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Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002
Number of items: 57.


Ruskov, R.T. and Bingham, R. and Silva, L.O. and Harper, M. and Aboushelbaya, R. and Myatt, J.F. and Norreys, P.A. (2024) Statistical theory of the broadband two-plasmon decay instability. Journal of Plasma Physics, 90 (6). 905900621. ISSN 0022-3778


Davidson, Conor and Sheng, Zheng-Ming and Wilson, Thomas and McKenna, Paul (2022) Theoretical and computational studies of the Weibel instability in several beam-plasma interaction configurations. Journal of Plasma Physics, 88 (2). ISSN 0022-3778


Ridgers, C. P. and Blackburn, T. G. and Del Sorbo, D. and Bradley, L. E. and Slade-Lowther, C. and Baird, C. D. and Mangles, S. P. D. and McKenna, P. and Marklund, M. and Murphy, C. D. and Thomas, A. G. R. (2017) Signatures of quantum effects on radiation reaction in laser-electron-beam collisions. Journal of Plasma Physics, 83 (5). 715830502. ISSN 0022-3778


Rusby, D. R. and Wilson, L. A. and Gray, R. J. and Dance, R. J. and Butler, N. M H and MacLellan, D. A. and Scott, G. G. and Bagnoud, V. and Zielbauer, B. and McKenna, P. and Neely, D. (2015) Measurement of the angle, temperature and flux of fast electrons emitted from intense laser-solid interactions. Journal of Plasma Physics, 81 (5). 475810505. ISSN 0022-3778

Eliasson, B. and Milikh, G. and Shao, X. and Mishin, E. V. and Papadopoulos, K. (2015) Incidence angle dependence of Langmuir turbulence and artificial ionospheric layers driven by high-power HF-heating. Journal of Plasma Physics, 81 (02). 415810201. ISSN 0022-3778


Eliasson, Bengt and Liu, Chuan-Sheng (2013) An electromagnetic gamma-ray free electron laser. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (06). pp. 995-998. ISSN 0022-3778

Speirs, D. C. and McConville, S. L. and Gillespie, K. M. and Phelps, A. D. R. and Ronald, K. (2013) Numerical simulations of unbounded cyclotron-maser emissions. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (6). pp. 999-1001. ISSN 0022-3778

Eliasson, B. and Stenflo, L. and Bingham, R. and Mendonca, J. T. (2013) Preface : special issue in memory of Professor Padma Kant Shukla 1950-2013. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (06). p. 981. ISSN 0022-3778

Humphrey, K. A. and Trines, R.M.G.M. and Speirs, D. C. and Norreys, P. and Bingham, R. (2013) The role of collisions on mode competition between the two-stream and Weibel instabilities. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (06). 987- 989. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, Padma and Eliasson, Bengt (2013) Clustering of ions at atomic dimensions in quantum plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (04). pp. 359-366. ISSN 0022-3778

Mendonca, Jose Tito and Shukla, Padma and Eliasson, Bengt and Rodrigues, J. A. (2013) Preface : international topical conference on plasma science: advanced plasma concepts. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (04). p. 357. ISSN 0022-3778

Bingham, R. and Kellett, B. J. and De Angelis, U. and Tsytovich, V. N. and Shukla, P. K. (2013) A possible heating mechanism for the X-ray-emitting plasma within clusters of galaxies. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (4). pp. 447-450. ISSN 0022-3778

Bingham, Robert and Eliasson, Bengt and Mendonca, Jose Tito and Stenflo, Lennart (2013) Padma Kant Shukla 1950-2013. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (02). p. 119. ISSN 0022-3778


Koenigstein, T. and Karger, O. and Pretzler, G. and Rosenzweig, J. B. and Hidding, B. (2012) Design considerations for the use of laser-plasma accelerators for advanced space radiation studies. Journal of Plasma Physics, 78 (4 spec). pp. 383-391. ISSN 0022-3778

Welsh, Gregor H. and Wiggins, Mark and Issac, Riju and Brunetti, Enrico and Manahan, Grace and Islam, Mohammad and Cipiccia, Silvia and Aniculaesei, Constantin and Ersfeld, Bernhard and Jaroszynski, Dino (2012) High resolution electron beam measurements on the ALPHA-X laser–plasma wakefield accelerator. Journal of Plasma Physics, 78 (specia). pp. 393-399.

Wiggins, Mark and Reijnders, M. P. and Abu-Azoum, Salima Saleh and Hart, Kerri and Vieux, Gregory and Welsh, Gregor H. and Issac, Riju and Yang, Xue and Jones, David and Jaroszynski, Dino (2012) Straight and linearly tapered capillaries produced by femtosecond laser micromachining. Journal of Plasma Physics, 78 (specia). pp. 355-361. ISSN 0022-3778


Moslem, W. M. and Sabry, R. and Shukla, P. K. (2011) The optimum shielding around a test charge in plasmas containing two negative ions. Journal of Plasma Physics, 77 (5). pp. 663-673. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P. K. (2011) Amplification of neutrino oscillations by a density ripple in dense plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 77 (3). pp. 289-291. ISSN 0022-3778


Bingham, R. and Bamford, R. and Kellett, B. J. and Shapiro, V. D. (2010) Electron energization in lunar magnetospheres. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (6). pp. 915-918. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P. K. and Stenflo, L. and Bingham, R. (2010) Instability of plasma waves caused by incoherent photons in dense plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (6 spec). pp. 845-851. ISSN 0022-3778

Trines, R. M. G. M. and Bingham, R. and Silva, L. O. and Mendonca, J. T. and Shukla, P. K. and Murphy, C. D. and Dunlop, M. W. and Davies, J.A. and Bamford, R. and Vaivads, A. and Norreys, P. A. (2010) Applications of the wave kinetic approach : from laser wakefields to drift wave turbulence. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (specia). pp. 903-914. ISSN 0022-3778

Resendes, D. P. and Bingham, R. and Mota, S. and Tsytovich, V. N. (2010) New low-frequency waves and negative mass instability in dusty plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (6). pp. 929-937. ISSN 0022-3778

Silva, Luis O. and Bingham, Robert and Marklund, Mattias and Shukla, Padma K. and Trines, Raoul (2010) Preface. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (specia). p. 811. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, Padma and Eliasson, Bengt (2010) Magnetization of electron–positron plasmas by Laguerre–Gaussian light beams. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (6). pp. 887-892. ISSN 0022-3778

Eliasson, B. and Stenflo, L. and Bingham, R. and Mendonca, J. T. and Mamun, A. A. and Shaikh, D. (2010) Preface. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (specia). p. 257. ISSN 0022-3778

Eliasson, Bengt and Stenflo, Lennart and Bingham, Robert and Mendonca, Jose Tito and Mamun, A.A. and Shaikh, D. (2010) Preface : In honor of Professor Padma Kant Shukla on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (3-4). p. 257. ISSN 0022-3778

Bingham, R. and Cairns, R. A. and Vorgul, I. and Shapiro, V. D. (2010) Lower-hybrid waves generated by anomalous Doppler resonance in auroral plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (3-4). pp. 539-546. ISSN 0022-3778

Bingham, R. and Shukla, P.K. and Eliasson, Bengt and Stenflo, L. (2010) Solar coronal heating by plasma waves. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (2). pp. 135-158. ISSN 0022-3778

Eliasson, Bengt and Shukla, Padma (2010) Dispersion properties of electrostatic oscillations in quantum plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (1). pp. 7-17. ISSN 0022-3778

Eliasson, Bengt and Stenflo, Lennart (2010) Full-scale simulation study of stimulated electromagnetic emissions : the first ten milliseconds. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76 (3-4). pp. 369-375. ISSN 0022-3778

Spicer, DS. and O'sullivan, S. and Bingham, R. (2010) A model for predicting extragalactic jet lifetimes. Journal of Plasma Physics, 76. pp. 129-134. ISSN 0022-3778


Stenflo, L. and Shukla, P.K. (2009) Nonlinear acoustic-gravity waves. Journal of Plasma Physics, 75 (6). pp. 841-847. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P.K. and Bingham, R. and Phelps, A.D.R. and Stenflo, L. (2009) Dark and grey electromagnetic electron-cyclotron envelope solitons in an electron-positron magnetoplasma. Journal of Plasma Physics, 75. pp. 575-580. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P.K. and Morfill, G.E. (2009) Low-frequency electrostatic wave in a metallic electron-hole-ion plasma with nanoparticles. Journal of Plasma Physics, 75 (5). pp. 581-585. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P.K. (2009) Excitation of electrostatic ion-cyclotron-like modes by the electron density ripple in dusty magnetoplasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 75 (4). pp. 433-436. ISSN 0022-3778

Haas, Fernando and Shukla, Padma and Eliasson, Bengt (2009) Nonlinear saturation of the Weibel instability in a dense Fermi plasma. Journal of Plasma Physics, 75 (02). pp. 251-258. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P.K. (2009) Excitation of ion wakefields by electromagnetic pulses in dense plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 75 (1). pp. 15-18. ISSN 0022-3778


Shukla, P.K. and Stenflo, L. (2008) Dispersion relations for electromagnetic waves in a dense magnetized plasma. Journal of Plasma Physics, 74 (6). pp. 719-723. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P.K. and Stenflo, L. (2008) Quantum Hall-MHD equations for a non-uniform dense magnetoplasma with electron temperature anisotropy. Journal of Plasma Physics, 74 (5). pp. 575-579. ISSN 0022-3778

Eliasson, Bengt and Shukla, Padma (2008) Ion solitary waves in a dense quantum plasma. Journal of Plasma Physics, 74 (5). pp. 581-584. ISSN 0022-3778

Tsintsadze, L. and Shukla, P.K. (2008) Weibel instabilities in dense quantum plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 74. pp. 431-436. ISSN 0022-3778

Mendoca, J.T. and Ribeiro, J.E. and Shukla, P.K. (2008) Wave kinetic description of quantum pair plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 74. pp. 91-97. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P.K. (2008) Compressional magnetoacoustic waves in a quantum dusty magnetoplasma. Journal of Plasma Physics, 74. pp. 107-110. ISSN 0022-3778


Mendonca, J. T. and Silva, L. O. and Bingham, R. (2007) Reflection of an electron beam by a photon mirror. Journal of Plasma Physics, 73 (5). pp. 627-634. ISSN 0022-3778

Eloy, M. and Guerreir, A. and Mendonca, J. T. and Bingham, R. (2007) Hamiltonian formulation of direct laser acceleration in vacuum. Journal of Plasma Physics, 73 (5). pp. 635-647. ISSN 0022-3778

Guerreiro, A. and Eloy, M. and Mendonça, J. T. and Bingham, R. (2007) Dipolar radiation from spinning dust grains coupled to an electromagnetic wave. Journal of Plasma Physics, 73 (4). pp. 555-563. ISSN 0022-3778


Shukla, P. K. and Eliasson, B. and Kourakis, I. and Stenflo, Lennart (2006) Parametric instabilities and localization of nonlinearly coupled electromagnetic modes in astrophysical dusty plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 72 (3). 397- 407. ISSN 0022-3778

Shukla, P. K. and Stenflo, L. and Eliasson, B. (2006) Amplitude modulation of whistlers by modified ion-cyclotron perturbations in plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 72 (02). 149- 152. ISSN 0022-3778


Bingham, R. and Silva, L.O. and Trines, R.M.G.M. and Mendonca, J.T. and Shukla, P.K. and Mori, W.B. and Cairns, R.A. (2005) Wave kinetic treatment of forward four-wave stimulated scattering instabilities. Journal of Plasma Physics, 71 (6). pp. 899-904. ISSN 0022-3778

Parkes, E.J. and Munro, S. (2005) The stability of obliquely-propagating solitary-wave solutions to Zakharov-Kuznetsov-type equations. Journal of Plasma Physics, 71 (5). pp. 695-708. ISSN 0022-3778

Speirs, David and Vorgul, I. and Ronald, K. and Bingham, R. and Cairns, R.A. and Phelps, A.D.R. and Kellett, B.J. and Cross, A.W. and Whyte, C.G. and Robertson, C. (2005) A laboratory experiment to investigate auroral kilometric radiation emission mechanisms. Journal of Plasma Physics, 71 (5). pp. 665-674. ISSN 0022-3778

Torney, T. and Marmolino, C. and De Angelis, U. and Forlani, A. and Bingham, R. (2005) Excitation of lower-hybrid waves in dusty plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 71 (4). pp. 475-486. ISSN 0022-3778

Kellett, B.J. and Bingham, R. (2005) High velocity clouds interacting with galactic halo plasma as a source of X-ray emission. Journal of Plasma Physics, 71 (2). pp. 111-118. ISSN 0022-3778

Mendonça, J. T. and Serbeto, A. and Bingham, R. and Shukla, P. K. (2005) Parametric excitation of neutrino pairs by electron plasma waves. Journal of Plasma Physics, 71 (2). pp. 119-125. ISSN 0022-3778


Munro, S. and Parkes, E.J. (2004) The stability of obliquely-propagating solitary-wave solutions to a modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. Journal of Plasma Physics, 70 (5). pp. 543-552.


Resendes, D. P. and Bingham, R. and Guerreio, A. and Tsytovish, V. N. (2003) New low-frequency waves and negative mass instability in dusty plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics, 69 (5). pp. 439-448. ISSN 0022-3778


Bingham, R. and Dawson, J. M. and Shapiro, V. D. (2002) Particle acceleration by lower-hybrid turbulence. Journal of Plasma Physics, 68 (3). pp. 161-172. ISSN 0022-3778

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