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Number of items: 23.


Wilson, R. and King, M. and Butler, N. M. H. and Carroll, D. C. and Frazer, T. P. and Duff, M. J. and Higginson, A. and Dance, R. J. and Jarrett, J. and Davidson, Z. E. and Armstrong, C. D. and Liu, H. and Hawkes, S. J. and Clarke, R. J. and Neely, D. and Gray, R. J. and McKenna, P. (2022) Influence of spatial-intensity contrast in ultraintense laser-plasma interactions. Scientific Reports, 12. 1910. ISSN 2045-2322


Higginson, A and Wilson, R and Goodman, J and King, M and Dance, R J and Butler, N M H and Armstrong, C D and Notley, M and Carroll, D C and Fang, Y and Yuan, X H and Neely, D and Gray, R J and McKenna, P (2021) Influence of target-rear-side short scale length density gradients on laser-driven proton acceleration. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 63 (11). 114001. ISSN 0741-3335


Frazer, T. P. and Wilson, R. and King, M. and Butler, N. M. H. and Carroll, D. C. and Duff, M. J. and Higginson, A. and Jarrett, J. and Davidson, Z. E. and Armstrong, C. and Liu, H. and Neely, D. and Gray, R. J. and McKenna, P. (2020) Enhanced laser intensity and ion acceleration due to self-focusing in relativistically transparent ultrathin targets. Physical Review Research, 2. 042015. ISSN 2643-1564


King, M. and Butler, N. M. H. and Wilson, R. and Capdessus, R. and Gray, R. J. and Powell, H. and Dance, R. and Padda, H. and Gonzalez-Izquierdo, B. and Rusby, D. R. and Dover, N. P. and Hicks, G. and Ettlinger, O. and Scullion, C. and Carroll, D. C. and Najmudin, Z. and Borghesi, M. and Neely, D. and McKenna, P. (2019) Role of magnetic field evolution on filamentary structure formation in intense laser-foil interactions. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 7. e14. ISSN 2052-3289


Gonzalez-Izquierdo, Bruno and Capdessus, Remi and King, Martin and Gray, Ross J. and Wilson, Robbie and Dance, Rachel J. and McCreadie, John and Butler, Nicholas M. H. and Hawkes, Steve J. and Green, James and Booth, Nicola and Borghesi, Marco and Neely, David and McKenna, Paul (2018) Radiation pressure-driven plasma surface dynamics in ultra-intense laser pulse interactions with ultra-thin foils. Applied Sciences. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2076-3417

Faenov, A. Ya and Colgan, J. and Pikuz, S. A. and Zhidkov, A. and Pikuz, T. A. and Abdallah, J. and Tubman, E. and Butler, N. M. H. and Dance, R. J. and Skobelev, I. Yu. and Alkhimova, M. Z. and Booth, N. and Green, J. and Gregory, C. and Andreev, A. and Nishiuchi, M. and Sakaki, H. and Sagisaka, A. and Pirozhkov, A. S. and Ogura, K. and Fukuda, Y. and Kanasaki, M. and Hasegawa, N. and Nishikino, M. and Kando, M. and Kawachi, T. and Kondo, K. and McKenna, P. and Tallents, G. J. and Woolsey, N. and Kodama, R.; Kawachi, Tetsuya and Bulanov, Sergei V. and Daido, Hiroyuki and Kato, Yoshiaki, eds. (2018) Ultra-intense X-ray radiation photopumping of exotic states of matter by relativistic laser–plasma in the radiation-dominated kinetic regime (RDKR). In: X-Ray Lasers 2016. Springer Proceedings in Physics . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 149-158. ISBN 9783319730257

Higginson, A. and Gray, R. J. and King, M. and Dance, R. J. and Williamson, S. D. R. and Butler, N. M. H. and Wilson, R. and Capdessus, R. and Armstrong, C. and Green, J. S. and Hawkes, S. J. and Martin, P. and Wei, W. Q. and Mirfayzi, S. R. and Yuan, X. H. and Kar, S. and Borghesi, M. and Clarke, R. J. and Neely, D. and McKenna, P. (2018) Near-100 MeV protons via a laser-driven transparency-enhanced hybrid acceleration scheme. Nature Communications, 9. 724. ISSN 2041-1723

Wilson, Robbie and King, Martin and Gray, Ross J. and Carroll, David C. and Dance, Rachel J. and Butler, Nicholas M. H. and Armstrong, Chris and Hawkes, Steve J. and Clarke, Robert J. and Robertson, David J. and Bourgenot, Cyril and Neely, David and McKenna, Paul (2018) Development of focusing plasma mirrors for ultraintense laser-driven particle and radiation sources. Quantum Beam Science, 2.

Rusby, Dean and Gray, Ross and Butler, Nicholas and Dance, Rachel and Scott, Graeme and Bagnoud, Vincent and Zielbauer, Bernhard and McKenna, Paul and Neely, David (2018) Escaping electrons from intense laser-solid interactions as a function of laser spot size. EPJ Web of Conferences, 167. pp. 1-5. 02001. ISSN 2100-014X


Mirfayzi, S. R. and Alejo, A. and Ahmed, H. and Raspino, D. and Ansell, S. and Wilson, L.A. and Armstrong, C. and Butler, N.M.H. and Clarke, R. J. and Higginson, A. and Kelleher, J. and Murphy, C. and Notley, M. and Rusby, D.R. and Schooneveld, E. and Borghesi, M. and McKenna, P. and Rhodes, N. J. and Neely, D. and Brenner, C.M. and Kar, S. (2017) Experimental demonstration of a compact epithermal neutron source based on a high power laser. Applied Physics Letters, 111 (4). 044101. ISSN 0003-6951

Dalimier, E. and Ya Faenov, A. and Oks, E. and Angelo, P. and Pikuz, T. A. and Fukuda, Yuji and Andreev, A and Koga, J. and Sakaki, H. and Kotaki, H. and Pirozhkov, A. and Hayashi, Y. and Skobelev, I. Yu. and Pikuz, S. A. and Kawachi, T. and Kando, M. and Kondo, K. and Zhidkov, A and Tubman, Eleanor and Butler, Nicholas Mark Henry and Dance, Rachel and Alkhimova, M. A. and Booth, N. and Green, J. and Gregory, C and McKenna, P, and Woolsey, N and Kodama, R. (2017) X-ray spectroscopy of super-intense laser-produced plasmas for the study of nonlinear processes. Comparison with PIC simulations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 810 (1). 012004. ISSN 1742-6588

Oks, E. and Dalimier, E. and Faenov, A. Ya and Angelo, P. and Pikuz, S.A. and Tubman, E. and Butler, N.M.H. and Dance, R.J. and Pikuz, T.A. and Skobelev, I. Yu. and Alkhimova, M.A. and Booth, N. and Green, J. and Gregory, C. and Andreev, A. and Zhidkov, A. and Kodama, R. and McKenna, P. and Woolsey, N. (2017) Using X-ray spectroscopy of relativistic laser plasma interaction to reveal parametric decay instabilities : a modeling tool for astrophysics. Optics Express, 25 (3). pp. 1958-1972. ISSN 1094-4087


Rusby, D. R. and Brenner, C. M. and Armstrong, C. and Wilson, L. A. and Clarke, R. and Alejo, A. and Ahmed, H. and Butler, N. M. H. and Haddock, D. and Higginson, A. and McClymont, A. and Mirfayzi, S. R. and Murphy, C. and Notley, M. and Oliver, P. and Allott, R. and Hernandez-Gomez, C. and Kar, S. and McKenna, P. and Neely, D. (2016) Pulsed X-ray imaging of high-density objects using a ten picosecond high-intensity laser driver. Proceedings of SPIE, 9992. 99920E. ISSN 0277-786X

Mirfayzi, S. R. and Alejo, A. and Ahmed, H. and Wilson, L. A. and Ansell, S. and Armstrong, C. and Butler, N. M. H. and Clarke, R. J. and Higginson, A. and Notley, M. and Raspino, D. and Rusby, D. R. and Borghesi, M. and Rhodes, N. J. and McKenna, P. and Neely, D. and Brenner, C. M. and Kar, S. (2016) Detector for imaging and dosimetry of laser-driven epithermal neutrons by alpha conversion. Journal of Instrumentation, 11. C10008. ISSN 1748-0221

Gonzalez-Izquierdo, Bruno and Gray, Ross J. and King, Martin and Wilson, Robbie and Dance, Rachel J. and Powell, Haydn and MacLellan, David A. and McCreadie, John and Butler, Nicholas M. H. and Hawkes, Steve and Green, James S. and Murphy, Chris D. and Stockhausen, Luca C. and Carroll, David C. and Booth, Nicola and Scott, Graeme G. and Borghesi, Marco and Neely, David and McKenna, Paul (2016) Influence of laser polarization on collective electron dynamics in ultraintense laser-foil interactions. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 4. e33. ISSN 2052-3289

Gonzalez-Izquierdo, Bruno and King, Martin and Gray, Ross J. and Wilson, Robbie and Dance, Rachel J. and Powell, Haydn and MacLellan, David A. and McCreadie, John and Butler, Nicholas M.H. and Hawkes, Steve and Green, James S. and Murphy, Chris D. and Stockhausen, Luca C. and Carroll, David C. and Booth, Nicola and Scott, Graeme G. and Borghesi, Marco and Neely, David and McKenna, Paul (2016) Towards optical polarization control of laser-driven proton acceleration in foils undergoing relativistic transparency. Nature Communications, 7. 12891. ISSN 2041-1723

Jones, Christoper P. and Brenner, Ceri M. and Stitt, Camilla A. and Armstrong, Chris and Rusby, Dean R. and Mirfayzi, Seyed R. and Wilson, Lucy A. and Alejo, Aarón and Ahmed, Hamad and Allott, Ric and Butler, Nicholas M. H. and Clarke, Robert J. and Haddock, David and Hernandez-Gomez, Cristina and Higginson, Adam and Murphy, Christopher and Notley, Margaret and Paraskevoulakos, Charilaos and Jowsey, John and McKenna, Paul and Neely, David and Kar, Satya and Scott, Thomas B. (2016) Evaluating laser-driven Bremsstrahlung radiation sources for imaging and analysis of nuclear waste packages. Journal of Hazardous Materials. ISSN 0304-3894

Padda, H. and King, M. and Gray, R. J. and Powell, H. W. and Izquierdo, Bruno and Stockhausen, L. C. and Wilson, R. and Carroll, D. C. and Dance, R. J. and MacLellan, D. A. and Yuan, X. H. and Butler, N. M. H. and Capdessus, R. and Borghesi, M. and Neely, D. and McKenna, P. (2016) Intra-pulse transition between ion acceleration mechanisms in intense laser-foil interactions. Physics of Plasmas, 23 (6). 063116. ISSN 1070-664X

Colgan, J. and Faenov, A. Ya and Pikuz, S. A. and Tubman, E. and Butler, N. M. H. and Abdallah Jr, J. and Pikuz, T. A. and Skobelev, I. Yu. and Alkhimova, M. A. and Booth, N. and Green, J. and Gregory, C. and Andreev, A. and Lotzsch, R and Uschmann, I. and Zhidkov, A. and Kodama, R. and Woolsey, N. (2016) Evidence of high-n hollow ion emission from Si ions pumped by ultraintense x-rays from relativistic laser plasma. EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics, 114 (3). 35001. ISSN 0295-5075

Gonzalez-Izquierdo, Bruno and Gray, Ross J. and King, Martin and Dance, Rachel J. and Wilson, Robbie and McCreadie, John and Butler, Nicholas M. H. and Capdessus, Remi and Hawkes, Steve and Green, James S. and Borghesi, Marco and Neely, David and McKenna, Paul (2016) Optically controlled dense current structures driven by relativistic plasma aperture-induced diffraction. Nature Physics, 12. pp. 505-512. ISSN 1745-2473


Dance, R J and Butler, N M H and Gray, R J and MacLellan, D A and Rusby, D R and Scott, G G and Zielbauer, B and Bagnoud, V and Xu, H and Robinson, A P L and Desjarlais, M P and Neely, D and McKenna, P (2015) Role of lattice structure and low temperature resistivity on fast electron beam filamentation in carbon. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58 (1). 014027. ISSN 0741-3335

Rusby, D. R. and Wilson, L. A. and Gray, R. J. and Dance, R. J. and Butler, N. M H and MacLellan, D. A. and Scott, G. G. and Bagnoud, V. and Zielbauer, B. and McKenna, P. and Neely, D. (2015) Measurement of the angle, temperature and flux of fast electrons emitted from intense laser-solid interactions. Journal of Plasma Physics, 81 (5). 475810505. ISSN 0022-3778

McKenna, P and MacLellan, D A and Butler, N. M. H. and Dance, R J and Gray, R J and Robinson, A P L and Neely, D and Desjarlais, M P (2015) Influence of low-temperature resistivity on fast electron transport in solids : scaling to fast ignition electron beam parameters. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57 (6). 064001. ISSN 0741-3335

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