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Number of items: 20.


Qin, Yi and Brockett, Andrew and Zhao, Jie and Razali, Akhtar and Ma, Yanling and Harrison, Colin; (2010) Chapter 8 - Forming of micro-sheet-metal components. In: Micro-Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 130-145. ISBN 9780815515456

Qin, Y. and Brockett, A. and Ma, Y. and Razali, A. and Zhao, J. and Harrison, C. and Pan, W. and Dai, X. and Loziak, D. (2010) Micro-manufacturing : research, technology outcomes and development issues. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47 (9-12). pp. 821-837. ISSN 1433-3015

Zhou, M. and Qin, Y. and Harrison, C.S. and Brockett, A. and Ma, Y. (2010) Finite-element and experimental analysis of dynamic behaviours of a micro-stamping tool system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47 (9-12). pp. 839-844. ISSN 1433-3015


Pan, W. and Qin, Yi and Law, F. and Ma, Y. and Brockett, A. and Juster, N.P. (2008) Feasibility study and tool design of using shape memory alloy as tool-structural-elements for forming-error compensation in micro-forming. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 38 (3-4). pp. 393-401. ISSN 1433-3015

Qin, Y. and Ma, Y. and Harrison, C. and Brockett, A. and Zhou, M. and Zhao, J. and Law, F. and Razali, A. and Smith, R. and Eguia, J. (2008) Development of a new machine system for the forming of micro-sheet-products. In: 11th ESAFORM 2008 Conference on Material Forming, 2008-04-23 - 2008-04-25.


Ma, Yanling and Pan, Wenke and Qin, Yi; De Silva, A. K. M., ed. (2007) Concurrent design and manufacture for the development of a new bi-axial tensile-testing machine. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering (CAPE 2007). Glasgow Caledonian University, GBR, pp. 81-90. ISBN 1905866143

Qin, Y. and Harrison, C. and Ma, Y. and Brockett, A. and Juster, N. and Uriarte, L. and Cuevas, A. and Eguia, J. (2007) Process and machine system development for the forming of miniature/micro sheet metal products. In: 7th Euspen International Conference, 2007-05-01.

Zhou, M. and Qin, Y. and Ma, Y. and Harrison, C.S. (2007) Investigation of dynamical behaviours of a micro-stamping tool. In: 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, 2007-09-11 - 2007-09-13.


Pan, Wenke and Qin, Yi and Law, Fraser and Ma, Yanling and Brockett, Andrew and Juster, Neal (2006) A feasibility study of using rings of shape memory alloy for forming-error compensation in micro-forming. In: 4th Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Research, 2006-09-11.

Ma, Yanling and Qin, Yi and Balendra, R. (2006) Upper-bound analysis of pressure-assisted injection forging of thick-walled tubular components. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 48 (10). pp. 1172-1185. ISSN 0020-7403


Ma, Yanling and Qin, Yi and Balendra, Rajendram (2005) Upper-bound solution and experimental validation for the analysis of pressure-assisted injection forging. In: 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Research - ICMR 2005, 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-09.

Ma, Yanling and Qin, Yi and Balendra, Rajendram (2005) Experimental investigation on mechanical properties of rubber-like materials under biaxial tensile loading conditions. In: 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Research - ICMR 2005, 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-09.


Qin, Y. and Ma, Y. and Balendra, R. (2004) Mechanics of pressure-assisted injection forging of tubular components. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 218 (10). pp. 1195-1212. ISSN 0954-4062

Ma, Yanling and Qin, Yi and Balendra, Rajendram (2004) Concurrent design and manufacture in pressure-assisted injection forging of tubular components. In: 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2004), 2004-09-06.

Ma, Yanling and Qin, Yi and Balendra, Rajendram (2004) Process ranges of pressure-assisted injection forging of thick-walled tubular components. In: 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2004), 2004-09-06.

Qin, Y. and Ma, Y. and Balendra, R. (2004) Pressurising materials and process design considerations of the Pressure-assisted Injection Forging of thick-walled tubular components. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 150 (1-2). pp. 30-39. ISSN 0924-0136


Ma, Yanling and Qin, Yi and Balendra, Rajendram and Deng, G.H. (2003) Clamping design for the biaxial tension test of rubbers. In: 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Research - ICMR2003, 2003-09-08.

Common, M. and Ma, Y. and McGilvray, J.W. and Perman, R.J. (2003) Natural resources and environmental economics. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall, New York, USA. ISBN 0273655590


Ma, Yanling and Qin, Yi and Balendra, Rajendram; Cheng, K. and Webb, D., eds. (2002) Experimental and FE investigation of performance of polymers under confined compression conditions by using a simplified configuration. In: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XVI. Wiley, GBR, pp. 198-203. ISBN 1860583784

Qin, Y. and Ma, Y. and Balendra, R.; Jardim-Goncalves, Ricardo and Roy, Rajkumar and Steiger-Garcao, Adolfo, eds. (2002) Performance of pressurising-materials and process design considerations for the forming of thick-walled tubular components. In: Proceedings of the 9th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (ISPE CE 2002). A A Balkema, GBR, pp. 251-262. ISBN 9058095029

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