Picture of small jelly fish in ocean

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Mathematics & Statistics hosts the Marine Population Modelling group which is engaged in research into topics surrounding marine resource modelling and ecology. Recent work has included important developments in the population modelling of marine species.

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Group by: Publication Date | Item type | No Grouping
Jump to: 2007 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Number of items: 6.


Bilbao, N. and Aginako, L. and Lazaro, de Barrio O. and Hof, T. and Bonnet, C. and Vaquero, P. and de la Maza, S. and Atkinson, R.C. and Molina, B. and O'Flaherty, J. and Mazza, R. (2007) Multinet : enabler for next generation enterprise wireless services. In: eChallenges 2007, 2007-10-24 - 2007-10-26.


Lazaro de Barrio, O. and Girma, D. and Dunlop, J. (2004) H263 video traffic model performance evaluation for low bit rate wireless communications. In: 7th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2004-09-12 - 2004-09-15.

Lazaro de Barrio, O. and Irvine, J. and Girma, D. and Dunlop, J. (2004) Role models for service management over heterogeneous wireless communications systems with a common agent location and execution environment (CALEXE). In: 9th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2006-09-17 - 2006-09-20.


Lazaro de Barrio, O. and Irvine, J. and Girma, D. and Dunlop, J. (2003) Managing security within heterogeneous wireless communication systems. In: Communication Systems and Networks 2003, 2003-09-08 - 2003-09-10.


Lazaro de Barrio, O. and Irvine, J. and Girma, D. and Dunlop, J. and Liotta, A. and Borselius, N. and Mitchell, C. (2002) Management system requirements for wireless systems beyond 3G. In: IST Mobile and Wireless Telecommunications Summit 2002, 2002-01-01.


Lazaro, O. and Girma, D. and Dunlop, J.; (2001) Real-time generation of synthetic MPEG-4 video traffic using wavelets. In: Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001. IEEE, GBR, 418 - 422. ISBN 0-7803-7005-8

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