of items: 22.


Tikka, T. and Corson, S. and Kavanagh, K. and Lowit, A. and MacKenzie, K. (2019) Enhancing dysphonia clinic consultations through a focus on patients' expectations : streamlining and validation of a new tool (ACaPELa-R questionnaire). Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 133 (3). pp. 236-240. ISSN 0022-2151


Tikka, T. and Corson, S. and Kavanagh, K. and Lowit, A. and MacKenzie, K. (2018) Clinical applicability and revision of the ACaPELa questionnaire. In: 16th British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology, 2017-07-04 - 2018-07-06, Manchester Convention Centre.

McMellon, Christina and Sime, Daniela and Corson, Stephen and Käkelä, Emmaleena and Tyrell, Naomi and Kelly, Claire and Moskal, Marta (2018) Eastern European Young People's Political and Community Engagement in the UK. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Kelly, Claire and Tyrell, Naomi and Sime, Daniela and Käkelä, Emmaleena and Corson, Stephen and McMellon, Christina and Moskal, Marta (2018) Eastern European Young People's Use of Services in the UK. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Corson, Stephen and Robertson, Charles and Reynolds, Arlene and McMenamin, Jim (2018) Modelling the population effectiveness of the national seasonal influenza vaccination programme in Scotland : the impact of targeting all individuals aged 65 years and over Flu Vaccination Programme Effectiveness. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. ISSN 1750-2659

Lowit, Anja and Ijitona, Tolulope and Kuschmann, Anja and Corson, Stephen and Soraghan, John (2018) What does it take to stress a word? Digital manipulation of stress markers in ataxic dysarthria. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. ISSN 1368-2822

Lowit, Anja and Marchetti, Agata and Corson, Stephen and Kuschmann, Anja (2018) Rhythmic performance in hypokinetic dysarthria : relationship between reading, spontaneous speech and diadochokinetic tasks. Journal of Communication Disorders, 72. pp. 26-39. ISSN 0021-9924

Ramsay, Colin and Robertson, C. and Carragher, Ray and Corson, Stephen (2018) Associations between Ambient Outdoor Temperature and Patterns of Morbidity and Mortality in Scotland. National Centre for Resilience, Edinburgh.

Tyrell, Naomi and Käkelä, Emmaleena and Corson, Stephen and Sime, Daniela and Kelly, Claire and McMellon, Christina and Moskal, Marta (2018) Eastern European Young People's Feelings of Belonging : Any Place in Brexit Britain? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


McDiarmid, C. and Barry, M. and Donnelly, M. and Corson, S. (2017) Role of the Safeguarder in the Children's Hearings System. Scottish Government Social Research, Edinburgh.

Sime, Daniela and Kakela, Emmaleena and Corson, Stephen and Tyrell, Naomi and McMellon, Christina and Kelly, Claire and Moskal, Marta (2017) Eastern European Young People in Brexit Britain : Racism, Anxiety and a Precarious Future [Research and Policy Briefing No.1]. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

McDiarmid, C. and Barry, M. and Donnelly, M. and Corson, S. (2017) The Role of the Safeguarder in the Children's Hearings System : Executive Summary. Scottish Government Social Research, Edinburgh.


Crosbie, R. and McKendrick, M. and Corson, S. and Lowit, A. and Mackenzie, K. (2016) Patient expectation of a voice clinic consultation : development of the ACaPELa questionnaire by assessment of four hundred and fifty-five patients. Clinical Otolaryngology, 42 (1). pp. 185-188. ISSN 1749-4478


Aspinall, Esther Jane and Doyle, Joseph Samuel and Corson, Stephen and Hellard, Margaret Elena and Hunt, David and Goldberg, David and Nguyen, Tim and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Morgan, Rebecca Lynn and Smith, Bryce and Stoove, Mark and Wiktor, Stefan Zbyszko and Hutchinson, Sharon (2015) Targeted hepatitis C antibody testing interventions : a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Epidemiology, 30 (2). pp. 115-129. ISSN 0393-2990


Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Taylor, Avril and Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Goldberg, David and Hutchinson, Sharon (2013) Modelling the prevalence of HCV amongst people who inject drugs : an investigation into the risks associated with injecting paraphernalia sharing. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133 (1). pp. 172-179. ISSN 0376-8716

Aspinall, Esther and Corson, Stephen and Doyle, Joseph and Grebely, Jason and Hutchinson, Sharon and Dore, Gregory and Goldberg, David and Hellard, Margaret (2013) Treatment of Hepatitis C virus infection among people who are actively injecting drugs : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 57 (2). S80-S89. ISSN 1058-4838


Corson, S and Greenhalgh, D and Hutchinson, S (2012) Mathematically modelling the spread of hepatitis C in injecting drug users. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 29 (3). pp. 205-230. ISSN 1477-8599

Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Hutchinson, Sharon (2012) A time since onset of injection model for hepatitis C spread amongst injecting drug users. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66 (4-5). pp. 935-978. ISSN 0303-6812

Greenhalgh, David and Corson, Stephen and Hutchinson, Sharon (2012) Mathematical modelling of the spread of hepatitis C amongst injecting drug users. In: International Conference on Dynamical Systems, 2012-01-10 - 2012-01-14. (Unpublished)


Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Weir, Amanda and Hutchinson, Sharon (2011) Risk of Hepatitis C virus re-infection following spontaneous viral clearance in injecting drug users: A systematic review. International Journal of Drug Policy, 22 (2). pp. 102-108. ISSN 0955-3959

Greenhalgh, David and Corson, Stephen and Hutchinson, Sharon (2011) Mathematically modelling the spread of hepatitis C amongst injecting users. In: Second Workshop on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences, 2011-02-03. (Unpublished)


Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Hutchinson, Sharon (2009) Mathematical modelling of the spread of hepatitis C in injecting drug users. In: 35'th Young Statisticians Meeting, 2009-04-07 - 2009-04-08.

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