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Jump to: 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Number of items: 8.


Scuderi, V. and Milluzzo, G. and Doria, D. and Alejo, A. and Amico, A.G. and Booth, N. and Cuttone, G. and Green, J.S. and Kar, S. and Korn, G. and Larosa, G. and Leanza, R. and Martin, P. and McKenna, P. and Padda, H. and Petringa, G. and Pipek, J. and Romagnani, L. and Romano, F. and Russo, A. and Schillaci, F. and Cirrone, G.A.P. and Margarone, D. and Borghesi, M. (2020) TOF diagnosis of laser accelerated, high-energy protons. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 978. 164364. ISSN 0168-9002


King, M. and Butler, N. M. H. and Wilson, R. and Capdessus, R. and Gray, R. J. and Powell, H. and Dance, R. and Padda, H. and Gonzalez-Izquierdo, B. and Rusby, D. R. and Dover, N. P. and Hicks, G. and Ettlinger, O. and Scullion, C. and Carroll, D. C. and Najmudin, Z. and Borghesi, M. and Neely, D. and McKenna, P. (2019) Role of magnetic field evolution on filamentary structure formation in intense laser-foil interactions. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 7. e14. ISSN 2052-3289


Scuderi, V. and Milluzzo, G. and Alejo, A and Amico, A. G. and Booth, N. and Cirrone, G. A.P. and Doria, D. and Green, J. and Kar, S. and Larosa, G. and Leanza, R. and Margarone, D. and McKenna, Paul and Padda, H. and Petringa, G. and Pipek, J. and Romagnani, L. and Romano, F. and Schillaci, F. and Borghesi, M. and Cuttone, G. and Korn, G. (2017) Time of flight based diagnostics for high energy laser driven ion beams. Journal of Instrumentation, 12 (3). C03086. ISSN 1748-0221

Chaudhary, P. and Gwynne, D. and Doria, D. and Romagnani, L. and Maiorino, C. and Padda, H. and Alejo, A. and Booth, N. and Carroll, D. and Kar, S. and McKenna, P. and Schettino, G. and Borghesi, M. and Prise, K. M.; Fajardo, M. and Westerhof, E. and Riconda, C. and Dromey, B. and Bret, A. and Melzer, A., eds. (2017) Effectiveness of laser accelerated ultra high dose rate protons in DNA DSB damage induction under hypoxic conditions. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017. European Physical Society (EPS), GBR. ISBN 979109638907


Scullion, C. and Doria, D. and Romagnani, L. and Ahmed, H. and Alejo, A. and Ettlinger, O.C. and Gray, R.J. and Green, J. and Hicks, G.S. and Jung, D. and Naughton, K. and Padda, H. and Poder, K. and Scott, G.G. and Symes, D.R. and Kar, S. and McKenna, P. and Najmudin, Z. and Neely, D. and Zepf, M. and Borghesi, M. (2016) Angularly resolved characterization of ion beams from laser-ultrathin foil interactions. Journal of Instrumentation, 11. C09020. ISSN 1748-0221

King, M. and Gray, R.J. and Powell, H.W. and Maclellan, D.A. and Izquierdo, Bruno and Stockhausen, L.C. and Hicks, G.S. and Dover, N.P. and Rusby, D.R. and Carroll, D.C. and Padda, H. and Torres, R. and Kar, S. and Clarke, R.J. and Musgrave, I.O. and Najmudin, Z. and Borghesi, M. and Neely, D. and Mckenna, P. (2016) Ion acceleration and plasma jet formation in ultra-thin foils undergoing expansion and relativistic transparency. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 829. pp. 163-166. ISSN 0168-9002

Padda, H. and King, M. and Gray, R. J. and Powell, H. W. and Izquierdo, Bruno and Stockhausen, L. C. and Wilson, R. and Carroll, D. C. and Dance, R. J. and MacLellan, D. A. and Yuan, X. H. and Butler, N. M. H. and Capdessus, R. and Borghesi, M. and Neely, D. and McKenna, P. (2016) Intra-pulse transition between ion acceleration mechanisms in intense laser-foil interactions. Physics of Plasmas, 23 (6). 063116. ISSN 1070-664X


Powell, H W and King, M and Gray, R J and MacLellan, D A and Izquierdo, Bruno and Stockhausen, L C and Hicks, G and Dover, N P and Rusby, D R and Carroll, D C and Padda, H and Torres, R and Kar, S and Clarke, R J and Musgrave, I O and Najmudin, Z. and Borghesi, M and Neely, D and McKenna, P (2015) Proton acceleration enhanced by a plasma jet in expanding foils undergoing relativistic transparency. New Journal of Physics, 17. 103033. ISSN 1367-2630

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